For Academic Year 2021-22
[As per NEP-2020 Guidelines]
First Semester
Paper Cours Title of the Course Instruction Exam Marks Credits
No. e Hours per Duration IA ETE Total
week Hours
1.1 DSC-1 Political History of
Karnataka (BCE-3 to 3 3 40 60 100 3
10CE) Part-1
1.2 DSC-2 History and Culture
of Ancient India-
Part-I (from the 3 3 40 60 100 3
early period to Sixth
century B.C)
1.3 OE-1 Cultural History of
Karnataka (CE3 to
CE 10)
3 3 40 60 100 3
Introduction to
Total Credits 09
Second Semester
BA Semester-1 DSc-1
Course Title: Political History of Karnataka (BCE-3 to 10 CE) Part-1
Total Contact Hours: 39 to 42 Course Credits: 3
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 Duration of ESA/ Exam: 60
Model Syllabus Authors: Summative Assessment Marks:
BA Semester-I
Paper/ Course Title: Political History of Karnataka (BCE-3 to 10 CE) Part- 1
1. Basavaraja K.R, 1984, History and Culture of Karnataka: Early times to Unification, Chalukya
publication, Dharwad.
2. Desai P.B., 1970, A History of Karnataka, Kannada Research Institute, Karnataka University, Dharwad.
3. Diwakar R.R, 1968, Karnataka Through the Ages, Government of Mysore, Mysore.
4. Krishna Rao M.V, 1960, Glimpses of Karnataka, Indian National Congress, Bangalore.
5. Sreenivasa Murthy H.V and Ramakrishnan, R, 1977, A history of Karnataka, from the earliest times
to the present day, S Chand Publication, Delhi.
6. Suryanatha U Kamath , 2017, A Concise History of Karnataka, MCC publication, Bangalore.
9. ±ÉlÖgï J¸ï. 2015, ºÀ¼ÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¨sÁµÉ, ¨sÁµÁ «PÀ¸À£À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¨sÁµÁ ¨sÁAzsÀªÀå, C©ü£ÀªÀ ¥ÀæPÁ±À£,À ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ.
10. µÉÃPï C° & ¸ÀÄAzÀgÀ.C, 2018, PÀ£ÁðlPÀZÀjvÉæ ¸ÀA¥ÀÄlUÀ¼ÀÄ 01 jAzÀ 07, ¥Àæ¸ÁgÀAUÀ, ºÀA¦ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ.
Weightage for assessments (in percentage)
Formative Assessment
Theory Part
Total Semester End Examination
Internal (Session) Test 10+10= 20
Seminar/ Presentation/ 10
Activity 60
Assignments/ Case study/
Field work/ Project work etc. 10
Total 40
Grand 100
BA Semester 1 DSC-2
Course Title: History and Culture of Ancient India- Part-I (from the early period to Sixth century B.C)
B A Semester-I DSC-2
Paper/Course Title: History and Culture of Ancient India- Part-I (from the early period to Sixth century B.C)
Chapter No. 2
Sources: Archaeological sources- Excavation, Epigraphy, Numismatics 05
and Monuments. Literary sources- Indigenous and Foreign accounts- Greek,
Chines and Arab accounts.
Unit–2 15/16
Chapter No. 1 07
Indus Valley Civilisation: Origin, Extent, Important sites- Harappa, Mohenjodaro,
Lothal, Kalibangan and Dholaveera, Town planning, Society, Economy, Religion, Art,
Script and causes for the decline.
Chapter No. 2
Vedic Culture: Early Vedic period- Vedic literature, Polity, Society, Economy, and 08
Religion. Later Vedic period- Polity, Society, Economy and Religion.
Unit – 3 12/13
Chapter No. 1
Socio-Religious reformation movement: Causes for the rise of new religious
Jainism: Philosophy of Mahaveera, Causes for the rise and decline of Jainism and
contributions of Jainism to Indian Culture.
Buddhism: Philosophy of Buddha, Causes for the rise and decline of Buddhism and
contributions of Buddhism to Indian Culture
Places of Historical importance: Locate Ten places and write the historical importance of
each in one or two sentence.
Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Lothal, Kalibangan, Dholaveera, Ayodhya, Hasthinapura, 02
Kousambi, Mithila, Kashi, Vallabi, Shravana Belagola, Mount Abu, Vaishali, Pavapuri,
Lumbinivana, Buddha Gaya, Saranatha, Sanchi and Rajagriha.
