Alzheimer Experimental Neurology
Alzheimer Experimental Neurology
Alzheimer Experimental Neurology
Received date: June 07, 2020, Accepted date: July 10, 2020
Copyright: © 2020 McGirr S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited.
Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia globally and imposes a growing burden on
healthcare systems.
Historical background: Alois Alzheimer reported the first case of AD in 1907, describing “particular changes in cortical cell
clusters” on brain biopsy and attributing the patient’s behavioral changes to these lesions.
Pathogenesis: AD is a complex, multifactorial, neurodegenerative disease implicating the interactions of one’s genetic makeup,
education, age, and environment. Currently the most accepted theory for the development of AD is the amyloid cascade hypothesis,
which attributes clinical signs/symptoms to the overwhelming presence of amyloid beta (Ab) peptides, leading to increased deposition
into amyloid plaques and the eventual result of neuronal damage.
Presentation: The most common presentation of those with AD involves an elderly individual with gradual decline in memory
centered cognitive decline.
Testing: Though AD remains a clinical diagnosis, imaging such as fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET) and
amyloid PET and biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be helpful in evaluating some patients.
Histology: The histology of AD is composed primarily of extracellular amyloid plaques consisting of misfolded Ab peptides and
intracellular neurofibrillary tangles consisting of hyperphosphorylated tau. Eventually, these lead to gross anatomical findings of
atrophy diffusely.
Treatment: Current pharmaceutical treatment available for AD include cholinesterase inhibitors as well as memantine. Other aims
include increasing one’s cognitive reserve and providing a nutritional approach to prevent or slow the progression of disease.
Future Directions: Most therapeutics in development are intended to achieve disease modification by targeting amyloid plaques
or neurofibrillary tangles of tau. There is increasing focus on identifying and prophylactically treating patients with preclinical AD
and individuals with risk factors for cognitive decline.
of life but do not modify or slow the disease course. Current AD histopathology reveals intraneuronal neurofibrillary
research aims to treat underlying pathology of active AD lesions made up of tau proteins. Tau proteins are mainly
as well as identify and stage interventions in those with found in neurons and are involved in the assembly and
preclinical, or asymptomatic, AD. stabilization of the neuronal microtubule network. Tau
protein becomes pathological when the phosphorylation
Historical Background regulation becomes unchecked and hyperphosphorylated
tau proteins polymerize into filaments and become
Alois Alzheimer, a German physician, reported the neurofibrillary tangles. This leads to malfunction of the
first case of Alzheimer’s disease in 1907 [4]. He first saw structural and regulatory actions of the cytoskeleton and
Auguste Deter, a 51-year-old woman, in 1901. Auguste’s then leads to abnormal morphology, axonal transport,
husband Karl brought her to a mental hospital after she and synaptic function of neurons, thus leading to
began exhibiting unusual behavior, including hiding neurodegeneration [12].
items, threatening neighbors, and accusing her husband
of adultery. She also lost the ability to do daily activities These prior theories paved the way to the widely accepted
such as cooking and housework. Auguste came under hypothesis for the pathogenesis of AD: the amyloid cascade
Alzheimer’s care at a mental hospital in Frankfurt. There hypothesis. This theory attributes clinical sequelae of the
he observed and recorded her behavioral patterns: she disease to the overproduction or decreased clearance of
could speak but not write her own name, she could name amyloid beta (Ab) peptides, which then leads to increased
objects such as a pencil but not the food she was eating, deposition of Ab, furthermore, leading to neuronal damage
she was polite sometimes but loud and offensive at other (Figure 1). The length of Ab varies depending on the
times. He diagnosed Auguste with “presenile dementia” posttranslational cleavage pattern of the transmembrane
[5]. amyloid precursor protein (APP). Ab is generated by
cleavage of APP via either b- or g-secretases, resulting in
Upon her death in 1906, Alzheimer’s biopsy of her the infamous insoluble Ab fibrils [13]. Two main types
brain revealed diffuse cortical atrophy and “particular of Ab polymers play a direct role in the pathology of AD:
changes in cortical cell clusters” [6]. Alzheimer described Ab40 and Ab42. Ab40/Ab42 then oligomerizes, travels
plaques and tangles of nerve fibers which researchers to synaptic clefts, and interferes with synaptic signaling.
would identify in the 1980’s as beta amyloid plaques and These eventually further polymerize into insoluble
neurofibrillary tangles of tau [7,8]. That year, Alzheimer amyloid fibrils that aggregate into amyloid plaques [14].
gave a presentation on Auguste at a German psychiatry Within the plaques, Ab peptides in b-sheet conformation
conference, asserting these cortical lesions to be the cause
of her symptoms. He published a research paper the next
year, and a psychiatry textbook in 1910 named the disorder
‘Alzheimer’s disease.’
