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Basic Information of MP3

1-1. Operating Principle of yepp

Terms and Overview

AV Conversion: process of converting Analog Data to Digital Data

SAMPLING RATE : means precision rate of A/D conversion and is indicated in Hz, bit number and
channel number(for CD: 44.1 KHz, 16bit, 2channels)
ENCODING : process of compressing and converting digital data obtained through A/D conversion
to audio format
Compression rate: indicated in bps(bit per second)
(For MP3: sound quality of CD level with compression rate of 128kbps)
WMA : Windows Media Audio (Microsoft)
ATRAC(3) : Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding (SONY)
EPAC : Enhanced Perceptual Audio Coder (Luscent Technology)
OGG : Ogg Vorbis
DECODING : Process of recovering the digital data encoded to the data before encoding
D/A : Process of converting Digital Data to Analog Data

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Yepp Block Diagram

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Yepp Vocabulary

Yepp (Young Energetic Personal Passinate)

MP3 player that enables you to enjoy audio data like music file in existing CD in high quality by
compressing it to 1/12 level without loss of quality using MPEG1 Layer3(audio compression
technology of animation and sound compression technique). You can also use it for learning foreign
language and Internet broadcasting.

MPEG is an abbreviation of Moving Picture Expert Group and means specification defining the
compression and de-compression type of animation by MPEG established in 1988.

MP3 means MPEG1 Layer3 and compression rate can be up to 96:1(phone) to 12:1(CD) depending
on sound quality with compression coding technique of audio of MPEG technology.
(file extension: "mp3") That is, up to 150 pieces of songs can be recorded in one copy of CD with
MP3 compression.

FLASH Memory
Flash memory is the memory chip where entered information will not be deleted even if the power is
turned off while data is entered, and data can be freely entered or deleted.

Smart Media Card

Compact and light semiconductor media card in dimension of 45.1 x 37.1 x 0.76mm and weight of
2.0g. It is used as a storage of portable device and high quality media storage device of digital
camera and music MP3 player.
Flash memory is embedded to store the data even if the power is turned off and it is a super-high
speed product that can record up to 250 characters per second.(mass production of 8MB, 16MB,
32MB currently at Samsung Electronics)

OTP (Once Time Programmable)

OTP is one type of micro controller(MCU) and is the customer-oriented semi-conductor on which
the customers can directly record the program. OTP type MCU is rapidly growing as its life cycle of
set product and multi-kind/small quantity production system is introduced.
Since existing type of micro controller uses Mask ROM which cannot be played or recorded again, it
requires over 5 months to develop set products, and it is not suitable for products with rapid change
of product model.

It is a program that controls and manages hardware. Firmware is distinguished from hardware in
that it is a program but is distinguished from general applications in that it is closely related to
hardware. In general, firmware is saved in ROM.

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IP (Information Provider)
Company that provides information that users want through communication system with certain fee.

As multimedia digital contents distributions become active in networks such as Internet and PC
communication, copyright issue has appeared as an important topic. It is a system that can protect
the right of copyright holders and enables the user to conveniently use contents. To receive service,
member registration is required at digital contents service site adopting SecuMAX.
When completing member registration, customer ID, password and resident registration number will
be registered at SecuMAX server and utilized as a basic data for performing user certification role.
After registration, download the dedicated player and decryption key to use service.
Music drive developed by Samsung Electronics is embedded with SecuMAX decryption module.
Decryption key will be registered during installation of music drive. Music file downloaded from digi-
tal contents music service site with SecuMAX can be played back.

Yepp Explorer
This software controls yepp player in PC. You can move or delete music list or voice saved in yepp
card or embedded memory. This software is required to use yepp.

Music Drive
Software audio player for PC embedded with MPEG II AAC Decoder first in Korea. It supports not
only playback of MPEG audio format as well as SecuMAX, encryption protection system.

CD Ripper
MP3 compression software that converts CD music in PC to MP3 file.

OGG (Ogg Vorbis)

OGG(Ogg Vorbis) is featured to have "higher compression rate than MP3', 'higher quality than
MP3', 'no limit in use, distribution and development due to open source type. The biggest feature of
Ogg Vorbis is that it has no limit in use of format itself.
The biggest feature that distinguishes Ogg Vorbis from existing music file is that it supports
VBR(Variable Bit Rate) by default.
Of course, MP3 also supports VBR format, but has effect of reducing capacity due to VBR based on
existing MP3. Ogg Vorbis file supports VBR by default and helps you enjoy high quality music
without loss due to big width of bit rate.