Books for Reference
1. Bashyam A.L, (1954) 2007, Wonder that was India, Srjeeth Publication, Delhi.
2. Jha D.N. , (1977) 2015, Ancient India- An Introductory Outline, Asia Publishing House Bombay.
3. Kosambi D.D., (1965) 2011, The Culture and Civilisation of Ancient India- a Historical Outline,
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Kosambi D.D., (1956) 2011, An Introduction to the Study of Indian History, Popular Prakashan
5. Majumdar R.C, Raychudhuri H.C and Kalinkar Dutta, (1946) 2010, An Advanced History of India,
Macmillan Publication India Ltd.
6. Majumdar R.C, (1952) 2007, Ancient India, Motilal Banarasidas Publication Pvt. Ltd. Delhi.
7. Majumdar R.C. (Gen Ed.) The History and Culture of the Indian people, Vol- No. 1 , Bharatheeya
Vidya Bhavan.
8. Nayanjot Lahri (Editor), 2000, The Decline and Fall of The Indus Civilisation, Permanent Black.
9. Pannikkar K.M, (1947) 2004, A Survey of Indian History, Asia Publishing House, Bombay.
10. Ramashankar Tripati, (1942) 2006, History of Ancient India, Motilal Banarasidas Publication Pvt. Ltd.
11. Romila Thapar, 2002, The Penguin History of Early India, Penguin Books.
12. Sharma R.S, 2007, India’s Ancient Past, OUP.
13. CA§½PÉ »jAiÀÄtÚ (¥ÀæzsÁ£À ¸ÀA¥ÁzÀPÀgÀÄ), 2009, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «µÀAiÀÄ «±ÀéPÉÆñÀ- EwºÁ¸À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀÄgÁvÀvÀé, PÀĪÉA¥ÀÄ DzsÀåAiÀÄ£À
¸ÀA¸ÉÜ, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ.
14. PÉƸÁA© r.r. (ªÀÄÆ®), C£ÀÄ: n.J¸ï. ªÉÃtÄUÉÆÃ¥Á¯ï ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ±ÉÊ®eÁ, 2011, ¥ÁæaãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ ¸ÀA¸Àìøw ªÀÄvÀÄÛ
15. ¨Á±ÀªÀiï J.J¯ï. (ªÀÄÆ®) C£ÀÄ: «Äfð r.Dgï, 2012, ¥ÁæaãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀªÉA§ CzÀÄãvÀ, L©ºÉzï ¥ÀæPÁ±À£,À ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ.
16. ªÀÄdÄAzÁgï Dgï.¹. gÁAiÀiïZËzsÀÄj ºÉZï.¹. ªÀÄvÀÄÛ zÀvÁÛ PÉ.PÉ. (ªÀÄÆ®) C£ÀÄ: ±ÁgÀzÁ ¥Àæ¸Ázï, 2012, ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ ¥ËæqsÀ
17. «dAiÀiï ¥ÀÆtZÀÑ vÀA§AqÀ (¥ÀæzsÁ£À ¸ÀA¥ÁzÀPÀgÀÄ), 2010, ZÀjvÉæ ¸ÀA¥ÀÄl JgÀqÀÄ- ¨sÁgÀvÀ G¥ÀRAqÀzÀ DzsÀĤPÀ ¥ÀƪÀð
ZÀjvÉæ, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ, ºÀA¦.
18. ±ÀªÀiÁð Dgï. J¸ï. (ªÀÄÆ®) C£ÀÄ: ±ÀAPÀgÀ£ÁgÁAiÀÄt gÁªï J£ï.¦., 1977, ¥ÁæaãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀ, £ÀªÀPÀ£ÁðlPÀ ¥À©èPÉõÀ£ïì
¥ÉæöÊ.°. ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ.
Formative Assessment
Theory Part
Total Semester End Examination
Internal (Session) Test 10+10=20
Seminar/ Presentation/ 10
Activity 60
Case study/ 10
Assignments/ Field
wo r k / Project work etc.
Total 40
Grand 100
BA Semester 1
Open Elective-1
1. Basavaraja K.R, 1984, History and Culture of Karnataka: Early times to Unification, Chalukya
publication, Dharwad.
