Pain Levels Following Cosmetic Breast Surgery and An Easy-To-Use Pain Treatment Algorithm For Plastic Surgeons
Pain Levels Following Cosmetic Breast Surgery and An Easy-To-Use Pain Treatment Algorithm For Plastic Surgeons
Pain Levels Following Cosmetic Breast Surgery and An Easy-To-Use Pain Treatment Algorithm For Plastic Surgeons
Aesth Plast Surg
inadequate postoperative pain management poses a poten- Data Collection and Postoperative Analgesia
tial for the development of chronic pain [3]. Postoperative Administration
chronic pain, defined as pain lasting at least three months,
has been reported in numerous breast surgical procedures, The pain levels were evaluated using the visual analog
such as breast augmentation, reduction mammoplasty, scale (VAS) (0 = no pain, 10 = worst possible pain).
mastectomy, and reconstructive mastectomy [2]. Blinded third-party personnel recorded VAS scores at
The purpose of this study was to examine patient pain various time points: preoperative intravenous access, in the
levels following various surgical procedures performed on postoperative recovery unit (PACU), and at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12,
the breast for aesthetic reasons and to assess the current 18, and 24 h after surgery. All patients were given 1 g of
approaches being employed to maintain patient pain levels intravenous paracetamol for analgesia in the PACU.
as low as possible. Patients with a VAS score of 3 or higher following surgery
were given additional analgesia. Analgesia was not
administered if VAS B 2 or if the patient refused pain
Materials and Methods medication. In the first 24 h following surgery, patients
with a VAS score of 3–5 were given dexketoprofen 50 mg
A retrospective evaluation was conducted on patients who IM as rescue analgesia. Ketorolac infusion was delivered
underwent subpectoral breast augmentation, mastopexy, or via intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) in
breast reduction surgeries performed by the same surgeon patients with VAS [ 5.
from 2017 to 2022. The study employed specific exclusion
criteria, which encompassed individuals who fell into the Statistical Analysis
following categories: heavy smokers, individuals who did
not cease smoking for one month before and after the A power analysis was conducted on a study that included a
surgery, those who habitually used painkillers, individuals total of 90 patients, with 30 patients in each of the three
who experienced prolonged pain following prior surgeries, groups. The analysis revealed that the study had a power of
individuals with rheumatological or systemic diseases, 84.6%, using an alpha value of 0.05 and a confidence
individuals diagnosed with breast cancer, individuals who interval of 95%. The study data were analyzed using the
encountered post-surgical complications, individuals with a Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 22.0
history of previous breast surgery, individuals who under- (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) statistical program, and
went revision surgeries, and individuals who underwent p \ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The data
combined procedures involving non-breast surgeries per- are displayed in the form of mean ± standard deviation
formed concurrently. (SD), minimum, maximum, n, and percentage (%). Fol-
After the patients who met the criteria for inclusion in lowing descriptive statistics, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
the study were categorized based on whether they under- was used to determine whether a normal distribution was
went subpectoral breast augmentation, mastopexy, or present. Since p [ 0.05, it was determined that the data
breast reduction, a total of 30 patients were randomly distributions for all three categories were not significantly
chosen for each group. The groups created were as follows: different from the normal distribution. Normally dis-
Group 1 for subpectoral plane breast augmentation, Group tributed data were represented as mean ± standard devia-
2 for mastopexy, and Group 3 for breast reduction. tion, while other data were expressed as the median
In Group 1, all patients underwent primary breast aug- (25–75%). To determine whether the difference between
mentation in the subpectoral plane. Round breast implants the groups was statistically significant, an analysis of
were used in all cases. The average volume of breast variance (ANOVA) was utilized. The homogeneity of the
implants was 382.83 (210–560) ml. In Group 2, patients variances was determined based on the Levene test results.
underwent a superior pedicled short-T scar mastopexy Tukey’s test, one of the post hoc tests, was used to deter-
procedure. Patients in Group 3 underwent a superomedial mine which groups were responsible for the difference. A
pedicled breast reduction procedure. In each group, a total general linear model repeated measures analysis was uti-
of 20 ml of 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine were lized to analyze repeated data (VAS values) within the
infiltrated prior to the incision into the pectoral plane in same group. The Wilks’ Lambda test yielded statistically
order to provide preemptive analgesia, and 20 ml of 0.5% significant results. The paired samples t-test was used to
bupivacaine was infiltrated into the same area before the determine which time intervals were responsible for the
closure in order to provide postoperative analgesia. significant difference.
