Acs 1000
Acs 1000
Acs 1000
ACS1000 air-cooled
User manual
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Products described or referenced in this document are designed to be connected with networks and
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network. It is the sole responsibility of the buyer of the products to provide and continuously ensure a
secure connection between the product and the system network and/or any other networks that may be
connected to the product. ABB is in no event liable for the security of the network used by buyer.
The buyer of the product must establish and maintain appropriate measures, including, but not limited
to, the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of
antivirus programs, and so on, to protect these products, the network, its system, and interfaces against
security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage, and/or theft of data or
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ABB may perform functionality testing on the products and may release updates. However, it is the sole
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updates (to include but not limited to code changes, configuration file changes, third-party software
updates or patches, hardware change out, and so on) are compatible with the security measures
implemented. The buyer of the product must verify that the system and associated products function as
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In no event shall ABB be liable for any damages inclusive but not limited to indirect, special, incidental or
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ABB is a registered trademark of ASEA BROWN BOVERI LTD.
All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respective owners.
1. About this manual................................................................................................................. 12
1.1. Equipment covered by this manual ............................................................................................. 12
1.2. Structure of the user documentation ......................................................................................... 12
1.3. Terms and abbreviations................................................................................................................ 13
1.4. Related documents ........................................................................................................................ 15
1.4.1. Maintenance ..........................................................................................................................15
1.4.2. Technical data .......................................................................................................................15
1.4.3. Schematics.............................................................................................................................15
1.4.4. Specifications and guidelines........................................................................................... 15
1.4.5. Serial communication interfaces .....................................................................................15
1.4.6. Encoder...................................................................................................................................15
1.5. Target groups and required qualification.................................................................................. 16
1.5.1. Handling ................................................................................................................................. 16
1.5.2. Mechanical installation ....................................................................................................... 16
1.5.3. Electrical installation ........................................................................................................... 16
1.5.4. Operation ............................................................................................................................... 16
1.5.5. Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 16
1.6. User’s responsibilities ..................................................................................................................... 17
1.7. Intended use of equipment ........................................................................................................... 17
1.8. Quality certificates and applicable standards ..........................................................................18
1.9. Items covered by delivery ............................................................................................................... 19
1.10. Identifying the delivery .................................................................................................................. 20
1.11. Document conventions .................................................................................................................. 20
2. Important safety information............................................................................................. 21
2.1. Safety messages and safety signs in this document ............................................................. 21
2.1.1. Safety messages .................................................................................................................. 21
2.1.2. Safety signs............................................................................................................................ 21
2.2. Product safety labels .......................................................................................................................22
2.3. Electrical safety.................................................................................................................................22
2.3.1. General safety instructions................................................................................................22
2.3.2. The seven steps that save lives.........................................................................................23
2.3.3. Possible residual risks.........................................................................................................25
2.4. Main circuit breaker protection device ...................................................................................... 26
2.4.1. Safety and protection requirements...............................................................................27
2.4.2. Minimum requirements for MCB and MCB control .....................................................27
2.5. Maintenance recommendation.................................................................................................... 28
3. Power electronics and cabinet features ............................................................................29
3.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 29
3.2. Drive topology .................................................................................................................................. 30
3.3. Power supply configurations......................................................................................................... 31
3.3.1. Main power supply configurations .................................................................................. 31
3.3.2. Auxiliary power supply configurations ...........................................................................32
3.4. Drive topology ...................................................................................................................................33
3.4.1. Overview .................................................................................................................................33
3.4.2. Control compartment and terminal compartment.....................................................33
3.4.3. Rectifier and inverter compartment............................................................................... 35
3.4.4. Grounding switch................................................................................................................ 36
3.4.5. Rectifier.................................................................................................................................. 36
3.4.6. Protection IGCTs.................................................................................................................. 36
3.4.7. Inverter ....................................................................................................................................37
3.4.8. Filter.........................................................................................................................................37
3.4.9. Optional Braking Chopper ................................................................................................ 38
3.5. Cooling system..................................................................................................................................41
3.5.1. Fan configurations...............................................................................................................41
3.5.2. Type of fan .............................................................................................................................41
3.5.3. Starting, stopping the cooling system...........................................................................41
3.5.4. AC redundant fans - operating principles..................................................................... 42
3.5.5. EC redundant fans – operating principles .................................................................... 43
3.5.6. Air flow overview (AC and EC fans) ................................................................................. 44
3.5.7. Monitoring the air pressure.............................................................................................. 45
3.5.8. Adjustable parameters ...................................................................................................... 45
3.6. Cabinet design ................................................................................................................................. 46
3.7. Door locking system ....................................................................................................................... 46
3.7.1. Optional cabinets.................................................................................................................47
3.8. Arc resistant design (optional) .....................................................................................................47
3.8.1. Internal arc classification (IAC) .........................................................................................47
3.8.2. Associated protection requirement ................................................................................47
3.9. Space heaters ................................................................................................................................... 48
4. Control system......................................................................................................................49
4.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 49
4.2. Main components ........................................................................................................................... 50
4.2.1. Local control panel............................................................................................................... 51
4.2.2. AMC circuit board.................................................................................................................52
4.3. I/O interfaces.................................................................................................................................... 56
4.3.1. IOEC I/O modules ............................................................................................................... 56
4.3.2. Serial communication interface (fieldbus) ....................................................................61
4.3.3. Pulse encoder interface NTAC (option) ..........................................................................61
5. Transportation, storage and disposal ...............................................................................62
5.1. Safety.................................................................................................................................................. 62
5.2. Transport conditions...................................................................................................................... 62
5.3. Unpacking and inspection ............................................................................................................ 62
5.4. Lifting and transportation ............................................................................................................ 63
5.4.1. Lifting attachment types .................................................................................................. 64
5.4.2. Lifting with the top lifting rails........................................................................................ 65
5.4.3. Lifting with rotating eyebolts (redundant fan unit)....................................................67
5.4.4. Reinstalling lifting attachments .......................................................................................67
5.4.5. Sling configuration for top lifting rails .......................................................................... 68
5.5. Storage............................................................................................................................................... 68
5.5.1. Storage conditions ............................................................................................................. 68
5.5.2. Storing the drive.................................................................................................................. 68
5.5.3. Storage and handling of spare parts ............................................................................. 70
5.6. Disposal of packaging materials and components ............................................................... 70
6. Mechanical installation ........................................................................................................ 71
6.1. Safety................................................................................................................................................... 71
6.2. Overview of installation work ........................................................................................................ 71
6.3. General notes on installation ........................................................................................................ 71
6.3.1. Dimensions and clearances............................................................................................... 71
Fig. 1. Delivered items ....................................................................................................... 19
Fig. 2. Product warning label examples (label placement depends on
