The Teaching Profession
The Teaching Profession
The Teaching Profession
What is Philosophy?
• Greek word Philo which means love and Sophie which means wisdom.
• Love of wisdom
• Set of ideas that answer the question about the nature of reality and about the meaning
of life.
1. Idealism
• Contends that reality lies in our consciousness or our intellect.
• Idealist believe that perfect knowledge of the ideal resides outside humans as an
“Absolute “or as God.
• Idealism envisions schools that are intellectual center of teaching and learning where
teachers guide the students to realize their intellectual potential and appreciate the finest
and enduring achievement of the culture.
Idealist Teachers:
• Believe that the schools are repositories of eternal truth which have organized the
hierarchical curriculum in education.
• Believe that on tops oh this hierarchy are the most important subjects that cultivate
abstract thinking – Philosophy, Theory and Mathematics.
• Believe in the use of Socratic method – asking probing questions to stimulate
consciousness of students in discovering knowledge.
• Believe that thinking and learning are the process of bringing latent ideas to
consciousness and logic is encouraged in organizing their lessons.
• Believe that teachers should lead exemplary lives and be models for students to
• Believe that the internet can make great book accessible to all, but they insist the
technology should be the means rather than the end in transmitting knowledge.
2. Realism
• Advocates that reality is outside of our minds.
• Realist believe that:
• The objects we perceive exist independently in our mind.
• That whether or not we perceive these objects, they really exist in this world.
• The purpose of education is to teach students about the world in which they live.
• The most effective way of learning is through the curriculum of organized and classified
subject-matter discipline.
Realist Teachers:
• Believe that teachers should be equipped with a wide repertoire of methods in
teaching to achieve their goals
• Believe that their primary responsibility is to bring students’ ideas about the world
into reality
• Believe that deductive and inductive logic, and the scientific method are reliable
means to discover knowledge.
• Believe that the inclusion of non-academic activities interferes with the school’s
primary purpose as a center of disciplined academic inquiry.
• Believe in the use of technology as an aid in learning; they recommend computer
program to be as “realistic” and effective as possible.
3. Pragmatism
• Evaluates the truth and ideas according to physical consequences and practical value.
• It emphasizes the need to test the validity of these ideas by acting on them.
• The best way to validate is using the scientific method.
Pragmatist Teachers:
• Believe that education is an experimental process – a method of solving problems
that challenges people as they interact with the world
• Believe that children should learn how to make difficult decisions by considering the
consequences of their actions on others.
• Believe that education should focus in real-life problems to be prepared to live fully
and effectively in society
• Believe that students should learn the process of problem-solving rather than by
being passive learners as knowledge is being transmitted to them.
• Believe in collaborative learning where students share their interests and problems
• Believe that interdisciplinary education is better than departmentalized curriculum in
• Believe in taking risk in education to achieve their goal
• Believe in values-clarification rather than blindly accepting inherited values
• Believe that communication technologies such as e-mail and internet provide
opportunities to share ideas, insights, and experiences
1. Perennialism
• Assert that the primary purpose of education is to bring student in contact with the truth
by cultivating their intellect and sense of rationality or reasoning power
• Proposes study of religion to encourage ethical behavior
• Perennialists urge the students read great books works by the history’s finest thinkers and
• They oppose inclusion of non academic subjects in the curriculum
• Rather endorse subject matter curriculum loaded with cognitive subjects that develop
rationality and morality
Perennialist Teachers:
• Believe that teachers are the intellectual mentors and models for their students
• Believe that fundamental skills such as reading, writing, computation and research be
developed starting the elementary grades to prepare them for lifelong learning
• Believe that subjects with human concern like history, literature, drama, and art
should be included in the secondary school curriculum
• Believe that their role is to sharpen the students’ intellectual powers and enhance
their moral qualities
• Believe that electronic version of great books and other classics maybe viewed by
larger audience but this could not be a substitute for reading the classics
2. Essentialism
• Teacher centered philosophy that adheres to the belief that the basic skills of literacy and
numeracy as well as subject matter should be developed in school
• History, math, science, languages, literature are essential subjects in secondary education
• Teachers’ must be committed to their primary academic function to teach knowledge and
skills that will prepare them to function effectively and efficiently
• Subject matter curriculum should be cumulative and sequentially arrange
• Do not favor innovative or process-learning approaches like constructivism
• They adhere more on teacher-directed instruction
Essentialist Teachers:
• Believe that teachers have authority to discipline students
• Believe that teachers should have mastery of the knowledge and skills they teach
• Believe in the use of deductive method of teaching
• Believe that students should learn the “essentials”
• Believe that only when the students have mastered the required competencies can
they be promoted to the higher level
• Believe that test scores are the basis for evaluating students’ progress
3. Progressivism
• Belong to the reform movement that opposes the traditional education.
