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Smart and

digital grids


buildings and

and storage


Protection, metering and
control units
The quality of the products designed, Our commitment to the environment is
manufactured and installed by Ormazabal is reaffirmed with the implementation and
backed by the implementation and certification certification of an environmental management
of a quality management system, based on system as laid down in international standard
international standard ISO 9001. ISO 14001.

1. Introduction 4. User interface
Ormazabal p. 5 Web server p. 36
Benefits of our solutions p. 6 Configuration tools p. 38
ekor.soft p. 38
ekor.soft-xml p. 39
Programmable Logic Controller p. 39
2. Protection, metering
and control units
5. ekorsys protection
Construction structure
p. 10
p. 11
units selection
Fault detection p. 11
ekor.rci p. 12
Self-powered p. 14
ekor.rpg p. 14
ekor.rpt p. 16 Annex
ekor.rpa series 020 p. 18
ekor.rpa series 030 p. 20 ANSI functions p. 45
ekor.wtp p. 22
Multifunction p. 24
ekor.rpa series 100 p. 24
ekor.rpa series 200 p. 26

3. Voltage and current

Current metering p. 30
Voltage metering p. 32
ekor.evs p. 32
ekor.evt-c p. 33
ekor.evt-r p. 34

  Protection, metering and control units

1. Introduction
Ormazabal p. 5
Beneficios de nuestras soluciones p. 6

ekorsys |

We are experts in customised, high-tech We have a unique innovation and technology
electrical solutions, with more than 55 years’ centre and a team of over 2400 highly
experience. qualified professionals, all with a common
purpose: to lead the technological evolution of
Our solutions are focused on digitalising electricity networks, enabling energy transition
the power grid in order to integrate more toward a sustainable model.
renewable energy generation, enable greater
sustainable mobility, and guarantee supply for We are the origin of Velatia, a family-run,
buildings and infrastructure with critical energy industrial and technology group with
needs. international standing made up of companies
offering advanced technological solutions
Thanks to our permanent commitment to in line with the development of smart cities.
technological and industrial innovation, we
have positioned our technology all round the Velatia is present in electrical networks,
world to become a global player. helping in the deployment of smart grids. It
16 industrial plants and a network of accompanies its customers in their digital
subsidiaries and distributors around the world transformation process and offers its expertise
help us serve our customers’ needs in over in sectors such as aeronautics, energy services,
50 countries. electromechanical engineering and the
manufacture of electronic components.

Protection, metering and control units

and storage

• Distribution • Renewable energy

systems Green
• Energy storage
Smart and • Hydrogen production
digital grids
and networks generation
and storage

of our Digitalisation

We respond to new requirements
in smart grids with native digital solutions.
Our equipment incorporates the sensors,
electronics and communications necessary to
ensure optimal
network management:
• Greater safety
• Continuity of service
• Greater efficiency


buildings and


Smart and
digital grids

• Electric vehicle
• Data centres
• High-voltage shore
• Airports and tunnels
connection systems Sustainable
Green buildings and
• Hospitals, shopping centres...
mobility • Railway and metro
infrastructure • Industry
• Hydrogen mobility

Efficiency Sustainability
We design flexible, compact equipment for We strive to ensure our environmental
easy handling, installation and replacement, footprint is as small as possible, which we
minimising the impact on the environment. achieve thanks to an ISO 14001-certified
environmental management system that
monitors our impact on the environment.
Safety and reliability That is why:
• We rationalise our use of primary products,
We care about the safety of all people coming
selecting those materials that can best be
into contact with our solutions.
recycled while continuously cutting down on
All our equipment is validated in accordance
the most harmful ones.
with the most important international
• We certify the sealtight integrity of our
standards, thereby ensuring it works and
products, minimising the risk of leakage
operates safely throughout its service life,
to the environment.
while also helping to maintain continuity of
• We apply eco-design criteria in all our
supply for the electrical network.
• We optimise energy consumption for both
our equipment and the entire manufacturing

  Protection, metering and control units

2. Protection,
metering and
control units
Porfolio p. 10 Multifunción p. 24
Estructura constructiva p. 11 ekor.rpa serie 100 p. 24
Detección de paso de falta p. 12 ekor.rpa serie 200 p. 26
ekor.rci p. 12
Autoalimentadas p. 14
ekor.rpg p. 14
ekor.rpt p. 16
ekor.rpa serie 020 p. 18
ekor.rpa serie 030 p. 20
ekor.wtp p. 22

Protection, metering and control units

Extensive portfolio of integrated units protection, control and metering functions to
associated with Ormazabal products, with meet the needs of the electrical network.

