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Quantum computing

A quantum computer is a computer that

takes advantage of quantum mechanical

IBM Q System One, a quantum computer with 20

superconducting qubits[1]

At small scales, physical matter exhibits

properties of both particles and waves,
and quantum computing leverages this
behavior, specifically quantum superposition
and entanglement, using specialized hardware
that supports the preparation and manipulation
of quantum states.

Classical physics cannot explain the operation

of these quantum devices, and a scalable
quantum computer could perform some
calculations exponentially faster than any
modern "classical" computer. In particular, a
large-scale quantum computer could break
widely used encryption schemes and aid
physicists in performing physical simulations;
the current state of the art is largely
experimental and impractical, with several
obstacles to useful applications. Moreover,
scalable quantum computers do not hold
promise for many practical tasks, and for many
important tasks quantum speedups are proven

The basic unit of information in quantum

computing is the qubit, similar to the bit in
traditional digital electronics. Unlike a classical
bit, a qubit can exist in a superposition of its
two "basis" states, which loosely means that it
is in both states simultaneously. When
measuring a qubit, the result is a probabilistic
output of
a classical bit, therefore making quantum
computers nondeterministic in general. If a
quantum computer manipulates the qubit in a
particular way, wave interference effects can
amplify the desired measurement results. The
design of quantum algorithms involves
creating procedures that allow a quantum
computer to perform calculations efficiently
and quickly.

Physically engineering high-quality qubits has

proven challenging. If a physical qubit is not
sufficiently isolated from its environment, it
suffers from quantum decoherence, introducing
noise into
calculations. Paradoxically, perfectly isolating
qubits is also undesirable because quantum
computations typically need to initialize qubits,
perform controlled qubit interactions, and
measure the resulting quantum states. Each of
those operations introduces errors and suffers
from noise, and such inaccuracies accumulate.

National governments have invested heavily

in experimental research that aims to develop
scalable qubits with longer coherence times
and lower error rates.
Two of the most promising technologies are
superconductors (which isolate an
electrical current by eliminating electrical
resistance) and ion traps (which confine a
single ion using electromagnetic fields).

In principle, a non-quantum (classical)

computer can solve the same computational
problems as a quantum computer, given
enough time. Quantum advantage comes in
the form of time complexity rather than
computability, and quantum complexity
theory shows that some quantum algorithms
for carefully selected tasks require
exponentially fewer computational steps than
the best known non-quantum algorithms.
Such tasks can in theory be solved on a large-
quantum computer whereas classical computers
would not finish computations in any
reasonable amount of time.
However, quantum speedup is not
universal or even typical across computational
tasks, since basic tasks such as sorting are
proven to not allow any asymptotic quantum
speedup. Claims of quantum supremacy have
drawn significant attention to the discipline,
but are demonstrated on contrived tasks, while
near-term practical use cases remain limited.

Optimism about quantum computing is fueled

by a broad range of new theoretical
hardware possibilities facilitated by quantum
physics, but the improving understanding of
quantum computing limitations
counterbalances this optimism. In particular,
quantum speedups have been traditionally
estimated for noiseless quantum computers,
whereas the impact of noise and the use of
quantum error- correction can undermine low-
polynomial speedups.


The Mach–Zehnder interferometer

shows that photons can exhibit wave-
like interference.
For many years, the fields of quantum
mechanics and computer science formed
distinct academic communities.[2] Modern
quantum theory developed in the 1920s to
explain the wave–particle duality observed at
atomic scales,[3] and digital computers emerged
in the following decades to replace human
computers for tedious calculations.[4] Both
disciplines had practical applications during
World War II; computers played a major role in
wartime cryptography,[5] and quantum physics
was essential for the nuclear physics used in the
Manhattan Project.[6]
As physicists applied quantum mechanical
models to computational problems and
swapped digital bits for qubits, the fields of
quantum mechanics and computer science
began to converge. In 1980, Paul Benioff
introduced the quantum Turing machine,
which uses quantum theory to describe a
simplified computer.[7] When digital computers
became faster, physicists faced an exponential
increase in overhead when simulating quantum
dynamics,[8] prompting Yuri Manin and
Richard Feynman to independently suggest
that hardware based on quantum phenomena
might be more efficient for computer
simulation.[9][10][11] In a 1984
paper, Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard
applied quantum theory to cryptography
protocols and demonstrated that quantum key
distribution could enhance information security.

Peter Shor (pictured here in 2017)

showed in 1994 that a scalable
quantum computer would be able to
break RSA encryption.