• They are against:
➢ Authoritarian teachers,
➢ Book-based instruction,
➢ Rote memorization, and
➢ Authoritarian classroom management
• They contend that although knowledge may come from varied sources, the best way to
learn is to explore and engage in direct experiences.
• School should be a laboratory for experimentation
• Organize schools around the concerns, curiosity and real-world experiences of the
Progressivist Teachers:
• Believe that teachers should possess a repertoire of learning activities to be used in
the teaching-learning process like problem-solving, field trips, creative artistic
expression and projects
• Believe that the child should be free to develop naturally
• Believe that the interest motivated by direct experiences stimulates learning
• Believe that the teacher is a facilitator of learning
• Believe that there should be close cooperation between the home and the school
• Believe that students’ needs, interest, and readiness should be considered in
constructing the curriculum
4. Social Reconstructionism
• Rooted on progressivism
• They sought to make the school the center for larger social reforms
• The school need to investigate and work to solve social, political and economic problems
and eventually create a new society
• People are responsible for their social condition, and they have power to control their
lives, improve their human conditions and build a good and just society
• Education therefore should prepare the students to meet the demands of the society
Social Reconstructionist Teachers:
• Believe that the school is the ideal place to begin alleviating social problems
• Believe in using project method and problem-solving method in teaching
• Believe that research is an effective means in solving problems in society
• Believe that the intellectual, emotional, and personal needs of the students should
be considered in the learning process
• Believe that teachers must model democratic principles
5. Existentialism
• Emphasizes the subjectivity of the human experience.
• Asserts that the purpose of education is to help students find the meaning and directions
of their life.
• Jean-Paul Sartre often quoted the phrase “existence precede essence”.
• We create our essence by making our personal choices.
• We create our own definition and make our own essence by making personal choices in
our lives.
Existentialist Teachers:
• Believe that the purpose of education is to awaken our consciousness about our
freedom to choose and to create our own self-awareness that contributes to our
• Believe that students should be trained to philosophize, to question, and to
participate in dialogues about the meaning of life
• Believe that self-expression, creativity, self-awareness, and self-responsibility should
be developed in the students
• Believe that open classrooms maximize freedom of choice
• Believe in self-directed instruction
• Believe that students should decide what they want to learn and when to learn it
1. Why do we need philosophy in education especially to us future teachers?
Answer the following. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. To enable the learners to respond to the demands of the present world, which should schools
a. Teach application-based, creative, critical, and innovating thinking
b. Teach information and concepts
c. Offer a mixed curriculum
d. Prepare students for the present
2. What philosophy supports the teacher’s practice of giving lectures and making the students
memorize rules and regulations after the lecture?
a. Realism c. Existentialism
b. Idealism d. Perennialism
3. What is the existentialist’s point of view related to the aim of education?
a. To develop cognitive and power
b. To acquire productive skills
c. To re-engineer society
d. To know themselves and their place in society
4. Which of the following demonstrates teacher’s effective use of technology-aired instruction?
a. Teacher allows the use of Facebook for the students to comment on the project of their
b. Teacher transfers lessons from the book into PowerPoint presentation to make it
interesting to learners
c. Teacher uses courseware or websites for additional input of the lesson
d. Teacher allows students to bring gadgets in school
5. When a teacher tells a student to sit down quietly and to put his hands on his lap while
discussion is going on, what step in implementing sanction is being applied?
a. Identifying the unwarranted behavior
b. Stating why the behavior is unacceptable
c. Stating the sanction warranted by the behavior
d. Giving instruction that will implement the sanction
6. Which branch of philosophy is referred to when the teacher implements the appropriate
strategy to suit her objective/learning outcome?
a. Metaphysics c. Epistemology
b. Cosmetology d. Axiology
7. If a teacher implements the curriculum and assesses it after every end of the teaching
episode, she/he advocates which philosophy?
a. Metaphysics c. Epistemology
b. Constructivisim d. Axiology
8. Who are the theorists below popularizing the concept “Learning by Doing”?
a. John Flavell c. Jean Piaget
b. John Dewey d. Sigmund Freud
9. It is a philosophy that evaluates the truth and meaning of ideas according to their physical
consequences and practical value.
a. Idealism c. Realism
b. Existentialism d. Pragmatism
10. What is the prime duty of a teacher as a second parent?
a. Allow students to get enough rest and relaxation
b. Make sure that students undergo rigid training in school
c. See to it that students are motivated to learn
d. See to it that the rights of students are respected and their duties and obligations are
complied with
Activity: Analytical Web of Educational Theories
How Alike ?
