Electric Dipole Sheet Class 12 CBSE

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Charges in Uniform electric field Based on electric dipole
1) An electric dipole is formed by +4 µC and —4 µC
1) Calculate the electric field strength required to just
charges at 5 mm distance. Calculate the dipole
support a water drop of mass 10-3 kg and having a
moment and give its direction.(Ans. 2 x 10-8 Cm,
charge 1.6 x 10-19 C (Ans. 6.125x 1016 N/C)
from —ve to +ve charge)
2) How many electrons should be removed from a
2) An electric dipole, when held at 300 with respect
coin of mass 1.6 g, so that it may just float in an
to a uniform electric field of 104 N/C experiences
electric field of intensity 10 9 NC-1, directed
a torque of 9 x 10 —26 Nm Calculate dipole
upward (Ans. 9.8x107)
moment of the dipole.( Ans. 1.8 x 10 —29 Cm)
3) If an oil drop of weight 3.2 x 10-13 N is balanced
3) An electric dipole consists of two opposite
in an electric field of 5 x 105 N/C, find the charge 1
on the oil drop. (Ans. 0.64 x 10 -18 C) charges of magnitude 3 x 10-7 C, separated by 2
4) Calculate the magnitude of the electric field, cm. The dipole is placed in an external field of 3 x
which can just balance a deuteron (combination of 107 N/C . What maximum torque does the electric
proton and neutron) of mass 3.2 x 10-27 kg. Take g field exert on the dipole ?(Ans. 0.02 Nm)
= 10 m/s2 (Ans. 2.0 x 10 -7 N/C ) 4) A dipole consisting of an electron and a proton
5) In Millikan's experiment, an oil drop of radius 10-4 separated by a distance of 4x10-10 m is situated in
cm remains suspended between the plates which an electric field of intensity 3 x 105 N/C at an
are 1 cm apart. If the drop has charge of 5e over it, angle of 300 with the field. Calculate the dipole
calculate the electric field between the plates. The moment and the torque acting on it. (Ans. 6.41 x
density of oil may be taken as 1.5 gcm-3 (Ans. 10-29 C m, 9.615 x 10-24 Nm)
77000 N/C) 5) An electric dipole is placed at an angle of with an
6) A particle of mass 10-3 kg and charge 5 µC is electric field of magnitude 4 x 105 NC-l. It
thrown at a speed of 20 m/s against a uniform experiences a torque of 5 Nm. If the length of the
electric field of strength 2 x 105 N/C. How much dipole is 4mm, determine the magnitude of either
distance will it travel before coming to rest charge of the dipole. (Ans. 10-3 C)
momentarily? (Ans. 0.2 m) 6) An electric dipole consists of two opposite
7) A pendulum of mass 80 milligram carrying a charges of magnitude 2 x 104 C each and
charge of 2 x 10-8 C is at rest in a horizontal separated by a distance of 3 cm. It is placed in an
uniform electric field of 2 x 104 N/C. Find the electric field of 2 x 105 N/C. Determine the
tension in the thread of the pendulum and the maximum torque on the dipole. (A 1.2 x 10-2 Nm)
angle it makes with the vertical.
7) If 𝑝⃗ = 4 × 10−7 𝑖̂ 𝐶𝑚 and 𝐸⃗⃗ = 2 × 103 𝑗̂ 𝑁/𝐶 Find
(Ans 8.81x10 -4 N, tan-1 0.51)
the torque experienced by the dipole.[ 𝟎. 𝟖 ×
8) An electron moves a distance of 6 cm when
𝟏𝟎−𝟑 𝒌̂ 𝑵𝒎]
accelerated from rest by an electric field of
strength 2x104 NC-I . Calculate the time of travel. 8) Calculate the electric field due to an electric
The mass and charge of electron are 9x10 -31 kg dipole of length 10 cm having charges of 1 µC at
and 1.6x10 -19 C respectively.(Ans. 0.585x 10 -8 s) an equatorial point 12 cm from the centre of the
9) An electron falls through a distance of 1.5 cm in a dipole (Ans. 4.096 x 10 5 N/C)
chamber of uniform electric field (vertically 9) Two point charges, each of 5 µC but opposite in
upwards) of magnitude 2.0 x 104 NC-I . The sign, are placed 4 cm apart. Calculate the electric
direction of the field is reversed keeping its field intensity at a point distant 4 cm from the
magnitude unchanged and a proton falls through midpoint on the axial line of the dipole.(Ans. 108
the same distance. Compute the time of fall in N/C)
each case. Contrast the situation (a) with that of 10) Two charges ± 10µC are placed 5.00 mm apart.
'freefall under gravity'.(Ans. for electron 2.9x109 Determine the electric field at (a) a point P on the
s, for proton 1.25x10 -7s) axis of the dipole 15 cm away from its centre O on


