Review Comment Letter 3
Review Comment Letter 3
Review Comment Letter 3
Ms. Kluttz,
The following comments are provided to you regarding the above referenced project. If you have
questions, please contact the appropriate staff member who conducted the review. The project
will retain a "HOLD" status until all comments are satisfied.
Correction Comment 1:
The site exists within the City of Naples Coastal Ridge Wellfield. Please revise the narrative to
demonstrate consistency with all applicable policies, specifically Policies through j. and of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME) of the Growth
Management Plan.
Correction Comment 1:
Type C buffers require 2 rows of staggered trees. The concept plan only shows 10' of the 20'
buffer along the West unencumbered by the maintenance easement. This will likely result in 1 of
the 2 rows of trees in the maintenance easement. Please revise as necessary so that the buffer
plantings can be located outside of the maintenance and drainage easements.
Rev. 2: Since the plans don't show adequate LBE outside of the maintenance easement for the
plantings, a letter of agreement for the plantings will be required. The recorded drainage easement
document indicates that this easement was granted to Collier County. You will need to reach out
to Beth Johnsson at Collier County Stormwater Planning. If they are not able to provide
authorization, the plantings will need to be removed from the easement and the SIP landscape
plans will need to be revised accordingly and included in the next submittal for that PL#. Since
this is an SIP the requirements just need to be met to the greatest extent practical.
Rev 3 – General Comment 4 – Noise Ordinance – While principal planners do not have the
authority to interpret the code, the proposed use is similar enough to construction activities that it
will likely be subject to various sections of the Noise Ordinance some of which are listed below.
This sections may impact the hours of operation of the proposed use.
§54-87.A which exempts permitted construction operations from the noise ordinance provided
that “all equipment is operated in accord with the manufacturers' specifications and with all
standard equipment, manufacturers' mufflers and noise reducing equipment in use and in proper
operating condition.”
§ Sec. 54-93. - Noise violations that do not require use of testing equipment
C. Taking into account the time of day, day of the week, and the unmeasured Ambient Noise at
the noise affected site, the following Noises are a violation of this Ordinance without use of
testing equipment provided such Noise, based upon observation by listening by an enforcement
officer and a complainant at the noise affected site, is clearly:
1) Unreasonably loud, raucous or jarring: (is clearly annoying or clearly disturbing to any
individual of normal sensibilities at such site); or
(2) A nuisance: (without reasonable justification is unreasonably interfering with the peace and
quiet of any individual of normal sensibilities at such site).
The proposed use will likely not be eligible for the following exemption which will likely impact
hours of operation.
§ Sec 54-87 M. Exception for existing operations. An exception to the Sound Level limits
contained in Section Six, Table I, shall be permitted where a commercial use or other non-
residential use had in prior years established its place of business in an area away from a
residential use, and through subsequent development or rezoning, now finds itself adjoining a
Residential Zone. In these instances, the Sound Level limits in Table I pertaining to the
previously existing zoning or use category shall apply, and the commercial use or other
nonresidential use shall not be required to meet those Sound Level limits pertaining to residential
zoning or use.
Review 3 Correction Comment 1 – Concept Plan
The concept plan shows a refuse pile with a 100-foot diameter at the bottom. Will the
construction debris and yard debris be kept in separate piles? How high will each pile be? The
piles cannot exceed the 50-foot maximum allowed height for a structure in the I zone. How long
will the debris piles remain? How will odors emanating from the piles, particularly yard debris,
be managed? Height may become another issue of compatibility.
Concrete – How will concrete be recycled? Will it involve crushing it into smaller pieces? How is
any rebar or metal meshing to be separated from the concrete?
Yard Debris – The application seems to have two types of yard debris. The County considers yard
debris to be a byproduct of landscaping and/or land clearing containing only organic material.
Ancillary soil/dirt/rock resulting from machinery scraping the ground in the process of collecting
construction debris is considered construction debris. Staff needs to know the quantity of yard
debris, using the above general definition, and if any other material is proposed to be included
with the yard debris.