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1-2. MP3 Overview

MP3 is one of file extension like .hwp, .wav, .txt used in computer.
Exactly, it is the abbreviation of MPEG Audio Layer-3.

Origin of MP3

MPEG is Motion Pictures Expert Group and is a standard made by experts in this area under inter-
national standard organization like ISO(International Standard Organization) and IEC(International
Electric Committee). It is technical standard of compressing and transmitting video and audio sig-
nals and recovering them again.

The first specification that MPEG made is MPEG-1 in 1988. It is the technology used to produce
video CD. MP3 means the audio compression part among specification of MPEG-1(1995). MPEG-2
is used together with MPEG-1. AAC(Advanced Audio Coding or MP4) receives attention with its
excellent digital audio and is derived from MPEG-2. MPEG-4(lastests standard on movie compres-
sion for conference communication) is being established.

MP3 is most widely used and called "MPEG Audio Layer-3", which is version up from Layer-1 and
Layer-2. In general, it is called MP3 since Layer-1 has compression rate of 1:4, Layer-2 of 1:61:8,
Layer-3 of 1:101:12.

Using MP3 technology, up to 100 songs(7 hours) can be contained in one copy of empty CD of

Transition of Portable Player

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1-3. Understanding of Digital Audio Format


MP3 is most widely used and called "MPEG Audio Layer-3", which is version up from Layer-1 and
Layer-2. In general, it is called MP3 since Layer-1 has compression rate of 1:4, Layer-2 of 1:61:8,
Layer-3 of 1:101:12.


MP3 is most widely used and called "MPEG Audio Layer-3", which is version up
from Layer-1 and Layer-2. In general, it is called MP3 since Layer-1 has
compression rate of 1:4, Layer-2 of 1:61:8, Layer-3 of 1:101:12.

WMA (Windows Media Audio)

Multimedia compression type of Microsoft. Only music data is compressed from

“WMT”. Streaming and file format also support this data. In a same quality as MP3,
it is about 1/2 size and contains Windows Media Rights Manager with copyright
protection technology. It can be played back with [Media Player] provided in


Sound compression type of MD and latest specification of [ATRAC (Adaptive

TRansform Acoustic Coding)] developed by SONY. Has about 2 compression rate
than existing ATRAC.

Real Audio G2

Format type developed by Real Network. High quality can be obtained at low trans-
mission speed of 16Kbps-32Kbps using [RealAUDIO G2 Music Codec] as com-
pression type. Since streaming play in Internet radio is the main purpose, file does
not contain copyright protection technology. “Real Player G2” supports MP3 play-
back and “Real Juke Box” supports encoding from CD to MP3.

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How MP3 can produce same quality as CD?

Ears of human can listen to signal in the range of 20Hz~20KHz. It is called "audible frequency". To
convey the audible sound in digital type CD, sampling frequency of 44.1KHz, about 2 times of audi-
ble frequency, should be used. It is the task of dividing sound signal to 44,100 pieces per second
and making the signal to digital format of 0 and 1. How delicately the sample can be expressed will
be determined by number of bit per sample. Audio CD is 16 bit. It means that 1 sample can be
expressed in 65,536(16 square of 2) stage.

When converting CD music to WAV file, the capacity is about 40MB(for 4 minutes). By converting it
to MP3, it reduces to 4MB since "loss compression", the feature of MP3, is used. Loss compression
type removes the sound beyond the range of audible frequency(20Hz~20KHz). It uses the features
that small sound cannot be heard after very strong sound. <Figure 1> is the sound wave before
loss compression. It can be regarded as the sound wave of music CD or cassette tape containing
sound people cannot listen. When it is made into MP3, it is as shown in <Fig.2>.

Volume Control

Capacity can be reduced much by adjusting the degree

of loss. However, it causes deterioration of sound qual-
ity. Music CD contains sound made with 16 bit
44.1KHz of stereo sampling. Stereo is the type of divid-
ing the sound into left and right. CD should change
sound to digital.