AD is a complex, multifactorial, neurodegenerative
disease, resulting from complicated interactions of one’s
genetic makeup, education, age, and environment. Many
hypotheses have laid the foundation to gain understanding
of the etiology of the disease, with one of the oldest being
the cholinergic hypothesis. This hypothesis is based upon
the fact that AD patients show reduction in activity of
choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase in the
cerebral cortex compared with the normal brain [12]. Post-
mortem brain tissue from patients with AD confirmed
the reduced neurotransmitter pathway activity, revealing
that degeneration of cholinergic neurons and loss of
cholinergic neurotransmission significantly contributes
to the cognitive impairment seen in those with AD [12].
The Tau hypothesis has also been proposed, considering Figure 1: The amyloid (Aβ) cascade hypothesis [12].
polymerize into structurally distinct forms, including elderly adults without the history of familial AD. APOE
fibrillar, protofibers and polymorphic oligomers. It is the is associated with an approximately three-fold risk of
deposition of these plaques diffusely throughout the brain developing AD if one copy is present, and there is an eight-
that lead to microglial activation, cytokine release, reactive fold risk if two copies are present [16]. These plus other
astrocytosis, and an overall inflammatory response. These major influencing genes for SAD are listed in Table 1 and 2.
structural changes lead to synaptic and neuronal loss and
eventual gross cerebral atrophy [12]. On the other hand, Genes Involved in Pathogenesis of AD Abbreviations
should APP be processed by a-secretase in the healthy
adult, soluble b-amyloid is produced, which has been Amyloid Precursor Protein gene APP
linked to play a role in neuronal plasticity/survival, is
protective against excitotoxicity, is important for early Presenilin gene PS
CNS development, and has been shown to be important
for promoting synapse formation [15]. Apolipoprotein E gene APOE
Figure 2: “Neuronal dysfunction and cell death are responsible for the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
Accumulating evidence suggests that abnormally elevated tau hyperphosphorylation, pathogenic Aβ oligomers,
and mitochondrial dysfunction cooperate to drive the neuronal dysfunction and cell death that underlie cognitive
impairment. Although the amyloid hypothesis supports that neurotoxic Aβ primarily induces tau pathology, other
proteolytic fragments of the human APP including sAPPβ, N-APP, and AICD, also appear to contribute to tau
alterations. In addition, aging, which is tightly associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, can serve as the most
significant nongenetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease” [32].
mutations are associated with other features of disease, with MCI showed similar diagnostic accuracy between
including seizures, spastic paresis, and myoclonus [33]. CSF and amyloid PET biomarkers and no improvement
There are rarer forms of AD that present atypically, when combining them [46]. Thus, the choice between CSF
including posterior cortical atrophy, logopenic primary and amyloid PET biomarkers can be based on availability,
progressive aphasia, and frontal variant AD [35]. Posterior cost, patient preference and other factors such as patient
cortical atrophy tends to present with progressive loss suitability for radiation or lumbar puncture.
of higher visual functions, such as diminished ability to
interpret, locate, or reach for objects via visual guidance. Currently, there are no blood biomarkers routinely used to
A decreased ability of numeracy, literacy, and praxis diagnose AD. Only a small fraction of brain proteins enters
may also be present in this variant of the disease [37]. the bloodstream, and these proteins are diluted by plasma
Logopenic primary progressive aphasia presents more with proteins such as albumin and IgG, making them difficult
language disturbance focus, characterized by slow word to measure quantitatively. Additionally, brain proteins in
retrieval, word finding difficulties, and impaired sentence plasma may be degraded or metabolized, so that plasma
repetition, while motor speech, grammar, and single-word levels would not reflect real-time changes in the brain [47].
comprehension are spared [38]. The frontal variant of AD Nonetheless, several plasma proteins are being examined
presents with stereotyped behaviors, progressive apathy/ as potential noninvasive biomarkers of AD. Plasma tau is
behavior disinhibition, and executive dysfunction [39]. one such protein. One study with prospective and cross-
These variant presentations are important to address, but sectional cohorts found higher plasma tau to be associated
more than likely, they do result in the more global and with AD, but with significant overlap in levels of healthy
typical picture of memory loss and dementia caused by AD controls [48]. Another potential blood marker is the
over the course of time. axonal neurofilament light (NFL) protein. A prospective
study found high correlation between plasma NFL and
Testing CSF NFL, and high diagnostic accuracy of plasma NFL in
patients with AD versus controls [49]. However, plasma
AD remains a clinical diagnosis and is reliant on a NFL is also increased in other neurological diseases
detailed history, cognitive assessment and physical exam. such as frontotemporal dementia, limiting its utility for
Structural imaging is also an important component of differential diagnosis of AD [50]. Finally, despite the utility
the assessment for AD. Atrophy of the medial temporal of CSF Ab42 as a biomarker, plasma Ab42 has not shown
lobes on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered to be predictive of AD development in patients with MCI.
a diagnostic marker for the mild cognitive impairment Unlike NFL, there is a lack of correlation between levels
stage of AD [40]. Similarly, hypometabolism in the of Ab42 in CSF and plasma, possibly due to the release of
parieto-temporal association area, posterior cingulate Ab42 in plasma from peripheral tissues [51].