Fault detection



ekor.rpg / ekor.rpt ekor.rpa series 020 ekor.rpa series 030 ekor.wtp series 100/200


ekor.rpa series 100 ekor.rpa series 200


Construction structure
3 1 Screen
2 Menu keypad
3 Status LED
4 Configuration/maintenance port
5 Communications port


6 6 Current transformers
7 Voltage detection:
• Embedded sensors ekor.evs
• External sensors ekor.evt-c /
• Conventional transformers

Protection, metering and control units

Fault detection, supervision Functionality
and integrated control unit • Phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth
overcurrent fault detection (directional
The ekor.rci fault detection, supervision and and non-directional) and sensitive neutral
integrated control unit, built into Ormazabal overcurrent
cubicle feeder functions, is the basic equipment • Zero-sequence voltage detection
for protecting a network to be automated. • IEC inverse time curves
Its functionality is based on a microprocessor • Switch operation and control
to process the signals and carry out the • Presence/absence of voltage
integrated control functions: supervision, • V, P and Q without the need for voltage
automation and remote control of transformer transformers
and switching substations • Remote-controlled cubicle operation
• Neutral directional unit with configurable
maximum torque angle (MTA) to detect
Applications directional earth faults

• Insulation of fault sections Note: See Voltage and current sensors section.
• Automation of transformer substations
• Operation and control of switches in remote-
controlled transformer substations ANSI functions configuration
• Automatic sectionaliser
• Automatic feeder transfer

Compact solution in cubicle
• Integration in the control compartment

Reduced commissioning
• Unit assembled, cabled and tested in the
• Current transformers installed in the



Power supply
Power: 40-90 Vac / 24-120 Vdc
Analogue current inputs 4(1)
Analogue voltage inputs
Digital inputs/outputs 8/4
Inputs and outputs expansion module -
Settings groups -
Protection functions
Active/reactive power
Control and supervision
Voltage presence/absence detection
Switchgear status
Switch operation
Automatic sectionaliser
Reset indicators
Time synchronisation
Settings and records
Indication of reason for tripping
Error indication
Configuration via display / ekor.soft
Physical media
Front port 1x DB9/RS-232
Rear port 1 x RS-485
Serial communications
IEC 60870-5-103
Configuration: Standard Optional
One input exclusively for zero-sequence current transformer. The value of IN will be calculated

Protection, metering and control units

Protection unit for circuit- Availability
breaker protection cubicles • Facility protected in the event of absence or
loss of line/auxiliary voltage
The ekor.rpg protection and metering unit, • Uninterrupted power guaranteed
built into Ormazabal 's circuit-breaker cubicles,
offers overall protection functions. Functionality
Its functionality is based on a microprocessor • IEC inverse time curves
with phase and neutral timed (overload) and • External tripping
instantaneous (short-circuit) overcurrent • Primary and secondary tests
protection functions. • Phase current metering
Note: Current sensors.

• Protection of medium-voltage end users ANSI functions configuration
• Transformer protection
• Feeder protection

Compact solution in cubicle
• Integration in the control compartment

Reduced commissioning
• Unit assembled, cabled and tested in the
• Current transformers installed in the

Dual power
• Power supply through current transformers
as of 5A
• Auxiliary power 230 Vac



General characteristics
Dual power: Self-powered + 230 Vac
Auxiliary power: 12-90 Vac / 12-120 Vdc
Analogue current inputs 4(1)
Analogue voltage inputs -
Digital inputs/outputs 1/1(2)
Inputs and outputs expansion module -
Settings groups 1
Timing curve types: IEC
Protection functions
50-51 (3)

50N-51N (3)

50NS-51NS(4) (3)

Automatic adjustment of functions 50/51 - 50N/51N

Settings and records
Indication of reason for tripping
Error indication
Configuration via display / ekor.soft
Physical media
Front port 1x DB9/RS-232
Rear port 1 x RS-485
Serial communications
Configuration: Standard Optional
One input exclusively for zero-sequence current transformer. The value of IN will be calculated
External trip input
Models with zero-sequence current transformer

Protection, metering and control units

Protection unit for fuse Functionality
protection cubicles • Greater selectivity than fuse protection:
IEC inverse time curves
The ekor.rpt protection and metering unit, • Avoids unsafe tripping (I3)
built into Ormazabal’s fuse protection cubicles, • External tripping
provides transformer protection functions. • Primary and secondary tests
Its functionality is based on a microprocessor • Phase current metering
with phase and neutral timed (overload) and
Note: See Current sensors section
instantaneous (short-circuit) overcurrent
protection functions.

ANSI functions configuration

• Protection for medium-voltage customers.
• Transformer protection

Compact solution in cubicle
• Integration in the control compartment

Reduced commissioning
• Unit assembled, cabled and tested in the

Dual power
• Power supply through current transformers
as of 5A
• Auxiliary power 230 Vac

• Facility protected in the event of absence or
loss of line/auxiliary voltage
• Uninterrupted power guaranteed



General characteristics
Dual power: Self-powered + 230 Vac
Auxiliary power: 12-90 Vac / 12-120 Vdc
Analogue current inputs 4(1)
Analogue voltage inputs -
Digital inputs/outputs 1/1(2)
Inputs and outputs expansion module -
Settings groups 1
Timing curve types: IEC
Protection functions
50-51 (3)

50N-51N (3)

50NS-51NS(4) (3)

