Foreign Trading System

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This project emphasizes about the Foreign Trade System which is an

interface between the Account holder and the market. In the initial phase details
about the various currencies and the profit and loss of currency hold is collected.


● The purpose of this project is to scientifically approach the foreign exchange

market, and to evaluate whether we can develop a strategy that can
automatically trade in the market successfully, and can outperform existing
basic strategies.
● To first understand the various overall market conditions- trending,
directionless, and volatile.
● This is crucial, since different trading strategies prove appropriate for
differing market conditions.


The practice of currency trading is also commonly referred to as foreign

exchange, Forex or FX for short. All currency has a value relative to other
currencies on the planet. Currency trading system uses the purchase and sale of
large quantities of currency to leverage the shifts in relative value into profit. The
online Foreign Currency Trading system is almost entirely a "spot" market. A
"spot" market means that the trading is made immediately or "on the spot". The
settlement of those Foreign Currency Trading spot transactions is made within two
working days.

The foreign exchange (forex) market is a financial market for trading

currencies. Trades are made in currency pairs, such as United States dollar and the
euro, in which equivalent amounts of money are exchanged. In addition, hedge
funds and investors may choose to trade in the forex market for profit, as
speculators, as the values of currency pairs change. The forex market is rapidly
growing, and an important contributor to this is the retail investor– the individual
speculator who trades currency pairs for profit, either as a full-time job or for
supplementary income. Technology and computers play a key role in bringing
these individuals to the forex market.

SRS Document outlines the detailed requirements for the Foreign Trading
System. It serves as a blueprint for the development process, ensuring the final
system meets the needs of both the investors and stakeholders.

Product Perspective:

The proposed foreign trading system is an on-line system. This system will
provide an online currency trading service for investors by taking in live feed in of
international currency status.

Product function:

● Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.

● More flexible-less costly to change scope and requirements.

● Easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration. Easier to manage risk
during its Iteration.
● Each iteration is an easily managed milestone.

● Each component is delivered to the client when it is complete. This allows

partial utilization of product and avoids long development time.


There are various kinds of users for this product

● Investors
● Traders

● Brokers

● Banks


Design Constraints:

The Login module contains the form which contain membership name and
member password. It includes Username and Password.
This form contains the information about account holder, market status,
currency held, trading histories, etc.
❖ BUY:
After the user logged in they can buy stocks online the user can buy stock
only it is available for buying.
After the user logged in they can sell stocks online , the user can sell his own
stocks only
After the trading is finished user has to select the type of transaction whether
credit card Demat account.

External Interface Requirements:

The system uses the GUI – Graphical User Interface for easy interaction
with the customer. The system maintains a relationship with the Rational Rose
Tool. According to the code generated by the Rose tool, the system is developed.
This gives more sequential access for the functions and the functions can be coded

User Interfaces:

GUI is used in generating forms. The credit card processing system

provides a good user interface. It is more interactive with the user that the user can
easily operate the system. This can be achieved by providing the snap shots
describing the functionality of the system. By viewing into the snap shots, the user
can gain better knowledge about the system.

Hardware Interfaces

✔ Needed :Computers

✔ Hard Disk: 100-150 GB

✔ RAM:512-1 GB required

✔ Internet Connection required.

✔ Cables, wires, Network adapters are required.

Communication Interfaces

The local system must be connected to the server via Internet Connection.
Email and file transfer services are provided. E-Shopping is the key concept.



● JavaScript

● Java



● Visual Studio Code(Streamlined Code editor)

● Visual Paradigm( for developing UML Patterns)


Performance Requirements

The system must be able to perform in adverse weather conditions like

heavy rain, hot climate etc. Connection can be interrupted but service must be
uninterrupted. Transportation of stocks must be efficient and punctual. Database
should support large amount of data and also must preserve integrity, consistency
of data and should prevent data loss.

Software system attributes:

System attributes or quality factors will have the following


⮚ The software is more reliable as it causes no damage to the system in which

it works. If it leads to any malfunction, it has the capability to recover from
that damage.
⮚ The system is available at all the places where the users feel it comfortable
to work with this.
⮚ The software is as secure as it is user-friendlier and the user can use the
system efficiently. It won’t cause any system attacks
⮚ The software is easy to maintain and the updating over the system are
verified daily, in order to have more secure data
⮚ The software can be installed in any system that satisfies the hardware and
software requirement of this system. It is more portable.
⮚ The system provides easiness for the customer to use it and of course it is
more user-friendly.