2. Desai P.B., 1970, A History of Karnataka, Kannada Research Institute, Karnataka University, Dharwad.
3. Diwakar R.R, 1968, Karnataka Through the Ages, Government of Mysore, Mysore.
4. K.A. NilakantaSastri, 2007, A History of South India. Oxfor University press, New Delhi.
5. Krishna Rao M.V, 1960, Glimpses of Karnataka, Indian National Congress, Bangalore.
6. R.H. Kulakarni, 2009, Pre and Early Chalukya Sculpture origion and development,
Harmenpublishing house, New Delhi.
7. Rajashekara S, 1985, Karnataka Architecture, Sujatha Publication, Dharwad.
8. Sreenivasa Murthy H.V and Ramakrishnan, R, 1977, A history of Karnataka, from the earliest times
to the present day, S Chand Publication, Delhi.
9. Suryanatha U Kamath , 2017, A Concise History of Karnataka, MCC publication, Bangalore.
10. ThipperudraswamyH , 2016, Karnataka SamskruthiSameekshe, D V K Murthy prakashana, Mysore.
11. PÀÄ®PÀtÂð Dgï.JZï, DgÀA©üPÀ ZÁ®ÄPÀå ²®àPÀ¯,É PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ²®àPÀ¯Á CPÁqÉ«Ä, ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ.
14. gÁd±ÉÃRgï J¸ï. 1986, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ªÁ¸ÀÄÛ²®à ªÀÄvÀÄÛ avÀPæ À¯,É ¸ÀÄeÁvÀ ¥À©èPÉñÀ£ï, zsÁgÀªÁqÀ.
15. ²ªÀgÁªÀÄ PÁgÀAvÀ PÉ, 2019, ZÁ®ÄPÀå ªÁ¸ÀÄÛ²®à, ¸À¥Àß §ÄPï ºË¸ï, ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ.
17. ±ÉlÖgï J¸ï. 2015, ºÀ¼ÀUÀ£ÀßqÀ ¨sÁµÉ, ¨sÁµÁ «PÀ¸À£À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¨sÁµÁ ¨sÁAzsÀªÀå, C©ü£ª
18. µÉÃPï C° & ¸ÀÄAzÀgÀ.C, 2018, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ZÀjvÉæ ¸ÀA¥ÀÄlUÀ¼ÀÄ 01 jAzÀ 07, ¥Àæ¸ÁgÀAUÀ, ºÀA¦ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ.
Weightage for assessments (in percentage)
Formative Assessment
Theory Part
Total Semester End Examination
Internal (Session) Test 10+10=20
Seminar/ Presentation/ 10
Activity 60
Case study/ 10
Assignments/ Field
wo r k / Project work etc.
Total 40
Grand 100
BA Semester 1 Open Elective
BA Semester 1 Open Elective
Title of the Course/ Paper: Introduction to Archaeology
of Karnataka
Unit – 3 Exploration, Excavation and Analysis 13/14
ChapterNo.7. Identification of a site – field survey – sampling techniques Application
of scientific methods.
ChapterNo.8. Methods of Excavation – vertical, horizontal and Quadrant method
Chapter No. 9. Dating the Archaeological objects- Relative and absolute dating methods.
8. Chakrabarti, D. K., 1988. A History of Indian Archaeology from the beginning to 1947,
New Delhi: MunshiramManoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
9. Chakrabarti, D.K., 1988. Theoretical Issues in Indian Archaeology, Delhi:
10. Ghosh.A (Ed.) 1991, Encyclopedia of Indian Archaeology, Brill Publication, Delhi.
11. Mortimer Wheeler, 1954. Archaeology from the Earth, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
12. Rajan. K, 2016, Understanding Archaeology, ManooPathippakam, Thanjavur.
13. Raman K.V., 1986, Principles and Methods in ArchaeologyParthajan Publications, Madras.
14. CA§½PÉ »jAiÀÄtÚ, 2009. PÀ£ÀßqÀ «µÀAiÀÄ «±ÀéPÉÆñÀ-EwºÁ¸À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀÄgÁvÀvÀé, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ: PÀĪÉA¥ÀÄ
15. ¥ÁrUÁgÀ ²æäªÁ¸À, 1997. ¥ÀÄgÁvÀvÀé±Á¸ÀÛç ¥ÀjZÀAiÀÄ, zsÁgÀªÁqÀ: gÁªÀıÀæAiÀÄ ¥À©èPÉõÀ£ï.