Pragmatism Progressivism Social Reconstructionism
How Different?
Pragmatism Progressivism Social Reconstructionism
Chapter 2: Socially Responsible Teachers: Active Members of Social Institutions
A. Personal Qualities
Good Personality – refers to the character and appeal the teachers exude as they walk
and relate with others. It serves as a inspiration to the students. They are motivated to
learn and get involved in the learning process under teachers who have pleasing
Honest – honest teachers possess good sense of value. They are trustworthy and viable
to manifest integrity as professionals.
Enthusiastic – enthusiastic teachers have pleasant outlook, optimism and sense of
Caring – being compassionate and interested in others. It is expressed through
understanding how other people feel and react.
Role Model – models’ good behavior and sets a good example for others to emulate.
Fair – fairness denotes impartiality, open-mindedness and objective judgment and
Friendly – friendly teachers demonstrate pleasant, warm-hearted, and loving relation
with their students.
Respectful - being respectful means being well-behaved. Teachers show politeness and
courtesy in dealing with their students and the public.
Dedicated – the teachers are devoted, loyal and committed to the profession.
Creative – do things on their own way. They have the ability to create new and original
ideas. They are able to influence their students to be creative themselves.
Flexibility – is the ability of teachers to adapt to situations. They do not easily get
disturbed or upset when unexpected situations and problem arise.
What is Profession?
• A profession is an occupation that claims exclusive technical competence, service, ideals,
and ethics of professional conduct.
• A profession is the application of intellectual technique to the ordinary business of life
acquired as a result of prolonged and specialized training.
The 21st century education demands opportunities for the students to develop intellectually,
ethically and aesthetically.
They also expect the school to develop skills to prepare the students to meet challenges of the
new era.
• Academic
The school provides for the development of a brand array of knowledge and intellectual skills. The
school develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills among the students.
• Vocational
The school prepares the individual for the world of work and his economic responsibilities. The
school develops skills and work habits that will enable them to work in terms.
• Social and Civic
The school acts as an agent of socialization. Students learn how to get along well with others
through the various activities they engage in.
• Personal
Development of individual talent and self-expression. The school provides the total development
of the individual including creativity and authenticity.
3. Religion (Church)
• a system of roles and norms that involves faith in which binds people together in social
• Institutionalized organization of religious believers following a body of doctrine or dogma.
• Function of religion
• Social cohesion
Religious beliefs encourage strengthening of bonds among people and cultivate social solidarity
and collective conscience among the believers.
• Social control
Religion guides people to conform to the norms and values of society. Specific religious norms of
conduct and values control the behavior of the members.the church has an intense influence over
the beliefs, principles, and practices of its believers.
• Emotional support
Provides meaning of life. It fosters closeness, love, cooperation and helpfulness among its
4. Government
• An institution that holds power to make and enforce the rules and laws of society. The
ruling body must be recognized by its people to enforce the laws or rules and govern
• In democratic type of government, the citizens elect their official periodically to govern
them for the period.
1. Develop a web organizer of attitude of Professional Teachers.
3. As a future teacher, what other qualities you must possess in order to succeed in your
profession? Explain your answer.
Answer the following. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the main purpose of social institutions?
a. to create an infrastructure system throughout the world
b. to help carry out functions that are crucial for the society’s survival
c. to make buildings, such as prisons, to help society
d. to create differences in the world so each society is unique
2. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of a family institution?
a. to nurture and socialize children
b. to pass on generational traditions
c. to increase the population in a society
d. to provide sense of belonging and identity
3. What is the main function of the religion institution?
a. to provide people with a set of beliefs, values and practices that helps them understand the
right way to live
b. to separate people into clusters, so they have differences in opinion
c. to form groups that can revolt against the governmental institution
d. to establish a hierarchy among religious subsets
4. It is the most universal social institution.
a. family
b. education
c. religion
d. government
5. Personal quality of a teacher that possess good sense of value.
a. caring c. honest
b. enthusiastic d. friendly
6. It is a system of roles and norms that involves faith.
a. family
b. education
c. religion
d. government
7. This pertains to the development of individual talent and self-expression.
a. academic
b. vocational
c. social and civic
d. personal
8. It is an institution that holds power to make and enforce the rules and laws of society.
a. family
b. education
c. religion
d. government
Ethics – refers to a system of principles of conduct that guide the behavior of a person.
