KP Remon Rizky

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Danar Guruh Pratomo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D NIP

Study Program of Geomatics Engineering

Department of Geomatics Engineering
Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering Sepuluh
Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya
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Muhammad Rizky Abiyyu Nugraha NRP. 5016201115

Joan Raymond Christian Saden NRP. 5016201118

Approved by the Advisors:

1. Danar Guruh Pratomo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.

Advisor I/Geomatics Engineering – FTSPK ITS ( )
2. Sr Ts Dr Saiful Aman Bin Hj Sulaiman, Ph.D.
Advisor II/ Surveying Science & Geomatics – FSPU UiTM Shah Alam


Head of Geomatics Engineering Study Head of Centre of Studies Surveying

Program – FTSPK ITS Science & Geomatics

Danar Guruh Pratomo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Sr Ts Dr Saiful Aman Bin Hj Sulaiman,
NIP. 198005072003121001 Ph.D.
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All the praise and gratitude to Almighty God for the abundance of grace so that
the creation of an internship report entitled “Bathymetric Mapping Using a
Single-Beam Echosounder in Kuala Linggi, Melaka, Malaysia” can be
completed properly. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for the
guidance, advice and help rendered throughout the period of our survey camp for
six weeks from 8 May 2023 until 19 June 2023 by the following amazing
individuals. First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to
the following :
3. Our parents, who have been taking care of us with their prayers and
accommodation so we can finally conduct the practical work.
4. Prof Sr Ts Dr Saiful Aman Hj Sulaiman, Head of the Department of
Surveying Science and Geomatics study center, Universiti Teknologi Mara
(UiTM), Shah Alam.
5. Danar Guruh Pratomo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., the Head of the ITS Geomatics
Engineering Department and the author's lecturer advisor during this
6. Dr. Mohd Shahmy bin Mohd Said and Sr. Raiz bin Razali, Lecturer for
Hydrography Subject for the opportunity given, to conduct our survey camp in
Kuala Linggi, Malacca and for enabling us to learn and develop our
understanding, knowledge and feel of real time field works.

We would also like to thank all the UiTM friends who have been nice to
us for several weeks there, and the lesson taught in becoming a better student and
person. We value the time, effort, encouragement, and ideas that they have
contributed towards the successful completion of our survey camp stint, this
report and the valuable knowledge that have been shared throughout the survey
camp period.


Surabaya, 15th of July 202



Survey camp is one of the prerequisites for students who will be

graduating in Bachelor of Surveying Science and Geomatics (Honors). In this
respect, a report of survey camp for Hydrography is provided as evidence that
students engaged in the training. It also includes an overview of student activities,
processes, and experiences. It was conducted at Kuala Linggi, Malacca.

Students must complete a six-week survey camp program in order to

accomplish their courses. The main objective of this survey camp is for students
to obtain experience and be introduced to certain field work duties during the
programme so that they are more adept in utilizing equipment and software and
can gain information once they graduate.

As a result of their experience in survey camp, students appear to be more

well-educated and self-assured to work as professionals in the future. This way, a
future workforce of high quality can be developed. This survey camp for
Hydrography report is divided into three parts.

Keywords: Bathymetric Survey, DGPS, Tides, Estuary, Coastal Area and

Singlebeam Echosound


Nama Mahasiswa / NRP :

Departemen :
Dosen Pembimbing :


Survey camp merupakan salah satu prasyarat bagi mahasiswa yang akan
lulus Sarjana Sains Survei dan Geomatika (Honours). Dalam hal ini, laporan
kamp survei Hidrografi disediakan sebagai bukti bahwa siswa terlibat dalam
pelatihan. Ini juga mencakup gambaran aktivitas, proses, dan pengalaman siswa.
Dilakukan di Kuala Linggi, Malaka.

Siswa harus menyelesaikan program kamp survei enam minggu untuk

menyelesaikan kursus mereka. Tujuan utama dari survey camp ini adalah agar
mahasiswa memperoleh pengalaman dan dikenalkan dengan tugas kerja lapangan
tertentu selama program berlangsung sehingga lebih mahir dalam memanfaatkan
peralatan dan software serta dapat memperoleh informasi setelah lulus.

Sebagai hasil dari pengalaman mereka di kamp survei, siswa tampak lebih
berpendidikan dan percaya diri untuk bekerja sebagai profesional di masa depan.
Dengan cara ini, dapat dikembangkan tenaga kerja masa depan yang berkualitas.
Kamp survei laporan Hidrografi ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian.

Kata Kunci : Batimetri Survei, DGPS, Tides, Estuary, Coastal Area dan
Single-beam Echosounder.








7. Background 1
8. Purposes 2
9. Benefits 2


10. Time Implementation and Volume of Work 3
a. Time Implementation 3
b. Work Volume 3
11. Scope of Work 4
12. Stages of Work Implementation 4
13. Organizational Structure 5
14. Duties and Responsibilities of Organizational Elements and Units 6


15. Bathymetric Survey 7
16. Global Navigation Satellite System 11
17. Tides 13
a. Types of Tides 14
b. Sea Level Elevation 14
18. Estuary 15
a. Merbok River Estuary 16
19. Coastal Area 16
a. Boundaries of coastal zones 17
20. Single Beam Echosounder 18
a. Echosounder Parts 18


21. Tools and Materials 21
a. Tools 21
b. Software 25
22. Tools Specifications 26
a. Tools 26
b. Software 34
23. Work Implementation Methodology 43
24. Work Schedule 44
25. Job Executor 45