Automatic adjustment of functions 50/51 - 50N/51N

Settings and records
Indication of reason for tripping
Error indication
Configuration via display / ekor.soft
Physical media
Front port 1x DB9/RS-232
Rear port 1 x RS-485
Serial communications
Configuration: Standard Optional
One input exclusively for zero-sequence current transformer. The value of IN will be calculated
External trip input
Models with zero-sequence current transformer

Protection, metering and control units

ekor.rpa series 020

Self-powered protection unit Dual power
• Powered by the same phase protection
ekor.rpa 020 series self-powered protection current transformers
units have been designed to meet the needs • Universal auxiliary power supply
of increasingly complex medium-voltage
distribution networks, with more players in the Availability
system (photovoltaic plants, energy storage • Installation protected in the event of absence
facilities, electric vehicle charging stations, or loss of auxiliary power supply
etc.) demanding highly developed protective • Uninterrupted service guaranteed
equipment and additional functions.
Depending on the model, ekor.rpa series 020 Modular functionality
units can also incorporate current directionality • Self-powered protection units
protection and metering functions. • Real-time metering (I, V, P, Q, angle)

Operation and maintenance

Applications • LCD display
• Faults record
• Transformer protection • Configuration software
• Feeder protection ekor.soft-xml software
Configuration via the system's
Note: See Voltage and current sensors section
Compact solution in cubicle
• Integration in the control compartment
ANSI functions configuration
Reduced commissioning
• Unit assembled, cabled and tested in
the factory
• Current transformers installed in the

• Optimisation of mean time between failures
• External trip allowed in the event of
breakdown on electronic relay or Vaux not
available (FAIL-SAFE) Meterings
V Angle (ϕ)

Note: Check functionality and models on next page.



ekor.rpa series 020 ekor.rpa-021 ekor.rpa-022

General characteristics
Dual power: Self-powered + 24-125 Vdc / 110-230 Vac
Analogue current inputs 4(1) 4(1)
Analogue voltage inputs - 3(2)
Digital inputs/outputs 2/2(3) 2/2(3)
Settings groups 1 1
Timing curve types: IEC and ANSI
Protection functions
50-51[1]-51[2] 50N-51N[1]-51N[2] (5) (5)

50Ns-51Ns(4) (5) (5)

46 46BC - (5)

67 67N 67Ns(4) 67NA(4) - (5)

49 - (5)

2nd harmonic tripping blocked (5) (5)

Cold load -
Automatic adjustment of functions 50/51 -50N/51N
Voltage Active/reactive/apparent power -
Phi angle (φ) -
Settings and records
Watchdog (WD)
Faults record 10 10
Configurable LED/LED 4/0 4/0
Configuration via display / ekor.soft.xml
Physical media
Front port 1 x Micro-USB 1 x Micro-USB
Notes: Configuration:
One input exclusively for zero-sequence transformer. The value of IN will be calculated Standard
The value of VN will be calculated Optional
Inputs for fail-safe external trip | Outputs: Watchdog + general trip
Models with zero-sequence current transformer

Protection, metering and control units

ekor.rpa series 030

Self-powered protection, Availability
control and metering unit • Installation protected in the event of absence
or loss of auxiliary power supply
The ekor.rpa 030 series unit is a robust, • Uninterrupted service guaranteed
versatile solution for digitising the electrical
distribution network in all areas, from Modular functionality
renewables through to end users and public • Protection units
distribution. • Scalable automation
The ekor.rpa-031 model, in addition to • Remote control and communications
including self-powered current protection,
offers automation functions, local/remote Operation and maintenance
control, logic programming, metering, etc. • LCD display
• Control and operation via SCADA
• Local/remote supervision, maintenance and
Applications parameter setting via web
• Faults and events records with associated
• Transformer protection oscillographs
• Feeder protection • Real-time metering (I, V, P, Q, E, angle, THD
• General protection and temperature)
• Remote control and automation through • Non-proprietary configuration software
integrated control: Configuration via web server
MV grid connection substation Configuration via the system's
Transformer and distribution substations keypad-display
• Programmable Logic Controller software

Benefits Note: See Voltage and current sensors section

Compact solution in cubicle

• Integration in the control compartment ANSI functions configuration
Reduced commissioning
• Unit assembled, cabled and tested in the
• Current transformers installed in the

• Optimisation of mean time between failures
• External trip allowed in the event of
breakdown on electronic relay or Vaux not
available (FAIL-SAFE) V Angle (ϕ)
• Programmable vs. cabled automation
Q Temperature

Dual power Note: Check functionality and models on next page.