16. ²ÃPÀAoÀ±Á¹Ûç,J¸ï., 1975. ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÁvÀvÀé ¸ÀA±ÉÆÃzs£
Weightage for assessments (in percentage)
Formative Assessment
Theory Part
Total Semester End Examination
Internal (Session) Test 10+10=20
Seminar/ Presentation/ 10
Activity 60
Case study/ 10
Assignments/ Field
wo r k / Project work etc.
Total 40
Grand 100
BA Semester 2
BA Semester 2-DSC-3
Course/ Paper Title: Political History of Karnataka (C11- 1750 AD) Part-2
Books for Reference
1. Basavaraja K.R, 1984, History and Culture of Karnataka: Early times to Unification, Chalukya
publication, Dharwad.
2. Burton Stein, 1989, Vijayanagara, The new Cambridge history of India 1/2, Cambridge.
3. Desai P.B., 1970, A History of Karnataka, Kannada Research Institute, Karnataka University,
4. Dikshith G.S., 1964, Local Self Government in Medieval Karnataka, Sharwad.
5. Hayavadana Rao C., 1963, History of Mysore 1399 To 1799 A.D., Bangalore.
6. King J.S, 1900, Military of the Bahumani Dynasty, London.
7. Mahalingam T.V., 1940, Administration and Social Life Under Vijayanagara, University of
Madras, Madras.
8. Salatore B.N., 1981-1985, Encylopedia of Indian Culture (Five Vols) Sterling publication Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi.
9. CgÀÄt J¸ï.PÉ., 2019, ¨ÉAUÀ¼Æ À gÀÄ ¥ÀgÀA¥ÀgÉ, EwºÁ¸À zÀ¥Àðt ¥ÀæPÁ±À£À, ¨ÉAUÀ¼Æ À gÀÄ.
10. PɼÀ¢ UÀÄAqÁeÉÆÃAiÀiïì, 1963, Pɼ¢ À ¸ÀAQë¥ÀÛ EwºÁ¸À, PɼÀ¢.
11. PɼÀ¢ UÀÄAqÁeÉÆÃAiÀiïì, 1972, PɼÀ¢ ¸ÀA¸ÁÜ£À, L.©.JZï ¥ÀæPÁ±À£À, ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ.
12. PÀȵÀÚgÁªï JA.«., PÉñÀé¨msÀ ï JA., 1970, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ EwºÁ¸À zÀ±Àð£À, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ¸ÀºPÀ Áj ¥ÀæPÁ±À£À ªÀÄA¢gÀ,
13. a£À߸Áé«Ä ¸ÉÆøÀ¯É J£ï, 2004, ¸ÁªÀiÁædå ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀA¸ÁÜ£À, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ, ºÀA¦.
14. w¥ÉàÃgÀÄzÀæ¸Áé«Ä JZï, ²¸ÀÄÛUÁgÀ ²ªÀ¥àÀ£ÁAiÀÄPÀ, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ.
15. w¥ÉàÃgÀÄzÀæ¸Áé«Ä JZï, 2015, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ¸ÀA¸ÀÌøw ¸À«ÄÃPÉë, r.«.PÉ ªÀÄÆwð ¥ÀæPÁ±À£À, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ.
16. vÉ®UÁ« ®PÀëöät, avÀæzÄÀ UÀðzÀ ¥Á¼ÉAiÀÄUÁgÀgÀÄ.
17. ¢ªÁPÀgÀ Dgï,Dgï., 2006, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ¥ÀgÀA¥ÀgÉ, ¸ÀA.1 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 2, PÀ£ÀßqÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀA¸ÀÌøw E¯ÁSÉ, ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÆÀ gÀÄ.
18. ¢ÃQëvï f.J¸ï., 1969, PɼÀ¢ £ÁAiÀÄPÀgÀÄ, zsÁgÀªÁqÀ.
19. zÉøÁ¬Ä ¦.©, 2008, «dAiÀÄ£ÀUÀgÀ ¸ÁªÀiÁædå, PÀ£ÁÀðlPÀ EwºÁ¸À ¸ÀA±ÉÆÃzsÀ£À ªÀÄAqÀ®, zsÁgÀªÁqÀ.
20. £É®ªÀÄAUÀ® ®Qëöäà £ÁgÁAiÀÄgÁAiÀÄgÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀAZÀªÀÄÄT gÁ.¸Áé. 2008, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ CgÀ¸ÄÀ ªÀÄ£ÉvÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ,
PÀ£ÁÀðlPÀ EwºÁ¸À ¸ÀA±ÉÆÃzsÀ£À ªÀÄAqÀ®, zsÁgÀªÁqÀ.