the drive) ................................................................................................................. 22
Fig. 3. Drive system overview ........................................................................................... 26
Fig. 4. MCB opening timing diagram .............................................................................. 28
Fig. 5. ACS1000 air-cooled ............................................................................................... 29
Fig. 6. Block diagrams of an ACS1000A with a (A) 12-pulse rectifier and a
drive with a (B) 24-pulse rectifier ........................................................................ 30
Fig. 7. Drive overview with power supplies ..................................................................... 31
Fig. 8. ACS1000 air-cooled topology ................................................................................ 33
Fig. 9. Control and terminal compartments ................................................................... 34
Fig. 10. Rectifier compartment .......................................................................................... 35
Fig. 11. Grounding switch .................................................................................................. 36
Fig. 12. Three-level voltage source inverter principle ...................................................... 37
Fig. 13. Voltage and current waveforms at drive output ................................................. 37
Fig. 14. ACS1000A with braking chopper (1) .................................................................... 38
Fig. 15. Principle diagram .................................................................................................. 38
Fig. 16. Braking chopper design ........................................................................................ 39
Fig. 17. Operating times of the AC fan units during continuous (A) drive
operation and (B) Intermittent drive operation ..................................................42
Fig. 18. Operating principles of redundant EC fans ........................................................ 43
Fig. 19. Air flow: (1) non-redundant fan configuration ................................................... 44
Fig. 20. Air flow: redundant fan configuration ................................................................. 44
Fig. 21. Air pressure switches ............................................................................................ 45
Fig. 22. Door locks ............................................................................................................... 46
Fig. 23. IAC label example .................................................................................................... 47
Fig. 24. Space heaters ......................................................................................................... 48
Fig. 25. Block diagram of control system with (A) customer interface, (B)
control system, and (C) power electronics ......................................................... 49
Fig. 26. Control compartment ............................................................................................ 50
Fig. 27. Control compartment – I/O devices ..................................................................... 51
Fig. 28. AMC circuit board ................................................................................................... 52
Fig. 29. Direct torque control ............................................................................................. 53
Fig. 30. PID control mode ................................................................................................... 55
Fig. 31. IOEC interfaces overview ...................................................................................... 56
Fig. 32. IOEC module ........................................................................................................... 59
Fig. 33. IOEC module identification .................................................................................. 60
Fig. 34. NTAC-02 pulse encoder interface ......................................................................... 61
Fig. 35. Lifting attachment types ...................................................................................... 64
Fig. 36. Top lifting rails with (1) recommended lifting points ....................................... 65
Fig. 37. Mounting bolts and washers for top rail ............................................................ 66
Fig. 38. Sling configuration - standard case with top lifting rails ................................ 68
Fig. 39. Leveling the drive .................................................................................................... 72
Fig. 40. Fixing the cabinet to the floor .............................................................................. 73
Fig. 41. Assembling and installing the air exhaust hood ................................................. 73
Fig. 42. Redundant fan unit – Removing lifting rails (1) and fan access
cover (2) ................................................................................................................... 74
Fig. 43. Redundant fan unit – Installation ......................................................................... 75
Fig. 44. Recommended sequence for attaching the sound absorbing panels
on the right side of the fan unit ........................................................................... 76
Fig. 45. Recommended sequence for attaching the sound absorbing panels
on the left side of the fan unit .............................................................................. 77
Fig. 46. EMC plate example ................................................................................................ 79
Fig. 47. EMC cushion ........................................................................................................... 79
Fig. 48. Type 1 sealing modules (example) ....................................................................... 80
Fig. 49. Type 2 sealing modules example ......................................................................... 80
Fig. 50. Cable entry with cable glands ............................................................................... 81
Fig. 51. Cable termination bar (A) top and (B) bottom cable entry; busbar
thickness is 5 mm ...................................................................................................82
Fig. 52. Preparing cables for EMC plates: (A) cables with an outer screen
or shield, (B) cables without an outer screen or shield .................................... 85
Fig. 53. Preparing power cables for sealing modules ..................................................... 86
Fig. 54. Preparing power cables for cable glands ............................................................ 87
Fig. 55. Power cable terminals in (A and C) 12-pulse ACS1000A and (B and
D) 24-pulse ACS1000A ........................................................................................... 89
Fig. 56. Grounding the drive system ................................................................................. 90
Fig. 57. Bolted busbar connections ................................................................................... 91
Fig. 58. Cable entry from (A) top and from (B) bottom .................................................. 92
Fig. 59. Frame with sealing modules ................................................................................ 94
Fig. 60. Preparing control cables for sealing modules ................................................... 95
Fig. 61. Preparing control cables for cable glands .......................................................... 95
Fig. 62. Shield grounding point for encoder cable .......................................................... 96
Fig. 63. Routing, connecting the cable of the redundant fan unit ................................. 97
Fig. 64. Local operator panel ............................................................................................ 103
Fig. 65. CDP control panel ................................................................................................. 113
Fig. 66. Control panel - Actual signals mode ................................................................... 117
Fig. 67. Control panel - Parameters mode ....................................................................... 124
Fig. 68. Control panel - Functions mode ......................................................................... 128
Fig. 69. Device identification ............................................................................................ 137
Fig. 70. AMC circuit board ................................................................................................. 141
Fig. 71. IOEC module .......................................................................................................... 142
Table 1 Standards ..........................................................................................................................................18
Table 2 Braking ratings................................................................................................................................ 40
Table 3 ABB arc resistant classes...............................................................................................................47
Table 4 IOEC module configuration - analog inputs ............................................................................57
Table 5 IOEC module configuration - analog outputs .........................................................................57
Table 6 IOEC module configuration - digital inputs .............................................................................57
Table 8 24 V internal voltage supply......................................................................................................... 58
Table 7 IOEC module configuration - digital inputs ............................................................................ 58
Table 9 IOEC module identification ......................................................................................................... 60
Table 10 Lifting attachment specifications ..............................................................................................67
Table 11 Maximum number of cables per phase.................................................................................... 82
Table 12 Minimum creepage distance between cable and busbar.................................................... 90
Table 13 Parameter groups ......................................................................................................................... 122
Table 14 Filter mat specifications............................................................................................................. 150
Term/Abbreviation Definition
ACS1000A ACS1000 air-cooled drive
Application and Motor Controller
AMC circuit board
The digital signal processor is the heart of the control system of the drive.
A cluster is a synonym for a group of hardware modules of the drive
control system.
Control and display panel
CDP Basic user interface for operating and monitoring the drive when local
operating mode is selected.
Distributed drive control system
DDCS DDCS is an acronym for a serial communication protocol designed for data
transfer via optical fibers.
Drive Short form for ACS1000A drive
The drive system includes all equipment used to convert electrical into
Drive system
mechanical power to give motion to the machine.
DriveBus Communication link dedicated for ABB drives
DriveDebug is part of ABB’s DriveWare® software tools for drives using the
DDCS communications protocol. DriveDebug runs on computers with
Windows® operating systems. DriveDebug is a specialist’s tool used to
diagnose, tune and troubleshoot ABB drives.
DriveWindow is a DriveWare® product. DriveWindow is a 32 bit Windows®
DriveWindow application for commissioning and maintaining ABB drives equipped with
optical communication links.
Equipment Frequency converter and related equipment
Electromagnetic compatibility
All measures to suppress electromagnetic disturbances caused by different
electrical equipment in the same electromagnetic environment, and to
strengthen the immunity of the equipment to such disturbances.
Ground Earth
The conducting path (eg, conductor) between the electric equipment (eg,
To ground frequency converter) and the earth. The electric equipment is connected to the
earth, eg, by a grounding set or a grounding switch.
Inverter unit of the drive. The INU converts the DC voltage to the required AC
motor voltage and frequency.
The IOEC module is an active input and output device for digital and
IOEC module
analog signals.
Line voltage RMS voltage of the main power supply of the drive
Main circuit breaker
MCB The MCB is a major protection device of the drive and is the main connection
and disconnection point between the main power supply and the drive.
Term/Abbreviation Definition
Molykote Brand name for lubricants
Monitoring and diagnostics tool that allows access to the drive from any
location in the world via a secure Internet connection.
PCB Printed circuit board
Point of common coupling
The PCC is the point in the electrical power supply system where the
responsibility of the utility changes to the industrial customer. The utility is
responsible to provide clean voltage and current with respect to harmonic
distortion up to the PCC. The industrial customer is responsible not to distort
voltage and current by its electrical systems.
Proportional-integral-derivative controller
PID controller Control loop feedback system for controlling process variables (eg, pressure,
PE Protective earth
Power plate communication system
PPCS is an acronym for a serial communication protocol designed for data
transfer via optical fibers between AMC circuit board and INTerface circuit
Resistance temperature detector or device
RTD The RTD is a temperature sensor where the change in electrical resistance is
used to measure the temperature.
Supervisory signal Indicates the operating condition of a circuit or device.
SW Software
TC Short form for terminal compartment of the drive
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
Used in the manual to indicate that the drive has reached the value “zero
Zero speed threshold speed” that is set in a parameter. The value can be set in the range of 0 and
maximum speed (the unit for the speed is rpm).
1.4.3. Schematics
Title Document number
Layout drawing Project-specific
1.4.6. Encoder
Title Document number
Installation and start-up guide for the pulse encoder module NTAC-0x 3AFY58919730
1.5.1. Handling
The personnel must be skilled and experienced in unpacking and transporting heavy equipment.
1.5.4. Operation
The personnel include all persons who operate the drive from the local operator panel of the
drive. The personnel must know the functions of the operator panel, be adequately trained for
the drive, and know the driven process. Special knowledge of frequency converter technology is
not required.
