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Materials and Methods Figure 1—Diagrams of the subtypes used to classify hemi-
vertebrae in dogs on CT examination. This system is based on
Animals a radiographic classification system, 5 which has been expand-
Dogs were selected for this retrospective cross-sec- ed to include the subtypes SH, VLH, and VMH. (Adapted from
tional study from among those included in a previous Gutierrez-Quintana R, Guevar J, Stalin C, et al. A proposed
radiographic classification scheme for congenital thoracic
retrospective study1 of the prevalence of thoracic ver- vertebral malformations in brachycephalic “screw-tailed” dog
tebral malformations in French Bulldogs, English Bull- breeds. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2014;55:585–591. Reprinted
dogs, and Pugs with and without associated neurologic with permission.)
Figure 2—Representative CT images showing a morphologically normal vertebra (A) and the hemivertebra subtypes VA (B),
VH (C), LA (D), LH (E), VLA (F), VLH (G), VMA (H), VMH (I), and SH (J) in the classification system of Figure 1.