• Powered by the same phase protection
current transformers
• Universal auxiliary power supply


ekor.rpa series 030 ekor.rpa-031
General characteristics
Dual power: Self-powered + 24-125 Vdc / 110-230 Vac
Analogue current inputs 4(1)
Analogue voltage inputs 6(2)
Configurable digital inputs/outputs (extendable with additional expansion s) 10/4(3)
Settings groups 2
Timing curve types: IEC and ANSI
Protection functions
50-51[1]-51[2] 50N-51N[1]-51N[2] (5)

50Ns-51Ns(4) (5)

46 46BC (5)

67 67N (5)

67Ns(4) (5)

67NA(4) (5)

49 (5)

2nd harmonic tripping blocked
Cold load
Automatic adjustment of functions 50/51 -50N/51N
Voltage Active/reactive/apparent power
Energy Phi angle (φ)
Voltage and current THD
50/51 50N/51N
Control and supervision
Circuit-breaker operation and control (52)
Interlocking (86)
Tripping circuit supervision (74TC)
Events record 4000
Faults report 10
Oscillograph report 10
LEDs/Configurable LEDs 8/2
Other automations/logics
Configuration via web
Physical media
• 1 x Micro-USB
Front ports
• 1 x RJ-45: web server (local access)
• 1 x RS-485: Modbus-RTU or PROCOME
• 1 x RS-485: Temperature bus
Rear ports
• 1 x Ethernet: Modbus-TCP and web server
(remote access)
Communications: serial(6)
Communications: IP(6)
IEC 61850
Notes: Configuration:
One input exclusively for zero-sequence transformer. The value of IN will be calculated Standard
3 for measuring voltage in busbars and 3 for measuring voltage in cables. Optional
The value of VN will be calculated
2 x Inputs for fail-safe external tripping / 1 x Watchdog output
Models with zero-sequence current transformer
Other protocols on request

Protection, metering and control units

Protection, metering Dual power • Non-proprietary configuration
and control unit for • Powered by the same phase software
wind turbine generator protection current transformers Configuration via web server (ekor.
systems • Universal auxiliary power supply wtp 200 series)
ekor.soft-xml software
The ekor.wtp protection, metering Modular functionality (ekor.wtp series 100)
and control unit with dual power • Protection units Configuration via the system's
(self-powered and universal auxiliary) • Scalable automation keypad-display
combines a wide range • Remote control and communications • Programmable Logic Controller
of functions, making it • Tripping acceleration in the event of software (ekor.wtp series 200)
the complete protection unit for wind internal fault
turbine generator systems while also • High-reliability tripping Note: See Voltage and current sensors section
responding to changing demands • Tripping block with starting current
throughout their life cycle. • Watchdog
• Efficiency in severe environments ANSI functions
• Conformity with the grid code: configuration
Benefits Sequential reconnection
Voltage dips
Compact solution in cubicle • Customised solutions:
• Integration in the cable compartment Disconnection / reconnection at
low temp.
Reduced commissioning Automation of events in extreme
• Unit assembled, cabled and tested in weather conditions
the factory Integration with other devices and
• Current transformers installed in the exchange of information
Operation and maintenance Meterings
I E (P+, P-, Q1,…,Q4)
Reliability • LCD display V Angle (ϕ)
• Optimisation of mean time between • Control and operation via SCADA P F

failures (MTBF) • Supervision, maintenance and local/ Q T

• External trip allowed in the event remote parameter setting via web
of breakdown on electronic relay or • Faults and events record with
Note: Check functionality and models on next page.
Vaux not available (FAIL-SAFE) associated oscillographs
• Programmable vs. cabled automation • Real-time metering (I, V, P, Q,
• Functional at low temperatures E, angle, frequency, THD and
• Facility protected in the event of
absence or loss of line/auxiliary
• Uninterrupted power guaranteed


ekor.wtp ekor.wtp-110 ekor.wtp-120 ekor.wtp-210 ekor.wtp-220
General characteristics
Dual power: Self-powered + 24-125 Vdc / 110-230 Vac
Analogue current inputs 4(1) 4(1) 4(1) 4(1)
Analogue voltage inputs - 3(2) 6(3) 6(3)
Digital inputs/outputs 2/2(4) 2/2(4) 10/4(5) 10/4(5)
Inputs and outputs expansion module - -
Settings groups 1 1 2 2
Protection functions
50-51[1]-51[2](6) 50N-51N[1]-51N[2](6)
50NS-51NS[1]-51NS[2](6) (7) (7) (7) (7)

67(6) 67N (6)

67NS(6) - (7) (7) (7)

46T(6) 46BC (6)

- -
49(6) - -
49T - -
27 59 59N - - -
81m/81M - - -
25 - - -
32m/32M - - -
2nd harmonic tripping blocked
Current -
Voltage Active/reactive/apparent power -
Energy P+, P-, Q1,…,Q4 - -
Phi angle (φ) -
Frequency - - -
Voltage and current THD - -
Temperature - -
Control and supervision
Control and operation of circuit-breakers (52) - -
Interlocking (86) - -
Tripping circuit supervision (74 TCS) Presence/absence of voltage - -
Events record - - 4000 4000
Faults record 10 10 10 10
Oscillograph report - - 10 10
Configurable LED/LED 4/0 4/0 8/2 8/2
Other automations/logics - -
Configuration via web - -
Physical media
 x micro-USB
1  x micro-USB
1 x RJ-45: web 1 x RJ-45: web
Front ports 1 x micro-USB 1 x micro-USB
server (local server (local
access) access)
1 x RS-485: 1 x RS-485:
Modbus-RTU Modbus-RTU
1 x RS-485: 1 x RS-485:
Temperature Temperature
Rear ports - - bus bus
1 x Ethernet: 1 x Ethernet:
Modbus-TCP Modbus-TCP
and web and web
server (remote server (remote
access) access)
Serial communications(8)
PROCOME IEC 60870-5-103 - -
DNP.3 series - -
Communications: IP(8)
DNP.3 TCP IEC 60870-5-104 - -
IEC 61850 - -
Notes: (2)
The value of VN will be calculated (5)
2 x Inputs for fail-safe external Configuration:
One input exclusively for zero- (3)
3 for measuring voltage in busbars and tripping / 1 x Watchdog output Standard
sequence current transformer. 3 for measuring voltage in cables. The (6) Self-powered Optional
The value of IN will be calculated value of VN will be calculated (7)
Models with zero-sequence
Inputs for Fail Safe external trip current transformer
Outputs: Watchdog + general trip (8)
Other protocols on request