1.5.5. Maintenance
The personnel include all persons who
– Are qualified to carry out preventive and corrective maintenance on drive as described in this
– Are thoroughly familiar with the drive
– Have a sound knowledge of the relevant electrical codes and specifications covering low and
medium voltage equipment
– Are able to assess the hazards associated with the energy sources of the drive and act
– Know the safe shutdown and grounding procedures for the drive system
4 5
(1) Door keys
(2) Rating label
(3) Box with USB stick
(4) Control compartment door
(5) Inside control compartment door
For a complete list of the items in the delivery, see the shipping note.
Font formats
Convention Description
Non-sequential procedural steps in a task or items in a list
→ Instructions on how to avoid a safety hazard
1) Numbered list
Symbol Description
Danger indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
Warning indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.
Caution indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury.
Notice is used to address practices not related to physical injury, but which can
result in equipment damage.
1 3
2 4
(1) Danger label
(2) Warning label
(3) Caution label
(4) Notice label
Fig. 2. Product warning label examples (label placement depends on the drive)
• Ensure that the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is available and used
when required
• Inform the involved personnel about the potential safety hazards
• Wear hearing protection when a drive is running.
– While working on the drive:
• DO NOT step on the roof
• DO NOT install foreign objects on the roof
– Before working simultaneously on the drive and on other drive system equipment:
• Observe the relevant safety codes and standards
• Turn off all energy sources for the equipment
• Ensure that all lockout and tagout devices are in place
• Install barriers around and use appropriate covers on the equipment that is still
• Inform the involved personnel about the potential safety hazards
– In case of fire in the drive room:
• Observe the established rules and regulations for fire safety
• Only allow firefighters with the appropriate PPE to enter the drive room
• The Person in Charge of Work (PICW) must ensure that switching is performed in the
proper manner by witnessing it from a safe distance if present on site or by engaging the
person responsible for switching to identify all isolation points.
• Apply Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) to the energy isolation device and if multiple energy
isolation devices are involved, then Group LOTO must be implemented with the PICW
serving as the Group LOTO Leader.
4) Verify the absence of operating voltage: always test before you touch!
Only use properly rated and inspected voltage detection devices and wear proper PPE
identified in step 1:
• Test voltage detection device
• Test for voltage
• Test voltage detection device
It is highly important that the voltage detection device is tested on a known voltage source
such as a Proving Unit or by performing an internal self-test, according to the
manufacturer’s instructions, before and after testing for the absence of operating voltage.
5) Carry out earthing and short-circuiting.
• Close and lock the earthing switch if the electrical equipment is designed for this
purpose or apply portable equipment for earthing and short-circuiting.
If this is carried out by the customer, then the PICW must ensure that this equipment is
properly earthed as a part of the integration/verification and during step 7 when the
PICW walks the PTW.
6) Protect against adjacent live parts and take special precautions when close to bare
• Determine minimum approach distances, apply screening or shrouding, and when
applicable, padlock both cable and busbar shutters.
• If working within the restricted approach boundary or vicinity zone where inadvertent
movement could cause contact with live parts, special precautions must be employed,
such as the use of the properly rated insulated gloves and tools.
7) Complete the permit to work and “Walk the Permit”.
• Check isolation points
• Verify that all circuits are isolated and secured
• Ensure all parties are integrated with the Lockout/Tagout
• Check the earths are properly applied
• Answer specific questions from the working group
• Ensure the work can proceed without danger
• Complete and verify the “Permit to Work”
5 6 7 8
(1) Main power supply (6) Protection relay
(2) MCB control interface (7) Converter transformer
(3) Higher-level control system (8) Drive
(4) Local MCB control (9) Motor
(5) MCB
NOTE – MCBs and protection relays are not included in the drive supply.
3 4
(1) Short-circuit occurs
(2) Open and or trip command is set at the drive control output
(3) No further damage to the drive
(4) No hazard to personnel
(5) Maximum protection trip time
(6) Maximum safety trip time
In order to meet the stipulated safety requirements, ABB recommends one of the following:
– MCB is equipped with 2 independent opening coils
– MCB is equipped with an opening coil and an undervoltage coil for monitoring of the control
– Upstream protection coordination scheme is provided which uses the “breaker failure”
(ANSI 50BF) signal to automatically trip the upstream breaker, in case the MCB does not
IMPORTANT! The upstream breaker must open within the maximum safety trip time after a
failure has occurred.
3.1. Overview
The ACS1000 air-cooled drive is a general-purpose frequency converter for the control of
standard induction motors.
For information on the power and voltage range of the drive, see the Technical specifications
and the rating plate of the drive.
The following sections provide an overview of:
– Drive topology and main features
– Available main and auxiliary power configurations
– Power electronic components of the drive
– Cooling system
– Cabinet features such as the grounding switch and the electro-mechanical door interlock
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(1) Medium voltage switchgear, including main circuit breaker and transformer protection
(2) Transformer
(3) Rectifier
(4) Protection IGCTs
(5) DC link
(6) Inverter
(7) Filter
(8) Motor
Fig. 6. Block diagrams of an ACS1000A with a (A) 12-pulse rectifier and a drive with a (B)
24-pulse rectifier
1 4
7 14
11 12 13
(1) Auxiliary power supply
(2) ACS1000A
(3) Control and cooling system
(4) Auxiliary power distribution
(5) Cooling system
(6) Control system
(7) Main power supply
(8) MCB
(9) Transformer
(10) Power electronic components
(11) Rectifier
(12) DC link
(13) Inverter
(14) Motor
3.4.1. Overview
1 2
(1) Control compartment and terminal compartment
(2) Rectifier and inverter compartment
(1) Control compartment
(2) Terminal compartment
(3) Swing frame
3 4 5
8 9 10
(1) Second 12-pulse rectifier
(2) 12-pulse rectifier with protection IGCTs
(3) Inverter phase U
(4) Inverter phase V
(5) Inverter phase W
(6) Grounding switch
(7) Common mode choke (option)
(8) Filter choke
(9) Filter capacitors
(10) DC-link capacitors
(1) Grounding switch unlocked lamp is on
(2) Grounding switch in grounded position
When the grounding switch is in position grounded, the doors of the medium voltage
compartments are released, and the doors can be opened.
3.4.5. Rectifier
The diode rectifier converts the AC voltage of the main power supply and connects its output to
the minus, neutral point, and plus side of the DC link.
Depending on the harmonics requirements for the main power supply, the drive is equipped
with a 12-pulse or a 24-pulse rectifier.
3.4.7. Inverter
The compartment contains the inverter and the DC-link capacitors and filter capacitors.
The inverter converts the DC voltage to the required AC motor voltage and frequency.
Each phase of the three-phase inverter consists of a combination of four IGCTs and two NP
diodes for three-level switching operation. The output is switched between positive DC voltage,
neutral point (NP) and negative DC voltage. Hence, the drive can control the output voltage and
the frequency continuously from zero to maximum using direct torque control.
For more information, see Section, “Direct torque control”, page 53.
3.4.8. Filter
The filter at the drive output reduces the harmonic content of the motor voltage and generates
a nearly sinusoidal motor-friendly voltage waveform. The filter also eliminates all high dv/dt
effects. Therefore, standard motors can be used, and voltage reflections in the motor cables
are eliminated.
1 2 3
4 Rb
VCs2 C2
(1) Rectifier
(2) Braking chopping
(3) Inverter
(4) Braking resistor
(1) Semiconductor stack
Current monitoring
Input currents of the braking chopper are monitored for overcurrent and imbalance in order to
detect any defective component in the circuit. The current can become imbalanced if one of the
IGCTs conducts a current permanently or if an IGCT fails to be switched on.
If a short-circuit or an imbalance is detected in the braking chopper, the drive is shut down.
Thermal protection
The braking chopper and the braking resistors are monitored for over-temperature by
the ACS1000A.
In addition, an external thermal protection device can be connected to a digital input. As soon
as the temperature of the braking resistors exceeds the response threshold of the external
thermal protection device, the operation of the braking chopper is disabled and an alarm
message is displayed on the control panel of the ACS1000A. Braking is then only possible when
the temperature falls below the threshold.
After a braking period of 30 s with maximum braking power (2.5 MW), a cooling time of one hour
is required. If two braking sequences of 30 s are necessary within an hour, the maximum braking
power has to be reduced to 50% of the maximum possible braking power.
Length 644 mm
Depth 902 mm
Width 2002 (2070 including lifting eyes)
Height 460 kg
The configuration and dimensions of the braking resistors depend on the specific application.