Use Case diagrams identify the functionality provided by the system (use
cases), the users who interact with the system (actors), and the association between
the users and the functionality .Use Cases are used in the Analysis phase of
software development to articulate the high-level requirements of the system.

The primary goals of Use Case diagrams include:

1. Providing a high-level view of what the system does.

2. Identifying the users ("actors") of the system.
3. Determining areas needing human-computer interfaces.


● The Applicants and Administrator must have basic knowledge of computers

and English Language.
● The applicants may be required to scan the documents and send.


After the completion of UML diagrams for FOREIGN TRADING

SYSTEM we should generate the code. Select the tools option from main menu
then select the sub option program module in which we are going to generate the
code . Then go ahead and select the generate code option as a result of code


To perform the testing for the generated code again select the tools option
from menu bar and choose quality architecture option a sub window gets opened.
We are going to perform Unit Test and Scenario testing for our project. So, select
these testing option one by one and testing activity is carried out for all the coding
and testing is carried out.


A use-case diagram is a graph of actors, a set of use cases enclosed by a
system boundary, communication associations between actors and the use cases
and generalization among use cases.

Use cases are text documents, not diagrams, and use-case modeling is
primarily an act of writing text, not drawing diagrams.

Use case name : Overall trading system

Primary actor: Investor

Stack holders and interest :

1. Investor
2. Banking authority
3. Broker
4. Marketing authority

Main scenario :

1. investor investing the amount to the account.

2. bank authority record it in the database.
3. this account is traded by the broker.
4. the broker can buy the amount when low market value.
5. the broker can sell the amount when high market value.
6. market authority analyses the account and current market
7. based on the market value the amount in sell to the investor.
8. investor leaves with the maximized profit
Figure 1 : Use Case Diagram

A class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of

static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the
system's classes, their attributes and operations.

A class consists of three compartments /boxes .They are

1. Name
2. Attributes
3. Operations

Figure 2 : Class Diagram



Sequence diagrams are an easy and intuitive way of describing the

behavior of the system by viewing the interaction between the system and its
environment. A sequence diagram shows the objects participating in a time
sequence. It shows the objects participating in an interaction by their lifelines and
the messages they exchange, arranged in a time sequence.

Figure 3: Sequence Diagram

Login Operation:

Figure 4: Login Operation Sequence Diagram

Trading Account Details:

Figure 5 : Trading Account Details Sequence Diagram

Broker Operations:

Figure 6 : Broker Operations Sequence Diagram


A collaboration diagram represents a collaboration, which is a set of

objects related in a particular context, and interaction, which is a set of objects
within the collaboration, to achieve a desired outcome.

Figure 7 : Collaboration Diagram


A state diagram is a type of diagram used in computer science and related

fields to describe the behavior of systems. State diagrams require that the system
described is composed of a finite number of states; sometimes, this is indeed the
case, while at other times this is a reasonable abstraction. There are many forms of
state diagrams, which differ slightly and have different semantics.

A UML statement diagram illustrate the interesting events and states of

an object and the behavior of an object in reaction to the event transition are shown
as arrows , labeled with their events state are shown as rounded rectangles .



An event is a significant or noteworthy occurrence

For examples : A telephone receiver is taken off the hook


A state is a condition of an object at a movement in a time , the time between


For example

A telephone is in the state of being “idle” after the receiver is placed on the hook
and until it is taken off the hook.


Transition is a relation between states that indicates that when an event occurs ,the
object moves from the prior state to the subsequent state.

For example

When the event “off hook” occurs , transition the telephone from “idle to “active”
4)Transition action

A transition can cause a action to fire . in a software implementation , this may

represent the invocation of a method of the class of the state chart diagram.

Figure 8 : State Chart Diagram


An activity diagram is a variation or special case of state machine, in which

the states are activities representing the performance of operations and transitions
are triggered by the completion of the operations. An activity diagram models the
entire business process.

Figure 9 : Activity Diagram


The project is implemented by creating HTML pages .These pages are

linked with the database so that the data can be easily stored. The data is well
organized in the databases. It helps the investors or the stakeholders to retrieve the
data ,modify them or erase them .

