2MP1 Backscattering of Beta Particle (Luay Chee Yi)
2MP1 Backscattering of Beta Particle (Luay Chee Yi)
2MP1 Backscattering of Beta Particle (Luay Chee Yi)
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Matric no.: 161864
Group: W6
Expt. Code: 2MP1
Lecturer in charge: DR NURUL HASHIKIN AB. AZIZ
Report due date: 8 November, 2023
When a β-particle enters a material, its path can be deflected when it interacts
with the nuclei of the material. The β-particles are oppositely charged to the positively
charged nucleus and thus an attractive force exists between the two. A primary electron
(an electron from the incoming beam) is deflected by the electrostatic field of the
positive nucleus. Elastically scattered electrons tend to be scattered at higher angles.
The deflections that result also dependent on the initial energy of the β-particles but the
effect is of a general scattering of the particles. All these processes happen many times
as the electron travels through solid. This usually has the effect of changing the forward
direction of a β-particle by a few degrees, but occasionally if the β-particle is suitably
orientated in relation to the nucleus, the β will be deflected through a value of around
180◦ resulting in it exiting the material from the same side as it entered. It is this
phenomenon that is known as backscattering. The image below shows a basic scheme of
an electron deflection.
1.2 Objective
The mass per unit area (thickness x density) or the thickness of the irradiated
material only influence the back scattering factor up to saturation value. The maximum
back scattering is practically attained at a mass per unit area which is smaller than half
range of the Beta particle in the material, because large layer thicknesses lead to
absorption of the scattered electrons. The saturation value is less than 200 mg/cm 2 for all
The relation of intensity of backscatter beta particles collected and thickness of
backscatter material can be expressed as follow:
I =K 1 d
n (2)
I = Intensity
d = Thickness of backscatter material
With increasing atomic number Z of the material, the chance that a collision
results in a scattering of the Beta particle increases too. Backscattering occurs, when the
angle of deflection is greater than 90 ° . The backscattering rate is predominately
dependent on the atomic number Z of the backscattering material. With an atom of high
atomic number, the scattering occurs at a large angle and little loss of energy. The
backscattering factor is approximately proportional to the square root of atomic number.
Atomic number Z of backscatter material can be related to intensity of backscatter
beta particles collected by following equation:
I =K 2 z (3)
I = Intensity
z = Atomic number
Radioactive decay and most other nuclear reactions are random and spontaneous
events. The radiation activity is unpredictable thus it is only best to describe in term of
statistic. This is due to the continuous change in the activity within a specific
measurement (due to the half-life of the radionuclide) and a fluctuation in the decay rate
between measurements due to the random nature of radioactive decay. Hence, the
radiation count 𝑁 from a single measurement can be expressed as:
N ± σ=N ± √ N (4)
Since a sample is counted for a specified period of time (𝑡), the results are
reported in units of inverse time, i.e. counts per minute (cpm) or counts per second
(cps). Thus, the equation for count rate is
N √N
=R ±
t √ (5)
The range of values 𝑁 ± 𝜎 will contain the true mean 𝑁 mean within 68%
probability. We can also say that the interval 𝑁mean ± 𝜎mean has 68% probability of
containing our single measurement 𝑁. Thus, we can interchange 𝑁mean and 𝑁 in the
The Geiger-Müller tube, also known as the G-M tube, serves as the detection
component within the Geiger counter device, which is employed for identifying
ionizing radiation. This device operates as a gaseous ionization detector, capitalizing on
the Townsend avalanche phenomenon to generate a readily detectable electronic signal
even from a single ionizing event caused by a radiation particle. It is utilized for
detecting various types of radiation, including gamma radiation, X-rays, and alpha and
beta particles.
Within the tube, there is argon gas maintained at low pressure, and one end is
sealed with a thin mica 'window' that allows both alpha particles and beta and gamma
radiation to enter the tube. When a charged particle or gamma radiation penetrates the
tube, the argon gas undergoes ionization, initiating a chain reaction of ion production
between the electrodes. For a brief moment, the gas becomes conductive, resulting in a
transient current pulse within the circuit. This circuit is equipped with either a scaler or
a ratemeter. The scaler tallies the pulses and displays the cumulative count, while the
ratemeter indicates the number of pulses or counts per second. The entire device is
commonly referred to as a Geiger counter.
3. Threshold voltage, V t
Beyond the starting voltage, the count rate is increasing rapidly until it reaches
the threshold voltage, V t . This is denoted as the beginning of the Plateau region
when the circuit is still operating in a normal condition.