For information, see the “Dimensioning of braking resistors” application note.
4 4
8 2
5 5
8 3
(1) Cycle time
(2) Fan 1
(3) Fan 2
(4) 10 hours
(5) 6 hours
(6) 4 hours
(7) On
(8) Off
Fig. 17. Operating times of the AC fan units during continuous (A) drive operation and
(B) Intermittent drive operation
When the drive operates continuously, AC fan 1 switches off after six hours and fan 2 switches
on for four hours.
When the drive operates intermittently, the AC fan that is due for operation is switched on and
off in the same pattern as the drive until the programmed operating time has elapsed.
If one AC fan fails, the second AC fan switches on and runs continuously.
(1) Fan 1
(2) Fan 2
(3) Drive load
(4) Nominal fan speed
(5) Reduced fan speed
(6) Minimum fan speed
1 2
(1) Fan 1
(2) Fan 2
1 Key:
2 (1) Air pressure switch
(2) Location of optional air pressure switch
When the pressure decreases and the response threshold of the pressure switch is reached, the
following takes place:
– Drives with non-redundant fan configuration: The alarm FanDiffPres displays on the local
control panel and the drive shuts down.
– Drives with redundant fan configuration: The alarm FanDiffPres displays on the local
control panel and the drive switches on the stand-by fan. When the stand-by fan also fails,
the drive shuts down. Air pressure across filter mat (AC and EC fan types)
A separate optional air pressure switch (2 in Fig. 21) monitors the pressure drop across the filter
mat in the air intake. When the filter mat is clogged and the pressure drop reaches the specified
final pressure loss, the alarm AirFiltSupv displays on the local control panel. The reaction of the
drive on the alarm is programmable.
1 2 2 2
Key: Explanation
Partition of terminal compartment behind control
(1) Door of control compartment
compartment: bolted
(2) Doors of rectifier and inverter compartment Electro-mechanically locked doors cannot be
opened when the drive is energized.
4. Control system
4.1. Overview
The control compartment incorporates the hardware for the control, monitoring and protection
functions of the drive, and the communication interfaces to the local control panel and to the
remote control devices. Depending on the control concept of the drive system, the remote
control devices include a higher-level control system and / or remote operator stations.
A 4
1 2
5 6 5 9
B 8
5 13
12 16
(1) ABB Ability (9) PC tools
(2) Cloud connectivity (10) AMC circuit board
(3) Fieldbus (11) Fiber-optics
(4) Higher-level control system (12) INT circuit board
(5) DDCS (13) IOEC1
(6) NETA-21 (14) IOEC2
(7) RS485 (15) IOEC3 (optional)
(8) CDP control panel (16) IOEC4 (optional)
Fig. 25. Block diagram of control system with (A) customer interface, (B) control system, and
(C) power electronics
(1) Control power supply (6) NETA-21
(2) AMC circuit board and INT circuit board (7) Motor starters and circuit breakers
(3) Pulse encoder (option) (8) Control power supply
(4) Fieldbus interface (option) (9) Local control panel
(5) IOEC1 module
(1) IOEC2 module (standard)
(2) IOEC4 module (option)
(3) Auxiliary voltage terminals
(4) IOEC3 module (option)
For more information on the devices present in the control compartment, see “Appendix D -
Wiring diagrams”.
(1) AMC circuit board
(2) Interface circuit board (INT) Parameters
The control system is configured, customized, and tuned with a set of application parameters.
The application parameters are organized in functional groups and have factory-set default
values. The default parameter values are adjusted during commissioning to the specific
application of the drive in order to activate the specific control, monitoring and protection
functions for the driven process, and to define the signals and data transferred between drive
and external equipment.
For more information on the parameters for signal allocation, signal type selection, signal
inversion, scaling, and filtering, see “Appendix G - Signal and parameter table”.
5 6 8
7 10
(1) Torque reference (7) Motor model
(2) Speed reference (8) Switching logic
(3) Actual reference (9) Switch positions
(4) Speed controller (10) Voltage
(5) Torque reference controller (11) Current
(6) Torque-flux comparator (12) Motor
Switching of the semiconductors in the inverter is directly controlled in accordance with the
motor core variables flux and torque.
The measured motor currents and DC link voltages are inputs to an adaptive motor model. The
model produces exact values of torque and flux every 25 microseconds. Motor torque and flux
comparators compare the actual values to reference values which are produced by the torque
and flux reference controllers.
Depending on the outputs from the hysteresis controllers, the switching logic directly
determines the optimum switch positions every 50 microseconds and initiates switching
whenever required.
1 Key:
(1) Reference value
(2) Level transducer
(3) Actual value
(4) Pump
3 2
Application examples
– Booster pumps of municipal water supply systems
– Automatic level control of water reservoirs
– Booster pumps of district heating systems
– Speed control of different types of material handling systems where the material flow has
to be regulated.
– Sequential control mode: used in processes that require different constant speed settings
and/or different acceleration and/or deceleration settings in addition to an adjustable
speed reference value.
Up to seven constant speed settings and two acceleration and/or deceleration settings are
possible. The selection of the different settings can be automated by a process control
system or can be made manually by selector switches that are connected to the
corresponding digital inputs of the drive.
The preset values of a control mode can be left unchanged or they can be set individually by the
commissioning engineer as required for the application.
For more information on control mode settings, see“Appendix G - Signal and parameter table”.
1 2 3 4
6 6 7 7
(1) IOEC 1 (5) AMC circuit board
(2) IOEC 2 (6) Standard
(3) IOEC 3 (7) Option
(4) IOEC 4
X21-1 A3
DO1 6
X22 X22-3
2 4V DC
X23-1 X6-2 8
X23 X23-3
DO3 X6-4
1 X24-1
X24-2 DO4
X24 X24-3
X25-2 DO5
X25 X25-3
X28 X26-3 NODE
X11-1 DI1
X11-3 DI2
X11 X11-5
X11-7 DI4
2 X12 X12-5
X12-8 DI9
X12-10 DI10
DI11 9 10
X13-2 DI11
X13-4 DI12
X13-6 DI13
AI1 20mA AI1 20mA
X13 8
X13-8 DI14
AI1 10 V AI1 10 V
9 24 VIR
3 S1 AI2 20mA S1 AI2 20mA
0 O IR
AI2 10 V AI2 10 V
AI1 20mA
AI3 20mA AI3 20mA
OV +10V 2 AI1 10V
3 AI2 20mA
X32 X31
-AI1 +AI1 4
AI2 10V
4 AI3 10 V AI3 10 V
S2 S2
-AI2 +AI2 S2
AI4 20mA AI4 20mA
-AO1 +AO1
AI4 10V
AI4 10 V AI4 10 V
X32 X31
5 -AO2 +AO2
(1) Digital outputs (6) DDCS fiber optics
(2) Digital inputs (7) I/O Emergency OFF function
(3) 24 V internal voltage (8) Power supply (factory-installed wiring)
(4) Analog inputs (9) Voltage mode
(5) Analog outputs (10) Current mode
1 2
(1) Identification label
(2) Identification number
The way the identification number is built directly corresponds to the wiring diagram as can be
seen in Fig. 33. The letter A represents the kind of part we have, an assembly, the next three
digits are the page number the part is located on, page 191, and the last digit, 1, means that our
part is the first assembly on the page. This identification label number is the key to track
electrical devices throughout the drive and in the ABB documentation.
The designation for each IOEC module is shown in Table 9 .
TABLE 9 IOEC module identification
I/O module type Wiring diagram designation for module identification
IOEC1 A5191
IOEC2 A5201
IOEC3 A5211
IOEC4 A5221
Terminals X1 Terminals X2
1 A+ Channel A 1 -V 0V
2 A- 2 -V 24 V
3 B+ Channel B 3 +V
+24V 0V 24 15 24/15 +V -V -V
X2 4 B- 4 24/25
5 Z+ Channel Z 5 15
6 Z- 6 24
7 SH Shield 7 0V
A+ A- B+ B- Z+ B- SH SH 8 SH 8 +24 V
Risk of component damage! Dirt and metallic dust can cause failure when the drive is
→ Keep the cabinet doors closed during lift operations
Key: Explanation
(1) Top lifting rail For lifting a standard drive
(2) Top lifting rail For lifting an additional cabinet
(3) M8 Rotating eyebolt For lifting redundant fan unit
Fig. 36. Top lifting rails with (1) recommended lifting points
2. Ensure that the maximum vertical slope angle of the slings is 60° (2, Fig. 38).
3. Lift the drive slowly and steadily to the required clearance height.
CAUTION! If the horizontal position of the load does not remain stable, lower the drive to
the floor, attach the slings to different holes on the top rails, and then lift the load again
while checking the horizontal position.