21. ¥ÀAZÀªÀÄÄT gÁ.¸Áé, 2008, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ EvÀºÁ¸À, PÀ£ÁÀðlPÀ EwºÁ¸À ¸ÀA±ÉÆÃzsÀ£À ªÀÄAqÀ®, zsÁgÀªÁqÀ.
22. «dAiÀiï n.¦., (¥Àæ.¸ÀA) ZÀjvÉæ, ¥Àæ¸ÁgÁAUÀ, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ, ºÀA¦.
23. «ªÉÃPÀ gÉÊ ©.J., 2005, ¥ÀæªÁ¹ PÀAqÀ «dAiÀÄ£ÀUÀgÀ, ¥Àæ¸ÁgÁAUÀ, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ, ºÀA¦.
24. ªÉAPÀlgÀªÀÄtAiÀÄå J£ï, (ªÀÄÆ®), UÀÄgÀĪÀÄÆwð ¥ÉAqÀgÀÆgÀÄ (C£ÀÄ.) «dAiÀÄ£ÀUÀgÀ ZÀjvÉæ, 2010, PÀĪÉA¥ÀÄ
¨sÁµÁ ¨sÁgÀw ¥Áæ¢üPÁgÀ, PÀ¯ÁUÁæªÀÄ, eÁÕ£À¨Ás gÀw, ¨ÉA¼ÀÆgÀÄ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ.
25. ²æäªÁ¸À ºÁªÀ£ÀÆgÀÄ (¸ÀA), 2008, ªÀÄzsÀåPÁ°Ã£À PÀ£ÁðlPÀ, ¥Àæ¸ÁgÁAUÀ, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå ªÀÄÄPÀÛ
«±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ.
26. µÉÃPï C° ©, (¥Àæ.¸ÀA) 2018, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ZÀjvÉæ, ¸ÀA.03, ¥Àæ¸ÁgÁAUÀ, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ, ºÀA¦.
27. µÉÃPï C° ©, (¥Àæ.¸ÀA) 2018, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ZÀjvÉæ, ¸ÀA.04, ¥À¸ æ ÁgÁAUÀ, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ, ºÀA¦.
28. µÉÃPï C° ªÀÄvÀÄÛ gÀAUÀ¸ÁéªÀÄAiÀÄå f.Dgï. 1977, zÀQët ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ EwºÁ¸À, PÀ£ÀßqÀ CzsåÀ AiÀÄ£À, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ
29. ¸ÀÄAzÀgÀ C., (¥Àæ.¸ÀA.) 2008, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «µÀAiÀÄ «±ÀéPÉÆñÀ, EvÀºÁ¸À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀÄgÁvÀvÀé, ¥Àæ¸ÁgÁAUÀ ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ
«±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ.
Weightage for assessments (in percentage)
Formative Assessment
Theory Part
Total Semester End Examination
Internal (Session) Test 10+10=20
Seminar/ Presentation/ 10
Activity 60
Case study/ 10
Assignments/ Field
wo r k / Project work etc.
Total 40
Grand 100
BA Semester 2
Course Title: History and Culture of Ancient India- Part-II (from Imperial Mouryas to 12th century A.D)
Course Pre-requisite(s): History and Culture of Ancient India- Part-I (from Imperial Mouryas to 12th century
Title of the Course/ Paper: History and Culture of Ancient India- Part-II (from Imperial Mouryas to 12th
century A.D)
1. Bashyam A.L, (1954) 2007, Wonder that was India, Srjeeth Publication, Delhi.
2. Jha D.N., (1977) 2015, Ancient India- An Introductory Outline, Asia Publishing House
3. Kosambi D.D., (1965) 2011, The Culture and Civilisation of Ancient India- a Historical
Outline, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Kosambi D.D., (1956) 2011, An Introduction to the Study of Indian History, Popular Prakashan
5. Majumdar R.C, Raychudhuri H.C and Kalinkar Dutta, (1946) 2010, An Advanced History of
India, Macmillan Publication India Ltd.
6. Majumdar R.C, (1952) 2007, Ancient India, Motilal Banarasidas Publication Pvt. Ltd. Delhi.
7. Majumdar R.C. (Gen Ed.) The History and Culture of the Indian people, Vol- No. 2 to 5,
Bharatheeya Vidya Bhavan.