The webpages are created for all the modules in the Domain. The details are
validated before Submitting .The validation is done by Javascript .

The following are the sample webpages


#sample code

<!DOCTYPE html>


<title>Foreign Trading System</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="login.css"> </head>

<body style="padding: 50px;">

<h2 style="text-align: center; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans- serif;color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">TRADING


<h3 id="id3">WELCOME TO HOME PAGE!!</h3>

<form id=form1> <br><br>

<h3 id="id1" style="color:rgb(5, 32, 185);">Already have an account ? : <br></h3>

UserName : <input type="text" value=""><br>

Password : <input type="password"value=""><br><br>

<button value="Login" onclick="home.html">Login</button> </h3>

<h4 id="id2"> New user ??<br>

Create account : <a href="signup.html"> Sign Up</a> <br><br> </h4>

</form> </body></html>

font-style: italic;

text-align: center;

color:rgb(12, 6, 9);}


text-align: center;

margin-left: 400px;

margin-right: 400px;

padding-left: 100px;

padding-right: 100px;

background-color: rgb(213, 241, 240);}


text-align: center;

font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;}


background-color: #04aa6d; }


text-decoration: underline;

color: red;}


border: black;


Figure 10 : Login Page

<!DOCTYPE html>


<title>New Registration</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="signup.css">

</head><body >

<form class="container" action="Home.html" action="post">

<h3 style="text-align: center;">New Registration</h3>

<div><label>First Name:</label>

<input type="text" name="fname"> </div>

<div><label>last Name:</label><input type="text" name="lname"></div>

<label>DOB:</label><input type="date";> <br>

<label>Trading Experiance :</label>

<input type="radio" id="Trading Experiance" name="yes"/>Yes

<input type="radio" id="Trading Experiance" name="no"/>NO<br>


<input type="radio" id="gender" name="gender" value="male"/> Male

<input type="radio" id="gender" name="gender" value="female"/> Female <br/>

<label>phone number:</label><input type="text" name="phone" size="10" /> <br>

<label>Address:</label> <textarea value="Address"> </textarea><br>

<label> Email:</label><input type="Email" id="Email" name="Email" /> <br>

<label>password:</label><input type="password"id="pass" name="pass" /><br><br>

<br><div id="div1"><input type="button" style="text-align: center;" class=" subbutton" href="Home.html"

value="Submit"/> </div></form>



text-align: center;

padding:10px; */

/* background-image: url('html.jpg'); */

background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);


background-color: rgb(118, 121, 122);

padding: 50px;

color: white;

margin-left: 100px;

margin-right: 500px;


background-color: chartreuse;

color: white;

text-align: center;


background-color: rgb(212, 9, 9);

color: rgb(253, 253, 253);

label {

display: inline-block;

width: 200px;

padding: 10px;}
Figure 11 : Signup Page


<!DOCTYPE html>



<title> Foreign Trading System</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="Home.css"></head>

<body><form >


<table border="1"><tr>

<th>Item Name </th>


<th>Details</th> </tr>


<td><img src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mini_proj\gold.jfif"></td>

<td>Get 24 karat gold. Can be a bar or a coin <br>

<a type="button" value="Gold" href="Gold.html" >more info</a></td></tr>


<td><img src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mini_proj\perfume.jfif" width="300px"height="180px"></td>

<td>High Quality Branded Perfumes for men and women

<a type="button" value="Perfume" href="perfume.html">more info</a></td></tr>


<td><img src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mini_proj\TV.jfif" width="300px"height="180px"></td>

<td>Full HD televisons. High Demand product on Market. Place Your orders soon

<a type="button"value="Television" href="productdetails.html">more info</a> </td></tr>

<td><img src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mini_proj\Pearls.webp" width="300px"height="180px"></td>

<td>100%^ original pearls. Imported from the oyster directly

<a type="button" value="Pearls" href="productdetails.html">more info</a></td></tr>

< tr><td>Fabrics</td>

<td><img src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mini_proj\Fabrics.jpg" width="300px"height="180px"></td>

<td>All Types of Fabrics inluding cotton nylon silk etc..

