Interview Questions

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Interview questions - Eugenia Bell

1. What made you want to become a teacher? When she was in second grade her. 2nd
grade teacher was so loving and engaging. The activities in her class were fun and
engaging and she wanted to be like that. It was also the fact that her mom was in the
public school system and she enjoyed going into her mom's schools and her 2nd grade
teacher really secured it for her.

2. Would you ever teach another grade level? Absolutely, she actually taught 9th grade
and liked the curriculum. She also taught 12th grade

3. What is your favorite part about teaching 11th grade? She liked the maturity level they
have, they have the focus, put in hard work, still care enough and want to learn, willing to
do you work and very respectful to your peers and teachers.

4. What is one thing you wish you could change about the school system? More
transparency, when decisions are made and impact the life of the students and sections
of those schools. The thought process of how those decisions are made and what the
chain of command is to make these decisions. There needs to be more thought to how
we do our calendar and virginia beach has a tendency to keep things how we have
always done it and wont go past that. That way of thinking is very dangerous and you
have to think about how this will affect the students and teachers of Virginia beach. If this
way makes the most sense for the people and students. We are not as willing to do other

5. What is one thing you wish they taught you in college? Reading strategies, some
students can read and others can read perfectly but not be able to comprehend what
they are reading. They didn't teach them enough strategies on how to help a student
read more fluently. There could have been more direct instruction on direct reading

6. Have you ever had to report someone for making a threat? Thankfully no but has heard
other teachers experience threats. Was cussed out twice and have lost students due to
accidents which is extremely depressing when you think about how they didn't really get
to live their lives and all of the gifts and potential they had will never be seen.

7. Do you think people underestimate how much work it is to be a teacher? Absolutely,

there is so much to this profession: the workload, lesson planning, and grading. ALong
with the fact that there are always meetings about something and they truly encourage
you to do things outside of the classroom. You have to be able to do some of those

8. Have you ever wondered if you would have been better in another career? Thinks that at
some point she has because of a bad dad or anything but in her experience she always
knew she wanted to be a teacher and that this was always her calling. Thinks she's
effective and her students learn from what she does but again has those stray thoughts
wondering if she should have expanded her skills otherwise.

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