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Create a Bootable Device using Rufus Install Windows Server 2008 R2

Need to prepare:
• ISO file of the chosen OS (32 or 64 bit) These steps are included to demonstrate
• Flash drive with at least 8 GB capacity ground-up installations it can be applied also
in virtual machine.
1. Plug the USB drive into your computer. STEPS:
2. Open the Rufus, preferably the latest 1. Insert the installation media for
Windows Server 2008 R2. After the
3. Click the Select button to choose the
Windows 7 ISO file on your computer. installer runs, the Install Windows
4. (Optional) If the ISO file you choose is screen appears.
not supported by Rufus, you can click the 2. Enter language and other preferences.
drop-down menu of the Select button and Click Next.
select Download to download the ISO file 3. Click Install now. The setup begins.
you need. - The installer prompts to select an
5. Choose Image option, Partition scheme operation system.
and Target system based on your need. 4. Select Windows Server 2008 R2
Or you can keep the default options. Enterprise (Full Installation) and
6. Name the bootable USB under Volume click Next.
label. Finally, click Start to begin
- The installer prompts to read the
bootable media creation.
license terms.
5. Read the license terms. If you agree to
Install the OS from USB drive Rufus the license terms, select I accept the
license terms and click Next.
Let’s say: With a Rufus Windows 7 bootable 6. The installer asks you which type of
USB, you can install Windows 7 on any installation. For a new installation,
computer you want. Follow the steps below; click Custom (advanced).
7. The installer asks for disk location
STEPS: information. Make your selection and
1. Attach the USB flash drive to the PC click Next.
where you want to install Windows 7. 8. The installation begins.
2. Boot your PC and immediately press a 9. The installer prompts to change the
certain key (usually F2, F12, Delete, password. Click OK.
or Esc) to enter BIOS. 10. Enter a new password, re-enter the
3. Open the boot menu and set the USB password to confirm it, and click the
drive as the first boot device. right-arrow.
4. Follow the Install Windows wizard to 11. After you click OK on the
install Windows 7 from scratch. confirmation screen, the operating
system prepares your desktop.
12. The Initial Configuration
Tasks window appears by
default. Windows Server is now
installed. Windows Server prompts for
activation information. Enter
the Product Key and click Next
13. The installation is successful if the
screen display will show the server
Adding of Server Roles: ADDS Adding of Server Roles: DNS
1. Open command prompt (windows key + Note: If the server is already installed with
R) then type “dcpromo”. ADDS, the DNS server role has already been
2. There is a popup display showing the added.
action of the command--Checking if
Active Directory Domain Services But these steps can be applied if DNS has not
binaries are installed…
already been installed:
3. An installation wizard window display
after the loading of the command, then
click Next STEPS:
4. In a choose a Deployment Configuration 1. Open “Control Panel” and navigate
process tab, choose “Create a new to “Network and Sharing Center”.
domain in a new forest” then click Next. 2. Click the active network connection.
5. There is a bar tab in Name the Forest Root 3. In the new window, click
Domain process tab, that you can type “Properties”.
your desired domain name (a “.” is a 4. Click “Internet Protocol Version 4
requirement in naming a domain), then (TCP/IPv4)”, then navigate to
click Next. example:surname.section
6. A loading process window popup--
Checking whether the new forest name is
5. Choose “Use the following DNS
already in use… Verifying NetBIOS server addresses,” then enter the
name… Wait until the next display appear desired DNS server IP addresses.
7. We are using the installed Windows 6. Click “OK”, then close the windows.
Server 2008 R2, so we will choose it to
set Forest functional level, then click Next
8. Additional Domain Controller Options
process tab. Just choose DNS Server then
click Next.
9. Active Directory Domain Services
Installation Wizard. Just click Yes.
10. Location for Database process tab is next,
it shows the different folder path for
“Database”, “Log files” and
“SYSVOL”. If you want to have a
directed path, you can click Browse then
choose a path, but if not just click Next
11. The next process tab is Directory Services
Restore Mode Administrator Password.
You can type your desired password
(combination of lower and upper case,
number and special character) then
confirm it in the next bar tab.
12. After processing all the steps, the process
tab will show the Summary of all the steps
you’ve taken, to give you an opportunity
to change a specific option in steps. Click
Next to begin the operation.
13. Active Directory Domain Services
Installation Wizard, just wait until the
wizard completing the installation. It will
require you to “Reboot on completion”.
14. After the reboot, open the Server
Manager. The installation is successful if
you see your setup domain name in the
domain section.
Adding of Server Roles: DHCP Server Role: File Services
STEPS: Adding of Organizational Unit
1. Click “Start” Button
2. Click “Administrative Tool” STEPS:
3. Click “Server Manager” 1. Open the "Active Directory Users
and Computers" snap-in. You can
4. Click “Role”
do this by clicking on the "Start"
5. Find Roles Summary and “click” add button, selecting "Administrative
Roles. Tools," and then clicking on "Active
6. Click “Next” Directory Users and Computers."
7. Put “Check” on DHCP Server in the 2. In the Active Directory Users and
list. Computers window, navigate to the
domain where you want to create the
8. Click “Next”
OU. Expand the domain name to
9. Click “Next” reveal its contents.
10. “Check” if the IP address is correct. 3. Right-click on the domain name or
11. Put “Check” in the box then “click” any existing OU where you want to
next. add the new OU. From the context
12. Type “” in prepared DNS menu, select "New" and then click
server IP address and “click” validate. on "Organizational Unit."
4. Enter a name for the new OU in the
13. Validated and “click” next.
"Name" field. Choose a descriptive
14. Click “Next” name that reflects the purpose or
15. “Click” the add button to add scope. function of the OU.
16. Type the scope name ex. 5. Optionally, you can set additional
“cssNC_Scope”. properties for the new OU by clicking
17. Type starting IP address ex. on the "More Attributes" button.
“”. This allows you to configure settings
such as the description, Managed By,
18. Type ending IP address ex.
and others.
“”. 6. Click "OK" to create the new OU.
19. Put “check” on Activate the scope. You will now see the newly created
20. Click “Ok” OU listed under the selected domain
21. “Check” the scope if appears and or OU in the Active Directory Users
“click” next. and Computers window.
7. Optionally, you can further organize
22. “Enable” DHCPv6 and “Click”
the OU structure by creating sub-OUs
Next. within the newly created OU. Simply
23. Click “Next” repeat steps 3 to 6 within the newly
24. Click “Next” created OU to add additional
25. Click “Install” organizational units.
26. Wait to finish installing.
27. Click “Close”
28. Restart your computer.
29. “Type” any text to “click” Ok.
30. “Login” again and “press” CTRL +
ALT + Del.
Server Role: File Services