4. Plateau region
In the plateau region, the increase of applied voltage will result in the negligible
increase of the count rate.
5. Operating voltage, V o
The operating voltage is the applied voltage which is in the middle of the Plateau
6. Breakdown voltage, V a
A breakdown voltage is the end of the Plateau region before reaching the
discharge region.
7. Discharge region
This region is the final region where the applied voltage increases rapidly and its
value is large enough to cause the atoms inside the tube to self-ionise Operating
a G-M tube in this region will quickly ruin the tube.
The Geiger-Müller Tube is switched on for a few minutes before the experiment started
to warm it up. A radioactive source of Sr-90 is placed at a suitable distance from the
window of the G-M tube with the labelling side facing downwards. Then, the applied
voltage is increased by 25 V each time from a range of 750 to 1200 V. For each
measurement, the total count of beta particles collected at G-M tube is measured for a
period of 60 s. The experiment is repeated with same voltage for three times and
recorded in order to calculate its mean. The standard deviation for each measurement is
determined. When the plateau region is reached, the threshold voltage (𝑉t, the beginning
of the plateau) and its corresponding count rate (𝑅t) are recorded. As the experiment
progressed, the breakdown voltage (𝑉a) and its corresponding count rate (𝑅a) are
recorded. A graph of count rate vs. the applied voltage is plotted to determine the
Plateau region, the region between 𝑅t and 𝑅a corresponding to the voltages 𝑉t and 𝑉a
respectively. The operating voltage of G-M tube can be determined from the plateau
region using following equation:
V t +V a (6)
V o=
Figure 9: Experimental setup for backscattering count with variation of atomic number.
Plateau region
Working voltage (V)
Threshold voltage
50.00 Plateau region
700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Voltage (V)
S . E .=
√ σ
S . E .c =
√ σN
S . E .C =
√ ∑ ( N−N )2
nN (n N −1)
S . E .C .R .=
√ ∑ (R−R)2
n R (n R −1)
∑ ( Nt − Nt )
S . E .C .R .=
n R (nR −1)
The time interval t used in the experiment is 60.0 s and n N =nR , thus:
∑ ( 60 − )
S . E .C .R .=
n N (nN −1)
S . E .C .R .=
60 √ ∑ ( N −N )2
n N (n N −1)
The calculations are done by using Microsoft Excel which further details can be
reviewed in APPENDIX. After the standard error S . E .C .R . is calculated, graph of count
rate ( s−1) against voltage (V) with error bars can be plotted.
V t +V a
V o=
V o=
V o =987.5 V
Geiger region
Ra =52.76 s
Rt =52.38 s
The Geiger region is the region between Rt and Ra corresponding to the voltages V t and
V a respectively.
Count, N
Thickness (m)
First Second Third Mean Subtract background count
0.04778 3127 3226 3180 3177.67 3052.67
0.05963 3236 3179 3262 3225.67 3100.67
0.07630 3205 3178 3182 3188.33 3063.33
0.09556 3218 3221 3195 3211.33 3086.33
0.12148 3333 3147 3152 3210.67 3085.67
0.15519 3118 3234 3119 3157.00 3032.00
0.19111 3220 3216 3111 3182.33 3057.33
0.21852 3176 3141 3164 3160.33 3035.33
0.23889 3164 3157 3172 3164.33 3039.33
0.31444 3175 3126 3173 3158.00 3033.00
0.10847 3167 3096 3162 3141.67 3016.67
0.16667 3193 3172 3135 3166.67 3041.67
0.32028 3128 3031 3039 3066.00 2941.00
0.65564 3111 3146 3106 3121.00 2996.00
f(x) = 3006.76298089027 x^-0.00831112243457511
Count, N
0.00000 0.05000 0.10000 0.15000 0.20000 0.25000 0.30000 0.35000
Count, N
0.00000 0.10000 0.20000 0.30000 0.40000 0.50000 0.60000 0.70000
Compare equation (2) and the curve equation in order to obtain K 1 (Al) and n Al for
n Al
I =K 1 (Al) d
y=3006.8 x
Compare equation (2) and the curve equation in order to obtain K 1 (Pb) and n Pb for lead:
I =K 1 (Pb) d
y=2961.8 x
K 1 (Pb)=2961.8 , n Pb=−0.009
Count, N
Atomic Number, Z
(Material) First Second Third Mean
background count