26. Data Collection 47
a. Tidal Observation Data 47
b. Bathymetric Survey Data 48
c. Coastal Area Measurement 50
27. Data Processing 56
a. Tidal Data Processing 56
b. Bathymetric Data Processing 57
c. Coastal Area Measurement 64
28. Result and Analysis 65
a. Instrument Calibration Result 65
b. Tidal Observation Result 67
c. Bathymetric Map 68

29. Conclusions 71
30. Suggestions 71




Figure 2. 1 Organizational Chart of FSPU UiTM Shah Alam 5

Figure 3. 1 Mechanical Method 9
Figure 3. 2 Optical Method 10
Figure 3. 3 Acoustic Method 11
Figure 3. 4 DGPS Work 12
Figure 3. 5 Tidal Generating Force 14
Figure 3. 6 Coastal Area 18
Figure 4. 1 Main view of HYDROpro Navigation 35
Figure 4. 2 Main View of HYDROpro NavEdit 35
Figure 4. 3 Main View of Terramodel 37
Figure 4. 4 Main View of Civil Design and Survey (CDS) 37
Figure 4. 5 Main View of AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 39
Figure 4. 6 Main View of ArcGIS 10.3 41
Figure 4. 7 Methodology of Work Implementation 43
Figure 5. 1 Benchmark K1057 47
Figure 5. 2 Temporary Benchmark at Tanjung Dawai Jetty 48
Figure 5. 3 Bar check Calibration 49
Figure 5. 4 Location of Study a Sounding 49
Figure 5. 6 Location Study of Coastal Area Measurement Group 51
Figure 5. 7 Differential Field Test 52
Figure 5. 8 Two peg test 52
Figure 5. 9 Traversing 53
Figure 5. 10 Levelling Method 55
Figure 5. 11 Tachymetry Survey 56
Figure 5. 12 Calculation of Tidal Data 56
Figure 5. 13 Result of Tidal Data Processing in HYDROpro NavEdit 57
Figure 5. 14 View of Survey and Vessel Selection HYDROpro NavEdit 57
Figure 5. 15 View of Data Service Selection HYDROpro NavEdit 57
Figure 5. 16 Display of Sounding Data Filtering in HYDROpro NavEdit 58
Figure 5. 17 Display Units in NavEdit HYDROpro 58

Figure 5. 18 Time Settings in NavEdit HYDROpro 58

Figure 5. 19 Thumbnail Settings in NavEdit HYDROpro 59
Figure 5. 20 Display of Sounding Data Correction in HYDROpro NavEdit
Figure 5. 21 Export Parameters in NavEdit HYDROpro 60
Figure 5. 22 Export in NavEdit HYDROpro 60
Figure 5. 23 New file in Terramodel 10.4 60
Figure 5. 24 Import Data in Terramodel 10.4 61
Figure 5. 25 3D Visualizer in Terramodel 10.4 61
Figure 5. 26 Labelling Data in Terramodel 10.4 61
Figure 5. 27 View Settings in Terramodel 10.4 62
Figure 5. 28 Interpolation in Terramodel 10.4 62
Figure 5. 29 Generate Contour in Terramodel 10.4 62
Figure 5. 30 Export Shapefile in Terramodel 10.4 63
Figure 5. 31 Result of Define Projection 63
Figure 5. 32 Results of interpolation of bathymetry data in ArcGIS 10.3 63
Figure 5. 33 Coordinate Calculation using Civil Design and Survey (CDS)
Figure 5. 34 Import Detail Point from CDS in AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 64
Figure 5. 35 Result of Detail Point Data 65
Figure 5. 36 Export Detail Data from AutoCAD Map 3D to ArcGIS 10,3 65
Figure 5. 37 Result of Tidal Observation 68
Figure 5. 38 Bathymetric Map of Merbok River Estuary 68


Table 2. 1 Work Volume in this Internship 3

Table 4. 1 Materials used in this implementation of internship 21
Table 4. 2 Software used in this implementation of internship 25
Table 4. 3 Specifications of Laptop ASUS ROG Strix G531GT 26
Table 4. 4 Teledyne Odom Hydrographic Hydrotrac II 27
Table 4. 5 Specifications of Trimble Zephyr 3 Antenna 28
Table 4. 6 Trimble SPS461 GPS Heading Receiver 30
Table 4. 7 Specifications Topcon GTS-235W Total Station 32
Table 4. 8 Specifications Nikon AC-2S Waterpass Automatic Level 34
Table 4. 9 Minimum Specifications HYDROpro 36
Table 4. 10 Minimum Specifications Terramodel 10.4 36
Table 4. 11 Minimum Specifications AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 38
Table 4. 12 Minimum Specifications ArcGIS 10.3 40
Table 4. 13 Minimum Specifications Microsoft Office 365 41
Table 4. 14 Work Schedule 44
Table 5. 1 Bar check calibration on 18th May 2022 65
Table 5. 2 Bar check calibration on 19th May 2022 66
Table 5. 3 Result of Differential Field Test 66
Table 5. 4 Result of Two Peg Test 67


1.1 Background

Kuala Linggi is located in Malacca, Malaysia. Kuala Linggi serves as one

of the community's water transportation, tourism, fishing, and trade
infrastructures. Bathymetric Survey here was carried out in order to collect data
on the depth of these waters along with the mapping of the seabed.