Aesth Plast Surg
Results Discussion
The patients in the subpectoral breast augmentation group Constant evaluation of postoperative results and compli-
had a lower mean age than those in the breast reduction and cations is necessary due to the rising number of aesthetic
mastopexy groups, and this difference was statistically breast surgeries. Pain is one of the most crucial factors
significant (p \ 0.05). A statistically significant difference influencing patient satisfaction following surgery. Patients
in operation time was observed among all three groups (p\ often express their discomfort regarding pain following
0.05). Breast augmentation was the shortest procedure, aesthetic breast surgeries. Inadequate perioperative pain
while breast reduction was the longest (Table 1). management has negative effects, including prolonged
In terms of preoperative VAS values, there was no recovery time, delayed return to normal daily activities,
difference between the three groups. The most sobering and decrease in patient satisfaction [4].
VAS score was found in the breast augmentation group. Postoperative pain following breast prosthesis insertion
The statistical significance between sobriety VAS scores is primarily attributed to surgical dissection, muscle dam-
was due to the difference between breast augmentation and age, and enlargement of breast tissues. During subpectoral
mastopexy (p = 0.04). The breast augmentation group had breast augmentation, the surgical procedure involves the
higher VAS values at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 hours postop- separation of the pectoralis major muscle and its attach-
eratively than the breast reduction and mastopexy groups ments to the ribs in order to create space for the implant.
(p \ 0.001). There was no statistically significant differ- Therefore, the primary source of pain after subpectoral
ence observed between mastopexy and breast reduction breast augmentation is myofascial pain, which is trans-
surgeries in terms of VAS scores during the evaluation mitted by the pectoral nerves [5].
periods. A statistically significant difference was observed Studies indicate that the sensation of pain is initiated by
in the VAS values at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h after the process of neuronal sensitization within the pain path-
awakening when comparing the Group 1 VAS scores with way. This sensitization can be central or peripheral [6].
the preoperative period VAS scores (p \ 0.05). The VAS During surgical tissue damage, cytokines and pros-
values were consistently higher at all times compared to the taglandins are produced. This increases inflammation and,
preoperative period. A statistically significant difference consequently, the excitability of central neurons in the
was observed in the recovery, 1st hour, and 24th hour VAS spinal cord that transmit pain signals [7]. Extreme stimu-
values when comparing Group 2 VAS scores with preop- lation of peripheral afferent fibers occurs during surgery.
erative period VAS scores (p \ 0.05). Compared to the This stimulation is diminished but not prevented by general
preoperative period, recovery and 1st hour VAS values anesthesia [8]. Conventional analgesic protocols typically
were greater, while 24th hour values were determined to be involve the administration of intravenous and oral nar-
lower. When the VAS scores of Group 3 were compared to cotics. However, relying solely on systemic opioids is
the VAS scores of the preoperative period, there was a inadequate for effectively inhibiting nociceptive neurons
statistically significant difference between the recovery, and preventing central sensitization [9]. The excessive use
18th, and 24th hour VAS values (p \0.05). While sobering of opioids carries various risks, including nausea and
VAS values were greater than those of the preoperative vomiting, disorientation, respiratory depression, urinary
period, 18th, and 24th hour values were lower. Table 2 retention, ileus, constipation, sleep disturbance, altered
contains the statistical findings. mental status, tolerance development, and the potential for
Aesth Plast Surg
abuse. Due to the aforementioned factors, it is recom- provide the most effective pain relief possible. Different
mended that other analgesic applications, such as nons- pathways can be targeted using drugs with distinct mech-
teroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and local anisms of action. This method of postoperative pain man-
anesthetics be used rather than opioids in order to limit the agement is preferred over singular approaches [10].