If you need to remove the top lifting rails (special case only – ABB recommends that the rails
remain on the roof):
4. Unbolt and remove the top rails (3, Fig. 37).
5. Grease and re-insert the bolts with the washers from Step 4 into the mounting holes for the
top rails on the roof.
6. Tighten the bolts to the torque that is specified in Table 10.
The IP rating of the drive is restored.
7. Store the top rails in a dry, non-corrosive environment for when you need to move the drive
again, eg, when the drive is at end of life (see Section 5.4.4, “Reinstalling lifting
attachments”, page 67).
(1) Mounting bolt (min. A2-70)
(2) Ripp-Lock washer
(3) Top rail
2 2
60° 60° 1
max max
(1) Shackle
(2) Sling slope angle (maximum 60°)
(3) Top lifting rail
Fig. 38. Sling configuration - standard case with top lifting rails
5.5. Storage
2. Cover all cable inlets and ventilation slots with an impermeable plastic or aluminum foil and
a wooden panel.
Risk of component damage! Electronic devices (eg, circuit boards, semiconductors)
are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD), which can damage these devices.
Observe the following to maintain spare parts in good condition and to keep the
warranty valid during the warranty period:
→ Apply ESD handling precautions before handling these devices.
6. Mechanical installation
6.1. Safety
All installation work must be carried out by qualified personnel according to the site
and equipment requirements and in compliance with local regulations.
Risk of component damage! Foreign matter and particularly metallic dust can cause
failure and damage when the drive is energized.
→ Ensure that foreign matter cannot enter the cabinet:
• Close the doors and cover openings completely when work is discontinued.
• Retrieve any foreign matter which accidentally dropped into the cabinet.
5. Insert the screws from the ends of the cabinet base or via the holes inside the cabinet.
1 2
3 4
(1) Top lifting rails (2) Fan access cover
Fig. 42. Redundant fan unit – Removing lifting rails (1) and fan access cover (2)
2. Grease and reinstall the mounting bolts and Ripp-lock washers from the lifting rails in the
drive cabinet roof.
NOTICE Tighten the bolts to a torque of 204 Nm to preserve the IP rating of the drive.
3. Attach the lifting gear to the rotating eye bolts (3, Fig. 43) of the redundant fan unit
(1, Fig. 43).
CAUTION! The redundant fan weighs approximately 300 kg.
4. Orientate the redundant fan unit with the cable pointing to the left (2, Fig. 43).
5. Lift the redundant fan unit above the cabinet.
6. Before you lower the redundant fan unit onto the cabinet roof, check that the gasket
between cabinet roof and redundant fan unit is properly placed.
(1) Redundant fan
(2) Cables
(3) Rotating eye bolt
7. Fasten the redundant fan unit on both sides to the cabinet roof.
8. Attach the sound absorbing panels on the right side of the redundant fan unit.
Recommended sequence: 1, 2, and 3.
Fig. 44. Recommended sequence for attaching the sound absorbing panels on the right side
of the fan unit
9. Route the power supply cable of the redundant fan unit with the transformer and motor
cables into the cabinet,
10. Attach the sound absorbing panels on the left side of the redundant fan unit.
Recommended sequence: 1, 2, and 3.
Fig. 45. Recommended sequence for attaching the sound absorbing panels on the left side of
the fan unit
11. Continue with the electrical installation of the power supply cable.
See Section 7.7, “Power supply cable for redundant fan unit”, page 97.
7. Electrical installation
7.1. Safety
Hazardous voltage! Improper work can result in DEATH or life-threatening injury.
→ The electrical installation must be carried out by qualified personnel according to
the site and equipment requirements, and the relevant electrical codes.
→ When the electrical installation is completed, the main and auxiliary power supply
to the drive must not be switched on without the consent of the ABB
commissioning personnel.
→ Take appropriate measures to prevent main and auxiliary power supply being
switched on during installation.
– Maximum diameter of 177 mm2 (350 kcmil), which is determined by the ampacity that is
required for a minimum temperature rating of 60 °C
– Connection angle of 30°, which is provided by the customer connection plate (see
Section, “Orientation of cables with 2-hole cable lugs on terminal busbar”, page 82)
– Termination with 2-hole NEMA pad cable lug (prevents rotation)
– Minimum tightening torque of 36.7 Nm (325 lbf-in) for the terminals
2 1.5 mm
Ø45 mm
(1) EMC sleeves
(2) Sealing grommets
– EMC cushions (1, Fig. 47) on the underside of the EMC plate if the cable entry is used for
control cables.
(1) Cable entry frame
(2) Sealing modules
(1) Frame
(2) EMC sealing modules
Risk of damage or malfunction! Waste inside the cabinet can cause damage or
→ If possible, DO NOT cut cables inside the terminal compartment
→ Remove any waste that was accidentally dropped in the cabinet
information, see the 'Cable entry and connection drawing' in “Appendix C - Mechanical drawings”.
A 1 B û14 mm
44.5 mm 44.5 mm
2 110 mm
110 mm
44.5 mm
44.5 mm
û14 mm 3
(1) Indication hole on top
(2) Terminal busbar
(3) Indication hole on bottom
Fig. 51. Cable termination bar (A) top and (B) bottom cable entry; busbar thickness is 5 mm
Continue with:
– Section, “Preparing cables for EMC plates”, page 84
– Section, “Preparing cables for cable entries with sealing modules”, page 86
– Section, “Preparing cables for cable entries with cable glands”, page 87
2. To ensure proper sealing, cut along the marking that corresponds to the cable diameter
and slide the grommet onto the cable.
IMPORTANT! The grommet must fit tightly to prevent water entering the cabinet. The
grommets can be discarded if cables are entered through the floor.
3. If necessary, remove the entry plate and push the cable through the entry holes.
(1) Grommet (6) Entry plate
(2) EMC sleeve (7) Conductor insulation removed to expose
(3) Cable tie cable shield
(4) Heat-shrinkable termination (8) Cable screen extension to connect to the
(5) Outer cable sheath PE busbar
Fig. 52. Preparing cables for EMC plates: (A) cables with an outer screen or shield, (B) cables
without an outer screen or shield
5. Route the equipotential bonding conductor through an unused hole in the entry plate.
NOTE – If all of the holes are used for conductors, route the equipotential bonding
conductor together with a conductor.
1 7
(1) Sealing module (8) Cable sheath removed to expose cable shield
(2) Frame (9) Shield extension to be connected to PG
(3) Conductive foil of sealing module busbar
(4) Cable clamp (10) Screen extension to be connected to the
(5) Shrinkable sheath seal PG busbar
(6) Heat-shrinkable termination (11) Cable lug as specified by the cable supplier
and suitable for M12 bolt
(7) Outer cable sheath
– Install the sealing modules according to the instructions of the sealing module supplier.
(1) Outer cable sheath
(2) Cable gland
(3) Conductor insulation removed to expose cable shield
(4) Plate
(5) Screen extension to be connected to PE ground busbar
(6) Heat-shrinkable termination Connections
Risk of flashover! High voltages will be present in the terminal compartment. High
voltages can cause flashover between conductors with different electric potential, and
between a conductor and earth. When you route and connect the cables, maintain the
following minimum clearances:
→ 20 mm between cable lugs of conductors with different potentials
→ 40 mm between cable lugs of conductors and the parts with earth potential
For the phase numbering of the busbars, see the relevant cable entry and connection
diagrams (3BHS853475 E01 for a 12-pulse drive 3BHS853475 E02 for a 24-pulse drive) in
“Appendix C - Mechanical drawings”.