Quantum algorithms then emerged for solving

oracle problems, such as Deutsch's algorithm
in 1985,[14] the Bernstein– Vazirani algorithm
in 1993,[15] and Simon's
algorithm in 1994.[16] These algorithms did not
solve practical problems, but demonstrated
mathematically that one could gain more
information by querying a black box with a
quantum state in superposition, sometimes
referred to as quantum parallelism.[17]Peter
Shor built on these results with his 1994
algorithms for breaking the widely used RSA
and Diffie– Hellman encryption protocols,[18]
which drew significant attention to the field of
quantum computing.[19] In 1996, Grover's
algorithm established a quantum speedup for
the widely applicable unstructured search
problem.[20][21] The same year, Seth Lloyd
proved that quantum computers
could simulate quantum systems without the
exponential overhead present in classical
simulations,[22] validating Feynman's 1982

Over the years, experimentalists have

constructed small-scale quantum computers
using trapped ions and superconductors.[24]
In 1998, a two-qubit quantum computer
demonstrated the feasibility of the
technology,[25][26] and subsequent
experiments have increased the number of
qubits and reduced error rates.[24] In 2019,
Google AI and NASA announced that they
had achieved quantum supremacy with a 54-
machine, performing a computation that is
impossible for any classical computer.[27][28][29]
However, the validity of this claim is still being
actively researched.[30][31]

The threshold theorem shows how increasing

the number of qubits can mitigate errors,[32] yet
fully fault-tolerant quantum computing remains
"a rather distant dream".[33] According to some
researchers, noisy intermediate-scale quantum
(NISQ) machines may have specialized uses in
the near future, but noise in quantum gates
limits their reliability.[33]
Investment in quantum computing research has
increased in the public and private sectors.[34][35]
As one consulting firm summarized,[36]

... investment dollars are pouring

in, and quantum- computing start-
ups are proliferating. ... While
quantum computing promises to
help businesses solve problems
that are beyond the reach and
speed of conventional high-
performance computers, use cases
are largely experimental
and hypothetical at this early stage.

With focus on business management’s point of

view, the potential applications of quantum
computing into four major categories are
cybersecurity, data analytics and artificial
intelligence, optimization and simulation, and
data management and searching.[37]

Quantum information
Computer engineers typically describe a
modern computer's operation in terms of
classical electrodynamics. Within these
"classical" computers, some components
(such as semiconductors and random number
generators) may rely on quantum behavior,
but these components are not isolated from
their environment, so any quantum
information quickly decoheres.
While programmers may depend on probability
theory when designing a randomized algorithm,
quantum mechanical notions like superposition
and interference are largely irrelevant for
program analysis.

Quantum programs, in contrast, rely on precise

control of coherent quantum systems.
Physicists describe these
systems mathematically using linear algebra.
Complex numbers model probability
amplitudes, vectors model quantum states, and
matrices model the operations that can be
performed on these states. Programming a
quantum computer is then a matter of
composing operations in such a way that the
resulting program computes a useful result in
theory and is implementable in practice.

As physicist Charlie Bennett describes the

relationship between quantum and classical
A classical computer is a quantum
computer ... so we shouldn't be
asking about "where do quantum
speedups come from?" We should
say, "well, all computers are
quantum. ... Where do classical
slowdowns come from?"

Quantum information

The qubit serves as the basic unit of quantum

information. It represents a two- state system,
just like a classical bit, except that it can exist
in a superposition
of its two states.[39] In one sense, a
superposition is like a probability distribution
over the two values.[40] However, a quantum
computation can be influenced by both values
at once, inexplicable by either state
individually. In this sense, a "superposed" qubit
stores both values simultaneously.[17]

A two-dimensional vector mathematically

represents a qubit state. Physicists typically
use Dirac notation for quantum mechanical
linear algebra, writing |ψ⟩ 'ket psi' for a vector
labeled ψ. Because a qubit is a two-state
system, any qubit state takes the form α|0⟩ + β|1⟩,
where |0⟩ and
|1⟩ are the standard basis states,[a] and α and β
are the probability amplitudes. If either α or β
is zero, the qubit is effectively a classical bit;
when both are nonzero, the qubit is in
superposition. Such a quantum state vector acts
similarly to a (classical) probability vector,
with one key difference: unlike probabilities,
probability amplitudes are not necessarily
positive numbers.[40] Negative amplitudes
allow for destructive wave interference.[b]

When a qubit is measured in the standard basis,

the result is a classical bit. The Born rule
describes the norm-squared correspondence
between amplitudes and
probabilities—when measuring a qubit α|0⟩ +
β|1⟩, the state collapses to |0⟩ with probability | α |
, or to |1⟩ with probability | β |2. Any valid
qubit state has coefficients α and β such that |
α |2 + | β |2 = 1. As an example, measuring the
1 1
|0⟩ + |1⟩ would produce either |0⟩ or
√2 √2
|1⟩ with equal probability.