Protection, metering and control units

ekor.rpa series 100
Multifunction control and Modular functionality
metering units • Protection units
• Scalable automation
The ekor.rpa 100 series multifunctional
• Remote control and communications
protection, metering and control unit offers
scalable hardware options and functionality
Operation and maintenance
levels to adapt perfectly to protection
• LCD display
• Control and operation via SCADA
All these characteristics meet the current
• Supervision, maintenance and local/remote
and future requirements of the distribution
parameter setting via web
• Faults and events reports
To meet current and future distribution
• Real-time MV metering (I, V, P, Q, E and
network requirements, the ekor.rpa
100 series unit has been designed in
• Non-proprietary configuration software
accordance with international standards
Configuration via web server
as well as grid code recommendations and
Configuration via the system's
Note: See Voltage and current sensors section
• Transformer protection
ANSI functions configuration
• Feeder protection
• General protection
• Remote control and automation through
integrated control:
MV grid connection substation
Transformer and distribution substations

Compact solution in cubicle
• Integration in the control compartment

Reduced commissioning
• Unit assembled, cabled and tested in the I E (P+, P-, Q1,…,Q4)
factory V Angle (ϕ)
• Current transformers installed in the

Reliability Note: Check functionality and models on next page.

• Optimisation of mean time between failures

• Programmable vs. cabled automation
• Safety redundancy: backup tripping coil


ekor.rpa series 100 ekor.rpa-110 ekor.rpa-120
General characteristics
24/48/125 Vdc
Analogue current inputs 4(1) 4(1)
Analogue voltage inputs - 3(2)
Configurable digital inputs/outputs 9/4 9/4
Settings groups 1 1
Protection functions
50-51[1]-51[2] 50N-51N[1]-51N[2]
46 46BC -
67 67N -
67Ns(3) -
49 -
27 59 59N -
2nd harmonic tripping blocked -
Cold load
Voltage Active/reactive/apparent power -
Energy P+, P-, Q1,…,Q4 Phi angle (φ) -
Control and supervision
Circuit-breaker operation and control (52)
Interlocking (86)
Tripping circuit supervision (74 TCS)
Recloser (79)
Presence/absence of voltage -
Events record 4000 4000
Faults record 10 10
Configuration via web
Physical media
Front port  x micro-USB
1  x micro-USB
Rear port 1 x RS-485 1 x RS-485
Communications: serial(4)
Communications: IP(4)
MODBUS-TCP DNP.3 TCP IEC 60870-5-104  
Notes: Configuration:
One input exclusively for zero-sequence current transformer. The value of IN will be calculated Standard
For measuring voltage in busbars or cables. The value of VN will be calculated Optional
Models with zero-sequence current transformer
Other protocols on request 

Protection, metering and control units

ekor.rpa series 200

Advanced protection, metering Modular functionality
and multifunction control unit • Protection units
• Scalable automation
ekor.rpa 200 series protection, metering and • Remote control and communications
control units have been designed to meet
automation needs in distribution networks, as Operation and maintenance
resulting from ever more stringent demands in • LCD display
terms of supply quality. • Control and operation via SCADA
Depending on the model, the ekor.rpa • Supervision, maintenance and local/remote
200 series stations can incorporate current, parameter setting via web
voltage and frequency protection functions, • Faults and events records with associated
as well as automation, local/remote control, oscillographs
metering of electrical parameters, presence • Real-time metering (I, V, P, Q, E, angle,
and absence of voltage, phase imbalance, etc. frequency, THD and temperature)
There are also variants depending on the • Non-proprietary configuration software
characteristics of the voltage metering Configuration via web server
channels (capacitive, standardised and • Programmable Logic Controller software
transformers). Configuration via the system's
Note: See Voltage and current sensors section
Compact solution in cubicle
• Integration in the control compartment ANSI functions configuration
Reduced commissioning
• Unit assembled, cabled and tested in
the factory
• Current transformers installed in the

• Optimisation of mean time between failures
• Programmable vs. cabled automation
• Safety redundancy: backup tripping coil
I E (P+, P-, Q1,…,Q4)
V Angle (ϕ)

Note: Check functionality and models on next page.


