Iso 14397

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Earth-moving machinery - Loaders and backhoe loaders -

Part 1:
Calculation of rated operating capacity and test method
for verifying calculated tipping load

1 Scope

This part of ISO 14397 specifies the means for determining the rated operating capacity of wheel and crawler
loaders and of the loader portion of backhoe loaders, as these machine types are defined in ISO 6165, including
standard methods for calculation and test verification of the tipping load.

2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provistons which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 14397. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 14397 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.

[SO 6016:1998, Earth-moving machinery - Methods of measuring the masses of whole machines, their equipment
and components

[SO 6165:2001, Earth-moving machinery - Basic types - Vocabulary

ISO 6746-1 :1987, Earth-moving machinery - DefiniUons of dimensions and symbols - Part 1: Base machine

ISO 7546: 1983, Earth-moving machinery - Loader and front loading exca vator buckets - Volumetric ratings

ISO 9248:1992, Earth-moving machinery - Units for dimensions, perfonnance and capacities, and their
measurement accuracies

ISO 14397-2, Earth-moving machinery - Loaders and backhoe loaders - Part 2: Test method for measuring
breakout forces and lift capacity to maximum lift height

3 Terms, definitions and-symbols

For the purposes of this part of ISO 14397, the terms, definitions and symbols given in ISO 6165 and ISO 6746·1
and the following apply.

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ISO 14397-1:2002(E)

3.1 Terms and definitions

rated operating capacity
calculated-value, In kilograms, representing normal loading under typical operating conditions

minimum calculated tipping load
minimum mass, in kilograms, which, when placed in the loader bucket, will cause the loader to achieve the tipping
limit condition in Its least stable configuration, with the loader placed on a hard, level surface and the resultant force
acting vertically through the centroid of the rated bucket volume as specified in ISO 7546

lift capacity to maximum height
mass, in kilograms, which can be lifted from the ground to maximum height using the lift cylinder or cylinders at
hydraulic circuit working pressure, with the bucket positioned to hold the maximum load and the resultant force
acting vertlcal!y through the centroid of the rated bucket volume as specified in ISO 7546

maximum moment ann
n ,
maximum horizontal distance between the load centre of gravity and the tipping line when the bucket is retracted to
achieve a horizontal strike plane

NOTE The maximum moment arm, n, of each type of loader is shown in Figures 1 to 6.

tipping limit condition
(wheel loaders) condition in which at least one of the wheels farthest from the tipping line no longer touches the

tipping limit condition
(crawlers) condition in which the rear track roller or rollers no longer touch the track rail link surface

NOTE For other types of suspension. the tipping limiting condition is that specified by the manufacturer.

tipping line
line about which the loader 'tips

NOTE See Figures 1 to 6.

operating mass
mass of the base machine with equipment and empty attachment as specified by the manufacturer, and with the
operator (75 kg), full fuel tank and a/l fluid systems at the levels specified by the manufacturer

[ISO 6016:19981

hydraulic circuit working pressure
pressure applied to the specfic hydraulic lifting circuit by 1he hydraulic pump or pumps

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ISO 14397-1:2002(E)

swing loader
loader having a swing type lift arm which can rotate to the left and right ofthe straight position

3.2 Symbols

A1 articulation angle, as defined in ISO 6746-1 a

G1 measured load on the front wheel at the opposite side of the tipping line (without ioad in bucket) kg

Gz measured load on the rear wheel at the opposite side of the tipping line (without load in bucket) kg

<hi measured load on the rear axle (without load in bucket) kg

L2 crawler base, as defined in ISO 6746-1 m

L3 wheel-base, as defined in ISO 6746-1 m

L5 rear axle to hinge (pivot of the articulated steering), as defined in ISO 6746-1 m

mlitt lift capacity to maximum height (see 3.1.3) kg

"'np minimum calculated tipping load (see 3.1.2) kg

N rated operating capacity (see 3.1.1) kg

n maximum moment arm (see 3,1.4) m

n1 moment arm of load G1 (horizontal distance between centre of action of G1 and side tipping line) m

n2 moment arm of load G2 (horizontal distance between centre of action of G2 and side tipping line) m

