Flies, Genes, and Learning - Annual Reviews
Flies, Genes, and Learning - Annual Reviews
Flies, Genes, and Learning - Annual Reviews
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ANNUAL REVIEW OF NEUROSCIENCE (/content/journals/neuro) Volume 24, 2001
© Annual Reviews
▪ Abstract
Flies can learn. For the past 25 years, researchers have isolated mutants, engineered mutants with transgenes,
and tested likely suspect mutants from other screens for learning ability. There have been notable surprises—
conventional second messenger systems co-opted for intricate associative learning tasks, two entirely separate
forms of long-term memory, a cell-adhesion molecule that is necessary for short-term memory. The most
recent surprise is the mechanistic kinship revealed between learning and addictive drug response behaviors in
flies. The flow of new insight is likely to quicken with the completion of the fly genome and the arrival of more
selective methods of gene expression.
Parallel Organization of Functionally Segregated Circuits Linking Basal Ganglia and Cortex
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