the side of the positive charge, (b) a point Q, 15 2) The electric field at a point on the
cm away from O on a line passing through O and perpendicular bisector of a dipole is directed
normal to the axis of the dipole. (Ans. 2.66 x 10 5 ______
N/C, 1.33 x 105 N/C) a) Along the dipole moment
11) An electric dipole of dipole moment 4x10-5 Cm is b) Perpendicular to the dipole moment
placed in a uniform electric field of 10-3 N/C c) Opposite to the dipole moment
making an angle of 300 with the direction of the d) 45 degree to the dipole moment
field. Determine the torque exerted by the electric 3) An electric dipole is placed inside a cube. What
field on the dipole. (Ans. 2x10-8 Nm) will be the nature of electric flux from the cube
12) Two point charges of + 0.2 µC and — 0.2 µC are surface?
separated by 10-8 m. Determine the electric field at a) outwards the surface b) No flux at all
an axial point at a distance of 0.1 m from their c) inwards the surface d) none of above
midpoint. (Ans. 3.6 x 10-9 N/C ) 4) A charge q is placed at (1, 2, 1) and another
13) Calculate the field due to an electric dipole of charge -q is placed at (0, 1, 0) such that they
length 10 cm and consisting of charges of ± 100 form an electric dipole. There exists a uniform
µC at a point 20 cm from each charge. (Ans. electric field E = 2î. The torque experienced by
1.125 x107 NC-1) the dipole is-
14) Two charges −q and +q are located at points (- 1)2√2q Nm 2)2q Nm
a,0) and (a,0), respectively. Find the dipole moment. 3)4√2q Nm 4)√2q Nm
5) Electric dipole moment of the system is-
What is the EFI at the points P1(x,0), P2 (0,y) ?
15) Two charges −q and +q are located at points (-
a,0,0) and (a,0,0), respectively. Find the dipole
moment. What is the EFI at the points P1(x,0,0),
P2 (0,y,0),P3 (0,0,z) and P4(0,y,z)?
16) Two small identical electrical dipoles AB and CD,
each of dipole moment ‘p’ are kept at an angle of
120° as shown in the figure. What is the resultant
dipole moment of this combination? If this system
is subjected to electric field (vector E ) directed
along + X direction, what will be the magnitude 1)√3qℓ 2)qℓ 3)√2qℓ 4)2qℓ
6) Which of the following is NOT a property of
and direction of the torque acting on this? [Ans. p
𝒑𝑬 electrostatic field lines?
making an angle of 30° with x axis, 𝟐 along -z 1)Field lines are continuous curves in free space
axis] without any break
2)Two field lines cannot intersect each other
3)Field lines start at positive charge and end at
negative charge
4)Electrostatic field lines form closed loops
1)Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
2)Both Assertion and Reason are correct but
Reason is not the correct explanation of
3)Assertion is true and Reason is false
4)Both Assertion and Reason are false
7) Assertion- In a uniform electric field, an
electric dipole will have only translatory
Objective questions motion and no rotatory motion.
1) An electric dipole is in unstable equilibrium in Reason- In a uniform electric field, an electric
a uniform electric field. The angle between its dipole experiences a force as well as a torque.
electric dipole moment and electric field is- 8) Assertion- Electric lines of force cross each
1) 0° 2) 90° 3) 180° 4)120° other.
Reason- Electric field at a point superimposes
to give one resultant electric field.


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