Each additional qubit doubles the

dimension of the state space. As an
1 1
example, the vector |00⟩ + |01⟩
√2 √2
represents a two-qubit state, a tensor product of
the qubit |0⟩ with the qubit
1 1
|0⟩ + |1⟩. This vector inhabits a four-
√2 √2
dimensional vector space spanned by the
basis vectors |00⟩, |01⟩, |10⟩, and |11⟩. The
1 1
Bell state |00⟩ + |11⟩ is impossible to
√2 √2
decompose into the tensor product of two
individual qubits—the two qubits are entangled
because their probability amplitudes are
correlated. In general, the vector space for an n-
qubit system is 2n- dimensional, and this makes
it challenging for a classical computer to
simulate a quantum one: representing a 100-
qubit system requires storing 2100 classical
Unitary operators

The state of this one-qubit quantum memory

can be manipulated by applying quantum logic
gates, analogous to how classical memory can
be manipulated with classical logic gates. One
important gate for both classical and quantum
computation is the NOT gate, which can be
represented by a matrix

Mathematically, the application of such a logic

gate to a quantum state vector is modelled with
matrix multiplication. Thus
and .

The mathematics of single qubit gates can be

extended to operate on multi-qubit quantum
memories in two important ways. One way is
simply to select a qubit and apply that gate to
the target qubit while leaving the remainder of
the memory unaffected. Another way is to
apply the gate to its target only if another part
of the memory is in a desired state. These two
choices can be illustrated using another
example. The possible states of a two- qubit
quantum memory are
The controlled NOT (CNOT) gate can then be
represented using the following matrix:

As a mathematical consequence of this

definition, ,
, and
. In other words, the
CNOT applies a NOT gate ( from before)
to the second qubit if and only if the first
qubit is in the state . If the first qubit is
, nothing is done to either qubit.

In summary, quantum computation can be

described as a network of quantum logic gates
and measurements. However, any
measurement can be deferred to the end of
quantum computation, though this deferment
may come at a computational cost, so most
quantum circuits depict a network consisting
only of quantum logic gates and no
Quantum parallelism

Quantum parallelism refers to the ability of

quantum computers to evaluate a function for
multiple input values simultaneously.
This can be achieved by preparing a
quantum system in a superposition of input
states, and applying a unitary transformation
that encodes the function to be evaluated. The
resulting state encodes the function's output
values for all input values in the superposition,
allowing for the computation of multiple
outputs simultaneously. This property is key to
the speedup of many quantum algorithms.[17]
Quantum programming

There are a number of models of computation

for quantum computing, distinguished by the
basic elements in which the computation is

Gate array

A quantum circuit diagram implementing a

Toffoli gate from more primitive gates

A quantum gate array decomposes computation

into a sequence of few-qubit quantum gates. A
quantum computation can be described as a
network of quantum logic gates and
measurements. However,
any measurement can be deferred to the end of
quantum computation, though this deferment
may come at a computational cost, so most
quantum circuits depict a network consisting
only of quantum logic gates and no

Any quantum computation (which is, in the

above formalism, any unitary matrix of size
over qubits) can be
represented as a network of quantum logic
gates from a fairly small family of gates. A
choice of gate family that enables this
construction is known as a universal gate set,
since a computer that can run such circuits is a
universal quantum
computer. One common such set includes all
single-qubit gates as well as the CNOT gate
from above. This means any quantum
computation can be performed by executing a
sequence of single-qubit gates together with
CNOT gates. Though this gate set is infinite, it
can be replaced with a finite gate set by
appealing to the Solovay-Kitaev theorem.

Measurement-based quantum computing

A measurement-based quantum computer

decomposes computation into a sequence of
Bell state measurements and single- qubit
quantum gates applied to a highly
entangled initial state (a cluster state),
using a technique called quantum gate

Adiabatic quantum computing

An adiabatic quantum computer, based on

quantum annealing, decomposes computation
into a slow continuous transformation of an
initial Hamiltonian into a final Hamiltonian,
whose ground states contain the solution.[42]

Topological quantum computing

A topological quantum computer decomposes

computation into the
braiding of anyons in a 2D lattice.[43]

Quantum Turing machine

A quantum Turing machine is the quantum

analog of a Turing machine.[7] All of these
models of computation—quantum circuits,[44]
one-way quantum computation,[45] adiabatic
quantum computation,[46] and topological
quantum computation[47]—have been shown to
be equivalent to the quantum Turing machine;
given a perfect implementation of one such
quantum computer, it can simulate all the
others with no more than polynomial overhead.
This equivalence
need not hold for practical quantum computers,
since the overhead of simulation may be too
large to be practical.