Morals – are values related to a system of beliefs – religious system, business or political system
Morality – refers to a subset of ethical rules of special importance. Moral rules are often the basis
for the rules of society.
Ethical Standards:
1. Respect – teachers need to demonstrate respect for spiritual and cultural values,
diversity, social justice, freedom and democracy.
2. Integrity – this means being honest, reliable and morally upright.
3. Care – they should provide a caring commitment where the students would feel
valued and accepted.
4. Trust – means being fair, honest and being open to people.
Code of Ethics – it is viewed as the hallmark of professional maturity. It also provides guidance on
decision making.
Section 1. A teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotions
of learners in the subject or grades he handles; such determination shall be in accordance with
generally accepted procedures of evaluation and measurement. In case of any complaint,
teachers concerned shall immediately take appropriate actions, of serving due process.
Section 2. A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are of first and
foremost concerns, and shall deal justifiably and impartially with each of them.
Section 3. Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminated against by the
Section 4. A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their
behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved.
Section 5. A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from tutorials other
what is authorized for such service.
Section 6. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in merit and quality of
academic performance.
Section 7. In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between teacher
and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip and
preferential treatment of the learner.
Section 8. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make
deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not
manifestation of poor scholarship.
Section 9. A teacher shall ensure that conditions contribute to the maximum development of
learners are adequate, and shall extend needed assistance in preventing or solving learner’s
problems and difficulties.
Section 1. Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and shall
conduct himself to merit their confidence and respect.
Section 2. Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the progress and
deficiencies of learner under him, exercising utmost candor and tact in pointing out learners’
deficiencies and in seeking parent’s cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of the
Section 3. A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and understanding, and shall
discourage unfair criticism.
Section 1. A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate income
generation; provided that it does not relate to or adversely affect his work as a teacher.
Section 2. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to the financial matters such
as in the settlement of his debts and loans in arranging satisfactorily his private financial affairs.
Section 3. No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be financially interested in,
any commercial venture which furnish textbooks and other school commodities in the purchase
and disposal of which he can exercise official influence, except only when his assignment is
inherently, related to such purchase and disposal; provided they shall be in accordance with the
existing regulations; provided, further, that members of duly recognized teachers cooperatives
may participate in the distribution and sale of such commodities.
Section 1. A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with life for which it is the highest
obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in school, in the home, or elsewhere.
Section 2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the primary principles of personal
behavior in all relationships with others and in all situations.
Section 3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could serve as a model
worthy of emulation by learners, peers and all others.
Section 4. A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide of his own destiny and of
the destinies of men and nations.
Section 1. Any violation of any provisions of this code shall be sufficient ground for the imposition
against the erring teacher of the disciplinary action consisting of revocation of his Certification of
Registration and License as a Professional Teacher, suspension from the practice of teaching
profession, reprimand or cancellation of his temporary/special permit under causes specified in
Sec. 23, Article III or R.A. No. 7836, and under Rule 31, Article VIII, of the Rules and Regulations
Implementing R.A. 7836.
Section 1. This Code shall take effect upon approval by the Professional Regulation Commission
and after sixty (60) days following its publication in the official Gazette or any newspaper of
general circulation, whichever is earlier.
1. Develop an organizer of a professional teacher as provided for Code of Ethics for Professional
3. Give some ethical and moral practices that you have observed with your co-teacher.
Answer the following. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Teachers have the duty to actively carry out the policies of the state. What must he take in
order to effect this?
a. A course in Professional Ethics
b. The Civil Service Examination
c. The Licensure Examination for Teachers
d. An oath
2. Every teacher has the freedom to worship and to attend the church of his choice. However,
he shall not use his position to influence his students to follow his faith or to ____________.
a. Give a testimony or a homily
b. Proselyte
c. Indoctrinate
d. Preach
3. Which of the following must a teacher provide in the community for moral, socio-educational
and civic betterment?
a. Leadership c. Hard work
b. Monetary contributions d. Advice
4. Research is encouraged among teachers. They have the privilege of expounding the products
of their researches. If the results of his research are found to be inimical to the interests of
the State, what should the teacher do?
a. Bring the results to proper authorities for remedial action
b. Keep quiet. After all the results are his.
c. Publish the results in the national papers and trumpet the results.
d. Publish the results in a book and ask the government to buy the results.