8. Pannikkar K.M, (1947) 2004, A Survey of Indian History, Asia Publishing House, Bombay.
9. Ramashankar Tripati, (1942) 2006, History of Ancient India, Motilal Banarasidas Publication
Pvt. Ltd. Delhi.
10. Romila Thapar, 2002, The Penguin History of Early India, Penguin Books.
11. Sharma R.S, 2007, India’s Ancient Past, OUP.
12. Vaidya C.V,2019, Early History of Rajputs, Gyan Publishing House,
13. CA§½PÉ »jAiÀÄtÚ (¥ÀæzsÁ£À ¸ÀA¥ÁzÀPÀgÀÄ), 2009, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «µÀAiÀÄ «±ÀéPÉÆñÀ- EwºÁ¸À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀÄgÁvÀvÀé, PÀĪÉA¥ÀÄ
DzsÀåAiÀÄ£À ¸ÀA¸ÉÜ, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ.
14. PÉƸÁA© r.r. (ªÀÄÆ®), C£ÀÄ: n.J¸ï. ªÉÃtÄUÉÆÃ¥Á¯ï ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ±ÉÊ®eÁ, 2011, ¥ÁæaãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ ¸ÀA¸Àìøw ªÀÄvÀÄÛ
15. ¨Á±ÀªÀiï J.J¯ï. (ªÀÄÆ®) C£ÀÄ: «Äfð r.Dgï, 2012, ¥ÁæaãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀªÉA§ CzÀÄãvÀ, L©ºÉzï ¥ÀæPÁ±À£,À
16. ªÀÄdÄAzÁgï Dgï.¹. gÁAiÀiïZËzsÀÄj ºÉZï.¹. ªÀÄvÀÄÛ zÀvÁÛ PÉ.PÉ. (ªÀÄÆ®) C£ÀÄ: ±ÁgÀzÁ ¥Àæ¸Ázï, 2012, ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ
¥ËæqsÀ EwºÁ¸À, PÀĪÉA¥ÀÄ DzsÀåAiÀÄ£À ¸ÀA¸ÉÜ, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ, ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ.
17. «dAiÀiï ¥ÀÆtZÀÑ vÀA§AqÀ (¥ÀæzsÁ£À ¸ÀA¥ÁzÀPÀgÀÄ), 2010, ZÀjvÉæ ¸ÀA¥ÀÄl JgÀqÀÄ- ¨sÁgÀvÀ G¥ÀRAqÀzÀ DzsÀĤPÀ
¥ÀƪÀð ZÀjvÉæ, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ, ºÀA¦.
18. ±ÀªÀiÁð Dgï. J¸ï. (ªÀÄÆ®) C£ÀÄ: ±ÀAPÀgÀ£ÁgÁAiÀÄt gÁªï J£ï.¦., 1977, ¥ÁæaãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀ, £ÀªÀPÀ£ÁðlPÀ
¥À©èPÉõÀ£ïì ¥ÉæöÊ.°. ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ.
Weightage for assessments (in percentage)
Formative Assessment
Theory Part
Total Semester End Examination
Internal (Session) Test 10+10=20
Seminar/ Presentation/ 10
Activity 60
Case study/ 10
Assignments/ Field
wo r k / Project work etc.
Total 40
Grand 100
BA Semester 2
Open Elective- 2
BA Semester 2- Open Elective-2
Title of the Course/Paper: Cultural History of Karnataka (11 AD to 1750 AD)
6. Hiremath B.R, 1982, Karnataka ShasanagalalliVartakaru, Karnataka University, Dharwad.
7. RahamatTarikere, 1998, Karnatakada Sufigalu, Abhinava Prakashana. Bangalore.
8. RajaramHegde & M.V.Vasu -Dakshina Karnataka Arasu Manethangalu
9. SurynathKamat, 2017, Karnataka SankshiptaItihas, M.C.C Publications, Bangalore
10. Sherwani, H.K ,1985, The Bahamani‟s of the Deccan, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers PvtLtd . New
11. ShivaramaMurhy , South Indian Paintings
12. Shivarama Karantha , 1930, Bharatheeya Chithrakale, Shivarama Karantha, Putturu, Dakshina
13. SrinivasanK.R , 2010, Temples of South India, National Book Trust, Delhi.
14. ThipperudraswamyH , 2016, Karnataka SamskruthiSameekshe, D V K Murthy prakashana, Mysore.
Weightage for assessments (in percentage)
Formative Assessment
Theory Part
Total Semester End Examination
Internal (Session) Test 10+10=20
Seminar/ Presentation/ 10
Activity 60
Case study/ 10
Assignments/ Field
wo r k / Project work etc.
