MGN 105 - Introduction To Human Resources
MGN 105 - Introduction To Human Resources
MGN 105 - Introduction To Human Resources
Course Description:
An introduction to the study of human resources concepts dealing with the development and direction
of people, including recruitment, selection, testing, placement, induction and training.
The merit rating, wages and hours as well as program orientation for the worker will be presented.
Elements of progressive discipline along with applicable Provincial and Federal Legislation is also
part of the course content.
Total Hours 45
Academic Department:
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Steen, S., Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Berhart, B., & Wright, P.M.
(2023). Human resources management (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Connect
(Digital Only) ISBN: 9781264996902, Print Text (Packaged with Connect)
ISBN: 9781265064617
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
(EKS = Embedded Knowledge and Skills)
• Explain the role of human resource processes and practices, as it pertains to the
achievement of overall business goals. (CLO #1)
• Discuss the role of the human resources function
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• Discuss the contribution of the human resources function to the overall business functions
• Identify the correct frameworks of ethics and professional practices of a human resources
• Illustrate how the processes of job analysis and job redesign assist organizations in
meeting defined requirements and strategic and operational goals of annual human resource
planning (CLO #3)
• Apply job analysis and job redesign to determine strategic and operational goals
• Apply concepts that contribute to an organization’s day to day and month to month
activities related to job analysis and job redesign
• Describe the ways in which employee compensation systems assist in maintaining workplace
human resource requirements in accordance to legal standards and legislation (CLO #5)
• Identify the role of compensation systems in the workplace
• Identify the different pay systems such as piece-rate, merit, and salary/bonus
• Describe the components of occupational health and safety, employee wellness, and
diversity that help employers to meet and maintain workplace human resource requirements
(CLO #6)
• Determine the occupational health and safety guidelines according to the human resources
department guidelines
• Explain diversity issues and how they are important in the employer’s workplace
• Explain the importance of employee wellness and how it may improve employee well being
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• Describe the concepts of union – management relationships through the study of how
collective agreements are negotiated and administered (CLO #7)
• Determine the role of unions and its importance to the relationship between the employee
and employer
• Identify the role of negotiation and how it impacts the union management relationship
• Apply legislative frameworks of Human Rights, Employment Equity, and Sexual Harassment to
meet the workplace human resource requirements (CLO #8)
• Apply legislative frameworks in accordance with established human resource department
• Discuss how Human Rights, Employment Equity, and Sexual Harassment impact the workplace
• Discuss the legal requirements that must be met in the workplace in accordance to Human
Rights, Employment Equity, and Sexual Harassment legislation
• Describe ways in which evaluation methods impact the effectiveness of human resources
within an organization (CLO #9)
• Discuss the impact of evaluation methods and how they may improve employee effectiveness
• Identify these evaluation methods and how they may impact employee progression
• Differentiate evaluation methods that will enable employer to evaluate good and bad
• Explain the role International Business as it applies to Human Resource Management (CLO
• Discuss the implications of International Business on the role of Human Resource
• Describe the the challenges of the International world of Human Resource Management
Teaching/Learning Activities:
Self-Directed Projects
Case Studies
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Standard/Traditional Delivery
• Assignments 30.00%
Frequency: 8-12
Description: May include interactive/smart book, electronic simulation and/or
case assignments. Assignments may be done individually or in
Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
EES Assessed: 1, 5
Frequency: 1
Description: This is a cumulative exam comprised of multiple choice, short
answer, and essay questions.
Outcomes Assessed: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
EES Assessed: 1, 2
• Test #1 20.00%
Frequency: 1
Description: This test is comprised of multiple choice, short answer, and
essay style questions.
Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
EES Assessed: 1, 2
• Test #2 20.00%
Frequency: 1
Description: This test may be comprised of multiple choice, short answer
and/or essay style questions.
Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
EES Assessed: 1, 2
Note: The assessment listed in this outline represents the planned assessment method for this course.
Unanticipated conditions during the delivery of the course may necessitate changes to the planned
assessment. Students will receive reasonable advance notice should any changes be necessary.
On-Line Delivery
• Assignments 20.00%
Frequency: 4-5
Description: Short written assignments in response to case studies, videos or
class discussions
Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
EES Assessed: 1, 5
• Exam 1 25.00%
Frequency: 1
Description: Exam comprised of multiple choice, true/false, short answer or
essay style questions
Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
EES Assessed: 1, 4, 5
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• Exam 2 25.00%
Frequency: 1
Description: Exam comprised of multiple choice, true/false, short answer or
essay style questions
Outcomes Assessed: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
EES Assessed: 1, 4, 5
Frequency: 1
Description: The final exam will be written in person under the supervision of
an invigilator or proctor on a specified date. This test may be
composed of the following question formats: multiple-choice, true
or false, short answer responses, matching or essay style. The
test will be based on course content, potentially drawn from
class activities, lectures, guest speakers, film clips, current
events and assigned readings.
Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
EES Assessed: 4, 5
Note: The assessment listed in this outline represents the planned assessment method for this course.
Unanticipated conditions during the delivery of the course may necessitate changes to the planned
assessment. Students will receive reasonable advance notice should any changes be necessary.
A = 80 - 100%
B = 70 - 79%
C = 60 - 69%
D = 50 - 59%
F = Below 50%
Course Content:
"Academic misconduct, including cheating of any form, will not be tolerated. Consequences may include, but are
not limited to, a warning, a grade of "0" on the assignment/test/examination, or a failing grade in the course."
All students and employees of this College have a right to study and work in an environment that is free from
harassment and discrimination.
Accommodation Statement
The College will provide supports and services to all students with disabilities, both temporary and permanent, with valid supporting documentation. Interim
accommodation requests will be received in good faith and can be provided pending receipt of medical documentation. Retroactive accommodations will be
considered based on the unique circumstances of the individual matter. The College will give all Human Rights Code-related requests for accommodation
meaningful consideration.
Procedure: The student is responsible to meet with a counsellor in Accessibility Services to discuss their functional limitations and accommodation needs
and provide Accessibility Services with supporting documentation. Students are not required under the Ontario Human Rights Code to disclose their
disability diagnosis (with the exception of Learning Disabilities) to receive accessibility supports and services and/or academic accommodations.
Students are encouraged to meet with a counsellor prior to the start of a semester to provide information and arrange accommodations.
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