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Syftet med det här examensarbete är att undersöka olika metoder för
återkopplad reglering av hydrauliskt tryck i en transmission för att
göra det mer exakt. Detta är önskvärt eftersom det minskar bränsleåt-
gången och utsläpp, och gör även körupplevelsen bättre.
För att kunna studera transmission tas en Simulink-modell fram in-
nehållande de delar som är relevanta för problemet, och från detta
kan en linjär modell erhållas. Tre olika regulatorer tas fram och im-
plementeras i Simulink-modellen, för att kunna jämföra och analysera
de olika lösningarna. De regulatorer som tas fram är PI-regulator, PID-
regulator och LQR-regualator.
Resultaten från simuleringen med de olika regulatorerna visar stegs-
var under varierande förutsättningar för att kunna utvärdera hur de
presterar. Resultaten visar att alla regulatorer uppfyller kraven på ett
stegsvar under bättre förhållanden, men LQR-regulatorn presterar bäst
under svårare förhållanden. LQR-regulatorn är därför den mest rele-
vanta reglerstrategin för det här problemet av de tre.
I would like to thank Anders Löfgren and Fredrik Wallin from Volvo
CE, without whom I never would have gotten anywhere with this
project. Thank you for the support and for the hydraulic wisdom!
I would also like to thank Rodrigo Gonzalez and Cristian Rojas from
KTH for all their help and their continued support throughout this
Also, a special thanks to Elianne Lindmark - without whom I would
still be stuck with a faulty Simulink model!
List of tables ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Literature overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 State of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Requirement specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Thesis outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Background 6
2.1 The automatic transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.1 Torque converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.2 Transmission pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.3 Planetary gear sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.4 Clutches and brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1.5 Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.1 PID controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.2 Linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 Evaluation and Simulation results 24
4.1 Evaluation of Simulink model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.2 Evaluation of mathematical model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3 Simulation results: PI controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.3.1 Linear model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.3.2 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.4 Simulation results: PID controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.4.1 Linear model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.4.2 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.5 Simulation results: Linear quadratic regulator (LQR) . . 38
4.5.1 Linear model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.5.2 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5 Discussion 44
5.1 Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.1.1 Simulink model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.1.2 Mathematical model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.2 Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.2.1 PI and PID controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.2.2 Linear quadratic regulator (LQR) . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.2.3 Comparison of controller results . . . . . . . . . . 46
Bibliography 49
List of Figures
4.13 Pressure drop due to low engine speed and opening of
the control valve (LQR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.14 Varying engine speed with LQR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
List of Tables
Chapter 1
sion needs to be increased in order to achieve maximum allowed pres-
sure without risking fatiguing clutches with too high pressure.
The main expected outcome of this project is to formulate and estimate
a mathematical model for control purposes of the involved parts, i.e.
valves and pump, implemented in Simulink, as well as one or more
controller(s) implemented and evaluated in a simulation study.
because it is easy to trade-off between response time and and control
effort [6].
The requirements for the step responses are presented in Table 1.1 and
in Figure 1.1. The requirements are given by Volvo and are chosen to
ensure good performance.
The maximum rise time for the step, defined as the time from 10 %
to 90 % of the step height, is 50 ms. The maximum overshoot for the
step response is 2 bar and the tolerance, meaning the acceptable differ-
ence between the desired and the actual value, is 2 %. The maximum
settling time for the step, defined as time to reach and stay within the
tolerance of the final value, is 200 ms.
1.5 Thesis outline
Chapter 2
At the center of this thesis work is the automatic transmission, and the
goal is to improve its performance. The purpose here is to give a quick
overview of the different parts in an automatic transmission to get a
clear picture of the entire system.
The basic parts of the automatic transmission that is considered in this
project are: a torque converter, transmission pump, planetary gear
sets, clutches and brakes and last but not least: valves. The system
achieves shifting by locking and unlocking a complex system of plan-
etary gears using pressurized hydraulic fluid.
that hydrodynamic power, or oil flow, to torque into the transmission.