File Redirection Sharing a Folder

1. Right-click on the folder you want to
1. Open the Group Policy Management
share, then select "Properties".
Console (GPMC). You can do this by
2. In the Properties window, go to the
clicking on Start, then Administrative
"Sharing" tab.
Tools, and selecting Group Policy 3. Click on the "Advanced Sharing"
Management. button.
2. In the Group Policy Management 4. Check the box next to "Share this
Console, navigate to the Organizational folder".
Unit (OU) or domain where you want to 5. Optionally, you can change the share
apply folder redirection. name by entering a new name in the
3. Right-click on the desired OU or domain, "Share name" field.
then select "Create a GPO in this 6. Click on the "Permissions" button to
domain, and Link it here..." option. set the permissions for the shared
4. Give your new Group Policy Object folder.
(GPO) a descriptive name, then click OK. 7. In the Permissions window, add or
5. Right-click on the newly created GPO remove users and groups as needed,
and select Edit. and assign appropriate permissions
6. In the Group Policy Management Editor, (Read, Read/Write, Full Control,
navigate to User Configuration > etc.).
Policies > Windows Settings > Folder
8. Click OK to apply the changes and
close the Permissions window.
9. Click OK again to apply the changes
7. Right-click on the folder you want to
and close the Properties window.
redirect (e.g., Documents, Desktop, etc.),
then select Properties.
8. In the Properties window, select the
"Basic" tab and choose the setting
"Redirect everyone's folder to the same
9. Specify the target folder location. You can
redirect to a network share by selecting
"Redirect to the following location" and
entering the network path, or you can
redirect to the user's home directory by
selecting "Redirect to the user's home
10. Click OK to apply the changes.
11. Close the Group Policy Management
12. Force a Group Policy update on the client
machines by running "gpupdate /force"
in Command Prompt or waiting for the
policy to apply during the next refresh
Adding of Server Roles: Print Services
STEPS: Print a Document using the Printer
1. In Server Manager, right click Roles Services
and select Add Roles, this will load
the Add Roles Wizard. STEPS:
2. On the Before You Begin page, click 1. Ensure that the printer is installed
Next. and configured correctly on the
3. On the Server Roles page, select the Windows Server 2008 R2 machine.
Print Services check box and click This involves connecting the printer
Next. to the server and installing the
4. On the Print Services page, click Next. necessary drivers.
2. Access the "Start" menu and open
5. On the Select Role Services page,
"Control Panel."
select the Print Server and Internet
3. Navigate to "Hardware and
Printing check boxes, and click Next. Sound," then select "Devices and
6. If IIS is not installed, in the Add Printers."
Roles wizard dialog box, click Add 4. Click on "Add a printer" to start
Required Role Services. the printer installation wizard.
7. On the Select Role Services page, 5. Choose "Add a network, wireless,
click Next. or Bluetooth printer" and follow
8. On the web Server (IIS) page, click the prompts to locate and connect to
Next. the desired printer.
9. On the Select Role Services page, 6. Once the printer is successfully
you’re prompted to select the role added, select the document you want
services you want to install to support to print and open it.
7. Click on "File" and then select
IIS. Click Next to accept the default
"Print" from the dropdown menu.
settings. 8. In the print dialog box, choose the
10. On the Confirmation page, click previously installed network printer
Install. from the list of available printers.
11. On the Results page, click Close. 9. Adjust any print settings as needed
(e.g., number of copies, paper size,
orientation) and click "Print" to
send the document to the printer.
10. Wait for the document to be
processed and printed by the printer.
11. Once printing is complete, retrieve
your printed document from the
printer output tray.

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