Software Engg 2nd Question Bank 2024

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(Affiliated to BPUT, Odisha)

2nd Semester Examination 2024 – 25
Subject: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Subject Code: MC205

Module BL CO PO
Part – I
Short Answer Type Questions
1 What are the important categories of software? 1 1 1 2

What do you mean by software Re- 2 1 3

2 3
3 Define Waterfall Model? 1 1 2 3
What do you mean by Requirement Analysis 2 2 1
4 1
and Specification?
5 What is Feasibility Study? 1 2 2 3
6 What do mean by Software Crisis? 1 1 3 2
7 Write two types of Software Products? 1 1 1 2
8 Write Shortcomings of Waterfall Model? 1 3 1 2
9 Write are the advantages of Spiral Model? 1 2 4 3
10 What is Verification? 3 3 2 3
11 What do you mean by Coupling? 2 2 1 2
12 Define UML? 2 3 1 2
13 What is DFD? 2 1 1 2
14 What are the types of Cohesion? 2 2 4 3
15 Write the shortcomings of DFD model? 2 2 2 1
16 Define Structural Design? 2 2 2 3
17 What is Dependency in class Diagram? 2 1 3 2
18 Define Stamp Coupling? 2 1 1 2
19 Write the stages of Agile Model? 1 3 2 1
20 What is Fan-in & Fan-Out? 2 1 2 3
21 Define Decision Tree? 1 2 2 1
22 What do you mean by Modularity? 2 1 2 3
23 What is Functional Cohesion? 2 3 2 3
24 Define Functional Requirements? 2 2 2 3
25 Define Software Testing? 3 3 2 3
26 Define Risk Assessment? 4 2 3 2
27 What are types of Software Cost Estimation? 4 3 2 3
Write the formula of Effort in COCOMO 2 2 3
28 4
What do you mean by Cohesion and Coupling? 2 3 2
29 4
What is the scope of Software Project 3 1 2
30 4
31 Define Heuristic Estimation Technique? 4 2 4 3
32 What do you mean by Unit Testing? 3 4 2 3
33 Write the benefits of Software Testing. 3 3 1 2
34 Define SPMP Document? 4 3 1 2
35 Define CASE? 4 3 2 3
36 Define code walk-through? 3 2 3 2
37 What is Black-Box Testing? 3 2 2 3
38 Define Software Failure? 3 2 3 2
39 Define Technical Risk? 4 3 2 3
40 What is white box testing? 4 2 2 3
41 Explain about Documentation? 4 2 3 2
Writ the different types of Software 3 2 3
42 3
Module BL CO PO
Part – II
Focussed – Short answer type Questions
What do you mean by SRS document? Write 3 1
1 down the characteristics of Good SRS 1 1
Differentiate between functional and non- 2 4
2 1 2
functional Requirement.
3 Discuss about SPMP document. 4 4 2 3
4 Write short notes on formal specification. 2 3 1 3
5 Briefly discuss on 4GL technique. 1 3 1 2
6 Discuss different types of cohesion. 2 3 2 3
7 Define the Phase entry and phase exit criteria. 1 2 3 2
Differentiate between Black Box and White 2 3
8 3 2
Box Testing.
9 Briefly explain Re-engineering. 1 3 2 2
10 Distinguish between verification and validation. 3 2 2 2
What is system engineering? Write the Role of 3 1
11 1 2
system Analyst.
What is a class? write the basic building block 2 4
12 2 3
of class diagram.
Draw use case diagram for Student management 4 2
13 2 4
14 Explain the project cost estimation techniques. 4 3 1 2
Differentiate between decision tree and decision 3 1
15 2 2
Define coupling. Explain the types of coupling. 2 4
16 2 1
Briefly discuss the System Testing and 3 1
17 3 2
Integration testing.
What do you mean by software engineering? 2 4
18 Discuss about emergence of software 1 2
Write the characteristic of a good software 4 2
19 2 1
Write the roles and responsibility of a software 3 2
20 4 2
project manager.
Distinguish between verification and validation 2 2
21 3 2
with suitable example.
A project size of 200 KLOC is to be developed. 2 3
Software development team has average
experience on similar type of projects. The
22 project schedule is not very tight. Calculate the 4 2
effort, development time, average staff size and
productivity of the project?

What are the goals of coding? Explain the 2 3

23 3 2
characteristics of programming language.
3 1
24 Explain the Cohesion and Coupling Briefly? 3 2

Write role and responsibility of a Project 2 4

25 Manager? What are Characteristics of good 4 2
27 Explain the Architecture of a CASE 5 3 1 2

Part – III
Long answer type Questions
Module BL CO PO
What do you mean by Risk? Discuss about Risk 3 1 2
1 4
Management Technique.
Briefly discuss on V model and write the merits 2 4 3
2 1
and demerits of V model.
What is UML? Write the goal and basic 4 2 3
3 2
building blocks of UML.
Define class diagram. Draw Hospital 3 1 2
4 2
Management of class diagram.
State Use-Case Diagram. Draw Use -Case 3 2 2
5 2
diagram for Train Ticket Reservation.
Write the Basic Building Blocks of Activity 3 2 3
6 Diagram. Draw Activity Diagram of 2
Student Scholarship System.
State prototyping. Draw the block diagram of 2 2 3
7 1
prototype model and explain it.
What is a basic COCOMO model and find the 2 3 2
development duration for the following
problem: - A software company needs to
develop a project that is estimated as 1000
function points and is planning to use JAVA as
the programming language whose approximate
8 4
lines of code per function point is accepted as
50. Considering a=1.4 as multiplicative
factor, b=1.0 as exponential factor for the
basic COCOMO effort equation and c=3.0 as
multiplicative factor, d=0.33 as exponential
factor for the basic COCOMO.
Briefly discuss about Transaction Analysis and 3 2 2
9 2
Transform Analysis.
Explain Evolutionary model. Write their 3 2 3
10 1
advantages and disadvantages.
Explain Computer aided software 3 2 3
11 engineering? What are the different case tools 5
are used in a
software lifecycle process.
12 Explain the Iterative Waterfall Model briefly. 1 2 2 3
Explain Computer aided software engineering? 2 3 2
13 What are the different case tools are used in 5
a software lifecycle process.
What do you mean by Data Flow Diagram? 3 2 3
14 Write the Rules and Symbol for constructing 2
State and illustrate Agile software development? 2 2 3
15 1
Write the example of Agile process model.
Write short notes on: 2 3 2
16 a. System Testing 3
b. Integration Testing
What do you mean by Testing? Briefly discuss 3 2 2
17 3
about White box testing & Black box testing.
Define project planning and discuss about 3 2 3
18 project planning Activity. Draw the 4
order of planning activity.
2 2 3
19 Who is Project Manager? Explain the 2
responsibilities of Project Manager.
20 Discuss about the different types of COCOMO. 4 2 3 2

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