Between the pump and the turbine is the stator.
The pump and the turbine rotate separately. When there is a big dif-
ference in rotation speed between the pump and the turbine, the stator
redirects the flow of the oil from the pump to the turbine and gives
torque amplification. With this, the torque can become two to three
times bigger.
Figure 2.2: The transmission pump. (Image from: Volvo Service
Manual [1]).
The planetary gear sets, shown in Figure 2.3, allows for the same set of
gears to produce all of the different gear ratios needed.
A planetary gear consists of four parts: the sun gear, the planet gears,
the ring gear and the carrier. All the gears rotate around a common
axle, which goes through the center of the sun gear and the ring gear.
The planet gear not only rotates around this axle, but also around their
own axles.
All parts of the planetary gear can be the input, the output or kept still
and thereby give different gear ratios, and we can also combine several
planetary gears coaxially to get higher or more ratios.
Figure 2.3: The planetary gear. A: Sun gear. B: Planet gear. C: Ring
gear. D: Planetary carrier. (Image from: Volvo Service Manual [1]).
2.1.4 Clutches and brakes
In this case there are three clutches and five brakes that can hold parts
of the planetary gear set still and connect different shafts to each other.
Both the clutches and the brakes are actuated by pressurized hydraulic
fluid that enters a piston inside the clutch or brake. In both there are
also springs that make sure that the clutch or brake is released when
the pressure is reduced.
2.1.5 Valves
2.2 Controllers
2.2.1 PID controller
u(k) = Kp e(k) + Ki e(k) + Kd (e(k) e(k 1)), (2.1)
where u is the control input to the system, k is the discrete time and
the error e(k) is defined as: e(k) = r(k) y(k). Kp , Ki and Kd are the
proportional, integral and derivative gains respectively.
It is very common to use a PI controller instead of a PID controller or
a PD controller since measurement noise can have a big negative im-
pact on controllers with derivative action. A PI controller is achieved
simply by setting the derivative gain, Kd , equal to zero.
J(U ) = (xT⌧ Qx⌧ + uT⌧ Ru⌧ ) + xTN Qf xN , (2.3)
⌧ =0
Q = QT 0, Qf = QTf 0, R = RT > 0
are given state cost, final state cost and input cost matrices, respec-
The LQR problem is basically: find ulqr lqr
0 , ..., uN 1 that minimizes J(U ).
R = ⇢I, Q = Qf = C T C.
J(U ) = ||y⌧ || + ⇢ ||u⌧ ||2 ,
⌧ =0 ⌧ =0
where y = Cx.
This can be seen as the output and input cost, which are competing
objectives and we ideally want them both to be small.
Integral feedback can be used in the LQR to eliminate steady state er-
ror. This is done by adding another state, z, in the controller that is
the integral of the error, where the error is defined as the difference
between the reference and the output.
The addition of the constant reference means that the output is driven
to that, since the LQR controller drives the states to zero.
This augmented system is shown in Equation (2.4):
x(k + 1) Ax(k) + Bu(k) Ax(k) + Bu(k)
= = . (2.4)
z(k + 1) y(k) r(k) Cx(k) r(k)
u= Kx Ki z + u d
where [KKi ] is the state feedback for the augmented system with the
added state and where ud is the reference input.
Chapter 3
In this chapter the method used to model the system and designing
the controllers is presented.
3.1 Modelling
This chapter describes how the physical model of the system was de-
veloped in Simulink, how that model was linearized and how a state
space model was produced to be used for the control part of this project.
Figure 3.1: Simulink model.
The only purpose of the model of the pump in this project is to give an
input to the system that somewhat resembles real life. The pump is not
a part of the control problem, except as a disturbance or a restriction.
The flow and therefore pressure that the pump provides sets a limit to
what we can achieve, and therefore a good model is needed.
The inputs are engine rotation speed and the main pressure from the
system. There are also some constants relevant to the physical pump,
i.e. pump displacement and dynamic viscosity of the hydraulic fluid.
