IGCSE-OL - Bus - Sec - 6 - Answers To Case Study - CB
IGCSE-OL - Bus - Sec - 6 - Answers To Case Study - CB
IGCSE-OL - Bus - Sec - 6 - Answers To Case Study - CB
Marking guidance for case study questions has been provided for Section 1 in the answers documents. However, this same
guidance can be followed when marking the case study below and the other case study questions from the coursebook or the
Cambridge Elevate enhanced edition. Please note, the way marks are awarded may differ in examination to the guidance provided
in this resource.
Question 1a Explain two benefits that the host country, Country Z, will have because of Halo Enterprises
setting up operations there as a multinational.
Sample explanation
The host country might benefit from increased employment opportunities. Country Z has 7%
unemployment – this will help to continue the country’s economic growth and will reduce
government spending on benefits for the unemployed.
Question 1b Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the following two countries for Halo Enterprises
when choosing a new location. Which country do you think Halo Enterprises should choose?
Justify your answer.
• lower growth rate
• higher inflation and interest rates than Country Z
• more trade barriers than Country Z
Country Z Advantages
• good transport infrastructure
• economy is at the boom stage of the economic cycle
• lower unemployment than Country Y
• low inflation and interest rates
• hardly any tariffs or quotas
• investment encouraged
• much smaller population – smaller potential market
• land-locked – might be more difficult to transport goods
to Country Z
• exchange rate is less favourable than Country Y with
respect to country X’s currency
Question 2a Pressure groups are currently posing a threat to multinationals in Country Z. When considering
which country to set up operations in, explain why Halo Enterprises should consider pressure
groups as both an opportunity and a threat.
• effect on local businesses
• boycott of HE’s goods
• damage to HE’s reputation
Question 2b The exchange rate of Country X’s currency with respect to Country Y’s currency has been
fluctuating in the past year. Explain how each of the following might affect Halo Enterprises if
it decides to export to Country Y. Which of these do you think is the most beneficial for Halo
Enterprises? Justify your answer.
Possible answers could Appreciation of Country X’s • will make Country X’s goods more expensive in
include currency Country Y – higher prices reduce demand/sales
Depreciation of Country X’s • will make Country X’s goods less expensive in
currency Country Y – lower prices increase demand/sales
Question 3a Based on the information in Appendix 2, compare two economic features of Country Y and
Country Z and explain their impact on business activity.
Sample explanation
The unemployment rate is higher in Country Y than it is in Country Z. Country Y’s employment
rate is almost double that of Country Z’s. Consumers in Country Y will have lower disposable
incomes and this will reduce the sales potential in Country Y for HE’s products.
Question 3b Before Halo Enterprises can set up operations in either of the countries, it needs to put
forward a proposal to the government showing the social costs and benefits of its operations.
The government of Country Z is aware of the increasing threat of pressure groups and wants to
do a very detailed cost–benefit analysis of Halo Enterprises’ proposal before giving it approval.
Explain how Halo Enterprises activities might cause positive and negative externalities. Do you
think the government of Country Z should approve Halo Enterprises’ proposal? Justify your
Question 4a What are tariffs and quotas? Explain how they may impact the business activity of Halo
Enterprises if it decides to export to or set up operations in Country Y.
Possible answers could Explains tariffs and quotas, e.g. tax on imports and exports, limits placed on the number of goods
include that can be exported and imported.
• increases price
• makes HE goods less competitive
• unable to sell enough to earn profit
• cannot satisfy demand in foreign country
Sample explanation
Tariffs are a tax on imports. HE’s goods will be more expensive in Country Y. Country Y imposes
tariffs but Country Z does not. HE will probably sell more in Country Y than in Country Z.
Question 4b Explain how the following three issues could affect Halo Enterprises. Which do you think is the
most important issue? Justify your answer.
Possible answers could Being ethical • consumers are more aware of ethical issues and many
include may not buy from businesses that behave unethically –
ethical behaviour can increase sales and profits.
• employees can be motivated working for a business that
behaves ethically towards them and in their production
process – it will be easier to recruit and retain employees
• improves the image and reputation of the business,
which helps to attract new investors to help finance
expansion plans
Being environmentally friendly • improves the business’s reputation and helps to gain/
keep customers, employees and investors
• government might fine or close down any business that
causes damage to the environment
• pressure groups might take action to oppose any
business that is seen as not being environmentally
friendly – this might affect production, damage
reputation, reduce sales and profits