Schroeder Valves Product Brochure 2022 Web
Schroeder Valves Product Brochure 2022 Web
Schroeder Valves Product Brochure 2022 Web
Table of content
b SMA Series –
High pressure ON or OFF 24
b Certifications, standards
b SDV Series –
and regulations 30
Back pressure device 26
b SSD Series –
Solutions Multiport throttles 27
b At a glance 11
made in germany
The AR Valve
An essential component
Good to know
Despite its long and cumbersome name, the Automatic Recirculation Valve (AR Valve) is an inconspicuous
element in the centrifugal pump circuit. The AR Valve’s main purpose is to ensure that a pre-determined
minimum flow through a centrifugal pump is guaranteed at all times. This is important because centri-
fugal pumps operating below the minimum flow suffer from overheating, vibrations and cavitation and
can be permanently damaged and even completely destroyed if they run dry.
Like a fuse in a power circuit – the AR Valve is essential for the safety of a plant.
Basic principle
bypass line
discharge line
Schroeder AR Valve
centrifugal pump
suction line
Valve in the process
H Qmin
Q100/max H Q100%
cavitation P1 end
to advice)
Suction Pump
Qmin Q100% Qmax
Pump flow
Your Benefits
Good to know
Liquids and fluids
At a glance
Standard Pressure Range of Schroeder AR Valves
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 250 > 500 differential pressure [bar]
SSV 19/11 140
SSV 18/10 ≤120 bar 140
Valve body materials Valve internal materials Standard sizes Standard pressure
b carbon steel b stainless steel b DN32–350 / 1,5"–14" classes
b stainless steel b duplex and super duplex b up to 24" realized b PN10–400
b duplex and super duplex b alloys (others upon request) ASME 150–2500
b alloys (others upon request)
SSV Series
The all-rounder
The AR Valve of our SSV series 18, 19 and 20 (see graphic on page 14–15 for details) is a reliable
device that automatically protects centrifugal pumps against wear, total loss and damage that can
result from running dry, from cavitation or from operating under low-load conditions, generally
suitable for pressures up to 140 bar (SSV18) or up to 180 bar (SSV19). As soon as the main flow falls
below the required minimum flow, the valve opens its bypass to the extent that the required pump
minimum flow is discharged even if the main flow is zero. The pressure in the bypass is reduced via
an integrated throttle line with a bypass non-return valve. The SSV series 10, 11 and 12 work with
pressure reduction in the bypass by throttles only.
The SSV series valves are suitable for all kind of The AR Valve is flow-controlled, i.e. the non-re-
liquid fluids, for example in turn cone that controls the bypass via a lever,
b boiler feed water and condensate cycles of is raised solely by the main flow and into a
fossil and nuclear power plants as well as determined position. Increasing main flow lifts,
decreasing main flow lowers the cone posi-
b combined cycle power plants
tion. The cone reaches its top end position at
b petrochemical and chemical industries
operation flow. Via the lever, the non-return
b offshore applications cone actuates the rotary valve in the bypass.
b the production of renewable energies When the cone is on its seat, the bypass valve
b the paper industry is fully open. By opening the discharge line,
the increasing main flow lifts the cone and the
b steel mills
bypass is closed simultaneously. The valve is
b fire extinguishing systems
operating in a modulating way, i.e. it allows just
b LNG applications as much liquid to flow through the bypass as is
b snow blowers and other industries necessary to supplement the required mini-
mum flow rate of the pump. The addition of
main and bypass flow rate is always the requir
ed pump minimum flow. As soon as the main
flow rate exceeds the pump minimum flow,
the bypass is closed. Vice versa, the bypass is
opened again when the main flow falls below
the minimum flow.
Advantages at a glance
b highly flexible application range
b experienced, robust design
SSV Series
The all-rounder
Coil spring
Socket screws
SSV Series
The AR Valve of our SSV series 40–80 is especially designed for centrifugal pumps which in relation
to the main flow require a significantly increased demand for minimum flow, up to 70 % of the
main flow at low discharge pressure. Due to the design of the control disc, the use of the valves is
limited to a maximum pressure difference between inlet (DN1) and bypass outlet (DN 3) of 40 bar.
SIP Series
SIP 18
The AR Valve of our SIP series is a pump protection device particularly developed to cover applica
tions up to 250 bar with frequent plant operation at minimum flow conditions with open bypass,
i.e. split flow to process and bypass line.
The most relevant application for this valve The bypass of the SIP valve is controlled by a
type is the boiler feed water cycle of combi- multistage piston providing a near cavitation-
ned cycle power plants (CCPP). In these power free operation at any time thanks to the mul-
plants the bfw-pumps operate frequently tistage pressure reduction at all flow rates. The
at minimum flow conditions with pressures piston also ensures a modulating flow control
of 100–250 bar. The reason is the technical from 100 %–10 % bypass flow rate. An accelera-
concept of a CCPP – for example gas turbine ted shut-off (1–2 sec.) at <10 % opening avoids
cooling with bfw – as well as its purpose to most wear critical operation range. The wear-
cover load peaks or the natural load fluctuation intensive extreme partial load range is delibe-
of renewables in the energy grid. rately overridden. The piston seat is separated
from the pressure reduction and located at the
high-pressure side. Thus, the shut-off function
is optimally protected against cavitation attack.
