Neuro 4
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Keywords: Background: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic condition affecting the entire joint and surrounding tissue,
Knee osteoarthritis resulting in pain, stiffness and impaired movement. Recent studies have suggested the use of physical perfor
Gait mance tests, such as the six-minute walk test (6MWT) to assess joint function for those with knee OA. This study
assessed lower limb sagittal plane joint angles during a 6MWT for people with mild-moderate knee OA.
Performance test
Methods: Thirty-one participants (18 male, 13 female; 62.9 ± 8.4 years) with knee OA were recruited. Gait data
were collected in a single session during which participants completed a 6MWT around a 20 m course. Sagittal
plane joint angles for the hip, knee and ankle were calculated during the first and last minute of the 6MWT.
Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) was used to investigate changes in kinematic traces over the gait cycle.
Results: Mean joint angles for the hip and knee showed no significant differences between the first and last minute
of the 6MWT. Ankle joint kinematic traces indicated there to be a decrease in plantarflexion approaching toe-off
in the last minute of the test – a 1.5◦ reduction from the first minute. No significant differences were calculated
for walking speed or joint range of motion.
Discussion: The lack of significant change in joint kinematic parameters and walking speed suggests the relative
fatigue and pain burden to the participant over the duration of the 6-minute period is insufficient to elicit any
mechanical changes to walking gait.
1. Introduction osteoarthritic burden on the patient in terms of pain and symptoms but
also functional status [5].
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a whole joint disease involving several While total knee replacement surgery is clinically effective, with
joint tissues and is mainly characterized by the inhibition of natural symptomatic improvement exceeding 85% [6,7], it is considered a
cartilage repair processes brought about by biochemical and biome fallback option for patients under 50 due to its finite lifespan and higher
chanical changes in the joint [1]. Recent estimates indicate that risk of revision [8,9], and is not employed for patients with
approximately 4% of the worldwide population have symptomatic and mild-moderate knee OA [10]. Given the reluctance to intervene surgi
radiographic disease, with the prevalence increasing with age and pla cally upon first signs of osteoarthritic disability it is important to track
teauing beyond 50 years [2]. Critically, there is currently no cure for disease progression from a radiological, symptomatic and functional
knee OA with Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) standpoint. Previous studies have shown gait analysis to provide a
guidelines for non-surgical management recommending exercise, valuable objective measure of knee function for OA sufferers, assessing
weight management and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [3,4]. both temporospatial [11] and kinematic parameters [12,13]. However,
While such treatment protocols may serve to slow the progression of the such motion capture systems are expensive and not readily available,
disease, and allow for better pain management for sufferers, there are thus it is necessary to consider alternative solutions for assessing joint
instances where surgical intervention is unavoidable. However, when function in people with knee OA.
considering surgical intervention, it is important to consider the Previous studies have identified a range of performance-based tests
* Correspondence to: Adelaide Medical School, The University of Adelaide, L7 Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.C. Millar).
Received 21 November 2021; Received in revised form 25 January 2023; Accepted 8 February 2023
Available online 10 February 2023
0966-6362/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S.C. Millar et al. Gait & Posture 101 (2023) 106–113
Fig. 1. Individual scores for each KOOS domain with mean and 95% confidence interval, participants separated based on KL grading. Circles represent KL Grade 2
and triangles KL Grade 3.
Fig. 2. A, C, E – Mean and standard deviation for hip (A), knee (C) and ankle (E) angles during the first (red) and last (black) minute of the 6MWT. B, D, F – The
repeated measures ANOVA test statistic SPM{F} for the within-subjects analysis. At the ankle, the critical threshold F* = 11.010 was exceeded at the supra-threshold
cluster between 57% and 64% with p = 0.007, indicating more plantarflexion within stance phase during the first minute of the 6MWT.