Quantum cryptography enables new ways to
transmit data securely; for example, quantum
key distribution uses entangled quantum states
to establish secure cryptographic keys.[48] When
a sender and receiver exchange quantum states,
they can guarantee that an adversary does not
intercept the message, as any unauthorized
eavesdropper would disturb the delicate
quantum system and
introduce a detectable change.[49] With
appropriate cryptographic protocols, the
sender and receiver can thus establish
shared private information resistant to

Modern fiber-optic cables can transmit

quantum information over relatively short
distances. Ongoing experimental research aims
to develop more reliable hardware (such as
quantum repeaters), hoping to scale this
technology to long-distance quantum networks
with end-to-end entanglement. Theoretically,
this could enable novel technological
such as distributed quantum computing and
enhanced quantum sensing.[51][52]

Progress in finding quantum algorithms
typically focuses on this quantum circuit
model, though exceptions like the quantum
adiabatic algorithm exist.
Quantum algorithms can be roughly
categorized by the type of speedup achieved
over corresponding classical algorithms.[53]

Quantum algorithms that offer more than a

polynomial speedup over the best-known
classical algorithm include Shor's
algorithm for factoring and the related
quantum algorithms for computing discrete
logarithms, solving Pell's equation, and more
generally solving the hidden subgroup
problem for abelian finite groups.[53] These
algorithms depend on the primitive of the
quantum Fourier transform. No mathematical
proof has been found that shows that an
equally fast classical algorithm cannot be
discovered, but evidence suggests that this is
unlikely.[54] Certain oracle problems like
Simon's problem and the Bernstein– Vazirani
problem do give provable speedups, though
this is in the quantum query model, which is a
restricted model
where lower bounds are much easier to prove
and doesn't necessarily translate to speedups for
practical problems.

Other problems, including the simulation of

quantum physical processes from chemistry
and solid-state physics, the approximation of
certain Jones polynomials, and the quantum
algorithm for linear systems of equations
have quantum algorithms appearing to give
super-polynomial speedups and are BQP-
complete. Because these problems are BQP-
complete, an equally fast classical algorithm
for them would imply that no quantum
algorithm gives a super-
polynomial speedup, which is believed to be

Some quantum algorithms, like Grover's

algorithm and amplitude amplification, give
polynomial speedups over corresponding
classical algorithms.[53] Though these
algorithms give comparably modest quadratic
speedup, they are widely applicable and thus
give speedups for a wide range of problems.[21]

Simulation of quantum systems

Since chemistry and nanotechnology rely on

understanding quantum systems, and
such systems are impossible to simulate in an
efficient manner classically, quantum
simulation may be an important application of
quantum computing.[56] Quantum simulation
could also be used to simulate the behavior of
atoms and particles at unusual conditions such
as the reactions inside a collider.[57] In June
2023, IBM computer scientists reported that a
quantum computer produced better results for a
physics problem than a conventional

About 2% of the annual global energy output is

used for nitrogen fixation to produce ammonia
for the Haber process
in the agricultural fertilizer industry (even
though naturally occurring organisms also
produce ammonia). Quantum simulations might
be used to understand this process and increase
the energy efficiency of production.[60] It is
expected that an early use of quantum
computing will be modeling that improves the
efficiency of the Haber–Bosch process[61] by the
mid 2020s[62] although some have predicted it
will take longer.[63]

Post-quantum cryptography

A notable application of quantum computation

is for attacks on
cryptographic systems that are currently in use.
Integer factorization, which underpins the
security of public key cryptographic systems,
is believed to be computationally infeasible
with an ordinary computer for large integers if
they are the product of few prime numbers
(e.g., products of two 300-digit primes).[64] By
comparison, a quantum computer could solve
this problem exponentially faster using Shor's
algorithm to find its factors.[65] This ability
would allow a quantum computer to break
many of the cryptographic systems in use
today, in the sense that there would be a
polynomial time (in the number of digits of the
integer) algorithm for solving the
problem. In particular, most of the popular
public key ciphers are based on the difficulty of
factoring integers or the discrete logarithm
problem, both of which can be solved by Shor's
algorithm. In particular, the RSA, Diffie–
Hellman, and elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman
algorithms could be broken. These are used to
protect secure Web pages, encrypted email, and
many other types of data. Breaking these would
have significant ramifications for electronic
privacy and security.