The importance of doing bathymetry work is essential for beach dynamics,

laying undersea communication cables, or providing navigation maps for shipping
safety. Hence, bathymetric mapping is carried out. Along with the process of
doing, we use the help of equipment as well.There are total stations and GNSS

Total Station is an advanced surveying equipment that combines an

electronic theodolite with a distance measuring device. It enables surveyors to
measure angles and distances with great precision. Total Station is generally used
in hydrographic surveys for land based observations such as measuring the
position of shoreline features, topography components, and control points.

The Global Positioning System (GNSS) is a satellite-based navigation

system that is commonly used to determine accurate locations on the Earth's
surface. GNSS receivers receive signals from many satellites, allowing surveyors
to use trilateration techniques to compute their exact location. GPS technology is
very valuable in hydrography surveys for collecting the locations of survey
vessels or boats, allowing for precise mapping of bathymetry and other offshore

The use of a Total Station and GNSS in hydrography studies enhances

data collecting efficiency and accuracy greatly. It enables the seamless integration
of terrestrial and marine data, resulting in complete and dependable hydrographic
information. This information is critical for safe navigation, coastal management,
and a variety of other marine resource exploitation and environmental protection
1.2 Objectives

The following are the goals for completing this practical work:

1. to compile all of the data pertaining to the hydrographic survey operation into a
final report. to produce a bathymetric plan and a topographic plan at the end.
2. ability to locate the ship using recognized soundings, which is useful for

3. To determine the water's depth by timing the amount of time required

4. to calculate the tides' water level. and be able to pinpoint the ocean's precise

1.3 Benefits

The benefits of this survey camp are as follows :

1. Able to know and learn the science of standardized bathymetric surveys.
2. Able to learn bathymetric survey data collection techniques in the field using a
single beam echosounder.
3. Able to learn and practice survey data processing with HYDROpro software,
Terramodel 10.4, AutoCAD Map 3D 2012, ArcGIS 10.3 and Civil Design &
Survey (CDS) with the final results of bathymetric maps in Merbok River Estuary
waters using differential global positioning system (DGPS) methods as horizontal


2.1 Bathymetric Survey

According to James et al. (2015), Bathymetric surveys, also known as
hydrographic surveys, delve into the depths of water bodies, meticulously
mapping the underwater topography. These surveys play a crucial role in various
domains, from navigation and hydrography to engineering and environmental
science, providing invaluable insights into the submerged realm. Bathymetric
surveys serve a multitude of purposes, each contributing to our understanding and
utilization of water bodies. Bathymetric survey are related with several keywords,
namely Navigation, Hydrography, Engineering and Environmental Sciences. The
explanation of each keywords are the following :

a. Navigation: Nautical charts, the indispensable navigational tools for mariners,

rely heavily on bathymetric data. These charts depict underwater depths, enabling
safe and efficient navigation by avoiding potential hazards such as shoals and

b. Hydrography: Understanding the underwater topography is paramount in

hydrography, the study of the physical characteristics of water bodies.
Bathymetric data sheds light on underwater features, including seafloor
morphology, sediment distribution, and water circulation patterns.

c. Engineering: For engineering projects involving underwater construction, such

as bridges, docks, and pipelines, accurate bathymetric data is essential. This data
guides the design and construction of these structures, ensuring their stability and

d. Environmental Science: Bathymetric surveys contribute significantly to

environmental science, providing insights into the impact of human activities on
marine ecosystems. By monitoring changes in underwater topography, scientists
can assess the health and stability of marine environments.

The tools and techniques employed in bathymetric surveys have evolved over
time, adapting to the increasing demands for accuracy and efficiency. Common
methods include:
a. Single-beam Echo Sounder: This method utilizes a downward-facing sonar
transducer to measure the depth directly below the survey vessel. While simple
and cost-effective, it provides a limited view of the underwater topography.

b. Multi-beam Echo Sounder: A more sophisticated approach, multi-beam echo

sounders emit multiple sonar beams, creating a wider swath of depth
measurements. This method provides a more detailed and accurate depiction of
the underwater terrain.

c. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): LiDAR technology employs lasers to

measure the distance to objects, including both land and water surfaces. This
method is particularly valuable in shallow water environments and areas with

2.2 Global Navigation Satellite System

According to Kaplan & Hegarty (2006), The Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS), also known as Global Positioning System (GPS), is a revolutionary
technology that has transformed navigation and positioning capabilities
worldwide. GNSS utilizes a constellation of satellites orbiting the Earth to provide
precise location information for a wide range of applications, from personal
navigation to scientific research. There are several components of GNSS namely:

a. Space Segment: A network of satellites orbiting the Earth, transmitting

navigation signals.

b. Control Segment: Ground stations monitor and maintain the satellite

constellation, ensuring accurate signal transmission.

c. User Segment: GNSS receivers, ranging from smartphones to specialized

equipment, receive and process satellite signals to determine location.

GNSS itself operates on the principle of trilateration, similar to how sailors used
triangulation to determine their position at sea. Each GNSS satellite broadcasts a
signal containing its precise time and position. A GNSS receiver on the ground
measures the time delay of these signals from multiple satellites. Using these time
delays, the receiver can calculate its position in three dimensions: latitude,
longitude, and altitude. GNSS offers a multitude of benefits, including:

a. Precision: GNSS provides highly accurate positioning information, typically

within meters or even centimeters.

b. Global Coverage: The GNSS constellation provides global coverage, enabling

navigation and positioning anywhere on Earth.
c. All-weather Operation: GNSS signals are unaffected by weather conditions,
allowing for reliable operation day and night.

d. Cost-Effectiveness: GNSS receivers are becoming increasingly affordable,

making the technology accessible to a wide range of users.