amount of opioid consumption [10]. Nonsteroidal anti-in- A suitable method for reducing post-injury pain is to
flammatory drugs possess the capacity to exert their effects avoid peripheral and central tenderness. Preemptive anal-
both centrally and peripherally. The local inflammatory gesia is the administration of analgesia prior to painful
response that arises as a consequence of damage is stimuli in order to reduce the intensity of pain [12]. On the
diminished, leading to a reduction in peripheral sensitiza- basis of this principle, it is indicated to administer a local
tion. Consequently, this reduction in peripheral sensitiza- anesthetic prior to the incision for optimal pain prevention;
tion results in a decrease in the processing of spinal however, the efficacy of lidocaine in infiltration solution on
nociception [9]. By decreasing peripheral and central sen- postoperative pain is controversial. Although there have
sitivity, it effectively decreases postoperative pain and the been reports stating that the addition of lidocaine solution
overall amount of opioids needed [11]. Multimodal anal- to the infiltration solution significantly reduces pain for up
gesia has become standard clinical practice in recent years to 18 hours after surgery, there have also been reports
in order to avoid peripheral and central stimulation and to suggesting that it does not have a significant effect on
manage postoperative pain. This approach involves the use postoperative pain [13–15]. Our study found that the use of
of various combinations of analgesic drugs in order to local anesthetic infiltration immediately before the incision
Aesth Plast Surg
and during the closure of the incisions did not effectively comparable to morphine [18]. Ketorolac administered
provide preemptive analgesia. This was evident from the intravenously after surgery has been shown to be less
high VAS scores observed in the first few hours after the effective than ketorolac administered intraoperatively
surgery. Hence, it is crucial to administer an effective pain toward the end of surgery. Ketorolac has been reported to
prevention treatment following the surgery. increase intraoperative bleeding if administered before
In the present study, it was ascertained that following primary hemostasis is established. Nevertheless, there is
breast reduction and mastopexy procedures, patients currently no evidence indicating any bleeding complica-
experienced a greater prevalence of moderate pain, which tions linked to the administration of ketorolac once
was found to be well-tolerated. Conversely, after subpec- hemostasis has been achieved. For these reasons, it is
toral breast augmentation surgery, pain was shown to be usually given toward the end of the surgery [19, 20]. We
more severe and necessitated the administration of sup- believe that administering ketorolac through intravenous
plementary analgesics. Following breast reduction and patient-controlled analgesia (IV-PCA) at the end of the
mastopexy procedures, NSAIDs should be used to treat surgery and during the recovery period is a suitable option,
mild-to-moderate pain. It has been observed that NSAIDs particularly for managing pain after subpectoral breast
are generally sufficient for pain management after these augmentation surgery.
surgical procedures. However, the use of NSAIDs alone Despite implementing various pain control measures, it
did not effectively relieve pain after subpectoral breast is possible that pain management may still be inadequate
augmentation surgeries. Therefore, patients undergoing and result in undesirable side effects. Consequently, pec-
subpectoral breast augmentation required additional anal- toral nerve blocks (PECS-1 or 2) have been recently rec-
gesics for pain relief. In order to facilitate the process, we ommended for pain management after breast surgery and
believe that implementing a user-friendly and practical are becoming an increasingly essential technique after
pain treatment algorithm would greatly assist plastic sur- breast augmentation. Pectoral nerve block anesthetizes the
geons specializing in aesthetic breast surgeries (Fig. 1). pectoralis muscles, numerous branches of the intercostal
The combination of intravenous NSAIDs and opioids for nerves, and the long thoracic nerve by providing analgesia
pain management after surgery has been shown to have to the medial and lateral pectoral nerves [21–23]. Because
several benefits. These include reducing the amount of of this, we believe that pectoral nerve block should be the
opioids needed, improving pain relief, and decreasing method of choice for postoperative pain management,
postoperative symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and particularly if the anesthesiology team at the center where
sedation. Ketorolac is the most commonly preferred subpectoral breast augmentation surgery is conducted has
NSAID for this purpose [16, 17]. Furthermore, it has been experience with pectoral nerve block.
demonstrated that ketorolac can produce analgesic effects
Fig. 1. Algorithm for pain
treatment after breast surgical
Aesth Plast Surg