The engine speed and the pump displacement are used to calculate
an ideal flow and the other inputs are used to determine pump effi-
ciency, which together gives us the effective flow as shown in Equation
where Qpump is the flow, veng is the engine speed, D is the pump dis-
placement and ⌘ is the pump efficiency. The pump efficiency is ap-
proximated with the help of a look-up table provided by the pump
Modelling of the pilot valve
The inputs to the pilot valve are the current, the main flow and the
main pressure.
The current is used to calculate the pilot pressure, Pp,I , through a look-
up table with values measured from the actual valve. To find what
the maximum pressure that can actually be achieved, Equation (3.2) is
Z Tf inal
Pp,Q = Qm dt. (3.2)
V 0
where Pp,Q is the pilot pressure, Qm is the main flow, B is the bulk
modulus and V is the volume of the hydraulic fluid. The minimum
of the pilot pressure calculated from the current, Pp,I and the pilot
pressure calculated from the main flow, Pp,Q , is then the actual pilot
The difference between the main pressure and the pilot pressure and
the damping orifice area is used in Equation (3.3) to calculate the pilot
Qp = Cd · Ad · · (Pm Pp ). (3.3)
The main valve contains a spool and a spring. The difference between
the main pressure and the pilot pressure is used to calculate the force
against the spool in the valve. The spring force and the damping force
is also calculated to work against the force on the spool from the hy-
draulic fluid. The net sum of the forces is used and the distance the
spool moves is deduced through integration. This is shown in Equa-
tion (3.4):
= Ad · (Pm Pp ) Fspring Fvd ,
f orces
f inal P (3.4)
f orces 2
dspool = dt .
Q c = C d · Ad · · Pm . (3.5)
After obtaining a model that represents the reality in a way that is con-
sidered good enough, the data from the inputs and outputs of that
model can be used to create a mathematical model. Since the control
techniques that are to be used require a linear model and the Simulink
model is not linear, there is a need to linearize it around a working
point. This linear, mathematical model will be used for control pur-
The non-linearities in the Simulink model mainly consists of the calcu-
lation of flow from pressure, shown in Equation (3.3) and present in all
of the valves, and the pilot pressure obtained from the current through
a look-up table.
The data provided about the relationship between input current and
the pilot pressure suggested that a linear region is from 0.15 [A] to 0.25
[A], meaning that a good working point is 0.20 [A]. To obtain good
data for mathematical modelling a pseudorandom noise signal for the
current was used as input. The pseudorandom noise signal was cre-
ated using the Signal Builder block in Simulink. This pseudorandom
noise and the output after it has been detrended can be seen in Figure
The simulation was run for 10 seconds with a sample time of 1 ms. The
first second was then removed to only get good data points, resulting
in 9002 data points. The input and output data is then used to create a
time-domain data object. This data is then detrended by removing the
means and the data is divided equally into evaluation and validation
data. The evaluation data is then used to create a linear model.
The sample time of 1 ms was chosen after looking at the step response
of the Simulink model, shown in Figure 3.3. The rise time of the system
is 17 ms and as a rule of thumb there should be around 10 samples per
rise time, giving the sample time of 1 ms.
Four different models with many different polynomial orders are eval-
uated. For control purposes, an order higher than three is not de-
sired and therefore not considered. The models used are ARX, AR-
MAX, Box-Jenkins (BJ) and Output-Error (OE). The Akaike’s Informa-
tion Criterion (AIC) for the different models is used to compare the
different models.
The Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) [11] is a way to compare
the relative quality of statistical models. It compares how much in-
formation is lost when a model is used to represent the original pro-
This comparison of different models using AIC yielded the result that
an ARMAX model was the best fit. However, when looking at the ze-
ros and poles it was evident that one of the zeros was outside the unit
circle, giving a non-minimum phase system. It can be argued that the
non-linear system in the Simulink model is not non-minimum phase
since the step response does not have an initial negative response, so
modelling it with a non-minimum phase linear system is not a good
approximation. After making this observation, it was decided to try
the OE model with the lowest AIC since it might be better to try and
not model the noise, which in this case proved to be a reasonable as-
The OE model is represented on the form shown in Equation (3.6):
y(t) = u(t nk) + e(t) (3.6)
F (q)
where y(t) is the output, u(t) is the input and e(t) is the error. There
are three design parameters: nb, nf and nk. nb and nf are the orders
of the polynomials B(q) and F (q), respectively. nk is the input delay
in number of samples.
After evaluating many different OE models, the AIC values for the
best ones are shown in Figure 3.4.
It can be seen that between a model of order 2 and of order 3 the im-
provement is quite large, while the difference between a model of or-
der 3 and 4 and bigger is quite small. From this the conclusion can
be drawn that the model of order 3 is the best to use since not much
is gained from using a higher order model, and for control purposes
it can be beneficial to use a model of lower order. The resulting OE
model is shown in Equation (3.7), with model orders nb = 3, nf = 3
and nk = 1.
y(t) = u(t) + e(t)
F (q)
B(z) = 2.92q 1.694q 2 1.077q 3
F (z) = 1 2.766q + 2.592q 2 0.8231q 3
After obtaining the mathematical model the first and easiest step to-
ward a PID controller is using the Ziegler-Nichols method for obtain-
ing values for Kp , Ki and Kd . This tuning method was chosen because
it is a straightforward way to tune a PID controller. It is an heuristic
method and does not guarantee good results, but in this case it proved
The basic idea is to first implement a PID controller with only the P
part active and increase that until we get steady oscillations. The gain
used to achieve this is denoted K0 and the oscillation period of those
steady oscillations is denoted T0 .
The values used to achieve a PI and PID controller are presented in
Table 3.1.
Control type Kp Ki Kd
PI 0.45 · K0 T0 /1.2 -
PID 0.6 · K0 T0 /2 T0 /8
Table 3.1: PI and PID controller gains given from the Ziegler-Nichols
Kp + Ki
z 1 (3.8)
Kp = 0.00739, Ki = 2.96, T s = 0.001
Ts z 1
Kp + Ki + Kd
z 1 Ts (3.9)
Kp = 0.00333, Ki = 1.33, Kd = 2.08e 06, Ts = 0.001
After obtaining the mathematical model the first step towards a LQR
controller was to create a state space representation of that model:
To add the integral feedback an integral state is added and the matrices
A, B and C are augmented. This is done by adding zeros as shown in
Equation (3.11) to give them appropriate size. This representation can
then be used to obtain the control matrices Q and R for the design of
the LQR controller.
2 3 2 3
6 A 0 7 6 B 7
Aaugmented =6
7, Baugmented = 6 7
0 5 4 5
0 0 0 0 0
⇥ ⇤
Caugmented = C 0
The matrix Q should have the same size as the augmented matrix A in
the state space representation and is chosen to be CT C with an added
weight for the integral state. The design CT C is chosen since it is the
output y we want to bring to the reference value. Since C is the re-
lationship between the states x and the output y this gives us a good
output weighting. The weight for the integral state is varied to get a
good response. The resulting Q is shown in Equation (3.12):
2 3
2.1318 0.6185 0.7859 0
6 0.6185 0.1794 0.2280 0 7
4 0.7859
7 (3.12)
0.2280 0.2897 0 5
0 0 0 0.7
The matrix R should be square and have the same number of columns
as the augmented matrix B in the state space representation, which in
this case is 1, and is chosen to be R = ⇢. The parameter ⇢ is then varied
to get a good response, resulting in R = 5.
The MATLAB function lqi is used to compute the optimal state feed-
back K. Since we are operating in discrete time the integrator output
xi is computed using the forward Euler formula, xi [k + 1] = xi [k] +
Ts (r[k] e[k]), where Ts is the sample time of the system. The resulting
K is shown in Equation (3.13):
⇥ ⇤
K= 0.7018 0.5154 0.3414 0.1543 (3.13)
The block diagram for the LQR with the added integral is shown in
Figure 3.5.
r e u y
Integrator -K System
Chapter 4
Figure 4.1: Simulated response compared to real data.