Applications of GNSS can be various as follows:

a. GNSS has revolutionized navigation and positioning across various sectors,


b. Transportation: GNSS is essential for navigation in cars, planes, ships, and

other vehicles, providing real-time location information for safe and efficient

c. Precision Agriculture: GNSS-enabled tractors and agricultural machinery

enable precise positioning for efficient farming practices.

d. Surveying and Mapping: GNSS plays a crucial role in surveying and mapping,
providing accurate coordinates for land use planning, construction projects, and
environmental monitoring.

e. Scientific Research: GNSS is used in various scientific studies, including

tracking animal migration patterns, monitoring tectonic plate movements, and
studying climate change.

2.3 Tides

The rhythmic ascent and descent of ocean waters, known as tides, are among the
most captivating and mesmerizing phenomena observed on Earth. These regular
fluctuations in sea level, influenced by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun,
shape coastal landscapes, influence marine ecosystems, and play a crucial role in
maritime activities. The primary forces responsible for generating tides are the
gravitational interactions between Earth, the moon, and the sun. As the moon
Earth, its gravity pulls on the planet's oceans, causing water to bulge towards the
moon. Simultaneously, the sun's gravitational influence also tugs on Earth's
creating a second, albeit smaller, bulge. There are types of tides, namely:
a. Spring Tides: When the sun, moon, and Earth align in a straight line, their
combined gravitational pull produces the highest tides, known as spring tides.
Spring tides occur twice a month, during new moon and full moon phases.

b. Neap Tides: When the sun and moon form a right angle with Earth, their
gravitational forces partially cancel each other out, resulting in the lowest tides,
called neap tides. Neap tides occur twice a month, approximately during the first
and third quarter moon phases.

Tides play a significant role in shaping and sculpting coastal landscapes. The
constant ebb and flow of water erodes coastlines, creating cliffs, bays, and
headlands. Tidal currents transport sediments, contributing to the formation of
beaches, sandbars, and tidal flats. Tides also influence the distribution of marine
organisms, affecting their feeding, breeding, and migration patterns. Tides have a
profound impact on maritime activities. Navigators must consider tidal
fluctuations when planning voyages, as shallow waters and exposed reefs can
pose significant hazards during low tide. Tidal currents also affect the speed and
direction of vessels, influencing their maneuverability and fuel consumption.
(David. T, 2016)

2.4 Single Beam Echosounder

A single beam echosounder is a water depth measuring instrument that uses a

single beam as a transmitter and transmits sound wave signals (Parkinson, 1996).
Components in a single beam generally have an arrangement consisting of a
transceiver (transducer/receiver) attached to the hull or bearing side of the ship.
This system measures the depth of water directly from the survey ship where the
transceiver that the ship sends acoustic pulses with high frequencies contained in
the beam directly down the water column. Acoustic energy emits sound waves
until the transceiver receives the seabed and reflection (Simmonds and
Maclennan, 2005). The transceiver consists of a transmitter that controls the
wavelength of the pulse emitted and provides electrical power for the given
frequency. The single beam echosounder is relatively easy to use, but it only
provides depth information along the sounding line and cross line traversed by the

2.5 Echosounder Parts

In general, an echosounder has five main parts. The parts of the
echosounder are as follows (Simmonds and Maclennan, 2005).
a. Time base

The time base function as an electrical pulse marker to activate the transmission of
pulses that the transmitter will emit through a transducer.

command from the time base will give the moment when the pulse shaper is
working on the transmitter unit and receiver.
b. Transmitter

The transmitter functions to produce pulses that will be emitted. A command from
the pulse trigger box on the recorder will tell when the pulse shaper is working.
The pulse is generated by the oscillator and then amplified by a power amplifier
before the pulse is transmitted to the transducer. The oscillator itself is a circuit
that produces an output (electrical pulse) whose amplitude changes periodically
with time.
c. Transducer

The primary function of the transducer is to convert electrical energy into sound
energy when sound is emitted into the water medium and convert sound energy
into electrical energy when energy is received from a target. In addition, another
function of the transducer is to concentrate the reflected sound energy as a beam.
d. Receiver

The receiver functions to receive pulses from objects and a display or recorder as
a logger of echo results. The weak electrical signal generated by the transducer
must be amplified several thousand times before being transmitted to the recorder.
During the reception, the transducer receives an echo from the target, where the
target detected by the transducer is located from the centre of the sound pulse and
the echo of the target will be returned and received by the transducer at the same
e. Recorder
The recorder serves to record or display the echo signal, acts as a regulator of the
transmitter's work, and measures the time between the transmitting of sound
pulses and the reception of echoes or recorders give signals to the transmitter to
produce pulses. At the same time, the recorder also sends signals to the receiver to
lower its sensitivity.

3.1 Study Area

Before the work starts, several things are carried out in order to follow the plan
that has been created and to plan the stages of work.

The study area is located at the beach of D’QNUT Chalet and Restaurant, Lot
610, Jalan Kuala Linggi, 78200 Kuala Sungai Baru, Melaka. Site location of
group 3 is located on Site B.

