Current Status of Myocardial Perfusion
Current Status of Myocardial Perfusion
Current Status of Myocardial Perfusion 219
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220 E. Piekarski et al.
the DSPECT and General Electric with the Discovery NM Patient’s Positioning & Quality Control
530c. Both systems are based on improved detection parame- Dedicated cardiac CZT cameras can allow for upright imag-
ters in the heart region, with semi-circular shape detectors ing. This patient’s positioning offers great advantages such as
centered on the heart region and truncated field-of-view.8 improved image quality in obese patients, easier patient’s
The DSPECT camera uses 9 mobile blocks of pixelated positioning, and improved patient’s comfort. When neces-
CZT detectors (pixel size, 2.5 £ 2.5 mm; thickness 5 mm) sary (suspicion of attenuation artifact after stress imaging),
associated with a wide-angle square-hole tungsten collimator the first stress acquisition can be supplemented by another
(offering high sensitivity but limited geometric resolution). A patient’s positioning imaging since each acquisition (upright/
total of 120 projections are recorded by each block through a supine) is quite rapid thanks to the system’s high sensitivity,
region-centric acquisition to optimize detection of counts improving specificity of MPI.10-12,29-32 Two-position proto-
emanating from the heart, and reconstructed with a specific cols add no radiation exposure. Although the shape of the
algorithm of iterative reconstruction to compensate for the detectors ensures a close contact between the detector and
collimator-related loss in spatial resolution. the patient’s chest, thus limiting motion during acquisition,
The Discovery NM 530c camera uses 19 fixed detectors such artefacts may sometime occur and it is mandatory to
orientated to focus on the heart region placed over an 180° check the quality control panel (Fig. 1).
arc, each detector involving 4 modules of 32 £ 32 CZT pixels
(pixel size, 2.5 £ 2.5 mm) is associated with a tungsten pin-
hole collimator with an effective aperture of 5.1 mm. Nine-
teen projections are thus recorded, and an iterative Image Interpretation
reconstruction allows modeling for collimator geometry.
These new cameras offer improvement in both sensitivity
Performances for MPI
(from 5 to 8 times higher) and image resolution (up to 2 times Since its beginnings, SPECT MPI using solid-state detectors has
higher).9-12 Iterative reconstruction allows for improved spa- shown comparable or improved diagnostic accuracy in compar-
tial resolution by modeling detector and collimator geometry ison with Anger cameras in several large-scale validation studies,
in the reconstruction process (resolution recovery during sensitivity and specificity of CZT SPECT ranging from 84% to
reconstruction). Further improvements in spatial resolution 65% and 37% to 93%, respectively.12,22,33-41 A recent meta-
can be achieved through the use of an anatomical model for analysis42 of 20 studies representing 2350 patients showed
the heart. Since CZT cameras have heterogeneous field-of- 84% sensitivity and 72% specificity. However, the decrease of
view sensibility compared to Anger cameras, dedicated nor- the diagnostic value related to attenuation artifacts persists with
mal limits database for quantitative parameters are needed CZT SPECT with a different impact: while attenuation translates
for each camera system.13-16 into a lower specificity on Anger cameras, a recent study
reported a lower sensitivity in a population prone to attenuation
artifacts (men with Body Mass Index 25 and women).43 It
seems that the greater distance between detector and myocar-
Solid-State SPECT/CT Systems dium in obese patients and in case of breast attenuation might
The dedicated cardiac solid-state camera system with multi pin- provoke a blurring of mild perfusion defects.
hole can be combined with CT for Attenuation Correction (AC) Several large-cohort studies have shown its prognostic value,
and coronary calcium score;17 but only a limited number of including recent studies demonstrating a raise in the number of
dedicated cardiac cameras are equipped with CT. However, cardiac events even in patients with limited defects on CZT
general purpose CZT cameras coupled with diagnostic-quality imaging,44 reinforcing the clinical utility for sensitive systems
CT can be used for MPI, as showed by several studies, with such as CZT cameras. Those studies also showed the great nega-
improved quality results using AC images.18-20 tive predictive value of a normal SPECT MPI on CZT cameras,
comparable to that of a normal scan on Anger camera. Perfusion
defect size and extent of ischemia were associated with clinical
Dose and Time Reduction outcome in several studies.45,46 A large, multi-center, interna-
One of the great advantages of solid-state detectors is the tional registry (REgistry of Fast Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
increase in count sensitivity, therefore allowing dramatic with NExt generation SPECT: REFINE SPECT registry47) has
reduction of injected dose and/or acquisition time, with diag- been developed with collected prognostic data for more than
nostic image quality. Regarding dose reduction, several stud- 20,000 solid-state MPI scans to date.