A 5 B 5
1 1
1 1
2 2
1 3 1 3
2 2
4 4
2 2
1 1 3
2 2
4 4
1 1
1 1
6 6
Fig. 55. Power cable terminals in (A and C) 12-pulse ACS1000A and (B and D) 24-pulse
1 U1 V1 W1
U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 W2 PE
1U1 1V1 1W1 2U1 2V1 2W1 PE
U2 V2 W2
3 U V W PE
(1) Input transformer (5) Ground cable
(2) Drive (6) Cable screen
(3) Motor (7) Equipotential bonding conductor
(4) Earth electrode (8) Motor
2 Key:
1 (1) Spring washer
(2) Flat washer
(3) Busbar
(4) Cable lug Lubrication
If stainless steel bolts and nuts are used, lubricate the thread and head contact surface of the
bolt using recommended pasts, eg, Molykote D paste.
NOTE – If a coated nut (eg, with bonded molybdenum-disulfide [MoS2] coating) is used, the
connection does not need to be lubricated.
Fig. 58. Cable entry from (A) top and from (B) bottom
2. To ensure proper sealing, cut along the marking that corresponds to the cable diameter
and slide the grommet onto the cable.
IMPORTANT! The grommet must fit tightly to prevent water entering the cabinet. The
grommets can be discarded if cables are entered through the floor
3. If necessary, remove the entry plate and pull the cable through the entry holes.
4. Loosen the screws of the EMC cushion brackets and push the cushions apart (arrows).
5. If the outer cable screen is non-conductive, cut open the cable screen in the middle of the
stripped area (1), pull the screen ends over the cable insulation (2) and then connect the
screen ends with a continuous conducting foil (3).
1 3
(1) Sealing modules
(2) Compression wedge
2. Prepare the cables with an outer cable screen for EMC bonding with the metal enclosure of
the cabinet as illustrated in Fig. 60.
(1) Sealing module
(2) Conductive foil
(3) Cable sheath removed to expose cable shield
(4) Conductor screen extension to be connected
to PE terminal
2 3
(1) Outer cable sheath
4 (2) Cable gland
(3) Conductor insulation removed to expose cable shield
(4) Plate
(5) Conductor screen extension to be connected to PE terminal Conductors
– If a twisted pair cable is used, leave the unshielded cable ends twisted until they reach
the terminals.
– Leave unshielded conductor ends as short as possible (not longer than 50 mm).
(1) Encoder adapter
(2) Shield ground bracket
(3) Grounding clamp
3 3
3 3
Fig. 63. Routing, connecting the cable of the redundant fan unit
3. Connect the wires according to the terminal number on the marker sleeves.
8. Commissioning
8.1. Overview
The following sections provide an overview of the commissioning process for your drive.
8) Drive installed according to the instructions in this user manual (3BHS213401 E01).
1) Types and cross sections of control cables suitable for the signal type and signal level.
2) Types and cross sections of power cables selected according to the instructions in
connected directly to the pulse encoder interface (applies only to drives with pulse
encoder interface).
4) Cable entries prepared according to the instructions in the user manual (3BHS213401
5) Control cable screens and conductors are connected as instructed in the user manual,
7) Converter transformer and motor cables not connected at both ends (cables and
1) Grounding is completed
3) Safety devices (eg, door locks) are tested and in operation.
3) Grounding is completed
1) All power cables to converter transformer, between converter transformer and drive,
and from drive to motor insulation resistance tested (Megger test), and measured
values within the required limits.
2) Test report of the Megger insulation resistance test available
IMPORTANT! If the test is carried out by the commissioning engineer of the drive, an
additional day per drive motor combination needs to be reserved. After the test, the
feeder cables can be connected, except at the drive end. The test must comply with the
9. Operation
9.1. Safety
Risk of electric shock The IPXXB/IP20 rating of the low voltage compartment is not
fulfilled by live parts with voltages > 50 V AC. If the compartment door is open during
drive operation, contact with these accessible live parts can result in DEATH or serious
→ Drive system must ONLY be operated by qualified and authorized personnel who
are familiar with the operation of the drive system and the hazards involved
9.2. Overview
The chapter outlines the local operation of the drive.
Control of the drive via a PLC or higher-level control systems is not described in this chapter. If
the drive is controlled from remote, see the appropriate manuals for information.
The panel messages and parameter settings used in this chapter are typical examples to
illustrate the related instructions and display functions and can therefore differ from the actual
messages and parameter settings in the drive.
Key: Explanation
(1) Control and data panel (CDP) – Starts and stops the motor
– Displays status messages
– Displays alarm and fault messages of the drive and
monitored foreign equipment
– Resets alarm and fault messages
(2) Main Supply OFF illuminated push – Opens the main circuit breaker
(3) Main Supply ON illuminated push – Charges the DC link and closes the main circuit breaker
(4) Gnd Switch Unlocked push button – Lights up to indicate that the grounding switch of the
drive can be turned to the grounded or ungrounded
(5) Emergency Off push button – Prevents starting when pressed at standstill of the drive
– Main circuit breaker opens immediately and DC link
discharges when pressed during operation of the drive
Fig. 64. Local operator panel
The status message signals that the drive is healthy and ready for the ON command.
The ON command initiates the closing of the MCB and then the charging of the DC-link
capacitors. Depending on the control place, the command can either be sent from the
higher-level control system to the drive or be initiated by pressing the Main circuit
online push button on the control compartment door.
The status message RdyForMCBOn changes to Charging when the DC-link capacitors
of the drive are being charged.
Rdy to Strt
The status message Rdy to Strt tells the operator that the drive is energized and ready
for operation. As soon as the start command is initiated, the motor is magnetized and
the drive starts to modulate.
The status message Rdy to Strt changes to Magnetizing when the firing pulses of the
inverter are released.
When the drive is in Running state, it is running and operating according to the set
speed or torque reference value. When in remote control mode, the reference value is
set by the higher-level control system. When in local control mode, the value is entered
into the CDP control panel.
Indicates that the drive has received a stop command and that a ramp or coast stop
has been initiated. The stopping mode depends on the parameter setting. The status
message changes to Rdy to Strt when the zero speed threshold is reached.
When a start command is given while the drive is stopping, the drive resumes operation
and the status message changes to Running again.
The status message Rdy to Strt changes to Discharging when the MCB has opened and
the DC-link capacitors are discharging.
The status message indicates that a fault condition has occurred that requires a
shutdown of the drive. The status message always alternates with the specific fault
message. The type of shutdown depends on the fault class the fault condition is
assigned to in the drive software.
2) ReadyForMCBOn
3) On command
4) Charging
• MCB closes
• DC link charges
• Fan switches on
5) Rdy To Strt
6) Start command
• Inverter starts to modulate
7) Magnetizing
8) Running
9) Operation
1) Operation
2) Running
3) Stop command
4) Stopping
• Speed ramps down
• Inverter stops modulating
5) Ready To Strt
6) Off command
7) Discharging
• MCB opens
• DC link discharges
• Fan switches off after a delay
8) RdyForMCBOn
• Drive is grounded
• Doors are released for opening
• Auxiliary supply is switched off
9) NotReadyOn
1) Operation
2) Running
4) Not ready on
2. Check that no alarm or fault messages are displayed on the CDP control panel.
• If a fault message is displayed on the CDP control panel, reset the fault.
3. Press the MAIN SUPPLY ON push button on the control compartment door to close the
MCB and charge the DC link.
The push button lights up and the status line of the CDP control panel changes to Charging.
After charging has been finished, the protection IGCTs are closed, the status line of the CDP
control panel changes to Rdy to Strt and the motor can be started.
After the motor has been magnetized, the motor speed ramps up to the reference value.
While the motor is accelerating, the run status indication on the display blinks. When the
motor speed has reached the reference value, the run status indication lights
up permanently.
The display shows Running to indicate that the drive is operating.
The motor stops according to the preset stop function and the drive stops modulating.
While the motor stops, the status line of the display shows Stopping. The run status
message blinks during the stop sequence.
NOTE – As long as the stop sequence is in progress, the drive can always be restarted by
pressing the START key on the CDP control panel.
When the drive has stopped modulating, the CDP control panel displays Rdy to Strt.
NOTE – As long as the MCB has not been opened, the motor can be started again.
9.9. Emergency-off
The drive is equipped with a hard-wired emergency off circuit. When an emergency situation
occurs during operation, this safety feature ensures that the drive can be disconnected without
delay from the main power supply. If the EMERGENCY-OFF push button has been pressed while
the drive is at standstill, the main power supply cannot be connected to the drive, hence the
drive cannot be started up.
