CEA (Network Analysis)

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Complex Engineering Analysis

Subject: Electrical Network Analysis

Course Code: EE-105
Semester Spring 2024
Instructor: Engr. Ambreen Javed

The objective of this complex engineering problem is to investigate and design a practical problem
that has following attributes:

1. The activity requires abstract thinking, originality in analysis to formulate suitable software
and hardware models of the activity.
2. The activity involves creative use of engineering principles and research-based knowledge in
novel ways.

Complex Engineering Problem Outcomes (CEAO):

The outcome of this activity is that the students may be able to partially attain some or all of the
following graduate attributes.

1. GA1: Engineering Knowledge

2. GA2: Problem Analysis
3. GA3: Design/Development of solutions
4. GA4: Investigation
5. GA5: Modern Tool Usage
6. GA6: The Engineer and Society
7. GA7: Environment and Sustainability
8. GA8: Professional Ethics
9. GA9: Individual and Teamwork
10. GA10: Communication
11. GA11: Project Management
12. GA12: Lifelong Learning

In this course, this problem maps onto CLO3 and your performance in this task will play an important
role in the attainment of this course learning outcome.

Apply mathematical techniques to analyze circuit response and

obtain frequency response of linear circuits

Task Goals:
The goals of this engineering problem are to:

1. Design an electric circuit according to given specifications.

2. Gain experience with techniques used to design electric circuits.
3. Perform the phasor analysis of the circuit
4. Perform the mathematical calculations
5. Learn to test circuit with simulation.
6. Learn to perform physical testing of the circuit.
7. Learn how to work in a team.
8. Learn how to write a project report
Problem Statement:
To design a Passive Band Pass Filter using a combination of Low Pass and High Pass Filter based on the
knowledge and skills gained during lectures and lab sessions as per following requirements.

a) High Pass Filter’s cut-off frequency should be equal to Last two digits of your registration
number ( in KHz)
b) Low Pass Filter’s cut-off frequency should be equal to sum of last two digits of your registration
number plus 20 KHz

For example
For the registration number, 151091, the cut-off frequencies will be as follows:
𝑓1 = (91KHZ), 𝑓2 = (91+20) KHz

c) Calculate the specific values of Resistors and Capacitors for both filters separately.
d) Make a table of frequencies and 𝑉𝑜 for at least 30 values of frequencies and make a graph of
frequencies vs. 𝑉𝑜 using the values of the table.
1. Choose 3 values between 𝑓1 and 𝑓2 and rest outside the range 𝑓1 -𝑓2 for the table
2. Select step size of 200Hz.
e) Also obtain phasor graph for the designed filter

This is a group activity, and each group can have no more than 3 members. The submission
deadline for this activity is 19th May, 09:00 AM.

A detailed report explaining the design parameters and their analysis in terms of frequency and
phasor response. You are supposed to include the screenshots of simulation and hardware circuit.
Policy on Professional Ethics & Plagiarism:

You are free to consult any book and online resources during the design and analysis phase, but you
could not copy from them. Your design and implementation must be your original effort and same
apply for simulations. Remember that if anyone is found to copy from the Internet or other group
members, the group shall face severe penalty. You are not allowed to copy any material or code
directly from the web or elsewhere. Note that if you are found to violate this policy or it becomes
obvious that the work you have submitted is not your own or has been taken from some other source
you shall be facing severe consequences.
The Formula that will be generously applied in all cases is:
Final Score = Raw Score – 2*CF*Total
Where CF is the Copying Factor. This means that even if you are found to copy only in 50% of the
activity deliverables, and you end up scoring 100% raw score, but your final score will be 0. Please
follow the principle that “Honesty is the Best Policy”.

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