W1 maximum width, as defined in ISO 6746-1 (see ISO 14397-2) m

W2 track gauge, as defined in ISO 6746-1 (see ISO 14397-2) m

W3 tread (wheel track), as defined in ISO 6746-1 m

W4 track shoe width, as defined in ISO 6746-1 (see ISO 14397-2) m

4 Calculation of rated operating capacity

4.1 Principle
For each type of loader, the configurations in which the loader is most likely to tip over are assessedand the
corresponding tipping line determined: The rated operating capacity, N, is then given by:

N=kxmtip (1)



(whichever is less)

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ISO 14397.1 :2002(E)


k is a factor accounting for the effects of the operating surface and of the dynamic forces caused by travel
speed, tyre deflection, etc., equal to

0,5 for Wheel loaders and backhoe loaders, and

0,35 for crawler loaders and crawler backhoes;

mUp is the minimum calculated tipping load, equal to the sum of the moments opposing the tipping over of the
loader divided by the maximum moment arm:

mtip = ~Gixn;
i n


G, is a partial load that opposes the tipping over of the loader, and

n, is its corresponding moment arm with respect tothe tipping line;

mlift is the lift capacity to maximum height, determined in accordance with ISO 14397-2.

4.2 Loader configurations

4.2.1 General

The loader shall be the standard version specified by the manufacturer.

If the tipping load is determined under specific conditions, as is the case with additional counterweights, ripper,
backhoe or tyre ballast, then these conditions shall be specified in the operator's manual and advertizing literature
so that the stable operating conditions are clearly defined.

The backhoe portion of backhoe loaders shall be in the transport position specified by the manufacturer.

4.2.2 ·Rigid frame type

Rigid frame wheel loaders and backhoe loaders with steered wheels shall be in the straight-ahead position (see
Figures 1 and 3).

4.2.3 Articulated frame type

Articulated frame wheel loaders and backhoe loaders shall be positioned with the frames both straight and fully
articulated to the right and left (see Figure 2).

4.2.4 . Swing-arm type

Swing-arm type wheel loaders shall be turned in the most unstable position, as defined by the manufacturer (see
Figures 4 and 5).

4.2.5 Bucket

The bucket shall be positioned to provide the maximum moment arm, as defined in 3.1.4 and shown in Figures 1

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Tue Jul 06 14:39:49 2004
ISO 14397-1:2002(E}

4.3 Procedure

4.3.1 Wheet loaders and backhoe loaders - Articulated or Ackermann steering General

Measure the load, OH, in kilograms, on the rear axle, with the empty bucket positioned as shown in Figures 1, 2
al'!d 3 and With full articulation in the case of articulated machInes.

For compact loaders. the calculation method given for articulated or straight-frame machines may only be used if

(3) Wheel/oaders and backhoe loaders - Articulated steering at maximum articulation

With the steering system at maximum articulation, right and left, calculate the rated operating capacity, in
kilograms, using the following formula:

~ (L3 - L5+ L5 xcosA )

N =k x '"tip = 0.5 X~-'-------~
(4) Straight·frame wheel loaders and backhoe loaders - Ackermann steering

With the steering system in the straight-ahead position, calculate the rated operating capacity, in kilograms, using
the following formula:

N = kXmtip=0.5x-'-'--- (5)

4.3.2 Swing-arm type wheel loaders - Articulated or Ackermann steering Swing-arm type wheel loaders - Swing ann in straight position - Articulated steering

See Figures 4 and 5. Use Equation (4). Swing-arm type wheel loaders - Swing arm in straight position - Ackermann steering

Use Equation (5). Swing-arm type wheel loaders - Swing arm perpendicular to tipping. line - Articulated steering
at maximum articulation and to most critical side

See Figure 6. Measure the loads, G1 and G2, in kilograms, on the two wheels (front and rear) opposite the bucket
position, with the empty bucket and the swing arm perpendicular to the tipping line, at maximum .steering
articulation and to the most critical side, as defined by the manufacturer.

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ISO 14397-1:20D2(E)

Calculate the rated operating capacity, N, in kilograms, using the following formula:



n1 = W3 x cos [ arceo t( L3-L5+L5xcasA1-0,5xW3xsinA1)].

L5 x sinA1+ O,5x W3x cosA1-D,5 x W3
, In me res (7)

n2 = W3 X cos [A1 -areca t( L3-L5+L5XCOSA1-0,5XW3XSinA1)].