ekor.rpa series 200 ekor.rpa-210 ekor.rpa-220
General characteristics
24/48/125 Vdc - 230 Vac (Multi-range auxiliary power)
Analogue current inputs 5 5
Analogue voltage inputs 5 5
Configurable transformation ratio
Configurable digital inputs/outputs (extendable with additional expansion modules) 10/4 10/4
Settings groups 2 2
Timing curve types: IEC and ANSI
Customised user curves
Protection functions
50-51[1]-51[2] 50N-51N[1]-51N[2]
46 46BC
67 67N
27 59 59N 47 -
81m/81M/81R -
32m/32M -
25 -
2nd harmonic tripping blocked
Cold load
Voltage Active/reactive/apparent power
Energy P+, P-, Q1,…,Q4 Phi angle (φ)
Thermal overload accumulation
Voltage and current THD
Control and supervision
Circuit-breaker operation and control (52) Interlocking (86)
Sequential reconnection
Tripping circuit supervision (74 TCS) Presence/absence of voltage
Events record 4000 4000
Faults report 10 10
Oscillograph report 10 10
Configurable LED/LED 8/6 8/6
Recloser (79)
Other automations
Configuration via web
Physical media
 x micro-USB
1  x micro-USB
Front ports 1 x RJ-45: web server 1 x RJ-45: web server
(local access) (local access)
2 x RS-485: Modbus-RTU 2 x RS-485: Modbus-RTU
1 x RS-485: 1 x RS-485:
Rear ports
Temperature bus Temperature bus
1 x Ethernet: Modbus-TCP
 1 x Ethernet: Modbus-TCP
and remote web server and remote web server
Communications: serial(1)
Communications: IP(1)
MODBUS-TCP IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 61850
Notes: Configuration:
Other protocols on request Standard

  Protection, metering and control units

3. Voltage and
current sensors
Medida de intensidad p. 30
Medida de tensión p. 32
ekor.evs p. 32
ekor.evt-c p. 33
ekor.evt-r p. 34

Protection, metering and control units

Current metering
Toroidal-core inductive current transformers
are components associated with the ekorsys
family of protection and control equipment.
Once installed at the factory, the transformers
are subjected to thorough final unit checks
and tests: protection relay, transformers and
cubicle, i.e. checking the whole tripping chain.


Phase current toroidal-core transformers

Ratio 1000/1 A 1000/1 A 1000/1 A 300/1 A 2500/1 A
Primary rated current 1000 A 1000 A 1000 A 300 A 2500 A
Secondary rated current 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A
Measurement range Extended 120 % Extended 130 % Extended 130 % Extended 130 % Extended 130 %
Measurement class 0.2 s 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 s
Protection class 5P8 5P3 5P20 5P20 5P13
Burden 1 VA 0.2 VA 0.2 VA 0.2 VA 0.2 VA
Thermal current 20 kA/1 s 31.5 kA/3 s 31.5 kA/3 s 31.5 kA/3 s 31.5 kA/3 s
Dynamic current 2.5 Ith 2.5 Ith 2.5 Ith 2.5 Ith 2.5 Ith
Frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Thermal class B (130ºC) B (130ºC) B (130ºC) B (130ºC) B (130ºC)
ekor.rci   - - -
ekor.rpg / ekor.rpt - -   -
ekor.rpa series 020 - -   
ekor.rpa series 030 - -   
ekor.wtp series 100/200 - -   -
ekor.rpa series 100 - -   
ekor.rpa series 200 - -   

Neutral current toroidal-core transformers

Ratio 1000/1 A 300/1 A 1000/1 A
Primary rated current 1000 A 300 A 1000 A
Secondary rated current 1A 1A 1A
Measurement range Extended 130 % Extended 130 % Extended 130 %
Measurement class 0.2 s 0.5 s 0.2 s
Protection class 5P 1.5 5P4 5P 1.5
Burden 0.2 VA 0.2 VA 0.2 VA
Thermal current 31.5 kA/3 s 31.5 kA/3 s 31.5 kA/3 s
Dynamic current 2.5 Ith (80 kA) 2.5 Ith (80 kA) 2.5 Ith (80 kA)
Frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Thermal class B (130ºC) B (130ºC) B (130ºC)
ekor.rci  - -
ekor.rpg / ekor.rpt -  
ekor.rpa series 020 -  
ekor.rpa series 030 -  
ekor.wtp series 100/200 -  
ekor.rpa series 100 -  
ekor.rpa series 200 -  

Protection, metering and control units

Voltage metering
Voltage measurement can be performed in a
variety of ways, depending on the relay model
and functionality.

ekor.evs voltage metering sensors are
embedded in Ormazabal cubicle bushings.

Cubicle model
Voltage range Accuracy(*)
cgmcosmos-3l 10-22 kV
cgmcosmos-v cl.1-3P
cgm.3-rb cl.1
10-33 kV
cgm.3-v cl.1-3P
ekor.rci 
ekor.rpa-022 
ekor.rpa series 031 
ekor.wtp-120 
ekor.wtp series 200 
ekor.rpa series 100 
ekor.rpa series 200(**) 
* According to the following standards:
( )

- IEC 61869-11
- IEC 61869-3 as of 10 kV (feeder functions) and 15 kV (circuit-breaker functions)
**) In capacitive model only


ekor.evt-c voltage metering sensors are
capacitive and externally mounted.
These sensors can be installed either on
the incoming cable connectors or on the
cubicle’s busbars, depending on the need or
functionality of the unit. They are characterised
by their autonomous, passive operation
(without external auxiliary power), and are
fitted with a low-power, low-voltage analogue
output which is compatible with metering
systems without prior conditioning.

