Quizzes in Sir Geno STM
Quizzes in Sir Geno STM
Quizzes in Sir Geno STM
12.In 2022, R&D cost of 5M will be incurred by X Corp. The • The vehicles were owned by Managers, thus, managers
company, X Corp, is in the loss situation, thus, the company must be held liable.
plans to shift the spending to another corporation. The firm, X • None of the above
Corp, in a loss position could isolate its R&D spending to its
100%-owned profitable subsidiary. If the subsidiary has 16.. X Corp paid a total payroll of 3M, net of Phil health
taxable income of 20M before shifting the RD cost, what will contributions of 10,000 and taxes of 10,000 to various
be tax savings for shifting the RD cost to the subsidiary? employees with different level of monthly basic salaries.
• 1,500,000 Employer’s contributions to SSS and Pagibig are 20,000 and
• No savings 10,000, respectively. Also, X Corp made contributions to Phil
• 1,250,000 health, as mandated by law. What are the total expenses of X
• 5,000,000 Corp?
• None of the above • 3,060,000
• 3,050,000
13.I. Granting of fringe benefits to Managers of 1M worth of • 3,020,000
value will be less costly than granting 1M worth of fringe • 3,040,000
benefits to rank and file employees • None of the above
II. Because of the expiring NOLCO this year, you would prefer 17.In internal financing, the company uses:
to defer more compensation until next year. • Issuance of shares
• TT • Use of debts
• FF • Cash on hand and borrowings
• TF • Use of cash from cash inflow from operations
• FT • None of the above
14.I. Fringe benefits like vehicles given to managers worth 18.The company is planning to obtain a bank loan of
1M, where it is used for the convenience of employer, will 1,000,000 with rate of 10% per year. Any interest is not
result to more cost than fringe benefits given to same level capitalized. And they plan to used them as follows: Out of
manager used for personal usage of that manager. 1M, 800,000 will be used to acquire machineries with life of
10 yrs (use SLM in depreciation) and remaining amount will
II. If employer’s share in Phil health contribution is 750 pesos be invested in bank with int rate of 12% per annum. At
(for one employee), then, we may assume that the monthly present, 2019, the Total Assets of company is 200M and Gross
basic salary of that employee is 50,000.Required to answer. income is 100M and Cost / expenses is 50M (which can be
Single choice. (5 Points) maintained by the company until 2025). If the plan was
• TT implemented in Jan 2019, what is the total allowed
• FF deductions for the corporations in CY 2019 attributable from
• TF this plan?? Required to answer. Single choice. (5 Points)
• FT • 180,000
• 80,000
15.IN 2020, X Corp granted vehicle benefits worth 10M to • 172,080
managers and supervisors. Later, BIR found out that X Corp’s • 175,200
managers enjoys fringe benefits from X Corp, vehicles worth • None of the above
10M, thru the report of one of its resigned managers. BIR
assessed that X Corp has unpaid FBT of 6M. X Corp asked for 19.. I. The value added through internal financing is
your advice, as the company’s accounting manager. What will potentially higher than from external financing. This is
be your advice in order to save / avoid payment of taxes? because neither the enhanced cash flows nor the increased
• The assessment of BIR is incorrect, it must be 5,384,615; value of the firm is shared with anyone other than the original
thus, incurring lower tax payables owners.
• The vehicles used by managers were used in company’s
operations such as audit and inventory count and sales II. Higher credit rankings usually result in lower costs of
promotion. acquiring additional external financing.
• The vehicles were owned by the managers which were sold • TT
by the company for a lower price. It is not a fringe benefits • FF
but a sale of vehicle to managers. • TF
• FT
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• None of the above
20.ABC Corp has total debts of 100,000,000 and Equity of
50,000,000. If rate of return expected by creditors is 10%, 24.A, resident citizen, investor in X Corp. His investment in
what is the net cost of debt of the corporation in 2022? equity cost 1M. After 3 years, the Corporation was dissolved,
Assuming the total assets is more than 100M and income and A received 3M as return of investment. The corporation
exceeds 5M. was dissolved in 2019. What is the tax due of A?
Required to answer. Single choice. (5 Points) • 490,000
• 10M • 190,000
• 7.5M • 390,000
• 2.5M • Exempted
• 100M • None of the above
• None of the above
Quiz 2
5 • Second, Donate the property mortis causa (if Mr and Mrs’
BDO, a bank, deposited money with BPI, another bank, which properties will not exceed 5M)
earns interest income at rate of 10%. At the same time, BDO • Third, Split the donation inter vivos, one in 2019 and
earned interest income on loan transactions to customers. another half in 2020.
Under the tax code, BDO shall be subject to? • Either the second or third
• Final income tax on its passive income • All of the above
• Gross receipts tax
• Corporate income tax 9
• Gross receipts tax and corporate income tax only X made the following gifts to Y; Dec 2019, 300,000; January
• All of the above 2020 of 400,000 and on March 2020 of 500,000. What is the
taxable net gift, per donor’s tax return, on March 2020?