Identifying cryptographic systems that may

be secure against quantum algorithms is an
actively researched topic
under the field of post-quantum cryptography.
Some public-key algorithms are based on
problems other than the integer factorization
and discrete logarithm problems to which
Shor's algorithm applies, like the McEliece
cryptosystem based on a problem in coding
theory.[66][68] Lattice-based cryptosystems are
also not known to be broken by quantum
computers, and finding a polynomial time
algorithm for solving the dihedral hidden
subgroup problem, which would break many
lattice based cryptosystems, is a well-studied
open problem.[69] It has been proven that
applying Grover's algorithm to break a
symmetric (secret key) algorithm by brute
force requires time equal to roughly 2n/2
invocations of the underlying cryptographic
algorithm, compared with roughly 2n in the
classical case,[70] meaning that symmetric key
lengths are effectively halved: AES-256 would
have the same security against an attack using
Grover's algorithm that AES-128 has against
classical brute-force search (see Key size).

Search problems

The most well-known example of a problem

that allows for a polynomial
quantum speedup is unstructured search, which
involves finding a marked item out of a list of
items in a database. This can be solved by
Grover's algorithm using
queries to the database, quadratically

fewer than the queries required for

classical algorithms. In this case, the advantage
is not only provable but also optimal: it has
been shown that Grover's algorithm gives the
maximal possible probability of finding the
desired element for any number of oracle
lookups. Many examples of provable quantum
speedups for query problems are based on
Grover's algorithm, including Brassard, Høyer,
and Tapp's algorithm for finding
collisions in two-to-one functions,[71] and Farhi,
Goldstone, and Gutmann's algorithm for
evaluating NAND trees.[72]

Problems that can be efficiently addressed with

Grover's algorithm have the following

1. There is no searchable structure in the

collection of possible answers,
2. The number of possible answers to
check is the same as the number of
inputs to the algorithm, and
3. There exists a boolean function that
evaluates each input and determines
whether it is the correct answer.
For problems with all these properties, the
running time of Grover's algorithm on a
quantum computer scales as the square root of
the number of inputs (or elements in the
database), as opposed to the linear scaling of
classical algorithms. A general class of
problems to which Grover's algorithm can be
applied[75] is a Boolean satisfiability problem,
where the database through which the
algorithm iterates is that of all possible
answers. An example and possible application
of this is a password cracker that attempts to
guess a password. Breaking symmetric ciphers
with this algorithm is of interest to government
Quantum annealing

Quantum annealing relies on the adiabatic

theorem to undertake calculations. A system is
placed in the ground state for a simple
Hamiltonian, which slowly evolves to a more
complicated Hamiltonian whose ground state
represents the solution to the problem in
question. The adiabatic theorem states that if
the evolution is slow enough the system will
stay in its ground state at all times through the
Adiabatic optimization may be helpful for
solving computational biology problems.[77]
Machine learning

Since quantum computers can produce

outputs that classical computers cannot
produce efficiently, and since quantum
computation is fundamentally linear
algebraic, some express hope in developing
quantum algorithms that can speed up
machine learning tasks.[78][33]

For example, the quantum algorithm for linear

systems of equations, or "HHL Algorithm",
named after its discoverers Harrow, Hassidim,
and Lloyd, is believed to provide speedup over
classical counterparts.[79][33] Some research
have recently explored the use of quantum
annealing hardware for training Boltzmann
machines and deep neural networks.[80][81][82]

Deep generative chemistry models emerge as

powerful tools to expedite drug discovery.
However, the immense size and complexity of
the structural space of all possible drug-like
molecules pose significant obstacles, which
could be overcome in the future by quantum
computers. Quantum computers are naturally
good for solving complex quantum many-body
problems[22] and thus may be instrumental in
involving quantum chemistry. Therefore, one
can expect that quantum-enhanced generative
models[83] including quantum GANs[84] may
eventually be developed into ultimate
generative chemistry algorithms.


A wafer of adiabatic quantum computers

As of 2023, classical computers

outperform quantum computers for all
real-world applications. While current
quantum computers may speed up
solutions to particular mathematical
problems, they give no computational
advantage for practical tasks. For many tasks
there is no promise of useful quantum speedup,
and some tasks provably prohibit any quantum
speedup in the sense that any speedup is ruled
out by proved theorems. Scientists and
engineers are exploring multiple technologies
for quantum computing hardware and hope to
develop scalable quantum architectures, but
serious obstacles remain.[85][86]


There are a number of technical challenges in

building a large-scale
quantum computer.[87] Physicist David
DiVincenzo has listed these requirements for
a practical quantum computer:[88]

Physically scalable to increase the

number of qubits
Qubits that can be initialized to arbitrary
Quantum gates that are faster than
decoherence time
Universal gate set
Qubits that can be read easily.