<a type="button" value="Fabrics" href="productdetails.html">more info</a></td></tr>

<tr> <td>Jewellary</td>

<td><img src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mini_proj\jewellary.jpg" width="300px"height="180px"></td>

<td>Made out of original 24 karat gold. Available designs : Indian, Arabic, Korean etc..

<a type="button"value="Jewellary" href="productdetails.html">more info</a>


<td><img src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mini_proj\Silver.jpeg" width="300px"height="180px"></td>

<td>Pure silver

<a value="Silver" href="productdetails.html">more info</a> </td></tr>


<td><img src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mini_proj\pesticides.jpg" width="300px"height="180px"></td>

<td>Natural pesticides made of harmless components

<a type="button"value="Pesticides" href="productdetails.html">more info</a></td> </tr>

<tr> <td>Diamond</td>

<td><img src="C:\Users\User\Desktop\Mini_proj\Diamond.jfif" width="300px"height="180px"></td>


<a value="Diamond" type="button"href="productdetails.html">more info</a></td></tr>



Figure 12 : Home Page


1.Gold Order:

#Sample code
<!DOCTYPE html>




Foreign Trading System



<body><form style="padding-left: 300px;">


<h2>GOLD ORDER</h2><br>

<h3>Available Quantity:1000</h3><br>

<h3>Rate of Item:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rs.50000/karat<br><br>

Required Quantity:<input type="text"> </h3><br><br><br>

<div id="div1"><a type="button" style="color:black ;background-color:Green" href="bill.html" type="submit"


<a type="button" href="Home.html" style="color: black; background-color:red"type="cancel"




Figure 13 : Gold Order
2.Perfume order:

#Sample Code

<!DOCTYPE html>




Foreign Trading System




<form style="padding-left: 300px;">


<h2>PERFUME ORDER</h2><br>

<h3>Available Quantity:1000</h3><br>

<h3>Rate of Item;Rs.10000 PER Package<br><br>

Required Quantity:<input type="text">



<div id="div1">

;<a type="button" style="color:black;background-color:Green" href="bill.html" type="submit"


<a type="button" href="Home.html" style="color:black;background-color:red"type="cancel"




Figure 14 : Perfume Order


<!DOCTYPE html>




Foreign Trading System


<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="Home.css"> -->


<body style="padding-top: 100px;padding-left: 100px;padding-right: 100px;width: 12cm;height: 30cm;">

<form style="padding-left: 100px;padding-top: 50px;background-color: rgb(43, 200, 228);">

<h1> BILL </h1><br><br>

<h3> Bill Amount:

<input type="text"value="" maxlength="10"></h3><br>

<div style="padding: 40px;">

<a type="button" style="background-color: rgb(7, 214, 7); font-size: larger;" value="pay"



Figure 15 : Bill Page

#Source Code
<!DOCTYPE html>




Foreign Trading System


<script type="text/javascript">

function alertmsg(){

alert("Payment Successfull")

function cancel(){

alert("Cancel the Payment")

return false



<body style="padding-top: 100px;padding-left: 300px;padding-right: 300px;">

<form id="form1"style="padding-left: 200px;padding-bottom:100px;padding-top: 100px;background-color:

rgb(158, 229, 241);">


<h3>Enter Your Account Number:

<input type="text" name="" maxlenth="10">


Bill Amount:

<input type="text" name="bill" maxlength="10"> </h3><br>

<button style="background-color : green;text-align: left;"value="Confirm" onclick="alertmsg()" >Confirm

</button >

<button style="background-color: red;text-align: right;"value="Cancel" onclick="cancel()">Cancel





Figure 16 : Account Details

Figure 17 : Payment Successful

Figure 18 : Payment Unsuccessfull


This project is to scientifically approach the foreign exchange

market, and to evaluate whether we can develop a strategy that can automatically
trade in the market successfully, and can outperform existing basic strategies. As
the forex market and the number of individual retail investors grows, a new,
successful strategy is valuable to those seeking financial prosperity by trading

Our approach was to first understand the various overall market

conditions- trending, directionless, and volatile. This is crucial, since different
trading strategies prove appropriate for differing market conditions. After
determining the type of market, we tested basic strategies and examined their
performance. After optimizing these systems, we discovered the best approach
would be to develop our own system, incorporating the most successful features
from several strategies, and come up with a strategy that greatly outperformed the
basic ones we had tested.

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