6 • 1,200,000
Mr. A sells shoes in Municipality of X, Province of Rizal, • 500,000
through a retail store. He pays the VAT on his gross sales to • 900,000
the BIR and the local tax based on the same gross sales to the • 400,000
Province of Rizal. He comes to you for advice because he • None of the above
thinks he is being subjected to double taxation. What advice
will you give him? 10
• Yes, there is double taxation and it is oppressive. X and Y, married for 10 years. Their total conjugal properties
• The Province of Rizal does not have this power to collect worth 5,000,000. In 2020, X died due to COVID. X was
that local tax survived by Y and Z, only child. Later, Y renounced his share in
• Yes, there is double taxation, and this is illegal m the the conjugal property. What is the donor’s tax due?
Philippines. • 135,000
• The impositions are both valid as there is no double • 150,000
taxation, one is national govt and the other is local govt. • 285,000
• Zero
7 • None of the above
On January 1, 2019, Mr and Mrs Mayaman donated a house
and lot, a conjugal property, at fair market value of 620,000 11
to their legitimate son on account of his marriage on January X, died in 2020 with properties in USA worth 4,000,000.
15, 2021. Mr and Mrs Mayaman asked your advice if they Assuming X is a resident alien, what is the taxable net estate?
need to file a separate tax return and the amount of taxable • Zero because he is taxable only within the Philippines
net gift. Decide. • 4,000,000
• They will file one tax return and declare a taxable net gift of • 2,000,000
600,000 (net of dowry of 10,000 each) • Zero, because there will be no taxable net estate due to
• They will file one tax return and declare a taxable net gift of deductions
620,000 • None of the above
• They shall file a separate tax returns and declare taxable net
gift of 310,000 each. 12
• They shall file a separate tax returns and declare taxable net X, 90 years old, married to Y (88 yrs old), both were still alive
gift of 300,000 each. as of Dec 2020, living in Manila. They have conjugal properties
• NO need to file donor s tax return because it is exempted, of 10M. If X will die in 2021, what will be his taxable net
since donation between family members are void. estate?
• 10M
8 • 5M
On January 1, 2019, Mr and Mrs Mayaman plans to donate • 2.5M
their property, a conjugal property, at fair market value of • Zero
620,000 (with cost of 100,00) to their legitimate son on • None of the above
account of his marriage on January 15, 2021. To avoid the
payment of tax, what will be your advice? 13
• First, Do not donate. Instead, sell the property. Manny, owner of a “restaurant” located in Manila, selling
special lechon manok. He bought fresh chickens from Manila
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Market at a price of 1M, net. His supplier is MANOK MANOK their tax exposure illegally, either by way of shifting burdens
Company, a VAT registered taxpayer. Later, he sold the to another or shared tax costs. This ability is called as tax
chickens (as special adobo manok, a Vatable goods) to its shifting.
customers. On Dec 25, Christmas, all the “special adobo • TT
manok” were sold at price of 5M, net of any tax (50% are on • FF
credit). What is the “total cash” to be collected or received by • FT
Manny from selling lechon manok (OR, in preparing journal • TF
entry, amount to be debited to cash is)?
• 5M 17
• 5,600,000 In 2020, X Corp has total sales of 1,000,000, cost of sales of
• 2,500,000 500,000 and operating expenses 100,000. In 2019, X Corp
• 2,500,000 PLUS 125 VAT incurred net loss of 50,000, which is disclosed in FS and ITR
• None of the above (carried as NOLCO). In 2019, X Corp enjoys the benefit of
Income tax Holiday under a special law, which was effective
14 until Dec 31, 2019 only. Thus, in 2020, X Corp is now subject
X bought liquors and cigarettes from Y, producer in Manila. X to corporate income tax. What will be the taxable net income
later on, sold them to Z worth 1,000, exclusive of any tax. of X Corp in 2020?
Assuming that X is a VAT registered taxpayer (12% VAT rate) • 400,000
and the excise tax on these sin products is 10% under RA • 350,000
10963. How much is the excise tax to be paid by X as a result • 500,000 (MCIT higher than RCIT)
of sale to Z? • None of the above
• 100
• 112 18
• 120 X, resident citizen, engaged in business. In 2023, X declared
• 10 the following: Sales of 1,000,000; Cost of sales and expenses
• None of the above of 600,000 and Lotto winnings in USA amounting to 20,000. X
claimed in his income tax return a personal exemption of
15 50,000, as head of the family. What is the basic income tax
On August 31, 2020, H Corporation (HC), thru its authorized due of X?