3.2 Time Implementation

The location of the Bathymetric survey work is at Pantai Kuala Linggi, Kuala
Sungai Baru, Melaka, Malaysia . In this internship, Bathymetric survey, including
data acqusition on May 23rd, 2023, until June 4th, 2023, while data processing
and presentation of work results carried out on June 20, 2023, until July 19, 2023
in the following :
Table 3.2 Work Volume in this Internship

No Activity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Introduction to
2 Literature Studies
3 Data Collection
4 Data Processing
5 Assistance
6 Report Creation
7 Presentation of

3.2.2 Scope of Work

Throughout the internship, the following tasks will be completed:

a. transferring lower-level data from a validated benchmark to control locations

close to the dock.

b. Creating a traverse to transfer the x and y positions to control points for the
traditional approach

c. GNSS observation is conducted using the myRTKnet method to get the c and y

d. While sounding, a tide reading was collected.

e. Processing the data in HYDROpro, Terramodel 10.4, and AutoCAD Map 3D

3.3. Flowchart

The stages of implementing this internship can be read as follows:

a. Preparation
The introduction was carried out to be familiar with the location which was going
to be used as the area of measurement, along with the equipment setup
b. Literature Studies
Before embarking on data processing, it's crucial to gather information about the
data to be processed, the data processing tools to be employed, and the data
processing stages involved. This includes seeking out references that will aid in
the data processing process later on. The goal of this literature review is to gain a
comprehensive understanding of the issues and matters at hand.

c. Data Collection

The data acquisition phase entails gathering data from various sources pertinent to
the data processing process, aligned with the pre-established topic. In this
instance, the data collected comprises bathymetric data, tidal data, and coastal
measurement data from Kuala Sungai Baru, Malaka, Malaysia.
d. Data Processing

The data acquisition phase entails gathering data from various sources pertinent to
the data processing process, aligned with the pre-established topic. In this
instance, the data collected comprises bathymetric data, tidal data, and coastal
measurement data from Kuala Sungai Baru, Malaka, Malaysia.

e. Report Creation

The report creation stage marks the final phase of the internship journey. During
this phase, the internship participant meticulously compiles and presents the entire
internship process in a structured manner, culminating in a written work known as
an internship report. This report serves as a comprehensive documentation of the
intern's experiences, learnings, and contributions throughout the internship period.

3.4 Data & Equipments

The tools and materials used in the implementation of Internship include tools
and materials used for data collection and data processing with the following

the equipments needed are ranging from :

3.4.1 Hardwares
The tools that used in this Internship can be seen as follows.
Table 3.4.1 Materials used in this implementation of internship

No Tools
The tool used to measure the depth of
water below the keel is an echo sounder.
It does this by sending out sound pulses
that reflect off the ocean floor.

1 Set Teledyne Odom

Hydrotrac II

To receive signals and data generate for

DGPS correction
1 Set Trimble SPS461 GPS
Heading Receiver

To provide the coordination of the

location of the sounding depth and
position of the vessel.

1 set Trimble Zephyr 3

4 To measure the distance between two
points and to get the angle of the
straight line of sight.

1 Set Topcon GTS-235W Total

No Tools

It is an optical instrument used to

establish a horizontal plane. Usually
used with vertical staff to measure
height differences and to transfer height.
1 Set Nikon AC-2S Waterpass
To measure tide reading

1 set of measuring tape with

ballast paired
To help the data processing of
bathymetric and topographic data.

Laptop ASUS ROG Strix

Used to travel along the project area
which is sounding line and cross line
and gather the information about sea

Survey Vessels

Used while performing bar check

calibration. Carried out to obtain values
of draught and sound velocity of the
water for the real job.

Bar plate
No Tools
Used to display sounding line and cross
line for the driver to navigate the vessel.
To collect data of sounding and crossing
lines using HydroPro.

1 set Toughbook
Used to display sounding line and cross
line for the driver to navigate the vessel.
To collect data of sounding and crossing
lines using HydroPro.
2 Computer Monitors
Is a portable three-legged frame or
stand, used as a platform for supporting
the weight and maintaining the stability
of the instrument.

4 set Tripod
Used to measure change in position of a
target that is assumed to be moved.

2 set polygon prisms

Used to give the greatest amount of
accuracy but limited to medium range.
Smaller in size, usually used with a
survey pole.

1 set mini prism

No Tools
Used to determine height between point
and difference in a vertical datum.

2 set levelling target staff

To supply power and make sure all the
devices can be used.

1 set Generator
To supply power and make sure all the
devices can be used.

1 set Battery
As a mark to read tidal reading.

Plumb Bob
Used to measure depth by propagating
signals in a form of sound waves, it
penetrates into the sea and the waves
reflect back to the transducer.

No Tools
To hold a transducer along the vessel.

Transducer Bracket
Bubble function designed to make sure
the equipment is in vertical and
horizontal balance of position. Usually
used with the 9-levelling staff to get
Bubble accuracy in vertical height.

To communicate between the surveyor

to get fixed line reading for the
sounding and tracking process.

Walkie - talkie
3.4.2 Softwares
The software used are as follows.
Table 4. 2 Software used in this implementation of internship

1  Enables editing depth-related information,

including depth, heave, and tide
 An export file from the NavEdit program
can be imported directly into the
Processing program.
HYDROpro  Tide Editor tool that is used to create Tide
files, as well as the ability to plan View
Map, which provides a graphic depiction
of the positional

2  May produce an entire map in a matter of

seconds using an intelligent model built
from Hydro pro software data or a
specific ASCII points file.
 Use a 3D database with a unique point
descriptor to conduct quick and precise
Terramodel 10.4
survey calculations.
 ∙Contour can be generated

3  To process the total station raw data

 To identify and calculate the coordinates
for the created

Civil Design and

4  To Combine the results of detailed point
measurements so as to form a topographic
picture in the coastal area of
Tanjung Dawai.