1 X |Ym,k Ys,k |
Error = = 0.0185. (4.1)
N k=1 |Ym,k |
Figure 4.2: Linear model compared to simulation data.
In this section the results of using the PI controller that was designed
in the previous chapter will be presented, both from the linear model
and from simulation in Simulink.
In Figure 4.3 the step response of the linear system with the PI con-
troller is shown. The step response characteristics are shown in Table
4.1 where the tolerance is 2 % and the rise time is calculated between
10 % and 90 % of the steady state response.
(a) Step response.
Rise time 9 ms
Settling time 123 ms
Overshoot 4.7 %
Steady state error 0%
4.3.2 Simulation
Rise time 9 ms
Settling time 142 ms
Overshoot 1.8 bar
Steady state error 0%
(a) Performance of simulation with PI controller.
In Figure 4.5 the performance of the system is shown when the engine
speed is kept at 800 rpm (compared to 2000 rpm used in the other sim-
ulations) and we do the same step from 11.7 bar på 20.15 bar and then
the clutch control valve is opened at time 2 seconds and closed again
at 2.25 seconds. It can be seen that the overshoot is very large.
Figure 4.5: Pressure drop due to low engine speed and opening of the
control valve (PI).
In Figure 4.6a the response of the system is shown when the engine
speed is being varied and the PI controller is being used. The varia-
tion of the engine speed is shown in Figure 4.6b. The control valve is
opened for 250 ms after 4 seconds, when the engine speed is at its high-
est, and then again after 7 seconds, when the engine speed is low.
(a) Response of the system with PI controller and varying engine
4.4 Simulation results: PID controller
In this section the results of using the PID controller that was designed
in the previous chapter will be presented, both from the linear model
and from simulation in Simulink.
In Figure 4.7 the step response of the linear system with the PID con-
troller applied is shown. The step response characteristics are shown
in Table 4.3 where the tolerance is 2 % and the rise time is calculated
between 10 % and 90 % of the steady state response.
Rise time 9 ms
Settling time 111 ms
Overshoot 5%
Steady state error 0%
(a) Step response.
4.4.2 Simulation
(a) Performance of simulation with PID controller.
In Figure 4.9 the performance of the system is shown when the engine
speed is kept at 800 rpm (compared to 2000 rpm used in the other sim-
ulations) and we do the same step from 11.7 bar på 20.15 bar and then
the clutch control valve is opened at time 2 seconds and closed again
at 2.25 seconds. It can be seen that the overshoot is very large.
Figure 4.9: Pressure drop due to low engine speed and opening of the
control valve (PID).
In Figure 4.10a the response of the system is shown when the engine
speed is being varied and the PID controller is being used. The varia-
tion of the engine speed is shown in Figure 4.10b. The control valve is
opened for 250 ms after 4 seconds, when the engine speed is at its high-
est, and then again after 7 seconds, when the engine speed is low.
(a) Response of the system with PID controller and varying engine
4.5 Simulation results: Linear quadratic reg-
ulator (LQR)
In this section the results of using a LQR that was designed in the
previous chapter will be presented, both from the linear model and
from simulation in Simulink.
In Figure 4.11 the step response of the linear system with the LQR con-
troller applied is shown. The step response characteristics are shown
in Table 4.5 where the tolerance is 2 % and the rise time is calculated
between 10 % and 90 % of the steady state response.
Rise time 3 ms
Settling time 5.2 ms
Overshoot 0%
Steady state error 0%
(a) Step response.
4.5.2 Simulation
Rise time 9 ms
Settling time 74 ms
Overshoot 1.73 bar
Steady state error 0%
(a) Performance of simulation with LQR.