of physical function that can evaluate what individuals are truly capable knee OA found that during a 6-minute treadmill familiarization task
of as opposed to what their perceived capabilities are [14]. OARSI rec there were minimal changes to knee biomechanics [20]. Similarly,
ommendations have identified the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) to be a research assessing multiple sclerosis sufferers has suggested the 6MWT
strong measure for assessing physical function in people with knee OA is of insufficient length to elicit biomechanical changes, although was
[14,15]. However, when considering the implementation of such a test it suitable to discern reduction in overall walking distance against a
is important to consider the metabolic cost to the participant associated healthy cohort [21]. While research within an osteoarthritic population
with performance. Gait adaptations associated with knee OA often has assessed knee function over the course of six minutes [20], such
generate less mechanically efficient movement patterns [16,17], which work has only evaluated performance for treadmill walking, this does
in turn increases the metabolic cost associated with walking, thereby not allow for a formal assessment of walking distance as a metric to
exacerbating fatigue [18]. As a time-limited test, the 6-minute walk measure physical function due to the designation of belt speed prior to
enables the participant to adopt a comfortable walking speed ensuring testing. Furthermore, given the inherent differences between treadmill
they can sustain their effort and complete the test without fatiguing and overground walking [22] it would seem necessary that if aiming to
metabolically [19]. Previous research assessing those with moderate implement an overground 6-minute walk assessment it is necessary to
S.C. Millar et al. Gait & Posture 101 (2023) 106–113
S.C. Millar et al. Gait & Posture 101 (2023) 106–113
Fig. 3. Pearson correlation between KOOS domains (Pain, Symptoms, ADL, QoL and Sport/Rec) and distance walked during 6MWT. A – Pain. B – Symptoms. C –
ADL. D – QoL. E – Sport/Rec. The line of best fit and 95% confidence interval are presented for each dataset.
Thirty-one participants (18 M/13 F) were included in this analysis Joint angles averaged across participants, for the first and last minute
with a mean age 62.9 ± 8.4 years, height 1.71 ± 0.10 m, body mass 90 of the 6MWT, are presented in Fig. 2. Mean joint angles at the hip and
± 18.5 kg and body mass index 30.7 ± 4.42 kg/m2. Radiographic knee were similar for the entirety of the first and last minute of the
severity of knee OA was graded using the KL scale (Grade 2 = 7, Grade 3 6MWT, not exceeding the critical threshold in either case (Fig. 2A-D). A
= 24). The mean walking distance during the 6MWT was 372 ± 69 m. single supra-threshold cluster was identified for the ankle (57–64%),
Mean KOOS domains, separated based on KL grading, are presented exceeding the critical threshold of F = 11.010 (p = 0.007) and indi
within Fig. 1. Participants categorized as KL grade 3 had a greater mean cating there to be more plantarflexion at the ankle in the first minute of
score for each KOOS domain relative to participants graded as KL 2 the 6 MW (Fig. 2F). However, these angles measured less than 1.5◦ in
(Fig. 1). each instance and were therefore considered to be within the potential
S.C. Millar et al. Gait & Posture 101 (2023) 106–113
Fig. 4. Pearson correlation between KOOS domains (Pain, Symptoms, ADL, QoL and Sport/Rec) and knee range of motion (first minute) during 6MWT. A – Pain. B –
Symptoms. C – ADL. D – QoL. E – Sport/Rec. The line of best fit and 95% confidence interval are presented for each dataset.
measurement error (Fig. 2E). when considering the change in knee ROM between the first and last
Walking speed showed no significant difference (p = 0.071) between minute there was a statistically significant (p < 0.05) association for
the first and last minute of the 6MWT (Table 1). Similarly, there were no domains; Pain, Symptoms, ADL and Sport/Rec (Fig. 5). Specifically,
significant differences in joint ROM at the hip, knee or ankle at the start those participants indicating a lower score across KOOS domains dis
and end of the 6MWT (Table 1). Additionally, ROM changes grouped by played an increase in joint ROM between the first and last minute of the
KL grading showed consistency between groups (Supplementary test (Fig. 5). Conversely, those with a higher score across domains
Figure 2). However, this was not considered a formal outcome measure showed a decrease in joint ROM over the course of the 6MWT (Fig. 5).
due to the limitations associated with sample size in the KL 2 group
(n = 7). 4. Discussion
There were no correlations between KOOS domains and distance
walked during the 6MWT (Fig. 3) or total knee ROM (Fig. 4). However, Our study aimed to evaluate the use of a six-minute walk test as an
S.C. Millar et al. Gait & Posture 101 (2023) 106–113
Fig. 5. Pearson correlation between KOOS domains (Pain, Symptoms, ADL, QoL and Sport/Rec) and change in knee range of motion during 6MWT. A – Pain. B –
Symptoms. C – ADL. D – QoL. E – Sport/Rec. The line of best fit and 95% confidence interval are presented for each dataset.
indicator of physical function for knee OA sufferers through evaluating six-minute period. Similarly, walking speed showed minimal difference
changes in lower limb joint kinematics over the course of the test. In (0.03 m/s) within the first and last minute of the test, indicating par
doing this, we assessed sagittal plane joint angles for the hip, knee and ticipants retained consistency in walking speed over the course of the
ankle within the first and last minute of the 6MWT to evaluate consis test.