and precuneus on fluorodeoxyglucose PET imaging is
associated with AD [41]. Histology
In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration approved the Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are the
first beta-amyloid tracer, florbetapir, for use in PET scans cardinal features of Alzheimer histopathology. The
of suspected Alzheimer’s patients. In one study, florbetapir amyloid plaques consist of extracellular accumulations
PET imaging was shown to have a 92% sensitivity and 100% of misfolded Ab sheets consisting of 40 or 42 amino
specificity for detecting moderate to frequent plaques in acids (Ab40 and Ab42), the two by-products of amyloid
patients with an autopsy within 2 years of the scan [42]. precursor protein metabolism [33]. Amyloid plaques are
The amyloid PET tracers florbetaben and flutemetamol located extracellularly, and initially develop in the basal,
have also been approved and show similar sensitivity temporal, and orbitofrontal cortex of the brain, and later
and specificity [43]. However, amyloid PET scans have progress to involve the neocortex, hippocampus, amygdala,
had limited clinical impact due to lack of insurance diencephalon, and basal ganglia. These aggregates of Ab
reimbursement, and they are currently used primarily in trigger the formation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFS),
research trials. which are composed mostly of hyperphosphorylated
tau protein. These NFS are found in the locus coeruleus
Biomarkers in CSF further support a diagnosis of AD. and transentorhinal and entorhinal areas of the brain.
The biomarker profile of AD is increased total tau (T-tau) In the last critical stage, these histopathological entities
and phosphorylated tau (P-tau) and decreased amyloid- are spread to the hippocampus and neocortex [14].
beta (Ab42). This biomarker pattern can also predict Additionally, neuropil threads, dystrophic neurites,
which subjects with MCI are likely to progress to AD associated astrogliosis, microglial activation and evidence
[44]. Amyloid PET and the CSF marker Ab42 show a of amyloid angiopathy are also common findings [33].
concordance of around 90% across several studies [45]. Histology images of Alzheimer’s Disease is illustrated in
One longitudinal study of healthy elderly and patients Figures 3 and 4.
Figure 3: A representation of the basic histology of Alzheimer’s Disease, consisting of intracellular neurofibrillary
tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau and extracellular collections of misfolded Aβ peptide forming amyloid
plaques [52].
as a modifiable risk factor for AD and other dementias. Several therapeutics are also in development to target
This goes along with the results of the VITACOG trial, tau, which is downstream of amyloid and thought to be the
which showed that B vitamin supplement in elderly adults direct cause of AD symptoms. Although tau accumulates
with mild cognitive impairment slowed the rate of brain intracellularly, several in vivo and in vitro studies have
atrophy both globally and regionally [54]. And so it makes shown tau can move from one neuron to another in a
sense that the group that was randomized to B vitamin “prion-like” spread, suggesting a possible therapeutic
treatment (folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12) showed target [60]. LMTX, a selective inhibitor of tau protein
that B vitamins plus an omega-3 level in the upper range aggregation, failed to show cognitive improvement in AD
of normal interacted to slow cognitive decline, basically patients compared to placebo in a Phase III trial, but a
sumizing that elevated omega-3 acids alone significantly separate Phase II/III trial was started to test a lower dose
enhanced the cognitive effect of B vitamins [54]. of the drug [61]. Several anti-tau antibodies are in early
clinical testing, as are at least two active tau vaccines
Novel treatments for AD today are based off multi- designed to stimulate antibody production in AD patients
faceted strategies and are currently under investigation [62].
via clinical trials. There are three trials currently ongoing,
including gantenerumab, crenezumab, and aducanumab Given the underwhelming results of therapeutics
as immunotherapy approaches, which aim to effectively against amyloid and tau, drug development has shifted
clear the Ab aggregates [55]. Other future targets for its focus to the “pre-dementia” space, including patients
with preclinical AD and individuals with risk factors for
treatment include targeting mitochondrial dysfunction,
cognitive decline. A large number of therapeutic trials
targeting excitotoxicity and misfolding protein
with private and public funding are underway in high-risk
aggregations via novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or
asymptomatic individuals, including carriers of genetic
NMDA-Receptor Antagonists, targeting autophagy, and
mutations and those with amyloid-positive PET scans or
targeting neuroinflammation, to name a few [55]. Links
elevated biomarkers [63]. Data from these trials in the next
have also been made regarding the gut microbiota and AD,
several years may provide insight into which interventions,
and further research regarding dysbiosis and worsening
if any, can slow or halt the onset of symptomatic AD.
disease are being investigated for other novel treatment
approaches [56].
Ethical Standards
Future Directions This review article was written in a manner consistent
with ethical and scientific guidelines regarding research
The majority of therapeutics in development target the and publication.
two hallmark pathologies of AD: beta-amyloid plaques
and neurofibrillary tangles of tau. As of February 2019, the Contributions
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intended to achieve disease modification. Of these, 38 Both Samantha McGirr and Courtney Venegas, fourth
have amyloid as a primary or combination target, and 17 year medical students, were equally involved in the
have tau as a primary or combination target [57]. research and writing of this paper. Dr. Swaminathan,
Neurologist at UNMC who contributed to and edited the
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