Even if cavitation would occur in the last thrott-
le stages, the shut-off function would not be
affected leaving the valve fully functional.
Advantages at a glance
b accelerated shut-off to avoid cavitation
by critical operation
b intergrated non-return function in the
b no additional back-pressure regulation
SIP Series
Coil spring
* also available with DN4 branch with functions as for the SSV series (page 14)
Hexagon nut
Piston complete
SHP Series
The AR Valve of our SHP series was developed for high and extremely high pressures beyond 250 bar
and also works reliably under highly fluctuating load conditions.
Generally, the SHP valve applies to similar fields The bypass of the SHP valve is controlled by a
of services as the SIP type. Applications with multistage piston providing a near cavitation-
frequent plant operation at minimum flow con- free operation at any time thanks to the multi
ditions with partially open bypass, i. e. split flow stage pressure reduction at all flow rates. The
to process and bypass line. But due to its pilot piston also ensures a modulating flow control
operated powerful actuating system it is not from 100 %–10 % bypass flow rate. An accelera-
restricted to discharge pressures below 250 bar. ted shut-off (1–2 sec.) at <10 % opening avoids
It can easily handle discharge pressures above most wear critical operation range. The wear-
400 bar. Thus, it is also suitable for related in- intensive extreme partial load range is delibe-
jection services in the offshore market or high rately overridden. The piston seat is separated
efficiency coal fired plants. from the pressure reduction and located at the
high-pressure side. Thus, the shut-off function
is optimally protected against cavitation attack.
Even if cavitation would occur in the last thrott-
le stages, the shut-off function would not be
affected leaving the valve fully functional.
Advantages at a glance
b fully automatic minimum flow control
b shut-off and pressure reduction are separate
from each other
b SHP 18/20 with non-return valve in the
SHP 18
SMA Series
SMA 64
The SMA automatic minimum flow system is an AR Valve that offers low wear and very high opera-
tional safety at the highest pressure loads.
Advantages at a glance
b pressure break-down in the bypass by
multistage throttles
b pilot valve operated bypass allows for low
pressure loss in main line
b very low wear of pressure reducing parts
SDV Series
Advantages at a glance
b no evaporation and cavitation
for smooth operation SDV 4: ”Sandwich“ design type without flanges
b definition of a back-pressure in the
bypass line
SSD Series
Multi-port throttles
SSD 1: Multi-stage throttle set with butt weld end The multiport throttles SSD 1–6 are used in
nominal widths ranging from DN20 to DN500
(0,5"–20"), in standard pressure steps up to
PN630 (ASME 2500) and up to a permissible
media temperature of 400°C.
Technical support
Customer Service
Quality products should be accompanied by excellent service, which is why Customer Service has
always been a central pillar of our culture. Schroeder Valves is known for comprehensive support
and fast response concerning both the procurement process as well as maintenance and repairs.
We offer a self-contained package – from advice in the product right up to the documentation.
With comprehensive Sales and Service support can be identified using the IOM and the contai-
we make sure that you find an expert in each ned pages with the valve dimensional drawing
region, who will find the best solution to pro- and bill of materials.
tect your pumps or to maintain your installed
equipment. To ensure 100 % quality, we have As-built valves
implemented a worldwide unique test center.
As-built valves are based on the original or last
Prior to leaving our factory, each valve is hy-
manufactured valve that is identified by its
draulically tested to ensure and document the
individual 5-digits serial number. Those valves
highest degree of quality and functionality.
are 100 % copies in material, size and pressure
rating, as well as in the design of all internal
We stand by your side providing you
parts. Therefore, it is assumed that the pump
b original spare and wear parts process data, for those the original valve was
b as-built valves designed, remain identical. If process data
changes have occurred, you should inform us in
b technical service and support (also on-site)
order to consider those changes and confirm if
b a revision of your valve in our test center
the valve specification is applicable again.
Spare parts
Valve replacements
In our premises in Germany we keep an import-
Schroeder Valves can be implemented in exist
ant stock of all regular wear parts like springs,
ing systems, replacing AR Valves from other
O-rings as well as diverse sealings and screws.
manufacturers. Main dimensions and flange
Original tailor-made parts like bypass internals,
connections can be verified, internal designs
cones or complete valve branches are manufac-
are realized individually according to the pump
tured per order for the specific valve. To gua-
process data.
rantee for a supply of the correct parts, each
valve is identified by a 5-digits serial number
that can be found on the valve’s name plate.
This number shall always be indicated in every
communication. Our experienced CS-staff will
assist you to select the required parts or guide
you in terms of preventive maintenance. Parts [email protected]
Customer service
Certifications, standards
and regulations
Our automatic recirculation valves and multistage throttles are designed according to the AD 2000
regulations (e.g. strength calculation, materials that can be used, etc.). Our products are CE-labeled
in accordance with Directive DGRL 2014/68/EU for pressurized vessels and a conformity statement is
February 2022