Characteristics ekor.evt-c
Voltage range 12-33 kV
Measurement class 1(*)
Protection class 3P(*)
Rated burden R ≥ 1MΩ and C ≤ 510pF
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Medium-voltage symmetrical T-connector
Type of connector
C-type interface (UNE-EN-50181)
ekor.rci 
ekor.rpa-022 
ekor.rpa series 031 
ekor.wtp-120 
ekor.wtp series 200 
ekor.rpa series 100 
ekor.rpa series 200(**) 
* According to Standard IEC 61869-3
( )

**) In capacitive model only

Protection, metering and control units

ekor.evt-r voltage metering sensors are
resistive and externally mounted.
These sensors can be installed either on
the incoming cable connectors or on the
cubicle’s busbars, depending on the need or
functionality of the unit. They are characterised
by their autonomous, passive operation
(without external auxiliary power), and are
fitted with a low-power, low-voltage analogue
output which is compatible with metering
systems without prior conditioning.

Characteristics ekor.evt-r
Voltage range 10-33 kV
±1% Amplitude
Metering class(*)
±1º Phase
Protection class -
Rated burden R>10MΩ C<470pF
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Medium-voltage symmetrical T-connector
Type of connector
C-type interface (UNE-EN-50181)
ekor.rpa series 200(**) (**)
( )
* According to Standard IEC 61869-3
**) In standardised model only

4. User interface
Servidor web (Webserver) p. 36
Herramientas de configuración p. 38
ekor.soft p. 38
ekor.soft-xml p. 39
Programmable Logic Controller p. 39

  Protection, metering and control units

ekorsys equipment has a series of update the content of the different settings,
configurations that can be viewed and modified either manually in the relevant fields or
via a variety of user interfaces (depending on uploading/downloading configuration files
the range/model): • Via non-proprietary configuration software
• Through the system's web server. The user
can connect to the unit's Local-IP with an
Ethernet cable to view the web and see and

Web server

The web server is the perfect viewer for

configuring the device via an Ethernet
connection. Its optimised design allows access
even in slow connections, fully functional at all
It also has the benefit that this website can
be accessed from any web browser (Chrome,
Firefox, etc.). This access can be in local or
remote mode, using any of the system's
Ethernet ports.

Local-Remote access
Users have privileges to view and/or modify
the transformer substation and remote control
parameters, either from a local IP address
or remotely from those associated with the
transformer substation.


Menus index Configuration

The menu is divided in a user-friendly way This tab is used to configure the different
into tabs, which keep the user informed about parameters of the substation:
real-time data, log of events and operations, • Protection: view and change protection
alarms, meterings, communications, etc., while unit settings
different transformer substation parameters • IP RTU: display and change IP parameters,
can also be configured. NTP parameters, LDAP parameters, timings,
Querying and/or modifying parameters, etc. Can be loaded and downloaded in
querying records and logs, firmware upgrades, an .xml file
etc., are all carried out through the following • Password
menus: • Automation: modification of implemented
automation parameters

The user accesses data in real time, along with
information on the status of the cubicle, alarms The ekorsys family ranges with this web server
and current meterings, voltage, etc. are as follows:
• Display: Access to real-time cubicle status • ekor.rpa series 030
information (switch open-closed, indicators, • ekor.wtp series 200
etc.) • ekor.rpa series 100
• Alarms: real-time display of the list of all • ekor.rpa series 200
alarms defined (active or inactive alarms)
• Meterings: access to the different values
provided by the system
• Communications: display protocols,
commands, values and status of
• Specification: text input with installation-
specific information
• I/O inputs: real-time view of the status of the
system's inputs and outputs

This menu chronologically shows different logs
that can be downloaded from the system:
• Substation alarms and events record
• Faults record
• Software upgrades record

  Protection, metering and control units

Configuration tools

ekor.soft software is a tool to help set
and monitor parameters for the following
protection, metering, signalling and control
units of the ekorsys family:
• ekor.rpg
• ekor.rpt
• ekor.rci

• Present meterings
• Presence/absence of voltage reading display
• Settings for protection and detection
• Monitor input status
• Remote action on the outputs
• Create settings files in emulation mode or
connection with units
• Edit curves and settings record in text
• Fault log
• Inputs and outputs test from the dispatching


ekor.soft-xml is the variant of the ekor.soft The user connects to the system via this port
settings visualisation software exclusively and sees a recognisable environment showing
for units: a drive with accessible files organised in
• ekor.rpa series 020 folders.
• ekor.wtp series 100 All this, together with being non-proprietary
Each unit has an Ethernet port for this purpose. software, provides numerous benefits in terms
In the event of absence of external power (unit of usability.
off), the front micro-USB port (maintenance
port) can be used to supply the unit and set the
parameters using an xml file.

