07-BJT Voltage-Divider Bias

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Lorenzo Arlan D.

ECE 2263
Experiment #8: BJT Biasing: Emitter-Stabilized Bias

The voltage divider bias configuration, like the emitter-stabilized fixed bias, also
attempts to minimize the differences in  from transistor to transistor. We are given
values of the supply voltage, VCC, and the Q-point (IC
and VCE) and the emitter voltage, VE and are required to
find suitable values for the four external resistors.

Recall the definition of  as IC/IB and from

Kirchoff’s current law: IC + IB = IE. So

IE = IC(1 + 1/) = IC( + 1)/

Now apply Ohm’s law to the emitter resistor, RE RE

= VE / IE = (VE/IC) / (/(+1))

The voltage across the collector resistor, RC, is

VCC – VCE – VE and so, again by Ohm,

RC = (VCC – VCE – VE)/ IC

The voltage at the midpoint of the divider formed by R1 and R2 is VB which is determined not by
R1 or R2 individually but by their ratio. Therefore, we may assign any convenient value to R1
and solve for the corresponding value of R2.

For the upper and lower portions of the divider we have:

Upper half: (I2 + IC/) R1 = VCC – VCE – VE

Lower half: I2 R2 = VBE + VE

For the upper, assign any convenient value to R1 and solve for I2. Then use this value of
I2 in the lower to obtain R2.

Notice that the smaller the value you assign to R1, the larger is the value of I2. In fact, if
I2 (with a small R1) is large in comparison with IC/, you may safely assume that IE = IC.
However, such a large I2 can put an undesirable load on the system power supply. It is a trade-off
to be made by the design engineer in selecting R1.


1. Open Multisim and build the circuit below.

8: BJT Bias: Voltage-Divider 1

2. Refer to the table below and adjust the resistance of R4. Measure the collector current
(IC) in R2 and emitter current (IE) in R3.

0 177.636 pA 20.411 pA
10 352.447 μA 355.181 μA
20 855.41 μA 868.821 μA
30 854.621 μA 924.512 μA
40 851.605 μA 951.955 μA
50 849.567 μA 968.833 μA
60 848.134 μA 980.284 μA
70 847.078 μA 988.566 μA
80 846.268 μA 994.837 μA
90 845.629 μA 999.749 μA
100 845.111 μA 1.004 mA

3. Make a graph of the data.

Results and Analysis:

The data indicate that when the lower resistor of the common emitter voltage divider circuit is increased, Ic
and Ie currents vary. The currents Ic and Ie were at their lowest values when the resistor had 0% resistance,
as seen in the data above. It is clear that both currents increased if we increase the resistor's percentage
resistance from 10% to 100%. We may agree that it rose if we just looked at the graph, but it's clear that
both currents started acting differently from one another. The Ie current increased somewhat while the Ic
current marginally reduced.

8: BJT Bias: Voltage-Divider 2


In conclusion, both the Ic and Ie increase and nearly equalize in value if the
resistor's percentage resistance is increased by 20%. Furthermore, it is apparent
that both Ic and Ie take different pathways as we steadily raise the resistor's
percentage resistance to 30%-100%. Ie will slightly rise while Ic will slightly fall.
That is the lowest value of both currents if we set the resistor's percentage
resistance to 0%.

8: BJT Bias: Voltage-Divider 3

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