AutoCAD Map 3D
 To assist in making internship reports

Microsoft Office 365

3.4.3 Equipments Specifications

a. Laptop ASUS ROG Strix G531GT

Table 3.3.3.a Specifications of Laptop ASUS ROG Strix G531GT

Information Explanation

Processor Intel Core i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60 GHz

Graphics NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650

RAM / 16 GB / 256 GB
Resolution 1920 x 1080

Information Explanation

Expansion USB-2.0, USB 3.0, Audio 3,55mm port, HDMI, LAN

Battery 2950 mAh 44 W hrs Polymer

Camera VGA

Dimension 380 x 251 x 29.2 mm

Weight 2.45 kg

Software Windows 10 Home

Information Explanation


b. Teledyne Odom Hydrographic Hydrotrac II

The specifications on the Teledyne Odom Hydrographic Hydrotrac II are as
Table 3.3.3.b Teledyne Odom Hydrographic Hydrotrac II

Information Explanation

Output Power 600 watts

Power Requirement 11-28 V DC

Resolution 0.1 ft / 0.01m

Accuracy  200 kHz - 1cm (0.1% of depth value

(corrected for sound velocity)
 33 kHz - 10cm 0.1% of depth value
(corrected for sound velocity)

Maximum Depth 600m or 1800 ft

Environmental  0 - 45 C
Operating  Storage -20 - 45 C

Communication  2 RS232 ports or 1 RS232 and 1 RS422

Ethernet port Ethernet port 1600 samples/ping

Printer  High resolution 8 dot/mm (203 dpi);

 16 gray shades; 216mm (8.5 in) wide thermal
 External ON/OFF switch; paper advance
 368 mm (14.5 in) H x 419 mm (16.5 in) W x
203 mm (8 in) D
Weight 22.5 lbs (10.2 kg)
Table 3.3.3.c Specifications of Trimble Zephyr 3 Antenna


1. Technical Specifications

 Broad GNSS Frequency Tracking Band Including:

o GPS: L1, L2, L5
o GLONASS: L1, L2, L3
o BeiDou: B1, B2, B3
o Galileo: E1, E2, E5, E6
 Quality signal tracking, even below 5 degrees elevation
 Four-point antenna feed for phase center stability and enhanced
 TNC female signal connector
 Small cross-sectional area to reduce wind loading


 13 dB amplifier margin supports cable runs of over 60 m without special

coaxial cable or in-line amplifiers
 North orientation marking on exterior
 50 dB signal gain for reliable tracking in difficult environments
 Low voltage, low power consumption
 Integral low noise amplifier
 5/8” x 11 female threaded stainless steel mount point
 Powered by GNSS receiver via coaxial cable
 Advanced LNA (low noise amplifier) to reduce jamming by high power
out- of-band transmitters

2. Environmental
Operating –40 ºC to +85 ºC (–40 ºF to +167 ºF)

Humidity 100% humidity proof, fully sealed

Input Voltage 3.5 V DC to 20 V DC

Input Current 125 mA maximum

Shock and  Shock = MIL-STD-810-F to survive a 2 m (6.56

Vibration ft) drop onto concrete
 Vibration = MIL-STD-810-F on each axis

3. Physical

Dimensions  Zephyr 2 = 16.5 cm diameter x 7.6 cm

height (6.5 in diameter x 3 in height)
 Zephyr Geodetic 2 = 34.3 cm diameter x 7.9
cm height (13.5 in diameter x 3.1 in height)

Weight  Zephyr 2 = 0.64 kg (1.4 lb)

 Zephyr Geodetic 2 = 1.36 kg (3 lb)

Part Number  57970-10-INT Zephyr Model 2

L1/L2/L5/G1/G2 Rover

Table 4. 5 Specifications of Trimble Zephyr 3 Antenna


hknb  57971-10-INT Zephyr Model 2,

L1/L2/L5/G1/G2 Geodetic

d. Trimble SPS461 GPS Heading Receiver

Table 3.3.3.d Trimble SPS461 GPS Heading Receiver


1. Configuration Option (DGPS)

Type Modular

Base and rover No, rover only


Base operation NA

Rover operation All models

Heading operation All models

Rover position update rate 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 20Hz

Rover maximum range from base Unlimited

Rover operation within a VRS™ Yes


Factory options Location RTK, OmniSTAR HP/XP,

Vertical, Precision RTK
2. General
Keyboard and display  VFD display 16 characters by
2 rows
 On/Off key for one-button
 Escape and Enter keys for
menu navigation
 4 arrow keys (up, down, left,
right) for option
scrolls and data entry
Dimensions (L × W × D) 24 cm (9.4 in) × 12 cm (4.7 in) × 5
cm (1.9 in)
including connectors
Weight 1.22 kg (2.70 lb) receiver only
1.37 kg (3.00 lb) receiver with
internal radio
3. Antenna Options

GA510 L1/L2 GPS, SBAS, and OmniSTAR

for OmniSTAR)
GA530 L1/L2 GPS, MSK Beacon,
SBAS, and
L1/Beacon, DSM 232 Not supported

Zephyr™ Model 2 L1/L2 GPS, SBAS, and OmniSTAR

Zephyr Geodetic™ Model 2 L1/L2 GPS, SBAS, and OmniSTAR
Zephyr Model 2 Rugged 0L1/L2 GPS, SBAS, and OmniSTAR
Zephyr, Zephyr Geodetic, Z-Plus, Refer to antenna specification