Digital information is cut between sections and location information is saved in each section.
"Sampling rate" is the standard of how many sub-section it will divide 1section. Divided frequency
part is called 8 bit and 16 bit. 8 bit sampling means that frequency is divided into 2 stage, that is,
sound pitch of 256 stage. 16 bit sampling divides into 65,536 sound pitch. In addition, 44.1KHz
means sampling of 44,100 times per second. To reduce the amount of information made at digital,
sampling bit number and frequency should be set low, but it will cause deterioration of sound quali-
ty. There is no difference in sound quality between MP3 and CD since encoding(converting CD
track to MP3) is done with 44.1KHz at 16 bit. Better CD sound quality cannot be obtained by lower-
ing the sampling rate, but the capacity can be reduced.
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OGG(Ogg Vorbis)
OGG(Ogg Vorbis) is featured to have "higher compression rate than MP3', 'higher quality than
MP3', 'no limit in use, distribution and development due to open source type. The biggest feature of
Ogg Vorbis is that it has no limit in use of format itself.
The biggest feature that distinguishes Ogg Vorbis from existing music file is that it supports
VBR( Variable Bit Rate) by default.
Of course, MP3 also supports VBR format, but has effect of reducing capacity due to VBR based on
existing MP3. Ogg Vorbis file supports VBR by default and helps you enjoy high quality music with-
out loss due to big width of bit rate.

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1-4. Type of Storage

MP3 is regarded as MP3.

Let's examine what are the types of storages currently used.

Optical Disc : CD, MD Player / Flash Memory : MP3 Player, Digital audio player
Type of Digital audio player storage.

Audio Format Table

* SSFDC (Solid State Floppy Disc Card) File System

* Standard file system for support of SMC's compatibility(DOS/FAT adopted)

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Small Form - factor Cards Comparison

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1-5. Copyright

Various kinds of methods are combined to unify technical

specification to prevent digital music data from illegal reproduction.
Let's examine groups and vocabularies related to copyright.

SDMI (Secure Digital Music Initiative)

Internet music record company consortium to pursue development of digital music file format.
World-class music makers and related groups are formed to protect copyright of music and to pre-
vent illegal reproduction.
-PD : Portable Device
-PM : Portable Media (SMC,MMC,MS,SD Card)
-UID : All PD, PM should have unique ID.
-Binding : All Digital Audio should be bounded to PD or PM.

DRM (Digital Rights Management)

Manage interests of persons related to copyright that occurs due to use of digital contents protected
from illegal use of digital contents through various channels.

Technology of inserting the specific data to claim copyright of multimedia contents so that eyes and
ears of human cannot be distinguished.

Digital Security Total Solution adopting Snake encoding algorithm.
Version1.0 contents in service in Korea (, etc.)
SDMI compliant vrsion2.0 development completed

Reproduction Prevention System

Reopening of MP3 music service.
Lots of dispute have occurred in network due to copyright.
However, as online MP3 sales have resolved, the number of legal Internet site has increased.
However, reproduction prevention system is required for legal sales. All Internet sites serving
Korean song in MP3 are introducing reproduction prevention system.

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Meaning of SecuMAX System Application
Most legal Internet MP3 service sites adopt SecuMAX and YEPP of Samsung and several compa-
nies have hardware supporting SecuMAX among MP3 players currently distributed. Then, user
needs to receive MP3 applied with SecuMAX to receive legal service. It is required to have program
that can play back MP3 applied with SecuMAX technology in MP3 player. For example, since YEPP
supports SecuMAX, it can play back, but it means that you cannot play back this at the players of
other companies that do not support SecuMAX.

At present, organization has been formed for standardization of reproduction prevention system in
foreign countries. Samsung Electronics has also participated in this standard using SecuMAX and
completed development of SecuMAX 2.0 with world compatibility.


SecuMAX is the reproduction prevention system that is made for

protection of copyright in rapidly growing distribution of digital contents.

Reopening of MP3 Music Service

-Digital contents copyright protection and management service.
-Fundamentally prevent the illegal distribution

Only legal users can play back music

Dedicated software required(ex.Samsung Electronics, Music Dreve)
Prevention of usual illegal use such as file transfer, CD-R Copy and hardware reproduction.

-Report for copyright holder

Basic data for collection of copyright fee and near copyright fee
Track sales of all publications through Internet, PC communication or 3rd path.
Provide sales information per IP, song and hour real time.
-Can serve any type of files
-Can applied to Internet and PC communication equally
-Can provide copyright protection service for hardware at the same time.

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