ies have shown that a reduction of 15 to 30% of standard
dose can achieve comparable image quality,21-25 and even
some studies suggest that in selected patients CZT cameras Information From Gated Images
can lead to substantial reductions in effective radiation expo- Several studies have shown that gated CZT images allows for
sure, to as low as 1 mSv per study.26 Several studies have accurate evaluation of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction, segmen-
also demonstrated that CZT systems allows for significant tal wall thickening and wall motion,48-50 as validated against
time reduction, even with low-dose protocols, to as low as 3 MRI;51 with higher diagnostic accuracy than gated images on
minutes for stress imaging.27,28 Time reduction improves Anger cameras with both improved regional sensitivity and higher
patient comfort and limits motion artifacts. diagnostic performance in multivessel disease patients (possibly
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Current Status of MPI with New SPECT/CT Cameras 221
Figure 1 Myocardial perfusion study with (A) and without (B) patient motion during acquisition. Post-stress acquisition
shows abnormal perfusion image around the apex (A) but the pattern does not match with coronary circulation. The
quality control panel (C) confirms the presence of vertical motion at the end of the first half and mainly during the sec-
ond half of the acquisition. The acquisition has been repeated, showing a completely normal perfusion pattern (B), and
the absence of motion on the quality control panel (D).
due to higher spatial resolution and reduction of attenuation arte- Finally, since some iterative reconstruction algorithms use
facts with cardiac-centered acquisition). As conventional SPECT, a cardiac shape model, wall thickness can be underestimated
CZT can be used to evaluate cardiac function with a low dose and patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may not be
protocol, by evaluating LV volumes and systolic function; and recognized.56
segmental wall motion and wall thickness analysis could be used
to identify the extent of myocardial fibrotic scar. Combined analy-
sis of perfusion and gated images allows for improved detection of
multi-vessel disease which has historically been a main drawback Dual Isotope Imaging
of SPECT MPI; with however contrasted results, studies showing
Since energy resolution is greater with CZT than NaI detectors,
diagnostic accuracy from 25% to 83%52,53 in this setting.
simultaneous dual-acquisition isotope is feasible with better sepa-
ration of photons from different isotopes and cross-talk correc-
tion. Therefore, several clinical applications using dual isotope
Semiologic Specificities of CZT Systems— acquisitions have emerged such as MPI with combined stress/rest
Potential Pitfalls protocol with 99mTc labeled tracers and 201Thallium, or com-
Since CZT systems dedicated for cardiac imaging have a het- bined MPI with innervation imaging using 123I-MIBG. Simulta-
erogeneous spatial distribution of sensitivity, and that patient neous dual isotope acquisitions offer several advantages:
positioning may differ (upright acquisition) from conven- reduction of imaging duration (and therefore limitation artefacts
tional Anger camera acquisition protocols, semiologic differ- due to patients’ movements during imaging acquisition) and reli-
ences between these cameras may be observed, and the able image co-registration.
reader must take into account those particularities in order
to interpret correctly MPI. In CZT camera, attenuation arti-
facts seem to be’ shifted from the inferolateral wall to the lat- Perfusion Imaging
eral wall as compared to a conventional camera.54 Two- Simultaneous dual isotope perfusion imaging using 201Thal-
position protocols may allow for detection of position-related lium and 99mTc labeled tracer does not achieve diagnostic
artifacts. The extent of the attenuation artifact seems to be image quality on conventional Anger cameras because of sub-
significantly larger for the CZT camera compared to the con- stantial cross-talk between the two isotopes.57 This limit can be
ventional Anger camera. overcome using solid-state detector SPECT since energy resolu-
Also, since there is nonuniform count sensitivity in the field tion is improved with these systems. A first study demonstrated
of view, patient positioning is critical. Patients with significantly the feasibility in phantoms of simultaneous dual perfusion
abnormal cardiac anatomy may not be well imaged or obese imaging with 201Thallium and 99mTc labeled tracer using iter-
patients may require re-positioning or multiple positions imag- ative deconvolution58 by reducing cross-talk and scatter effects.
ing to ensure diagnostic quality due to increased space between Then several studies have shown good results in patients using
the chest wall and cardiac border.29,55 sequential dual isotope acquisition with 201Thallium stress and
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222 E. Piekarski et al.
Figure 2 Sequential dual-isotope perfusion SPECT in a 68-year-old patient with multiple risk factors including Body Mass
Index = 31. (A) Post-stress acquisition shows a homogeneous Thallium uptake except in the inferior wall. After administra-
tion of 99mTc-sestamibi, rest acquisition shows a similar uptake pattern. (B) the left ventricular end-diastolic, end-systolic
volumes and ejection fraction are very similar irrespectively of the isotope on ECG-gated images.
99mTcMIBI rest10,59,60 or simultaneous acquisition with response of epicardial coronary arteries and the microvascu-
99mTc MIBI stress and 201Thallium rest61 (Fig. 2). The main lar vasomotion. Under physiological conditions, the myocar-
limitations of simultaneous dual-isotope acquisition is the pres- dial blood flow is autoregulated and is proportional to the
ence of downscatter of 99mTc in the 201Tl window, increasing increase of the rate-pressure product that reflects the increase
with body mass index and potentially leading to a marked in cardiac metabolic demand.
underestimation of the perfusion defect size.43 Quantitative analysis of myocardial blood flow and flow
Although dual isotope imaging lowers global examination reserve provides useful additional information to conven-
duration time, this protocol does not allow for optimal dose tional myocardial perfusion analysis. Hyperemic blood flow
reduction62 which is one of the main advantages of CZT cameras. and MFR help identify patients with multivessel disease.69
An abnormal MFR is also associated with a poor prognosis
outcome PET studies demonstrated reduced heart failure and
Dual Perfusion-Innervation Imaging cardiac death in patients with low global coronary flow
Several studies have shown the feasibility of simultaneous reserve undergoing early revascularization using percutane-
dual isotope acquisition for both perfusion (either 201Thal- ous coronary intervention or CABG.70,71
lium63 or 99mTc-tetrofosmin64-67) and innervation (123I- In a context of limited access to cardiac perfusion PET,
MIBG), with some studies65,67 showing a good correlation new high-efficiency CZT SPECT cameras specifically
between heart-to-mediastinum ratio (HMR) derived from designed for cardiac imaging may be an alternative solu-
planar images as compared to tomographic images after cor- tion for quantification of myocardial blood flow. Espe-
rection factors.66 Simultaneous acquisition enables straight- cially, the commercially available stationary detector
forward assessment of innervation and perfusion mismatch systems allow dynamic acquisitions of perfusion studies.
(Fig. 3). There is still a need for standardization of HMR68 Since Ben-Haim et al72 demonstrated the feasibility of this
when using simultaneous dual 123I-MIBG / 99mTc-labelled technique in a series of patients referred for perfusion
perfusion tracer on CZT cameras and for evaluation in a studies, several studies were performed that validated
larger population. MBF and MFR quantification against various reference
techniques, including perfusion PET and FFR.73-80
Despite the compensation of the limitation of myocardial
extraction of 99mTc-labelled radiotracers at high flow
Myocardial Blood Flow and Flow rates, there is a roll-off phenomenon that potentially
affects flow quantification. Agostini et al78 compared
Reserve 99mTc-sestamibi CZT SPECT to 15O-water PET and FFR
Myocardial flow reserve (MFR), that is, the ratio of hyper- in 30 patients. Both stress and rest MBF were underesti-
emic to rest blood flow, relies on both the hemodynamic mated using CZT SPECT but MFR was similar to PET
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Current Status of MPI with New SPECT/CT Cameras 223
Figure 3 Simultaneous Iodine-123 / Thallium-201 acquisition in a patient with Tranthyretin cardiac amyloidosis. On
planar acquisiton performed 4 hours after MIBG administration the heart-to-mediastinum ratio was 1.56. (A) The
dual-isotope acquisition shows the sympathetic denervation predominates in the inferior and lateral walls of the left
ventricule while Thallium uptake is completely normal (mismatch).
Figure 4 Example of a 66 y/o female patient with dilated cardiomyopathy referred for dynamic perfusion study. The
conventional CZT SPECT showed a non-reversible perfusion defect in the lateral wall. The dynamic acquisition dem-
onstrated a global impairment of myocardial flow reserve, and the coronary angiogram confirmed a 3-vessel disease.
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224 E. Piekarski et al.
through modelization of collimation and geometry of detec- 16. Jensen MM, Schmidt U, Huang C, et al: Gated tomographic radionuclide
tion in the reconstruction process. angiography using cadmium-zinc-telluride detector gamma-camera; com-
parison to traditional gamma cameras. J Nucl Cardiol 21:384-396, 2014
Those technological improvements can now be used for
17. Ito S, Endo A, Okada T, et al: Comparison of CTAC and prone imaging
the development of new techniques such as simultaneous for the detection of coronary artery disease using CZT SPECT. Ann
dual isotope imaging including for dual perfusion-innerva- Nucl Med 31:629-635, 2017
tion protocols, but also for determination of myocardial 18. Gimelli A, Liga R, Bertasi M, et al: Head-to-head comparison of a CZT-
blood flow, improving CAD diagnostic. based all-purpose SPECT camera and a dedicated CZT cardiac device
With the recent development of whole-body CZT cameras, for myocardial perfusion and functional analysis. J Nucl Cardiol 2019.
new protocols and clinical applications might emerge within 19. Morelle M, Bellevre D, Hossein-Foucher C, et al: First comparison of
the next years. performances between the new whole-body cadmium-zinc-telluride
SPECT-CT camera and a dedicated cardiac CZT camera for myocardial
perfusion imaging: Analysis of phantom and patients. J Nucl Cardiol
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