Sourcing parts for quantum computers is also

very difficult. Superconducting quantum
computers, like those
constructed by Google and IBM, need helium-
3, a nuclear research byproduct, and special
superconducting cables made only by the
Japanese company Coax Co.[89]

The control of multi-qubit systems requires the

generation and coordination of a large number
of electrical signals with tight and
deterministic timing resolution.
This has led to the development of quantum
controllers that enable interfacing with the
qubits. Scaling these systems to support a
growing number of qubits is an additional

One of the greatest challenges involved with

constructing quantum computers is controlling
or removing quantum decoherence. This
usually means isolating the system from its
environment as interactions with the external
world cause the system to decohere. However,
other sources of decoherence also exist.
Examples include the quantum gates, and
the lattice vibrations and background
thermonuclear spin of the physical system used
to implement the qubits.
Decoherence is irreversible, as it is
effectively non-unitary, and is usually
something that should be highly controlled, if
not avoided. Decoherence times for candidate
systems in particular, the transverse relaxation
time T2 (for NMR and MRI technology, also
called the dephasing time), typically range
between nanoseconds and seconds at low
temperature.[91] Currently, some quantum
computers require their qubits to be cooled to
20 millikelvin (usually using a dilution
refrigerator[92]) in order to prevent significant
decoherence.[93] A 2020 study argues that
ionizing radiation such as cosmic rays can
nevertheless cause certain systems to decohere
within milliseconds.[94]
As a result, time-consuming tasks may render
some quantum algorithms inoperable, as
attempting to maintain the state of qubits for a
long enough duration will eventually corrupt
the superpositions.[95]

These issues are more difficult for optical

approaches as the timescales are orders of
magnitude shorter and an often-cited approach
to overcoming them is optical pulse shaping.
Error rates are typically proportional to the
ratio of operating time to decoherence time,
hence any operation must be completed much
more quickly than the decoherence time.
As described by the threshold theorem, if the
error rate is small enough, it is thought to be
possible to use quantum error correction to
suppress errors and decoherence. This allows
the total calculation time to be longer than the
decoherence time if the error correction
scheme can correct errors faster than
decoherence introduces them. An often- cited
figure for the required error rate in each gate
for fault-tolerant computation is 10−3,
assuming the noise is depolarizing.

Meeting this scalability condition is possible

for a wide range of systems. However, the use
of error correction brings
with it the cost of a greatly increased number
of required qubits. The number required to
factor integers using Shor's algorithm is still
polynomial, and thought to be between L and
L2, where L is the number of digits in the
number to be factored; error correction
algorithms would inflate this figure by an
additional factor of
L. For a 1000-bit number, this implies a
need for about 104 bits without error correction.
With error correction, the figure would rise
to about 107 bits.
Computation time is about L2 or about 107 steps
and at 1 MHz, about 10 seconds.
However, the encoding and error- correction
overheads increase the size of
a real fault-tolerant quantum computer by
several orders of magnitude. Careful
estimates[97][98] show that at least
3 million physical qubits would factor
2,048-bit integer in 5 months on a fully error-
corrected trapped-ion quantum computer. In
terms of the number of physical qubits, to
date, this remains the lowest estimate[99] for
practically useful integer factorization problem
sizing 1,024- bit or larger.

Another approach to the stability- decoherence

problem is to create a topological quantum
computer with anyons, quasi-particles used as
and relying on braid theory to form stable logic

Quantum supremacy

Physicist John Preskill coined the term

quantum supremacy to describe the
engineering feat of demonstrating that a
programmable quantum device can solve a
problem beyond the capabilities of state- of-
the-art classical computers.[102][103][104] The
problem need not be useful, so some view the
quantum supremacy test only as a potential
future benchmark.[105]
In October 2019, Google AI Quantum, with
the help of NASA, became the first to claim to
have achieved quantum supremacy by
performing calculations on the Sycamore
quantum computer more than 3,000,000 times
faster than they could be done on Summit,
generally considered the world's fastest
computer.[28][106][107] This claim has been
subsequently challenged: IBM has stated that
Summit can perform samples much faster than
claimed,[108][109] and researchers have since
developed better algorithms for the sampling
problem used to claim quantum supremacy,
giving substantial reductions to the gap
Sycamore and classical supercomputers[110][111]
and even beating it.[113][114][115]

In December 2020, a group at USTC

implemented a type of Boson sampling on 76
photons with a photonic quantum computer,
Jiuzhang, to demonstrate quantum supremacy.
The authors claim that a classical
contemporary supercomputer would require a
computational time of 600 million years to
generate the number of samples their quantum
processor can generate in 20 seconds.[119]
Claims of quantum supremacy have generated
hype around quantum computing,[120] but they
are based on contrived benchmark tasks that do
not directly imply useful real-world


Despite high hopes for quantum computing,

significant progress in hardware, and optimism
about future applications, a 2023 Nature
spotlight article summarised current quantum
computers as being "For now, [good for]
absolutely nothing".[85] The article
elaborated that quantum computers are yet to
be more useful or efficient than conventional
computers in any case, though it also argued
that in the long term such computers are likely
to be useful. A 2023 Communications of the
ACM article[86] found that current quantum
computing algorithms are "insufficient for
practical quantum advantage without
significant improvements across the
software/hardware stack". It argues that the
most promising candidates for achieving
speedup with quantum computers are "small-
data problems", for example in chemistry and
materials science. However, the article also
concludes that a large range of the potential
applications it considered, such as machine
learning, "will not achieve quantum advantage
with current quantum algorithms in the
foreseeable future", and it identified I/O
constraints that make speedup unlikely for "big
data problems, unstructured linear systems, and
database search based on Grover's algorithm".