The EMERGENCY-OFF push button of the drive is part of the operator control panel (Fig. 64) and
features a latching switch action.
IMPORTANT! Pressing the EMERGENCY-OFF push button does not disconnect the auxiliary
power supply from the drive.
The main power supply can be connected to the drive and the drive can be started again.
10.1. Overview
The panel messages and parameter settings used in this chapter are typical examples to
illustrate the related instructions and display functions and can therefore differ from the actual
messages and parameter settings in the drive.
6 ENTER 12
10 I 0
(1) Display (9) Forward key
(2) Status line (10) Backward key
(3) Actual signal names and values (11) Slow navigation key for selecting signals or
(4) Keypad fault messages
(5) Mode selection keys (12) Enter key, terminates a procedure
(6) Fast navigation key for selecting the actual (13) Reference key
signals display or the fault memory display (14) Start key
(7) Local / remote selection key (15) Stop key
(8) Reset key
After 2 to 3 seconds, information on the drive (1, and 2) and the drive identification (3) is
1 ACS1000 xxxx
2 <Device Name>
After another few seconds, the display changes to the actual signals mode. Overview
Two displays can be selected in the actual signals mode:
– Actual signals display
– Fault memory display
The actual signals display appears first when entering the actual signals mode. However, when
the drive is in a fault condition, the fault memory display appears instead.
The actual signals display is used to monitor the drive without interfering with its operation. It
continuously displays three selectable actual values.
The CDP control panel automatically returns to the actual signals display from other modes if
no key is actuated within one minute (an exception from this is the fault memory display).
Group Description
Group 01 Measured or calculated motor values
Group 02 Measured or calculated drive values
Group 03 Speed and torque reference values
Group 04 I/O values
Group 05 Data values
Group 06 Information: software version, drive and motor nominal values
Group 07 Control words
Group 08 Status words
Group 09 Fault and alarm words
For the complete list of selectable actual signals, see “Appendix G - Signal and parameter table”.
I 0
(1) Status line
(2) Actual signal names and values
(3) Selection key for actual signals mode
(4) Fast navigation key for selecting the actual signals display or the fault memory display
(5) Slow navigation key for selecting signals or fault messages
(6) Enter key for confirming the selection
To select a line where the actual signal is to be displayed, press the corresponding slow
navigation key.
A blinking cursor indicates the selected line.
2. To enter the actual signal selection function, press the ENTER key.
5. To confirm the selection and to return to the actual signals mode, press the ENTER key.
6. To cancel the selection and keep the original selection, press any of the mode
selection keys.
The selected CDP control panel mode is entered.
Risk of component damage. Running the drive system with incorrect data can result
in improper operation, reduction of control accuracy and damage to equipment.
→ Parameters must only be set by qualified personnel.
→ DO NOT change a parameter if the effects of the change are unclear. Overview
If the parameter lock is disabled or unlocked (see Section, “Enabling / unlocking a
parameter lock”, page 127), the parameters mode allows entering the parameter settings for
the required drive configuration depending on the application.
The parameters are organized in functional groups, so called parameter groups.
For details about the parameters, their settings and functions, see “Appendix G - Signal and
parameter table”.
When entering the parameter mode for the first time after the auxiliary voltage of the drive has
been switched on, the CDP control panel displays the first parameter of parameter group 99.
The next time the parameters mode is entered, the previously selected parameter displays.
Some parameter values cannot be changed while the drive is running. If tried, the following
warning displays.
** Warning **
Write Access Denied
Parameter Setting
Not Posssible
I 0
(1) Status line
(2) Group number and name
(3) Parameter number and name
(4) Parameter value
(5) Selection key for parameters mode
(6) Fast navigation key for selecting a parameter group (and a parameter value)
(7) Slow navigation key for selecting a parameter (and a parameter value)
(8) Enter key for confirming the selection
6. To confirm the selection and to return to the actual signals display, press the ENTER key.
7. To cancel the setting and keep the original selection, press any of the mode selection keys.
The selected keypad mode is entered.
Risk of component damage. ABB is not be liable for damages or losses caused by the
failure to activate the user lock with a new pass code.
I 0
(1) Status line
(2) Selectable functions
(3) Selection key for functions mode
(4) Slow navigation key for selecting a line (and adjusting the contrast)
(5) Enter key for confirming the selection
2. To select the contrast adjustment function, press the slow navigation keys until the
blinking cursor reaches the CONTRAST line.
5. To confirm the selection and to return to the actual signals display, press the ENTER key.
6. To cancel the setting and keep the original setting, press any of the mode selection keys.
The selected keypad mode is entered.
1 600.0 rpm 0
Status Rdy to Strt
MotorSpeed 0.00 rpm
Power 0.0 %
• Partial remote control (some commands enabled locally) is indicated by the letter R.
1R 600.0 rpm 0
Status Rdy to Strt
MotorSpeed 0.00 rpm
Power 0.0 %
– To set the direction of rotation, press the forward or backward key.
If you change the direction while the motor is running, the motor automatically ramps down
to zero speed and re-accelerates in the opposite direction to the preset speed. The arrow
changes at zero speed.
• Forward key
• Backward key
1. Press a mode selection key.
2. To enter the reference value input mode, press the REF key.
3. To enter / change the reference value, press the corresponding fast or slow navigation key.
4. To exit the reference value input mode, press any of the mode selection keys.
11.1.3. Logbook
ABB recommends that you keep track of all troubleshooting and maintenance work in a logbook
– Date and time
– Detailed description
11.3.1. Messages
When a failure occurs in the drive or in the equipment monitored by the drive (eg, main circuit
breaker, transformer, cooling system), the CDP control panel displays a corresponding alarm or
fault message.
The message can be saved and viewed in the fault history of the drive when a PC with the
DriveWindow or DriveDebug is connected to the drive. The fault logger can also be called up on
the CDP control panel.
1) -Fault RESET FAULT 2011-04-26 14:57:56.5370
4) +Fault MCB Disturb is the reason for the failure of the drive, as it occurred first.
1) -Fault RESET FAULT informs that the fault has been reset.
For more information on alarms and faults, see “Appendix G - Signal and parameter table”.
4) Save the content of the data logger when a PC is available that has the
DriveWindow or DriveDebug tool installed.
The data logger provides information (eg, waveforms of voltage, current, torque)
for efficient troubleshooting.
5) Contact ABB service if a fault cannot be rectified.
When calling ABB service, it is recommended to have the following data available at
the time when the fault occurred:
• Operating, ambient and load conditions
• Unusual events
6) After the fault has been rectified, start the drive as described in Chapter 9,
“Operation”, page 102.
1 2 3
F M T1 S3 S2 LEDs
1 2 4 5
Key: Explanation
(1) Status LED of digital outputs On when output is energized
(2) Link error light Only on when there is a problem with the optical fibers.
(3) Rotary switch Sets the address
(4) Status LEDs of digital inputs On when input is energized
(5) Status LED of the 24 V internal
On when energized
voltage supply
11.6.1. Safety
Hazardous voltages! Before starting to work on the drive, make sure that:
→ Main and auxiliary power supply to the drive is switched off, locked out, and tagged
→ Drive is de-energized
→ Safety ground connections are in place
→ Personal protective equipment is provided and used when required
→ Everyone involved is informed
Before energizing the drive again, make sure that:
→ All foreign objects are removed from the drive
→ All internal and external covers are securely fastened and all doors are closed,
locked and / or bolted
Risk of component damage. Foreign matter and particularly metallic dust can cause
failure and damage when the drive is energized.
Ensure that foreign matter cannot enter the cabinet:
→ Close the doors and cover openings completely when work is discontinued.
→ Retrieve any foreign matter which accidentally dropped into the cabinet.
Risk of electric shock! Contact with a charged capacitor can cause serious injury or
10 min DEATH!
→ After the drive has been de-energized, wait a MINIMUM of 10 minutes for the
capacitors to fully discharge
→ Verify that a capacitor is discharged before you touch it
The IPXXB/IP20 rating of the low voltage compartment is not fulfilled by live parts with
voltages > 50 V AC. If the compartment door is open during drive operation, contact
with these accessible live parts can result in DEATH or serious injury!
