Who Is Your Favorite Superhero

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Superhero is a fictional character who has special powers and fights against evil. Every kid loves
superheroes. Kids can improve their imagination through admiring superheroes.
Superhero A person who has superpower. Iron Man is the best superhero.
Superpower Powerful strength and abilities. Thor has superpowers.
Strength The state of being really strong. John Cena has strength.
Speed How fast that something moves. We have to drive at low speed.
Flight The action of flying in the air. Flight is the best superpower.
Powerful Having great power or strength. Dinosaurs are powerful.

Kind Thinking about other people’s feelings. Your grandma is so kind.

Obey To act according to what people say. Students should obey their teachers.
Dream of (phrasal
to want to become. Lena dreams of becoming a movie star.
Fight against
To defeat something Police fight against the thieves.
(phrasal verb)
I love ….. the most (phrase)

Their …… makes them special. Their heights make them special.


My favorite superhero is [name of superhero],
Who is your favorite superhero?
because they are really brave and strong!
I love superheroes because they help people and stop
Why do you love superhero?
the bad guys from doing naughty things.
Superheroes are special because they have cool
What makes superheroes special?
powers like flying, super strength, and super speed!
Some superheroes are rich, but not all of them. What
Is it true that superheroes have lots of money? makes them special is their powers and how they use
them to help others.
Yes! Superheroes are smart too. They read books to
Do superheroes also love reading books?
learn new things and to be even better heroes.
Maybe! Even superheroes might go to a special
Do you think that superheroes have to go to school? superhero school to learn how to use their powers
Just like us, superheroes listen to their moms and
Do superheroes have to obey their mothers? dads. They know it's important to be kind and
respectful to everyone.
Yes! Being a superhero sounds really fun. I would love
Do you want to become a superhero?
to help people and save the day
I would want to fly like a bird, have super strength
Which superpowers will you want to have? like a superhero, and maybe even be able to talk to

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