tency. There were no differences measured for hip and knee kinematics Previous research has identified alterations in walking speed [30,31]
across the gait cycle. A statistically significant difference was measured and knee joint kinematics [32,33] to be indicative of osteoarthritic
between 57% and 64% of the gait cycle for ankle kinematics, although severity across individuals. Therefore, when considering the imple
such measures equated to less than 1.5◦ and were deemed to be within mentation of a physical performance test to assess function, it is
the potential measurement error of the system [29]. Given the similar important for such a test to limit fatigue related mechanical changes and
ities in joint angles for the hip, knee and ankle it was shown that the acute pain which would likely inhibit peak performance. The consis
participants retained consistency in their walking gait across the tencies in walking speed and kinematics identified in this study suggest
S.C. Millar et al. Gait & Posture 101 (2023) 106–113
the timing and execution of the 6MWT to be suitable to restrict the coupling the measurement error of the system with the joint angles for
impact of fatigue and exercise induced pain on physical performance, the hip, knee and ankle having an absolute difference of 1◦ is it unlikely
supporting the findings of previous studies indicating the relative fatigue that any measurable difference was calculated between the first and last
burden of a 6MWT to be insufficient to provoke kinematic changes to minute of the 6MWT.
walking gait [21]. Thus, the implementation of such a test can provide
clinicians a means to objectively assess patient disability along with the 5. Conclusion
ability to monitor changes in physical function over time. The findings
from this study align well with similar work assessing function for those Due to the progressive nature of OA, identification of a performance
with mild-moderate knee OA in terms of walking speed [34,35], test capable of limiting sessional fatigue or pain related mechanical
although the total knee joint ROM measured in our study is greater than changes could be invaluable in assessing functional regression associ
that previously reported [20,36]. However, when evaluating patient ated with knee OA and supplement patient self-reported outcome
disability, it is important to consider aspects of health relating to both measures. Study results show no significant difference in lower limb
the physical functioning of the patient along with more subjective range of motion and walking speed between the first and last minute of
measures of function – assessing pain, symptomatic burden, and quality the 6MWT. Similarly, joint angles for the hip and knee remained
of life. consistent across the entirety of the gait cycle indicating retention of
Within this study, patient self-reported outcome measures were kinematics throughout the full six-minute period. Future work should be
assessed using the KOOS questionnaire. When looking at associations focused longitudinally to investigate if any relationships exist between
between 6MWT distance and knee ROM with scores across KOOS do patient self-reported outcome measures and gait performance to deter
mains for Pain, Symptoms, Activities of Daily Living and Quality of Life mine if long-term functional deficits are also indicative of increased pain
there were no significant correlations identified. This is potentially or symptomatic burden.
influenced by relatively minor differences in pain and symptomatic
burden between mild-moderate stage OA [37], making it difficult to Author contributions statement
truly discern any functional or mechanical discrepancies between the
two stages. Given the significant range in pain and symptoms between SCM, KB, MR and DT were involved in the conception and imple
mild and severe knee OA [34,37–39], it is plausible to consider that the mentation of the research, collection of data, analysis of results and
inclusion of more severe cases may in fact show more degenerative writing of the final manuscript. All authors have read and approved the
functional changes in walking distance and knee ROM. However, KOOS final submitted manuscript.
metrics measured within this study align more closely with those
considered to have severe knee OA based on KL grading [20,34], sug Declarations of interest
gesting that radiographic severity and subjective measures of function
may not align perfectly and may be subject to inherent day-to-day none.
variability in pain and symptoms for the sufferer.
While previous research has identified significant differences across Acknowledgements
patient self-reported outcome measures along with functional gait
characteristics, such differences have been most identifiable when The study received funding from XALUD Therapeutics and A/Prof
comparing asymptomatic or moderately symptomatic knees to more Thewlis receives fellowship funding from the NHMRC (CDF (ID:
severe cases [30–32], which were not assessed in this study. However, 1126229)).
when considering knee joint ROM over the course of the 6MWT the data
presented here suggests there to be a significant association between
Appendix A. Supporting information
change in knee ROM and KOOS domain. The results here indicate a
negative correlation between KOOS domain and change in knee joint
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
ROM, however, the majority of these changes fall within ± 3◦ and
online version at doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2023.02.004.
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