5. Why should teacher participate in the Continuing Professional Education program of the PRC?
a. To improve his efficiency
b. To enhance the prestige of his position
c. To strengthen his competence and productivity
d. All of the above
6. A teacher may apply for a vacant position as long as
a. He respects the system of selection and that all candidates are given the opportunity to
be considered
b. He obtained a doctoral degree
c. The position is really vacant
d. His educational background corresponds to the position.
7. Miss Tala decided to quit teaching in favor of taking care of her sick mother. What should she
a. She shall bring home all her data and records on the students
b. She should not share her data and files
c. Organize for the incoming teacher such records and other data as are necessary to cary
on the work.
d. She shall turn over all her chalk, pens, and erasers to the principal.
8. In order to influence Miss Tala spend more time in teaching her sin Richie how to read, Mrs.
Addina Imot baked a chocolate cake. When Richie brought the cake to Miss Tala, what should
the latter do?
a. Accept the cake, after all she did not ask for it.
b. Accept the cake because it is free
c. Not accept the cake
d. Ask Rich Imot to bring the cake to the principal’s office
9. What should Miss Tala do with the complaints of Mrs. Kim Yaw on her teaching strategies?
a. Dismiss the complaints
b. Hear the complaints with sympathy and understanding
c. Strike back at Mrs. Kim Yaw saying her child is not really intelligent
d. Bring the matter to court
10. A teacher shall place premium on ________ as the primary principle of personal behavior in
all relationships with others and in all situations.
a. Humility c. Professionalism
b. Self-discipline d. Faith in the Creator
Classroom Management is the business of getting students to do what teachers want them to do.
If the teacher is good at it, a lot of things get done and students enjoy coming to class.
Answer the ff. questions:
1. Who was your best teacher at school/college?
4. What can a teacher change in classroom management and what he/she cannot?
List appropriate procedures to create effective classroom management.
When students
enter the
Passing out
Restroom, Lunch,
Small group, etc.
up homework
management plan
End of the day
Preparing to
• Teachers are sometimes content to let parents and families take the initiative in becoming
involved in their children’s education.
• The school and the home share responsibility for students’ learning.
• Involvement of teachers with other organizations is used to broaden and deepen young
people’s learning to enable them to achieve success in wider contexts.
• Community links are fully embedded into the life and work of the school.
Teachers serve as not only educators, but also mentors and role models, especially in the
community where they live and in the modern world, where values such as respect, sharing,
cooperation and involvement in the community.
1. What do you think are the importance of involvement of teachers in community? Explain
2. Give at least 5 community resources that you found in your place and compare them into your
school community.
Given the following Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, give a situation that teacher can
apply community relations.
1. SEC. 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in community
movements for moral, social, educational, economic, and civic betterment.
2. SEC. 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall
behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain such activities gambling, smoking,
drunkenness, and other excesses, much less elicit relations.
3. SEC. 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community informed about
the school’s work and accomplishments as well as its needs and problems.
B. Brunei Darussalam
• 1-year primary education
• 6 years of elementary
• Secondary level
1. General Secondary Education
➢ 4 core subjects
➢ 3 complementary subjects
➢ 2 elective subjects with Science as one required elective
2. Upper Secondary Education
• Students who excel academically can take secondary education in two years.
• Playschool which aims to impact socio-emotional and personality development for young
learners in an informal preschool program.
C. Canada
• Elementary School
- Grade 1-6
- 2 years junior high school
- Grade 1-8
- No middle school
• Quebec – grade school is 6 years and their students proceed to High School
• With Junior High School – starts in Grade 7 to Grade 12
• Without Middle School – starts in Grade 9
D. Korea
• Kindergarten provides nurturing learning environment through various pleasant activities
and diverse teaching pedagogy.
• 6 years elementary
- Geared towards the acquisition of fundamentals necessary for a productive civic
life through nine principal subjects.
• 3 years middle school
- Curricula are a combination of 11 basic or required subjects, elective subjects and
extra-curricular activities.
• 3 years high school
- General High School
- Vocational High School
• 4 years of either junior college, college or university to complete higher education
E. Malaysia
• Begins with Preschool where the medium of instruction is both Malaysian and English.
• Offers a two-year optional preschool for learners ages 4-5.
• Elementary education is 6 years with a requirement of passing the public examination as
determining factor of the students’ readiness to secondary level.