In Figure 4.13 the performance of the system is shown when the engine
speed is kept at 800 rpm (compared to 2000 rpm used in the other
simulations) and we do the same step from 11.7 bar på 20.15 bar and
then the clutch control valve is opened at time 2 seconds and closed
again at 2.25 seconds. It can be seen that the overshoot is within the
required bounds.
Figure 4.13: Pressure drop due to low engine speed and opening of
the control valve (LQR).
In Figure 4.14a the response of the system is shown when the engine
speed is being varied and the LQR controller is being used. The varia-
tion of the engine speed is shown in Figure 4.14b. The control valve is
opened for 250 ms after 4 seconds, when the engine speed is at its high-
est, and then again after 7 seconds, when the engine speed is low.
(a) Response of the system with LQR and varying engine speed.
Chapter 5
In this chapter the results will be discussed and compared. The con-
clusion will also be presented as well as the ideas for potential future
work regarding this problem.
5.1 Modelling
The fit of the linear model is good, as can be seen in Figure 4.2. It
might seem low with a fit about 60 %, but this is mainly due to the
linear model not modelling the noise that is introduced to the system
with the steps in the input and the fact that the nonlinear Simulink
model is approximated with a linear model.
The low fit percentage could also be a sign that a model of higher order
is needed, but as shown in Figure 3.4 not much is gained from using
a model of higher order. Also, not having a too high model order is
desirable for control purposes.
The limitations of using a linear model is of course that the Simulink
model is not linear, nor is the actual system, and in some ways this
means that the model is not true. The idea is however that this should
be reasonably good, but this could of course be a problem.
5.2 Controllers
Linear model
In Figures 4.6 and 4.10 we can also see the same results when the en-
gine speed is being varied.
Linear model
It took some trial and error, but a satisfactory LQR controller was
found. As can be seen in Figure 4.11 the controller is very fast with
no overshoot. As can be seen in Table 4.5, this controller meets the
requirements for a step response.
In Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 the step characteristics of the different con-
trollers both in the linear system and Simulink is shown. For Simulink
it is shown with both high and low engine speed.
Rise time 9 ms 9 ms 3 ms
Settling time 123 ms 111 5.2 ms
Overshoot 4.7 % 5% 0%
Rise time 9 ms 9.5 ms 9 ms
Settling time 142 ms 157 74 ms
Overshoot 1.8 bar 1.83 bar 1.73 bar
Overshoot Too large Too large Acceptable
These results show that for this particular problem the LQR is more
suitable than a PI or PID controller. This is mainly because of the LQR
controllers robustness against slower engine speed, where the PI and
PID controllers did not meet the requirements.
Chapter 6
6.1 Conclusion
The goal of this study was to investigate methods for closed loop con-
trol of hydraulic pressure in a transmission. To achieve this the sub-
goals were to create a Simulink model of the system, a mathematical
model and to design one or more controllers.
During the course of this project, a Simulink model has been created
as well as a linearized mathematical model. In addition to this, three
controllers have been designed: a PI controller, a PID controller and a
LQR controller. The controllers’ performance in the modelled system
have been simulated and compared.
It has been shown that all of the controllers could regulate the hy-
draulic pressure in the transmission with satisfactory results when the
engine speed is high enough, but both the PI and PID controller could
not handle lower engine speed. The LQR controller did much better
than the other two controllers with a slower engine speed, but still did
not do well enough when the clutch control valve is opened during
periods of low engine speed. This is supported by the information
presented in Section 5.2.
6.2 Future work
As future work, other control strategies suitable for this project could
be tried, such as self-tuning PIDs or a Model Predictive Controller.
Another thing that could be done further is to implement the con-
trollers in an actual transmission, perhaps on a test rig. After doing
this, further analysis on the performance of the controllers could be
done and be used to decide what needs to be improved or what other
controller to try out next.
When it comes to the Simulink model, the complexity and accuracy of
it could be improved. For example, the modelling of the different parts
could be done much more physical and not rely on measurements and
look-up tables.
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ISSN 1653-5146