Instructions: How often have you been bothered by each of the following symptoms during the past two
weeks? For each symptom put an “X” in the box beneath the answer that best describes how you have
been feeling.
Has there been a time in the past month when you have had serious thoughts about ending your life? [ ] Yes
[ ] No
Have you EVER, in your WHOLE LIFE, tried to kill yourself or made a suicide attempt? [ ]
Yes [ ] No
**If you have had thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way, please
discuss this with your Health Care Clinician, go to a hospital emergency room or call for local
Use with Permission. Guidelines for Adolescent Depression in Primary Care. Version 2, 2010. 1
Scoring the PHQ-9 modified for Teens
Scoring the PHQ-9 modified for teens is easy but involves thinking about
several different aspects of depression.
To use the PHQ-9 to screen for all types of depression or other mental
All positive answers (positive is defined by a “2” or “3” in questions 1-
8 and by a “1”, “2”, or “3” in question 9) should be followed up by
A total PHQ-9 score > 10 (see below for instructions on how to
obtain a total score) has a good sensitivity and specificity for MDD.
To use the PHQ-9 to obtain a total score and assess depressive severity:
Add up the numbers endorsed for questions 1-9 and obtain a
total score.
See Table below:
Use with Permission. Guidelines for Adolescent Depression in Primary Care. Version 2, 2010. 2