• Two levels category for Secondary or High School:
1. Lower Secondary (Level 2) -offers general and undifferentiated curriculum for 2-3 years
2. Upper Secondary (Level 3) – 2 years, students take subjects according to their
appropriate streams.
F. Singapore
• Kindergarten (4-6 years old)
- Not compulsory
- 3-4hour provision of language development, literary skills, basic number
concepts, social skills, creative skills, and appreciation of music and movement is
provided to the young learners.
• Primary Education
1. Foundation Stage (Primary 1-4) - students are provided with strong foundation in
English, Mother Tongue and Mathematics.
2. Orientation Stage (Primary 5-6) – stage where students are taught with Mathematics
and Science appropriate to their level.
- All students are assessed on their academic abilities through the Primary School
Leaving Examination (PSLE). The result will place the students in secondary school
courses that suit their academic learning pace and aptitude.
• Secondary Level
1. Special (Secondary 1-4 years)
2. Express (Secondary 1-4 years)
3. Normal (Academic – Secondary 1-5 years)
- Courses depending on the measured academic ability of the PSLE scores.
G. United States
• Kindergarten
- Between 5-7 years old with 6 years old being the most common entry.
• Primary Education
- Varies from 4 to 7 years depending on the states or local practice.
- Elementary education may be followed or not by a number of years of middle
school education which is generally 3 years (Grades 4-6, 5-7, 6-8).
• High School
- Length program is 6 years depending upon the laws and policies of states and
local districts.
- There are mandatory subjects in all US High Schools
- During their Grade 11 take one or more standardized tests depending on their
education preferences and also a requirement for admission to most colleges.
1. Name countries that have K to 12 curriculum program and list one of their important features.
Identify the similarities and differences of K to 12 programs between:
a. Philippines and Brunei
b. United States and Canada
c. Malaysia and Singapore
1. When do you know if the teacher is ready to teach multicultural classes?
2. As a future teacher, what other skills will you provide to teach multicultural classes?
Self-Assessment Checklist:
A – Things I do frequently
B – Things I do occasionally
C – Things I do rarely or never
_____ 1. I display pictures, posters and other materials that reflect the cultures and ethnic
backgrounds of children and families.
_____ 2. When using videos, films and other media resources, I ensure that they reflect the
cultures of children and families.
_____ 3. For children who speak languages other than English, I attempt to learn and use key
words in their language so that I am better able to communicate with them.
_____ 4. I use visual aids, gestures, and physical prompts in my interactions with children who
have limited English proficiency.
_____ 5. I avoid imposing values that may conflict or be inconsistent with those of cultures or
ethnic group other than my own.
_____ 6. Limited ability to speak the language of the dominant culture has no bearing on ability
to communicate effectively in their language of origin.
_____ 7. I use alternatives to written communications for some families, as word of mouth may
be a preferred method of receiving information.
_____ 8. I recognize and understand that beliefs and concepts of emotional well-being vary
significantly from culture to culture.
_____ 9. I understand that traditional approaches to disciplining children are influenced by culture
_____ 10. I screen books, movies and other media resources for negative cultural, ethnic, or racial
stereotypes before sharing them with children and their parents.
**There is no answer key with correct responses. However, if you frequently responded “C”, you
may not necessarily demonstrate values and engage in practices that promote a culturally diverse
and culturally competent service.
Teacher Exchange Programs – have gained interest and have increased in number and
participation side by side with global awareness, internalization of education and globalization
of the economy.
Using concept web, list characteristics of a teacher needed to be part of exchange program.
Make an essay on how Filipino teachers become more skillful and competent in the future.
How does technology work for the K-12 and 21st century teachers?
K to 12 and 21st century teachers are demanded to be:
1. multi-skilled
• go beyond teaching content areas but also facilitating and organizing groups and activities
• use of technology like networking encourages collaboration and engagement
2. multi-literate
• teachers’ know-how in using various technologies in teaching
• technology can enhance students’ potential even more if they are provided opportunities
to experience explicit, interactive, and engaging technology aided instruction
• education is a lifelong process and when resources are available 24/7, discovering new
knowledge and self-updating is easy.
3. multi-specialist
• teachers cannot be just a specialist of his/her major subject. There are websites with
resources which can help teachers to be specialists of other content areas
1. List the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in teaching.
Name 5 technological devices that have been invented for teaching or learning that make life
easier. Put these 5 inventions into the table. Describe their main function and how they make life
easier for their user.