This state of affairs can be traced to several

current and long-term considerations.

Conventional computer hardware and

algorithms are not only optimized for
practical tasks, but are still improving
rapidly, particularly GPU accelerators.
Current quantum computing hardware
generates only a limited amount of
entanglement before getting overwhelmed
by noise and does not rule out practical
simulation on conventional computers,
possibly except for contrived cases.
Quantum algorithms provide speedup over
conventional algorithms only for some
tasks, and matching these tasks with
practical applications proved challenging.
Some promising tasks and applications
require resources far
beyond those available today.[122][123] In
particular, processing large amounts of
non-quantum data is a challenge for
quantum computers.[86]
Some promising algorithms have been
"dequantized", i.e., their non-quantum
analogues with similar complexity have
been found.
If quantum error correction is used to
scale quantum computers to practical
applications, its overhead may undermine
speedup offered by many quantum
Complexity analysis of algorithms
sometimes makes abstract
assumptions that do not hold in applications.
For example, input data may not already be
available encoded in quantum states, and
"oracle functions" used in Grover's algorithm
often have internal structure that can be
exploited for faster algorithms.

In particular, building computers with large

numbers of qubits may be futile if those qubits
are not connected well enough and cannot
maintain sufficiently high degree of
entanglement for long time. When trying to
outperform conventional computers, quantum
computing researchers often look for new tasks
that can be solved on
quantum computers, but this leaves the
possibility that efficient non-quantum
techniques will be developed in response, as
seen for Quantum supremacy demonstrations.
Therefore, it is desirable to prove lower bounds
on the complexity of best possible non-
quantum algorithms (which may be unknown)
and show that some quantum algorithms
asymptomatically improve upon those bounds.

Some researchers have expressed skepticism

that scalable quantum computers could ever be
built, typically because of the issue of
coherence at large scales, but also for other

Bill Unruh doubted the practicality of quantum

computers in a paper published in 1994.[124]
Paul Davies argued that a 400- qubit computer
would even come into conflict with the
cosmological information bound implied by the
holographic principle.[125] Skeptics like Gil
Kalai doubt that quantum supremacy will ever
be achieved.[126][127][128] Physicist Mikhail
Dyakonov has expressed skepticism of
quantum computing as follows:
"So the number of continuous parameters
describing the state of such a useful quantum
computer at any given moment must be...
about 10300... Could we ever learn to control
the more than 10300 continuously variable
parameters defining the quantum state of
such a system? My answer is simple. No,


Candidates for physical realizations

A practical quantum computer must use a

physical system as a programmable quantum
register.[131] Researchers are exploring several
technologies as
candidates for reliable qubit implementations.
Superconductors and trapped ions are
some of the most developed proposals, but
experimentalists are considering other
hardware possibilities as well.[133]


Any computational problem solvable by a

classical computer is also solvable by a
quantum computer.[134] Intuitively, this is
because it is believed that all physical
phenomena, including the operation of classical
computers, can be described
using quantum mechanics, which underlies the
operation of quantum computers.

Conversely, any problem solvable by a

quantum computer is also solvable by a
classical computer. It is possible to simulate
both quantum and classical computers
manually with just some paper and a pen, if
given enough time. More formally, any
quantum computer can be simulated by a
Turing machine. In other words, quantum
computers provide no additional power over
classical computers in terms of computability.
This means that quantum computers cannot
undecidable problems like the halting problem,
and the existence of quantum computers does
not disprove the Church– Turing thesis.[135]


While quantum computers cannot solve any

problems that classical computers cannot
already solve, it is suspected that they can
solve certain problems faster than classical
computers. For instance, it is known that
quantum computers can efficiently factor
integers, while this is not believed to be the
case for classical computers.
The class of problems that can be efficiently
solved by a quantum computer with bounded
error is called BQP, for "bounded error,
quantum, polynomial time". More formally,
BQP is the class of problems that can be
solved by a polynomial-time quantum Turing
machine with an error probability of at most
1/3. As a class of probabilistic problems, BQP
is the quantum counterpart to BPP ("bounded
error, probabilistic, polynomial time"), the
class of problems that can be solved by
polynomial-time probabilistic Turing
machines with bounded error.[136] It is known
that and is widely suspected that
, which
intuitively would mean that quantum computers
are more powerful than classical computers in
terms of time complexity.[137]