4. Temperature

Operating –40 °C to +65 °C –40 °F to +149 °F)

Storage –40 °C to +80 °C (–40 °F to +176 °F)
Humidity MIL-STD 810F, Method 507.4

Waterproof IP67 for submersion to depth of 1 m

(3.3 ft), dustproof

e. Topcon GTS-235W Total Station

Table 4. 7 Specifications Topcon GTS-235W Total Station


1. Telescope Specification

Length 150mm

Objective Lens Diameter 45mm (EDM:50MM)

Magnification 30x

Resolving Power 2.5"

Minimum Focusing Distance 1.3m

2. Distance Measurement
1 Prism 3000m

3 Prism 4000mcon

Accuracy ±(2mm + 2ppm x D) m.s.e

Measuring Time  Fine Mode: 1mm: 1.2sec (Initial

0.2mm: 2.8sec (Initial 5sec.)
 Coarse Mode: 0.7sec (Initial 3
 Tracking Mode: 0.4sec (Initial
3. Angle Measurement
Method Absolute encoder reading

Detecting System H:2 side V:1 side

Minimum Reading 1"/5"

Accuracy 5"

4. Tilt Correction

Tilt Sensor Dual axis

Method Liquid Type


Compensating Range ± 3’

Correction Unit 1"

5. Display

Display Unit Dot matrix graphic LCD 160dot x

 2 side
Keyboard 12 Keys

6. Operating Time

Including Distance 10h (Bluetooth ON:8h)


Angle Measurement Only 45h (Bluetooth ON:25h)

7. Others

Bluetooth Yes

Protection Against Water and IP66


Data Memory 8000pts

Ambient Temperature -20oC to +50oC


P.G. Yes

Plummet Laser (Optical plummet optional)

f. Nikon AC-2S Waterpass Automatic Level

Table 4. 8 Specifications Nikon AC-2S Waterpass Automatic Level

Accuracy 2.0 mm (With distance ± 1 km)

Telescope Magnification 24x

Objective Lens 30 mm

Minimum Focus 0.75 m

Compensator  Magnetic Dampened

 Compensating Range: ±16’

Horizontal Circle Minimum Division: 1° (1g)

Nivo Mercury 10’/2 mm

Protection Against Water and Dust IP 54

Weight 1.25 kg

3.4.4 Software Specifications

a. HYDROpro
HYDROpro software is an application for implementing hydrographic surveys,
which collects field data, including position, depth, time, and marking number.
This software also helps plan sounding lines and cross lines, guiding the
movement of ships on predetermined paths, collecting data, and interpolating each
survey data result to plotting. HYDROpro consists of two main programs and
eight integrated utility programs with their respective functions. The two main
programs are:
- HYDROpro Navigation : Easy-to-use software in hydrographic surveys.
The software is designed with efficiency and efficiency in mind, both in
planning, conducting surveys, and collecting data.
- HYDROpro NavEdit : Software that can integrate the data collection
results obtained from the HYDROpro Navigation software. The software
can graphically filter and modify the depth and generate tidal files from
tidal data.

This software can correct the bathymetric data that we have done. It can then
export the data to Terramodel or other software that uses the data we have already
As for the utility program, it is as follows:
 Coordinate Calculator
 Coordinate System Manager
 File Transfer
 Language
 Remote Helmsman
 Time Viewer
 Trimble Diagnostic
 Unlock

Figure 4. 1 Main view of HYDROpro Navigation

Figure 4. 2 Main View of HYDROpro NavEdit

Table 4. 9 Minimum Specifications HYDROpro

Processor Pentium II 300 MHz

RAM 128 MB

Hard drive 4 GB

Monitor SVGA color 1024 × 768

Data devices CD-ROM drive

Operating Windows NT, 2000, or XP Professional


b. Terramodel 10.4
Terramodel software is ideal for various survey tasks, including processing from
survey networks and terrain control. The same applies to data import (HYDROpro
NavEdit data products have a .hpo file extension), modelling, and exporting data
to AutoCAD. Leverage Terramodel's proprietary database for large survey
operations by simplifying and automating the storage of raw survey data in a
single file. Terramodel supports the design of roads, bridges, iron roads, sea level,
commercial or residential areas, and infrastructure. Here are the minimum
specifications for Terramodel software.

Table 4. 10 Minimum Specifications Terramodel 10.4

Processor Intel Dual Core processor or later.


Hard drive 350 MB

Operating Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10


Figure 4. 3 Main View of Terramodel

c. Geodetic Datum Transformation System (GDTS)

Geodetic Datum Transformation System is software created and developed by a
geomatics organization from Malaysia called "Info-Geomatic" to make it easier
for surveyors or students to transform and convert the station's coordinates from
and to various reference datums.
Figure 4. 4 Main View of Geodetic Datum Transformation System (GDTS)

Table 4. 10 Minimum Specifications Geodetic Datum Transformation System


Processor Pentium Grade Processor

RAM 256 MB

Operating System Windows 98/ME/Windows 2000 SP4/XP

d. AutoCAD Map 3D 2012

AutoCAD Map 3D is computer-aided design (CAD) software developed by
Autodesk, Inc., which combines this software with GIS (Geographic Information
Systems) software. AutoCAD Map 3D has advantages, including that images can
have geo-references with a particular coordinate system, import and export map
formats such as SHP and SDF, detect and correct geometry errors in images, and
multi-user. The minimum specifications of AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 are as
Table 4. 11 Minimum Specifications AutoCAD Map 3D 2012