L5 x sinA1 +D,5x W3 x cosA1-0,5 xW3
,m met res (8) Swing-ann type wheel loaders - Swing arm perpendicular to tipping line - Ackermann steering
at maximum steering angle

Measure the loads G1 and ~, in kilograms, on the two wheels (front and rear) opposite the bucket position, with
the bucket empty, the swing arm perpendicular to the tipping line, and at the maximum steering angle.

Calculate the rated operating capacity, N, in kilograms, using the following formula:


4.3.3 Crawler loader

Measure the load GH on the sprocket centreline. with the empty bucket positioned as shown in Figure 7.

Calculate the rated operating capacity, N, in kilograms, using the following formula:

N =O,35x ~ xL2 (10)


5 Tipping load verification test

5.1 General

A variability exists between the calculated and the test values. This is because dynamic forces acting on wheel
loaders and backhoe loaders (caused by travel speed, tyre deflection, the suspension system and tyre penetration
of the operatlnq surface under test conditions) will result in values lower than those determined by calculation. The
loader test results may be influenced by dynamic factors associated with ground contact and tyre and suspension

5:2 Test equipment

The test equipment shall be in accordance with ISO 14397-2.

Maximum travel speed at rated operating capacity is assumed to be less than the maximum travel speed. The
travel speed with .1hebucket in the normal carry positlon shall not exceed

15 kmlh for wheel loaders and backhoe loaders, and

6 kmlh for crawler loaders and crawler backhoe loaders.

It is recommended that the load be reduced if the speed exceeds the stated values.

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ISO 14397-1:2002(E)

5.3 Operating surface and loader configuration

The operating surface shall be

hard, substantially smooth and level for wheel loaders and wheel backhoe loaders, and

softer, and not as smooth or level for crawler loaders and crawler backhoe loaders.

The machine configuration shall be in accordance with 4.2.

5.4 Test measurement of minimum tipping load

Using a hydraulic cylinder or mechanical winch, apply a vertical downward force acting through the bucket volume
centroid to find the tipping condition.

For a wheel loader, wheel backhoe loader or wheel swing loader, record the force when the rear tyre or tyres leave
the ground in the straight-ahead postnon, and convert the force to the equivalent tipping load, in kilograms. In the
case of an articulated configuration, test with the oscillating axle unblocked and the force measurement taken when
one wheel opposite the tipping line leaves the ground.

For a crawler loader, take the force measurement when the rear rollers leave the track link surface. The oscillating
axle shall be unlocked, except in the case of swing loaders, where an automatic activation of the oscillating axle
occurs during lift arm swinging.

5.5 Verjfication

The calculated values shall be within 2 % of the test results, in accordance with ISO 9248.

5.6 Test report

:rhe following information shall be included in the test report on the verification of the calculated tipping load:

a) manufacturer;

b) model;

c) type;

d) test machine product identification number;

e) machine operating mass for test (see ISO 6016). in kilograms;

f) mass and location of additional counterweights, in kilograms;

g) steering, comprising

maximum articulated steering angle for articulated frame loaders, in degrees, and

maximum swing angle of swing loader arms, in degrees;

h) tyre type and size(s):

i) lyre presserets), in kilopascals;

j) type and width of track shoes, crawler loaders (see ISO 6746-1);

k) lift capacity to maximum height, in kilograms;

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ISO 14397 1:2002(E)

I) rear axle load for wheel loaders and backhoe loaders in accordance with, in kilograms;

m) side loads for swing loaders in accordance with, in kilograms;

n) minimum calculated tipping load, in kilograms;

0) rated operating capacity in accordance with 4.3, ;n kilograms;

p) rated operating capacity for swing loaders, in accordance with and, comprising

front, in kilograms. and

specified swing angle, in degrees.

1 Tippingline

Figure 1-- Backhoe reader

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n L3

1 TIpping line

Figure 2 - Articulatedwframe wheel loader

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n L3

1 Tippingline

Figure 3 - Straight-frame wheel loader

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1 Tippingline

Figure 4 - Swing-arm type wheel loader In straight position



n L3

a Through bucketcentroid.

Figure 5 - Swing-arm type wheel loader 'in straight position

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1 Bucketcentroid
2 Side tipping line

Figure 6 - Swing-arm type wheel loader with articulated frame at full articulation and with lift arm
perpendicular to tipping line

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1 Tippingline

Figure 7 - Crawler loader

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