The suspected relationship of BQP to

several classical complexity classes[55]

The exact relationship of BQP to P, NP, and

PSPACE is not known. However, it is known
that ; that
is, all problems that can be efficiently
solved by a deterministic classical computer
can also be efficiently solved by a quantum
computer, and all problems
that can be efficiently solved by a quantum
computer can also be solved by a deterministic
classical computer with polynomial space
resources. It is further suspected that BQP is a
strict superset of P, meaning there are problems
that are efficiently solvable by quantum
computers that are not efficiently solvable by
deterministic classical computers. For instance,
integer factorization and the discrete logarithm
problem are known to be in BQP and are
suspected to be outside of P. On the
relationship of BQP to NP, little is known
beyond the fact that some NP problems that are
believed not to be in P are also in BQP (integer
factorization and
the discrete logarithm problem are both in NP,
for example). It is suspected that
; that is, it is believed that there
are efficiently checkable problems that are not
efficiently solvable by a quantum computer. As
a direct consequence of this belief, it is also
suspected that BQP is disjoint from the class of
NP-complete problems (if an NP- complete
problem were in BQP, then it would follow
from NP-hardness that all problems in NP are
in BQP).[138]

See also
D-Wave Systems – Canadian quantum
computing company
Electronic quantum holography
Glossary of quantum computing
List of emerging technologies
List of quantum processors
Magic state distillation – Quantum
computing algorithm
Natural computing
Optical computing
Quantum bus
Quantum cognition
Quantum volume
Quantum weirdness – Unintuitive
aspects of quantum mechanics
Rigetti Computing
Theoretical computer science
Unconventional computing

a. The standard basis is also the
computational basis.[41]
b. In general, probability amplitudes are
complex numbers.

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Aaronson, Scott (2013). Quantum Computing
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Akama, Seiki (2014). Elements of Quantum
Computing: History, Theories and Engineering
Applications. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3- 319-
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Benenti, Giuliano; Casati, Giulio; Rossini,
Davide; Strini, Giuliano (2019). Principles of
Quantum Computation and Information: A
Comprehensive Textbook (2nd ed.).
doi:10.1142/10909 (https://doi.org/10.114
2%2F10909) . ISBN 978-981-3237-23-0.
OCLC 1084428655 (https://www.worldcat.or
g/oclc/1084428655) . S2CID 62280636 (http
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Bernhardt, Chris (2019). Quantum Computing for
Everyone. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262- 35091-4.
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Hidary, Jack D. (2021). Quantum Computing:
An Applied Approach (2nd ed.). doi:10.1007/978-
3-030-83274-2 (https://doi. org/10.1007%2F978-
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Hiroshi, Imai; Masahito, Hayashi, eds. (2006).
Quantum Computation and Information: From
Theory to Experiment. Topics in Applied Physics.
Vol. 102. doi:10.1007/3-540-33133- 6
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Hughes, Ciaran; Isaacson, Joshua; Perry,
Anastasia; Sun, Ranbel F.; Turner, Jessica (2021).
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Jaeger, Gregg (2007). Quantum Information: An
Overview. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-36944-0
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Johnston, Eric R.; Harrigan, Nic; Gimeno-
Segovia, Mercedes (2019). Programming
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Kaye, Phillip; Laflamme, Raymond; Mosca,
Michele (2007). An Introduction to Quantum
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Grumbling, Emily; Horowitz, Mark, eds. (2019).
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External links
Media related to Quantum computer at
Wikimedia Commons
Learning materials related to Quantum
computing at Wikiversity
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
"Quantum Computing (http://plato.stanf
ord.edu/entries/qt-quantcomp/) " by Amit
Hagar and Michael E. Cuffaro.
"Quantum computation, theory of" (http
y_of) , Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS
Press, 2001 [1994]
Quantum computing for the very curious
(https://quantum.country/qcvc) by Andy
Matuschak and Michael Nielsen
Quantum computing for the determined
PL1826E60FD05B44E4) – 22 video
lectures by Michael Nielsen
Video Lectures (http://www.quiprocone.
org/Protected/DD_lectures.htm) by David
Lectures at the Institut Henri Poincaré
(slides and videos) (https://web.archive.
Online lecture on An Introduction to
Quantum Computing, Edward Gerjuoy
(2008) (https://web.archive.org/web/20
Lomonaco, Sam. Four Lectures on Quantum
Computing given at Oxford University in
July 2006 (http://www.cse

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