Programmable Logic
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) software
is a configuration tool for customised usability
of protection and control equipment:
• Digital outputs configuration
• Programming logics
• HMI programming:
• LEDs, Display
The ekorsys ranges this software can be used
in are as follows:
• ekor.rpa series 030
• ekor.wtp series 200
• ekor.rpa series 200

  Protection, metering and control units

5. ekorsys
protection units

  Protection, metering and control units

General characteristics
Aux. power
Aux. power Analogue Analogue Digital Settings IEC/ANSI User 51
Unit model Self-power 24/48/ 25 27 32M/m 46(4) 46FA(4) 47
230 Vac Inputs I Inputs V I/O groups Curves curves
125 Vdc
ekor.rci - 40-90 Vac 4(1) - 8/4 - - - - - - - - -
ekor.rpg 4(1) - 1/1 1 - - - - - - - -
ekor.rpt 4(1) - 1/1 1 - - - - - - - -
ekor.rpa-021 4(1) - 2/2 1 - - - - - - -
ekor.rpa-022 4(1) 3(2) 2/2 1 - - - - -
ekor.rpa-031 4(1) 6(3) 10/4 2 - - -
ekor.wtp-110 4(1) - 2/2 1 - - - - - - -
ekor.wtp-120 4(1) 3(2) 2/2 1 - - - - - - -
ekor.wtp-210 4(1) 6(3) 10/4 2 - - - -
ekor.wtp-220 4(1) 6(3) 10/4 2 -
ekor.rpa-110 - - 4(1) - 9/4 1 - - - - - - -
ekor.rpa-120 - - 4(1) 4 9/4 1 - - - -
ekor.rpa-210 - 5 4 10/4 2 - - - -
ekor.rpa-220 - 5 4 10/4 2
Exclusive input for zero-sequence current toroidal-cores. IN is calculated.
VN is calculated.
3 for measuring in busbars and 3 for measuring in cables. VN is calculated.
Self-powered operation as long as the relay has self-power functionality.

Metering Sensors Configu

Unit model Current Voltage P/Q Energy Angle Frequency Temperature THD ekor.evs ekor.evt-c ekor.evt-r VTs ekor.soft ekor.soft-xml

ekor.rci - - - - - - - -
ekor.rpg - - - - - - - - - - - -
ekor.rpt - - - - - - - - - - - -
ekor.rpa-021 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ekor.rpa-022 - - - - - - -
ekor.rpa-031 - - - - -
ekor.wtp-110 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ekor.wtp-120 - - - - - - -
ekor.wtp-210 - - - - -
ekor.wtp-220 - - - -
ekor.rpa-110 - - - - - - - - - - -
ekor.rpa-120 - - - - - - -
ekor.rpa-210 - -
ekor.rpa-220 - -
Exclusive input for zero-sequence current toroidal-cores. IN is calculated.
VN is calculated.
3 for measuring in busbars and 3 for measuring in cables. VN is calculated.
Self-powered operation as long as the relay has self-power functionality.


50/ 50N/ 50Ns/ 67/ 32N/ Cold Imax
49(4) 49T 51G 59 59N 67NA(4) 67Ns(4) 79 81M/m 81R 86 harmonic
51(4) 51N(4) 51Ns(4) 67N(4) PWH load blocking
- - 50 51N 51Ns - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - -

uration Automation and control Communications Accessories

Program- Sequential Voltage
Tripping coil I/O
mable reconnec- presence/ Automation Faults Oscillograph MODBUS MODBUS
Webserver Watchdog supervision PROCOME OTHERS expansion ekor.tmp
Logic tion auto- absence capability report record RTU TCP
(74 TCS) module
Controller mation automation
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -

  Protection, metering and control units

Funciones ANSI p. 45


ANSI functions
25 Synchronism check
27 Undervoltage
32M Directional Overpower
32 m Directional Underpower
32N/PWH Zero-sequence wattmeter protection
46 Phase current unbalance
46BC / 46 FA Broken conductor
47 Phase-sequence voltage
49 Thermal image overload
49T Temperature biased thermal overload
50 Iinstantaneous phase overcurrent
50N Instantaneous neutral overcurrent
50Ns Instantaneous sensitive neutral overcurrent
50BF Circuit-breaker failure
51 Inverse time phase overcurrent
51N Inverse time neutral overcurrent
51Ns Inverse time sensitive neutral overcurrent
51G Inverse time measured neutral overcurrent
52 Circuit-breaker
59 Phase overvoltage
59N Neutral overvoltage
67 Directional overcurrent
67N Directional neutral overcurrent
67Ns Directional sensitive neutral overcurrent
67NA Isolated directional neutral overcurrent
68 Blocking
74TCS Tripping coil supervision
79 Recloser
81M Overfrequency
81m Underfrequency
81R Rate of change of frequency
86 Lockout
87 Differential protective

Parque Científico y
Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Edif. 104. More info
48170 Zamudio. Spain

Tel.: +34 94 431 77 77

[email protected]

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