Total 40
Grand 100
BA Semester 2
Open Elective-2
BA Semester 2 Open Elective-2
Title of the Course/ Paper: Manuscriptlogy
6. Chintaharan Chakravarti, {Presented to Prof. P.V. Kane on His 61st Birthday, 7th May
1941} Study of Manuscripts-, Poona: Oriental Book Agency, N.D.
7. Dandekar, R. –Some Aspects of the History of Hinduism
8. Dani.P.H –Indian Paleography , A deposited in the Deccan College, Poona Vol –I (Part–I )
Vedic Literature Samhitas
9. Devarakondareddy., 2009, Lipiya Huttu mattu Belavanige, Kannada Pustaka Pfradhikara,
10. Farquhar, J.N –An Outline of the Religious Literature of India
11. Geethacharya , Grantha sMrakshane.
12. Katre S.M., 1954, Introduction to Indian Textual Criticism- Deccan College, Poona-Second
Revised Edition.
13. Kalburgi, .M.M, 2015, Grantha Sampadana Shastra (Kannada), Sapna Book House,
14. Kane P.V., 1962, Dharmashastra Itihas (Vol .1 and 2), Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, Maharastra.
15. Katre, S.M., 1954, Introduction to Indian Textual Criticism, Bhandarkar Oriental Research
Institute, Poona.
16. Jagannatha S., 2007, Manuscriptology: An Entrance, Parimal publications, Delhi.
17. Narasihmamurthy A.V- Kannada lipiUgamaVikasa (Kannada)
18. Narasimhachar D.L.- GranthaSampadane (Kannada)
19. Ojha. G.H –Pracina BharatiyaLipimala (Hindi)
20. Panday. R.B –Indian Paleography
21. Pandurangi, K.T –The Wealth of Sanskrit manuscripts in India and abroad.
22. Raghavan, V –Manuscripts, Catalogues, Editions
23. Reinhold Grünendahl -, South Indian Scripts in Sanskrit Manuscripts and Prints: Grantha,
Tamil, Malayalam,Telugu, Kannada, Nandinagari, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz-2001.
24. S.Jaganath, GranthaSampadanaShastram– (Sanskrit)
25. Sanniah B.S Grantha Samrakshane.
26. Shivaganesha Murthy R.S, 1996, Introduction to Manuscriptology-, Sharada Publishing
House, Delhi.
27. Sitaram Jagirdhar- GranthaSampadana Shastra (Kannada)
28. Sivaganeshamurthy- Manuscriptology,
29. Sukthankar V. S., 1944, Critical Studies in the Mahabharata- V. S. Sukthankar Memorial
Edition Committee, Poona-Cultural Heritage of India Vol. I -IV (relevant portions only)
30. Udaya Kumar, G.V.Sreekumar, U. A. Athvankar-Traditional Writing System in Southern
India: Palm Leaf Manuscripts, Design Thoughts, July 2009
Weightage for assessments (in percentage)
Formative Assessment
Theory Part
Total Semester End Examination
Internal (Session) Test 10+10=20
Seminar/ Presentation/ 10
Activity 60
Case study/ 10
Assignments/ Field
wo r k / Project work etc.
Total 40
Grand 100
Blue Print of University exam Question Paper
First Semester B.A Degree Examinations
Semester Scheme
Paper: DSC
Section I
Five very short answer questions - All questions carry three marks each 3x5=15
Section II
Short answer questions-Answer any two out of four questions. 5X2=10
Section III
Medium answer question -Answer any one out of two questions. 10X1=10
Section IV
Long answer questions-Answer any one out of two questions. 15X1=15
Section V
On the outline map provided:
A. Locate the following places (Ten) and give historical importance in one sentence each. 5+5=10
B. For Blind students only*
Instead of map question one mediumanswer question.
*Blind students not answering the map question should enclose a copy of the certificate of blindness issued by
the competent authority.
Blue Print of University exam Question Paper
First Semester B.A Degree Examinations
Semester Scheme
Paper: Open Elective
Section I
Five very short answer questions - All questions carry three marks each 3x5=15
Section II
Short answer questions-Answer any three out of six questions. 5X3=15
Section III
Long answer questions- Answer any two out of four questions. 15X2=30