IMP Romper
IMP Romper
IMP Romper
ic(I think) ic(I bet that's why) ic(What on Earth) ic(I guess that) ic(I wonder where) ic(I wish)
n(America), n(missis Lu’crishia Otis). n(Washington). n(Br’yinia). n(from Eleanor de Canterville). n(to
the kitchen)
adv.t v(the day that my great grand-aunt (rc) felt two skeleton hands(where?).v(before the death of any
member of my family) v(about 300 years ago) v(at once) v(nowadays).
adv.l v(on her shoulders), n(to Canterville kas’l), v(on the wall). v(right there) n(from our wall)
v (including the ghost) v(And so does the family doctor) v(just a relation of my employers) v(with a
butler who faints?
rc (the Duchess of Bolton) rc (where we don't believe in ghosts) n.(‘ni:md_’after the American iks’plorars)
v(next to the fireplace) v (on the rug here)
LC – you're being rather foolish, this castle is haunted. My family abandoned it (when?)
HO - I will buy the house and everything in it (v)
LC - Please be warned, sir. The ghost always appears (when?)
HO - I come from a modern country (n) (rc)
LC - It's all right with me, but please remember that I warned you
BJ - I bid you welcome (where to?)
HO -Let me introduce you to my family. This is my wife. This is my eldest son, . This is my daughter.
n’ those are the twins. Deia: Lewis and Clark (rc)
TT - Hi JamesWhere's the fridge? I'm thirsty. Funny hat you have there!
BJ - Let me show you all around the castle. ‘This, is the door (to the kitchen) (rc)
TT - Mother! Look at this, it looks like blood. (rc)
LO - Yes, it's blood (whose
BJ - She was murdered there .
LO - That's horrible! Somebody was killed there?
BJ - Yes, Sir Simon de Canterville killed his wife.
LO - Who is this simon guy?.
BJ - That's him.
LO - Remove that ghastly man .
TT - Yeah, he haunts the place. Sir simon! Where are you hiding? Come out and show yourself!.
LO - Do be quiet, Lewis and Clark.
BJ - If I were you, I wouldn't concern myself. He only likes to play tricks,
WO - Just give me a second .
BJ - I wouldn't. It can't be removed. Sir Simon simply won't permit it. It's one of his little tricks.
WO - There's nothing (that) Pinkerton's Champion Stain Remover and Paragon Detergent can't clean up!
TT - Let's go find the ghost! Yeah let's go grab our pea shooters and scare him!
LO - Oh dear, what can we do.
BJ - Sorry about that. Now let me continue my tour.
HO - Now if you excuse us, we're all very tired. Good night.
BJ - Of course. I'm sorry (..)
SS - Who do these people think they are? The walk in here v(like they own the place), leave their stuff all
about, remove my family's portrait and remove my bloodstain. And all that v(just on the first day!) I've
kept this bloodstain v(here) v(for 300 years, 11 months, and 15 days now), and I'm not about to let v(a few
Americans ruin my reputation). Yes, I must evict these people. I will send them (scarring back to America).
TT - Look, the blood stain is back! That ghost must have been here. Let's (camp out here tonight) and
(wait for him). We can sleep v(under the desk). No, we need (to corner him); otherwise he'll be able v(to
escape). You sleep v(by the door). He'll step on me. And I'll sleep (on top of the desk) so I can jump (on
top of him). Let's go (get our pillows).
LO - Oh, look (at this mess)! Lewis and Clark must have been here. What are you doing (with your
TT - We're going to catch the ghost v(tonight)! See, he was here v(last night)! The bloodstain is back.
LO - How horrid! He must have spread the papers v(on the ground) v(too).
HO - Dear, I assure you, there is no such thing n(as a ghost). There's obviously a draft v(somewhere in this
LO - And the bloodstain?
HO - Of course, it's the cat. It must have killed a mouse (last night).
LO - James! wake up! Clean this blood up v(immediately)!
BJ - Sorry, madam, I can't do that. Sir Simon won't let me.
WO - Good morning, everybody. Oh look, the bloodstain is back. James was right (about the ghost). Well,
Pinkertons won't let him win!
VO - Odd, I put my brick red paint. It's not here v(anymore).
LO - Look, the portrait n(of that horrid murderer) is back (on my wall!)
BJ - Ah! What!
WO - Oh dear, James seems (to have fainted again).
BJ - Sorry about that, madam.
WO - I must write a letter (to the Journal of Paranormal Phenomena).
BJ - So you admit (the ghost exists)?.
WO - Well, (I suppose that)…
HO - no no Washington is a regular contributor and he writes a letter (every month).
LO - James, please start preparing breakfast!
HO - Washington why are the twins’ pillows (on the table)?
WO - They want (to see the ghost) (when he comes to replenish the bloodstain).
HO - Look Washington, there is really no such thing (as a ghost). you would stop (spreading rumours).
TT - It's almost eleven o'clock. Hurry up! I’ve got my pea-shooter loaded. All right. I've got a bottle of
water (to throw at him). I'll jump at him, you fire.
My dear, sir. I really must insist (that you oil those chains). It is quite impossible for us (to sleep with such
an awful racket) (going on here). Therefore, I have brought you a bottle n(of Tammany Rising Sun
Lubricator) v(for that purpose). I'm happy v(to supply you with more should you need it).
SS - Who do these barbarians think they are? It is my right (to moan and haunt and make horrible noises!)
Why, I have haunted these halls (for more than 300 yeare).. Ha, got you!
Think (believe) Conectores:
Thinking (considering) If - whether
Tastes (sabe) provided - as long as (mientras, siempre que),
Tasting (probando)
in case (en caso de que)
See (ver)
Seeing (juntandome) unless (a menos que)
Looks (luce) Toward(s) to mean ‘near to or just before a time or
Looking (mirar) place
Smells (huele a) (that often times)
Smelling (sniffing) That is (o sea) I mean (quiero decir)
Feels (se siente) That is why (es por eso que)
Feeling (palpar) Only because / just for
Is (permanent) About that / for that
Is being (temporary) all around the castle / everthing inside / all the
Has (possesses) inside of / around the inside of / the whole inside of
Having (idioms) with have) / the inside of / entire interior of
Away (lejos) (he is) no longer / (no lo haré) anymore (más)
Away (fuera, a cierta distancia) and yet (sin embargo, aún asi, pero, y)
(n) Appointed hour because of (debido a)
Provided that, Provinding that
Vocabulario esp-ing
te ayudaría Would
podría ayudarte May
puede ayudarte Might
quizas te ayude Might
te ayudará Will
te habría ayudado
te hubiera ayudado
habría podido ayudarte
te habría podido ayudar
hubiera podido ayudarte
te hubiera podido ayudar
pudo haberte ayudado Could have
te pudo haber ayudado
te pudo ayudar
te podía ayudar
puedan ayudarme (futuro) Could help me again
me pudieran ayudar =
no pudo ayudarte Couldn’t
no deberia ayudarte Shouldn’t