representative Ms. Pares, sold a 16-storey “commercial” • 26,500
building to Mr. B for P100 million. Mr. B, in turn, sold the • 18,000
same property on the same day to Gates, Inc. (BGI) for P150 • 35,000
million. These two (2) transactions were evidenced by two (2) • 24,500
separate Deeds of Absolute Sale notarized on the same day by • None of the above
the same notary public. Per tax declaration, in 2020, Mr B,
Resident Citizen, declared that the property is not used in 19
business and not related to any business transactions of Mr B. X, a resident citizen, sole owner of ABC Company. In 2020,
So, Mr B paid the capital gains tax to BIR for the sale made to ABC Company reported a Net income of 600,000. Included in
BGI. Per investigation of BIR, it was determined that the the net income reported by ABC Company are the following:
building is leased to various customers of Mr B. What is the Interest income earned from BDO, Philippine bank,
deficiency tax of Mr B? (unpaid tax Or the difference between amounting to 10,000, Gain on sale of real property, not used
the correct tax due vs incorrect tax paid). Ignore any penalty in business, located in the Philippines, amounting to 40,000
and interest. and rental income earned in Canada of 30,000. In addition,
Correct answers: during the year, X, sole owner of ABC, received royalties on
8110000 books sold in Manila amounting to 20,000, net of tax, from Z
Corp and rental income in Philippines of 10,000. The royalties
16 and rental income in Philippines are not recorded in the books
I. Tax management should strive to enhance the firm’s of ABC Company. What is the basic income tax due of X?
strategy and should cause the firm to engage in tax- • None, because his taxable income is 10,000 only (rental
minimizing transactions legally that is aligned with its strategic income). The royalties are subject to final tax at 10%
plan. • Exempted, because his total income does not exceed
250,000. However, ABC Company, as a separate juridical
II. Before an entity enters into a contract with another, the entity shall be liable for basic income tax
firm’s tax management has to think of how they can minimize • 70,000
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• 67,500 law to be enacted in 2024, where tax rate on dividends to be
• None of the above declared by Corp and to be received by shareholders, will be
subject to 1% only. Under the tax code, as amended, is X Corp
20 liable for non-declaration and non-payment of dividends to
A, resident citizen, engaged in business of selling fresh fish stockholders?
and vegetables in San Mateo Market. His sales are 2,900,000. • Yes, under the tax code, X is liable for income tax
Cost of sales is 1,000,000 and OPEX is 300,000. A is registered • Yes, under the tax code, as amended, X is liable for payment
as NON-VAT taxpayer. A also earned compensation income of of IAET
1M from ABC Corp as a Acctg manager. In 2019, A would like • No, under the tax code, as amended, X is not liable for
to choose the 8% Optional income tax rate claiming that he payment of IAET
can avail the 8% income tax rate since he is engaged in • None of the above
business of selling fresh fish and vegetables with sales below
3M threshold. Given the above data, what “should” be the 24
basic income tax due of A (correct income tax due)?Required In 2020, X leases a commercial lot with Market value of 10M
to answer. Single choice. (5 Points) in Pasig City, used as a parking lot of X’s delivery trucks. Lease
• 422,000 payment of X is 950,000 pe year. He’s planning to purchase
• 232,000 the lot for 10M, at market value. If he purchased the lot at
• 190,000 market value in 2020, obviously, X will not pay the lease
• 682,000 payment of 950,000. Thus, in 2021 and so on, if X will
• None of the above purchase the land on 2020 from the lessor, X will not pay the
950,000 and, X shall have no tax obligations to the
21 government in relation to that commercial lot. Do you agree
X, financial manager of ABC Corp, has the following data for with X?
CY 2019: • Yes, because in 2021, X has no taxable income and no
• 154,900 business transactions arising from that commercial lot, except
• 139,900 that it is used for parking of its delivery trucks. Thus, X has no
• 132,900 tax obligations to the government.
• 117,900 • No, X has tax obligations to Pasig City
• None of the above • Yes, X has no tax obligations to the government, both local
and national
22 • No, X has constructive income from the use of the
X, sole owner of ABC company. ABC Company was registered commercial lot, thus, has income tax liability to BIR.
to DTI. In 2020, X sold assets not used in business resulting to
gain of 1M. These assets were held for almost 9 months.
Business net income of ABC was reported at 600,000. On
December 31, 2020, X is planning to sell some personal assets
bought on Jan 1, 2020 with book value of 500,000. If sold in
Dec 31, 2020, proceeds of sale will be 100,000 only. But, if
sold on February 2021, proceeds of sale will be higher by
5,000. What should be your advice to X?
• Sell the property on Feb 2021 for additional proceeds of
• Sell the property on Feb 2021 for lesser income taxes
• Sell the property on Dec 31, 2020
• Either sell the asset on Dec 31 or Feb 2021; because it will
give X the same tax benefits.
In 2023, X Corp has a total earnings of 10M. According to the
news, the Congress proposed a lower tax rate for dividend
income received by shareholders from 10% to 1% only. A,
having a controlling interest in X Corp, and a member of the
BOD, intentionally delayed the declaration of dividends to
shareholders in 2023 in order to be benefited from the new
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