→ Work must ONLY be performed by qualified personnel with electrotechnical
When the motor has reached zero speed, the display shows Rdy to Strt.
3. Press the MAIN SUPPLY OFF push button to disconnect the drive from the main
power supply
The following takes place:
• MCB opens
• DC link discharges for approximately five minutes
While the DC link discharges, the display shows the following.
When the DC link has discharged completely, the status line displays RdyforMCBOn and the
MAIN SUPPLY OFF push button lights up.
5. If the grounding switch is equipped with the optional lock (1) that secures the switch in the
ungrounded position, unlock the grounding switch.
6. Wait until the yellow lamp GROUNDING SWITCH UNLOCKED lights up.
The lamp lights up when cooling stops after a delay time.
7. If the yellow lamp is on, continue with Section 11.6.3, “Grounding”, page 146.
8. If the yellow lamp is not on, continue with Section 11.6.4, “Grounding switch is not
released”, page 147.
11.6.3. Grounding
1. If the yellow lamp is on, turn the grounding switch to the grounded position.
When the grounding switch is in the grounded position, the status line of the CDP control
panel displays ErthIsoClos.
(Earth isolator closed = grounding switch is in grounded position).
2. To de-energize the drive completely, switch off and lockout all auxiliary voltages from
external sources.
NOTE – To open the doors of medium voltage compartments and additional cabinets of the
drive that are equipped with an electromechanical lock, the auxiliary voltage must be
switched on.
3. If necessary, connect a grounding set.
Hazardous voltage! Forcing the grounding switch can damage the switch and
short-circuit the DC-link capacitors!
→ DO NOT force the grounding switch when the GROUNDING SWITCH UNLOCKED
lamp is off.
→ If you cannot operate the grounding switch, see Section 11.6.5, “Checking the
release conditions for the grounding switch”, page 148.
NOTE – To identify the components referred to in the checklist, see the wiring diagrams and
Fig. 72.
(1) Fuses
(2) IOEC1 / -A5191 (standard)
(3) IOEC4 / -A5211 (option)
(4) IOEC2 / -A5201 (standard)
(5) IOEC3 / -A5221 (option)
– (LED is not lit) Check the control-signal wiring between switchgear and drive as
When the LED and the push button are lit, the feedback signal MCB is open has
arrived at the drive.
– (Push button is not lit) Check if the 24 V blade-type fuse (X27_P2:14) is blown.
When the value is below 50 V, the DC link is regarded as discharged. For information
on reading actual values on the CDP control panel, see Section 10.3.2, “Actual signals
mode”, page 115.
4) GROUNDING SWITCH UNLOCKED lamp and the wiring of the lamp.
– Check if the CDP control panel displays a fault.
A5191 (-A1).
To do this, check if the auxiliary voltage is present at the supply terminals of the I/O
• X6:1.....24 V (DC)
• X6:2.....0 V
– Check that LED V726 and LED V740 of the I/O module -A5191 are lit.
The LEDs monitor the control voltages of the I/O module (Fig. 71).
When the LEDs are lit, the I/O module functions properly.
• LED V726.....24 V (DC)
• LED V740.....5 V (DC)
– If digital output DO04 I/O module -A5191 is energized, check that the control voltage
IMPORTANT! When the checklist has been completed, carefully try to turn the grounding switch
to the grounded position. If you cannot turn the grounding switch but doors of medium voltage
compartments have to be opened, call the ABB service organization.
Risk of component damage! The drive contains components which are sensitive to
electrostatic discharge.
→ Apply ESD handling precautions before handling these devices.
Dust on electrical components and wiring can cause failure and damage the
components. Dust and moisture can build up in loose connections and cause loss of
low-level signals.
→ Check the cabinet regularly for signs of dust and humidity and clean if necessary -
alcohol and solvents can damage the components.
→ Use appropriate and recommended cleansing agents.
Risk of component damage. Capacitor bushings are damaged when excessive force
is applied.
→ DO NOT exceed the maximum tightening torque; the tightening torque value is
printed on a label which is attached to the capacitor.If not specified, the maximum
torque must not exceed 20 Nm.
Vibration can loosen electrical connections and cause occasional malfunction or
equipment failure.
→ Inspect all power and control cable connections and tighten them if necessary.
→ Inspect that all plugs and connectors are tight.
Risk of component damage! Dust can damage components and cause failure when
the drive is energized.
→ Always clean the filter mat at a safe distance from the open cabinet door.
Hazardous voltage! Removing the filter mat while the drive is running can cause
serious injury or DEATH. Foreign objects can be sucked into the exposed air intake and
cause FATAL short-circuits.
→ Keep long, thin objects, such as wires and screwdrivers, away from the exposed air
→ DO NOT stop work for long periods while the air intake is exposed.
Risk of component damage! Dust can damage components and cause failure when
the drive is energized.
→ Always clean the filter mat at a safe distance from the open cabinet door.
2. Remove the 6 screws (circles) from the
louvered panel (1, Fig. 73).
NOTE – Depending on your drive, you 818 mm
might need a slot or Torx screwdriver.
3. Remove the louvered panel.
4. Starting at the top, roll the filter mat
(2, Fig. 73) down to remove it.
5. Depending on its condition, clean or
replace the filter mat. Fig. 73. Filter panel (1) and filter mat (2) on
• Clean the filter mat with compressed rectifier and inverter compartment
air or a vacuum cleaner.
• Replace the filter mat with a new one
(see Table 14).
6. Reinstall the louvered panel (1, Fig. 73)
with the 6 screws (circles).
(1) Power supply unit for battery pack 1
(2) Alarm LED
(3) Battery pack 1
Heavy object. A battery weighs approximately 10 kg!
2 2
1. When the drive is in operation, disable the battery monitoring function first. To do this, set
parameter 31.05 DISABLE BATTERY TEST to ON.
Parameter 31.05 is automatically set to OFF after 1 hour.
2. Disconnect the wires (1, Fig. 75).
3. Unbolt the battery from the plate at the front (2, Fig. 75) and at the back.
4. Install the new battery in reverse order of removal.
5. Record the date of battery replacement in the logbook.
Heavy object. The fan weighs approximately 100 kg.
774 mm
868 mm
469 mm
1 4 5
(1) ¼”
(2) ~70 mm
(3) 10 mm and 13 mm
(4) Trolley
(5) Lift truck
1. Disconnect all power supplies to the drive and ground the drive according to Section 11.6.2,
“De-energizing the drive locally”, page 145.
7. Place the lift truck or height-adjustable trolley in front of the fan and pull the fan onto
the platform.
8. Unplug the optical fibers (V3001:A1, V3002:A1) from the protection IGCTs (3, Fig. 78) and
stow the optical fibers in a position where they cannot be damaged when the
fan is replaced.
2 3
(1) Power supply cable (4) ¼”
(2) Bolts (5) ~70 mm
(3) Optical fiber cables (6) 13 mm
9. Push the lift truck under the fan, ensure that the lift truck does not catch cables
and components and lift the fan a little and remove it from the cabinet while avoiding
sudden movements.
(1) Mounting supports
(2) Groove
(3) ¼”
(4) 10 mm
Heavy object. The fan weighs approximately 100 kg.
774 mm
868 mm
469 mm
(1) ¼”
(2) ~70 mm
(3) 13 mm and 17 mm
(4) 13 mm
(5) T 30
(6) Cordless drill
(7) 3 × M10×20
(8) Height-adjustable platform
(9) Lift truck
1. Disconnect all power supplies to the drive and ground the drive according to Section 11.6.2,
“De-energizing the drive locally”, page 145.
T 30
Fig. 83. Redundant fan unit – Unplugging the power supply cable
5 1
7 2
(1) Bolt
(2) Cover
(3) Mounting support
(4) ¼”
(5) 13 mm
(6) 13 mm
(7) Cordless drill
(8) T 30
(1) ¼”
(2) 17 mm
(3) 3 × M10 × 20
• Height-adjustable platform: place the platform as close as possible to the fan and then
pull the fan onto the platform.
10. Remove the mounting supports from the fan housing to be replaced and attach the
mounting supports to the new fan housing.
11. If the new fan housing does not have screw holes for the mounting supports, drill holes into
the underside of the fan housing.
For information on the exact hole positions, see drawing number 3BHS128478 E01 in
“Appendix C - Mechanical drawings”.
1 2
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice.