BCW 224 BET 2015 - Draft Gazette

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¨sÁUÀ – IVA ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ, s ¸ÉÆêÀĪÁgÀ, dįÉÊ 1, 2019 (DµÁqsÀ 10, ±ÀPÀ ªÀµÀð 1940) £ÀA. 550
Part – IVA Bengaluru,, Monday, July 1, 2019 (Ashada 10, Shaka Varsha 1940) No. 550
BCW 224 BET 2015 (Part
(Part-1), Bengaluru, Dated:01.07.2019

The draft of the Karnataka Backward classes Welfare Department Services (Cadre and Recruitment) Rules, 2019, which the Government Govern of
Karnataka proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by sub sub-section
section (1) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka
K State Civil Services
Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) is hereby published as required by clause (a) of sub sub-section
section (2) of section 3 of the said Act, for the information of
all persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given tthat
hat the said draft will be taken into consideration after fifteen days from the date of
its publication in the Official Gazette.
Any objections or suggestions which may be received by the State Government from any person with respect to the said draft before
be the expiry
of the period specified above, will be considered by the State Government. Objections and suggestions may be addressed to the Secretary to
Government, Backward Classes Welfare Department, Vikasa Soudha, Bengaluru - 560001.
1. Title and Commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Backward Classes Welfare Department Services (Cadre and
Recruitment) Rules, 2019.
(2) They shall come into force from the date of their final publication in the official Gazette.

2. Method of Recruitment and Minimum qualification.- The Karnataka Backward Classes Welfare Department Services shall consist of the
categories of posts and scale of pay as specified in column (2) of the schedule below, their number, the method of recruitment and minimum
qualifications, shall be as specified in the corresponding entries in columns (2), (3), (4) and (5) thereof.
3. Repeal and Savings.- The Karnataka Backward Classes and Minorities Department Services (Cadre and Recruitment) Rules, 1997 are
hereby repealed.
Provided that, such repeal shall not affect,-
(a) the previous operation of the said rules or anything duly done or any action taken under the said rules; or
(b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability already acquired, accrued or incurred under the said rules.

(See rule-2)
No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
1. Commissioner, 1 - - 1 Encadred to I.A.S -
Backward Classes
Welfare Dept.
2. Joint Director of 1 03 1 5 By promotion from the cadre of Must have put in a service of not less
Backward Classes Deputy Director. than five years in the cadre of Deputy
Welfare Department Director:
Provided that, if the officers who have
put in a service of not less than five
years are not available, then officers
who have put in a service of not less
than three years may be considered for
3. Deputy Director of 3 2 2 7 By promotion from the cadre of Must have put in a service of not less
Backward Classes Assistant Director or District than five years in the cadre of Assistant
Welfare Dept. Backward Classes Welfare Officer Director or District Backward Classes
(Rs.67550-104600) or Principal pre- Welfare Officer or Principal Pre-
examination training centre. examination training centre:

Provided that, if the officers who

have put in a service of not less than
five years are not available, then
officers who have put in a service of
not less than three years may be
considered for promotion.

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
4. Chief Accounts Officer - 1 - 1 By deputation of an officer in the -
(Rs.67550-104600) equivalent cadre from the State
Audit and Accounts department.

5. Accounts Officer 1 - - 1 By deputation of an officer in the -

(Rs.52650-97100) equivalent cadre from the State
Audit and Accounts Department.

6. Assistant Director of 25 15 1 41 Fifty percent by direct recruitment For promotion.- Must have put in a
Backward Classes in accordance with the Karnataka service of not less than five years in the
Welfare Dept / District Recruitment of Gazetted cadre of Gazetted Manager and Taluk
Officers for Backward Probationers (Appointment by Backward Classes Welfare Officer:
Classes Welfare + Competitive Examination) Rules,
Principal PETC 1997; and Provided that, if the officers who
(Rs.52650-97100) Fifty percent by promotion from have put in a service of not less than
the cadre of Gazetted Manager five years are not available, then
/Taluk Backward Classes Welfare officers who have put in a service of not
Officer on the basis of combined less than three years may be
seniority. Seniority being considered for promotion.
determined by treating a person
holding a post carrying higher
scale of pay as senior to a person
holding a post carrying lower scale
of pay. Seniority interse among
them being maintained.

7. Senior Programmer -- 1 - 1 By direct recruitment in Must possess a Master’s degree in

/Project Manager accordance with the Karnataka Engineering in Computer Science or
(Rs. 52650-97100) Civil Services (Direct recruitment Master’s Degree in Computer
by Competitive Examination and Applications from an University
Selection) (General) Rules, 2006; established by law.
by deputation of an officer in
the equivalent cadre from the
Department of Personnel and
Administrative Reforms
(e-Governance) or any other State
civil service.

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
8. Gazetted Manager (36) 178 33 2 213 Fifty percent by direct recruitment Must have put in a service of not less
/Taluk Backward in accordance with the Karnataka than five years in the cadre of office
Classes Welfare Officer Recruitment of Gazetted superintendent/ Backward Classes
(177) Probationers (Appointment by Extension Officers.
(Rs.43100-83900) Competitive Examination) Rules,
1997; and Provided that, if persons with five
Fifty percent by promotion from years of service are not available, then
the cadre of Office persons with not less than three years
Superintendent/Backward Classes of service may be considered for
Extension Officer, Warden (Men) promotion.
and Warden (Women) in the ratio
of 3:3:4.

Every 1st, 4th, 7th, vacancy shall be

filled by promotion from the cadre
of Office
Superintendent/Backward Classes
Extension Officer.
Every 2nd, 5th, 8th & 10th vacancy
shall be filled by promotion from
the cadre of Warden (Women)
and Every 3rd, 6th, and 9th vacancy
shall be filled by promotion from
the cadre of Warden (Men)

9. Junior Programmer -- 1 -- 1 By direct recruitment the Must possess Bachelors degree in

(Rs. 43100-83900) Karnataka Civil Services (Direct Engineering in Computer Science or
recruitment by Competitive Bachelor’s Degree in Computer
Examination and Selection) Applications from an University
(General) Rules, 2006; or established by law.
By deputation of an officer in
the equivalent cadre from the
Department of Personnel and
Administrative Reforms (e-
Governance) or any other State
civil service.

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
10. Assistant Director -- 1 -- 1 By deputation of an officer in the -
(Planning and equivalent cadre from the
Statistics) Department of Economic and
(Rs. 43100-83900) Statistics.

11. Accounts 1 32 -- 33 By deputation of an official in -

Superintendent equivalent cadre from the State
(Rs.40900-78200) Audit and Accounts Department.
12. Office Superintendent 26 193 2 221 By promotion from the cadre of Must have put in a service of not less
/ Backward Classes First Division Assistant, than five years in any of the respective
Extension Officer Stenographer, Hostel cadres specified in column (4) thereof:
(Rs.37900-70850) Superintendent (Men) and Hostel Provided that, if persons with five
Superintendent (Women) in the years are not available, persons who
ratio of 1:1:5:3. have put in a service of not less than
three years of service may be
Every 1st vacancy shall be filled considered.
by promotion from the cadre of
First division assistant, 2nd
vacancy shall be filled by
promotion from the cadre of
4th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 10th vacancy
shall be filled by promotion from
the cadre of Hostel Superintendent

3rd, 5th, and 7th vacancy shall be

filled by promotion from the cadre
of Hostel Superintendent (Women):

Provided that, if the vacancies set

apart for stenographers cannot be
filled due to non availability of
eligible candidates, such
vacancies shall be filled by
promotion from the cadre of First
division assistant.

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
13 Warden (Men) with 118 -- -- 118 This cadre shall not be filled
higher pay scale-118 hereafter either by promotion or by
(Rs. 37900-70850) direct recruitment in future. On
occurance of vacancy by promotion
Warden (Men) with or retirement or otherwise of the
FDA pay scale – 243 -- 243 -- 243 present incumbent the posts shall
(Rs.27650-52650) be downgraded and redesignated
as Warden (Men) with (27650-
Total 118 243 -- 361 52650) Scale.

14 Warden (Women) with 68 -- -- 68 This cadre shall not be filled --

Higher Pay Scale hereafter either by promotion or by
(Rs. 37900-70850) direct recruitment in future. On
occurance of vacancy by promotion
or retirement or otherwise of the
Warden (Women) with present incumbent the posts shall
FDA pay scale – 505 -- 505 -- 505 be downgraded and redesignated
(Rs.27650-52650) as Warden (Women) with (27650-
52650) Scale.
Total 68 505 -- 573

15 Hostel Superintendent 235 765 -- 1000 Seventy percent by direct For direct recruitment.- (1) Must
(Men) recruitment in accordance with the be a holder of a Bachelor degree with
(Rs.27650-52650) Karnataka Civil Services (Direct B.Ed.,
recruitment by Competitive (2) In respect of in service candidates
Examination and Selection) possessing the requisite qualification,
(General) Rules, 2006; and they must have put in a service of not
less than five years in their respective
five percent by direct recruitment cadre.
from in service candidates from all (3) Notwithstanding anything contained
lower cadres who possess the in the Karnataka Civil Services (General
qualification prescribed for this Recruitment) Rules, 1977, there shall
post for direct recruitment; and be no upper age limit for in service
twenty five percent by promotion For promotion.-
from the cadre of Junior Hostel (1) Must have put in a service of not
Superintendent (Men). less than seven years in the cadre of
Junior Hostel Superintendent (Men):

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
Provided that, if persons who have put
in a service of not less than seven years
are not available, then persons who
have put in a service of not less than
five years may be considered for
16. Hostel Superintendent 40 207 -- 247 Seventy percent by direct For direct recruitment.
(Women) recruitment in accordance with the 1) For Women candidates Only.
(Rs. 27650-52650) Karnataka Civil Services (Direct (1) Must be a holder of a Bachelor
recruitment by Competitive degree with B.Ed.,
Examination and Selection) (2) In respect of in service
(General) Rules, 2006; candidates possessing the requisite
qualification, they must have put in a
five percent by direct recruitment service of not less than five years in
from in service candidates from the their respective cadre.
all lower cadres who possess the (3) Notwithstanding anything
qualification prescribed for this contained in the Karnataka Civil
post for direct recruitment; and Services (General Recruitment) Rules,
1977, there shall be no upper age limit
twenty five percent by promotion for in service candidates.
from the cadre of Junior Hostel
Superintendent (Women). For promotion.-
(1) Must have put in a service of not
less than seven years in the cadre of
Junior Hostel Superintendent (Women):

Provided that, if persons who have put

in a service of not less than seven years
are not available, then persons who
have put in a service of not less than
five years may be considered for

17. Junior Engineer (Civil) -- 4 - 4 By deputation of an official in the -

(Rs.33450-62600) equivalent cadre from the Public
Works, Ports and Inland Water
Transport Department.

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
18. Stenographers 5 1 4 10 Seventy percent by direct For direct recruitment.- In
(Rs. 27650-52650) recruitment in accordance with the accordance with Karnataka Civil
Karnataka Civil Services Services (Recruitment to the posts of
(Recruitment to the posts of Stenographers and Typists) Rules,
Stenographers and Typists) Rules, 1983.
1983; For promotion.- (1) Must have
and thirty percent by promotion passed Senior Kannada Typewriting
from the cadre of Typist. and Senior Kannada Shorthand
(2) Must have put in not less than five
years of service in the cadre of Typist.
19. Statistical Inspectors -- 2 -- 2 By deputation of an official in the
(Rs. 27650-52650) equivalent cadre from the -
Department of Economic and
20. First Division Accounts 1 1 -- 2 By deputation of an official in the -
Assistant equivalent cadre from the State
(Rs. 27650-52650) Audit and Accounts department.
21. First Division Assistant 31 247 6 284 Fifty percent by direct recruitment For promotion.- Must have put in a
(Rs. 27650-52650) in accordance with the Karnataka service of not less than five years in the
State Civil Services (Recruitment to cadre of Second Division Assistants.
Ministerial Post) Rules, 1978; and
fifty percent by promotion from the
cadre of Second Division

22. Ashram School 20 - - 20 The posts shall be abolished on -

Teachers (Trained) occurrence of vacancy by
(Rs.23500-47650) promotion or by retirement of the
incumbent or otherwise.
23. Tailoring Training 2 - - 2 The posts shall be abolished on -
Instructor (Trained) occurrence of vacancy by
(Rs.23500-47650) retirement of the incumbent or
24. Women Welfare 5 - - 5 The posts shall be abolished on -
Organiser occurrence of vacancy by
(Rs.21400-42000) retirement of the incumbent or

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
25. Second Division -- 2 -- 2 By deputation of an official in the
Accounts Assistant equivalent cadre from the State
(Rs.21400-42000) Accounts and Audit Department.
26. Second Division 61 249 5 315 By direct recruitment and In accordance with Karnataka Civil
Assistant promotion in accordance with the Services (Recruitment to ministerial
(Rs.21400-42000) Karnataka State Civil Services posts) Rules, 1978
(Recruitment to the Ministerial
posts) Rules, 1978
27. Junior Hostel -- 150 - 150 By promotion from the Cadre of For promotion.-
Superintendent (Men) Cook (Men). (1) Must have passed PUC or equivalent
(Rs. 21400-42000) examination.
(2) Must have put in a service of not
less than ten years in the cadre of Cook
(Men), Kitchen Assistant (Men):
Provided that, if persons who have put
in a service of not less than ten years
are not available, then persons who
have put in a service of not less than
seven years may be considered for

Note: The qualification prescribed at

clause (1) above, shall not be applicable
for those who are already in service
possessing SSLC qualification on the
date of commencement of the
Karnataka Civil Services (Recruitment
to the Ministerial Posts)
(Amendment)Rules, 2013.
28 Junior Hostel -- 157 -- 157 By promotion from the Cadre of For promotion.-
Superintendent Cook (Women). (1) Must have passed PUC or
(Women) equivalent examination.
(Rs. 21400-42000) (2) Must have put in a service of not
less than ten years, in the cadre of
Cook (Women), Kitchen Assistant
Provided that, if persons who have put
in a service of not less than ten years

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
are not available, then persons who
have put in a service of not less than
seven years may be considered for

Note: The qualification prescribed at

clause (1) above, shall not be applicable
for those who are already in service
possessing SSLC qualification on the
date of commencement of the
Karnataka Civil Services (Recruitment
to the Ministerial Posts)
(Amendment)Rules, 2013.
29 Typist 29 11 4 44 By direct recruitment in Must have passed PUC or equivalent
(Rs. 21400-42000) accordance with Karnataka State examination, pass in senior Kannada
Civil Service (Recruitment to the and Junior English typewriting
posts of stenographers and conducted by Government or possess
Typists) Rules, 1983. an equivalent qualification.
30 Data Entry Operator -- 177 - 177 By direct recruitment in
(Gr-II) accordance with the Karnataka (1) Must have passed PUC or
(Rs. 21400-42000) Civil Services (Direct recruitment equivalent examination with
by Competitive Examination and computer knowledge as prescribed
Selection) (General) Rules, 2006. by the Government from time to
(2) Must have passed senior typing in
31. Driver 26 12 10 48 Twenty five percent by direct For promotion.-
(Rs. 21400-42000) recruitment in accordance with the (1) Must have put in a service of not
Karnataka Civil Services (Direct less than seven years in the cadres of
recruitment by Competitive Cooks (Men).
Examination and Selection) (2)Must possess current light motor
(General) Rules, 2006; and vehicle driving license. Immediately
after selection by the department, the
Seventy five percent by promotion candidate must produce a certificate for
from the cadre of Cook (Men) and test conducted by the RTO.
Kitchen Assistant (Men) on the For direct recruitment.-
basis of combined seniority. (1)Must have passed SSLC or
Seniority being determined by equivalent examination.

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
treating a person holding a post (2)Must possess current light motor
carrying higher scale of pay as vehicle driving license. Immediately
senior to a person holding a post after selection by the department, the
carrying lower scale of pay. candidate must produce a certificate for
Seniority interse among them test conducted by the RTO.
being maintained.

32 Cook (Men) 779 1266 -- 2045 Fifty percent by direct recruitment For direct recruitment.-
(Rs.18600-32600) in accordance with the Karnataka (1) Must have passed S.S.L.C or
Civil Services (Direct recruitment equivalent examination with Kannada
by Competitive Examination and as one of the language.
Selection) (General) Rules, 2006; (2)Must possess Certificate in cooking
and fifty percent promotion from from a recognised institution or training
the cadre of Kitchen Assistant institute or Colleges / Universities.
For promotion.- Must have put in a
service of not less than five years in the
cadre of Kitchen Assistant (Men).
33 Cook (Women) - 2846 - 2846 Fifty percent by direct recruitment For direct recruitment.-
(Rs. 18600-32600) in accordance with the Karnataka (1) Must have passed S.S.L.C or
Civil Services (Direct recruitment equivalent examination with Kannada
by Competitive Examination and as one of the language.
Selection) (General) Rules, 2006; (2) Must possess Certificate in cooking
and from a recognised institution or training
fifty percent promotion from the institute or Colleges/ Universities.
cadre of Kitchen Assistant For promotion.- Must have put in a
(Women). service of not less than five years in the
cadre of Kitchen Assistant (Women).
34 Kitchen Assistant 423 785 -- 1208 By direct recruitment in
(Men) accordance with the Karnataka (1) Must have passed SSLC or
(Rs.17000-28950) Civil Services (Direct recruitment equivalent examination with Kannada
by Competitive Examination and as one of the language.
Selection) (General) Rules, 2006

(2)Must possess a Certificate in

cooking from a recognised institution
or training institute or College or

No. of Posts
Sl No. Category of Posts Perma Tempo Deputat Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
nent rary ion
1 2 3 4 5
35 Kitchen Assistant -- 2109 -- 2109 By direct recruitment in
(Women) accordance with the Karnataka Must have passed SSLC or equivalent
(Rs.17000-28950) Civil Services (Direct recruitment examination with Kannada as one of
by Competitive Examination and the language.
Selection) (General) Rules, 2006 (1) Must possess a certificate in
cooking from a recognised
institution or training institute or
College or University Direct
36 Watchman (Women) 16 825 -- 841 By direct recruitment in
(Rs.17000-28950) accordance with the Karnataka (1) Must have passed SSLC or
Civil Services (Direct recruitment equivalent examination with
by Competitive Examination and Kannada as one of the language.
Selection) (General) Rules, 2006. (2) Must possess NCC/ NSS ‘A’
certificate or
(3) Must have worked for a period of
not less than two years as Home
guards or Civil defence.
37. Peon By direct recruitment in (1) Must have passed SSLC or
(Rs. 17000-28950) accordance with the Karnataka equivalent examination with kannada
32 12 7 51 Civil Services (Direct recruitment as one of the language; and
by Competitive Examination and (2) Must have studied Kannada as one
Selection) (General) Rules, 2006 of the language.
No.:BCW 224 BET 2015 (Part-1)

By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka

Joint Secretary to Government,
Department of Backward Classes Welfare, Bengaluru

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