Construction Debris – Will the construction debris be from sources other than residential
buildings such as commercial or industrial buildings? Will hazardous materials, including freon
or freon replacement in air handlers, paints etc. left behind by the last homeowner be removed
prior to demolition. If the buildings are commercial or industrial buildings what steps will be
taken to remove toxic/hazardous materials/waste prior to demolition?
The work performed under SICs 1611-1629 and 1795 is performed off site with the industrial
siting being for a yard and offices. Manufacturing of SIC in the 3200s and 3900s occurs indoors
where sound can be mitigated. The proposed use is to be outdoors.
How are the odors generated by the refuse pile(s) going to be dealt with so that they do not
become a nuisance to abutting property owners. The location of the machine will place it 200 feet
from the closest home. Regarding noise, smell and visibility, how with the use be compatible with
the abutting residential properties?
Using the proposed hours and the midpoint of the number of trucks, a new truck will arrive every
nine minutes. How much noise will these trucks generate considering engine noise, back up
alarms, and depending on truck type the banging of the trucks’ rear gates against the truck’s body.
Correction Comment 1:
Miscellaneous Corrections: At the request of Zoning this submittal is in reject status consistent
the Email dated 10-26-2023 from Eric Ortman at GMD.
REV2: Please continue to work with assigned planner Eric Ortman to assemble a sufficient
application submittal. Substantive CAO review to commence at subsequent submittal.
REV3: Per staff discussion; please continue to work with assigned planner Eric Ortman and
Development Review staff to assemble a sufficient application submittal. Substantive CAO
review to commence at subsequent submittal.
3. Please ensure that all members of your team that may testify before the HEX or CCPC and the
Board of County Commissioners (BCC) are registered as lobbyists with the County pursuant
to the regulations regarding that issue.
4. When addressing review comments, please provide a cover letter outlining your response to
each comment. Include a response to all comments.
5. Please put revised dates on all exhibits and in the title block of all Plans. The PUD document
should include a footer that reflects the project name, petition number, date and page X of Y
for the entire document. Documents without this information will be rejected.
6. A partial resubmittal cannot be accepted; please do not resubmit until you can respond to ALL
review comments.
7. Public hearings cannot be held until the Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) criteria has
been met. In some petition types a NIM must be held while other petition types only require
the agent to send a letter. All letters and newspaper ads must be pre-approved by the county
planner. For additional information about the process please contact me. Please note that the
NIM must be held at least 15 days prior to the first hearing. As you prepare for that meeting,
please be aware of the following items:
a) Please provide the required NIM notice affidavit and its attachments prior to the meeting
(in compliance with the LDC); and
b) Please post signs to direct attendees to the exact meeting location; and
c) Please ensure that there is sound amplification equipment available and working for this
meeting. If there is no permanent equipment, please bring a tested/working portable
microphone; and
d) You must provide a written synopsis of the meeting that includes a list of all questions and
answers as well as providing the audio/video tape; and
e) Please prepare documents for hand out to all NIM attendees and the public hearing file,
that show the differences in the uses that would be allowed in the existing and proposed
zoning districts. This request is based upon recent CCPC direction.
8. Pursuant to F.S. 125.022, exhibits and application materials are subject to review upon each
resubmittal until deemed sufficient and complete. Should the project receive a third request
for additional information, staff requests that the applicant provide written acknowledgement
with the resubmittal to waive the regulation that restricts the County from requesting additional
information. Projects that do not include such written acknowledgement and that fail to address
any outstanding review items with the 4th submittal will be denied/recommended for denial.
9. Note the adopted fee schedule requires payment of additional fees for petition review upon the
5th and subsequent submittals; please contact the appropriate staff and resolve issues to avoid
this fee.
10. If you would like to discuss the review comments, require clarification and/or wish to identify
agree-to-disagree issues, a post-review meeting can be arranged including all rejecting
reviewers. To schedule a post-review meeting, please contact me, and Zoning Operations staff
will proceed with scheduling.