3089 3208 3098 3131.67 3006.67
3095 3160 3128 3127.67 3002.67
3087 3094 2990 3057.00 2932.00
3071 3118 3014 3067.67 2942.67
Count, N
f(x) = 3093.88976796253 x^-0.0119424840257551
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Atomic Number, Z
From Figure 13 above, the value of K 2 and m for different materials can be found by
using equation (3) above:
I =K 2 z
Compare equation (2) and the curve equation in order to obtain K 2 and n for aluminium:
I =K 2 z
y=3093.9 x
K 2=3093.9 , m=−0.013
| | | |
n1−n2 K −K 1(Pb )
Percentage difference of K 1 (Al) ∧K 1(Pb) = × 100 %¿ 1 (Al) × 100 %
n1 +n 2 K 1 ( Al)+ K 1(Pb)
2 2
| |
¿ ×100 %
3006.8+ 2961.8 ¿ 1.51 %
| | | |
n1−n2 K −K 2
Percentage difference of K 1∧K 2 = × 100 %¿ 1 (average) ×100 %
n1 +n 2 K 1 (average) + K 2
2 2
| |
¿ ×100 %
3006.8+2961.8 ¿ 3.61 %
| | | |
n1−n2 n −n
Percentage difference of n Al ∧nPb= × 100 %¿ Al Pb × 100 %
n1 +n 2 n Al + nPb
2 2
| |
¿ × 100 %
−0.008+(−0.009) ¿ 12.0 %
| | | |
n 1−n2 n −m
Percentage difference of n∧m= ×100 %¿ average ×100 %
n1 + n2 naverage +m
2 2
| |
¿ ×100 %
−0.008+(−0.009) ¿ 41.86 %
For part A to determine the background count of operating voltage for a Geiger-
Müller (G-M) tube, a graph of count rate ( s−1) against voltage (V) is plotted based on
the data in Table 1. The voltage applied ranged between 725 V to 1200 V. The count
rate starts to increase rapidly until it reaches threshold voltage V t at 950 V. Beyond the
threshold, further increase in voltage will result in a negligible increase in the count rate
as it has entered Plateau region. When the voltage is further increased past breaking
voltage at V a =1025V , count rate continues to increase steadily. This is due to the
voltage is large enough to cause the atoms to self-ionise. Thus, the Geiger region is said
between Rt =5 2.38 s−1 and Ra =52.76 s−1 which corresponding to V t =7 5 0 V and
V a =1025V . The operating voltage V o can be obtained at the midpoint between starting
voltage V s and breaking voltage V a . It is found to have a value of 987.5 V. At this value
of operating voltage, it is obtained that the background count rate is 125 s−1.
There will be zero count reading if alpha particles are used instead of beta
particles. Alpha particles have low penetration power compared to beta particles thus it
is likely to be stopped by the surface of the backscatter materials. Besides, alpha
particles cannot excite the electrons in an atom. Alpha particles can only be
backscattered by gold foil.
The Rutherford scattering formula are as below. It can be used to describe alpha
particles only. Thus, it is not suitable to explain the beta scattering of this experiment.
1. Halliday, D., Resnick, R. & Walker, J. (2020) Principles of Physics (11th ed.). Wiley.
2. Korneff, T. (1966). Introduction to Physics (1st ed.). Academic Press.
3. Brophy, J. J. (1990). Physics for Scientists and Engineers. McGraw-Hill.
4. Mitchell, F. H. (1969). Concept of Physics. Addison-Wesley.
5. R.Shankar. (2014). Fundamentals of Physics: Mechanics, Relativity, and
Thermodynamics. Yale University Press.
Excel Formulae
Here are some examples of formulae may use:
• Reference: type =B12 to always show what is shown in cell B12.
• Add/Subtract:type =B1+B2 or B1-B2 to add/subtract the cells B1 and B2.
• Multiply: type =J53*I53 to multiply the cells J53 × I53.
• Divide: type =1/B11 to get 1 B11.
• Exponents: type =1.0E-34 to get 1.0 × 10−34.
• Power: type =2.5^2 to get 2.5 2.
• Average: type =AVERAGE(D25:D26)to get an average value for cells D25 to D26.
• Square Root: type =SQRT(D31^2+D23^2) to get √D312 + D232.
• Absolute: type =ABS(-4.5) to get |−4.5|.
• Std. Dev.: type =STDEV.S(D1,D4) to get the standard deviation of cells D1 and D4.
Standard error can be calculated with the help of Excel by following method.
Use the following command to find the standard error in G94