Processor AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron™ with SSE2 technology,

Intel® Xeon®, or Intel Pentium 4 with Intel EM64T support
with SSE2 technology

RAM 2 GB RAM minimum (4 GB RAM recommended)

Monitor 1,280 x 768 with true color minimum (1,280 x 1,024 with true
color recommended)

Others  Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later

 DVD drive
 Citrix XenApp 5.0 on Windows Server 2003 or Citrix
XenApp 6.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2 (optional)
Feature Data Objects (FDO) Version 3.6 (optional)

Operating  Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate, or Enterprise,

system Windows Vista Enterprise, Business, or Ultimate (SP2
or later), or Windows XP Professional Edition (SP2)

e. Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 is an office software developed by Microsoft designed for

Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows operating systems. In this internship,
several Microsoft Office programs are used as follows:
 Microsoft Word is a Microsoft Office program that serves as a word
processor. The program is commonly used for all word processing jobs,
such as writing letters, spreadsheets, documents and other data processors.
 Microsoft Excel is a Microsoft Office program that serves as a data
processor for calculating numbers and graphs. The program allows users
to create spreadsheets loaded with various precise calculation functions.
 Microsoft Power Point is a Microsoft Office program that serves as a
presentation medium with slides. The program allows users to view
images, videos and sounds to explain the presentation they want to

Table 4. 13 Minimum Specifications Microsoft Office 365


Computer & Processor  Windows OS: 1.6 GHz or faster, 2-

core. 2 GHz or greater recommended
for Skype for Business
 macOS: Intel processor

3.5 Research Methodology

Figure 4. 7 Methodology of Work Implementation

The explanation of the stages carried out during the methodology of work
implementation includes:
a. Reconnaissance & Planning

The preparations for this work consisted of making sounding lines in the
HYDROpro software at the Tanjung Dawai. For procuring tools in the form of
Trimble SPS461 GPS Heading Receiver, Teledyne Odom Hydrographic
Hydrotrac II, Transducer Dual Frequency, bar plate, generator, Toughbook, and
monitor in the survey vessels. And then for materials such as accumulators,
sounding line and cross line design, and area specification design.

b. Planimetric Survey

The data taken during the work is depth data in Merbok River Estuary and manual
tidal observations every 10 minutes during the work collection process. And then,
in the bathymetric survey, horizontal point data retrieval is carried out using the
DGPS method. Then also carried out mapping of the coastal area of Tanjung
c. Topographic Survey
The water depth data taken is processed into a bathymetric map. The bathymetric
map also includes information about features located in the coastal area of
Tanjung Dawai.
Bhatimetric Survey
e. Data Processing

The analysis of the depth in the Merbok River Estuary, which will later be used
for various purposes.
f. Result

The final report contains bathymetric maps, analysis results such as water depth
information in Merbok River Estuary, tides observation, and topographic
Information in Tanjung Dawai Coastal Area.


4.1 Instrument Calibration Result
A. Bar check Calibration
Table 5. 1 Bar check calibration on 31th May, 2023
Bar Check Calibration on 31th May, 2023

Time Bar Depth Calibration Difference Draft (m) Velocity

(m) Value (m) Value (m)

13:57:21 1 1.02 0.02 0.3 1500

13:57:51 2 2.02 0.02 1500

13:58:12 3 2.92 0.08 1500

13:58:25 3 2.98 0.02 1505

13:59:24 4 3.97 0.03 1510

14:00:44 6 5.97 0.03 1510

Table 5. 1 Bar check calibration on 1st June, 2023

Bar Check Calibration on 1st June, 2023

Time Bar Depth Calibration Difference Draft (m) Velocity

(m) Value (m) Value (m)

11:29:38 1 0.99 0.01 0.26 1500

11:30:19 2 2 0 0.27 1500

11:32:22 3 2.98 0.02 1505

11:33:02 4 3.99 0.01 1510

11:34:17 5 4.99 0.01 1520

To check the transducer's performance, we need to perform bar check calibration

before and after a bathymetric survey. A bar check has been done to determine the
draft and sound velocity values. The calibration must be completed to conduct the
survey work of sounding process. Sounding velocity is influenced by three factors
that are temperature, salinity and pressure. The result shows bar check calibration
was done on the 31th May & 1st June, 2023. . Based on the result of both
calibrations, the transducer is in good condition because the difference values are
below the tolerance of 10 cm.
B. Differential Field Test

Table 5. 3 Result of Differential Field Test

In addition to performing daily checks where re-measuring the distance of the last
line is measured to ensure the error is not more than +/-10mm, the differential
field test process will also be implemented to ensure the total station tool is in
good condition. The DFT distance that we implemented follows the recommended
distance standard of not less than 50 meters.
DFT results, the error is just 1mm so the total station tool is in excellent condition
because the error does not exceed +/-10mm. If it exceeds +/-20mm, the tool needs
to be calibrated.
A to B = 152.698
CB + CA = 152.697
Error: 152.698 – 152.697 = 0.001m

C. Two Peg Test

Table 5. 4 Result of Two Peg Test

Backsight (m) Intermediate (m) Foresight (m) Distance
2.027 1.387 50
1.719 50
(1.707– 1.387) – (2.027 – 1.719) = 0.320 – 0.317
= 0.003 m

According to Table 5.4, the two peg test results showed that the levelling
instrument was suitable for survey work and did not require calibration. The
difference in height is 0.003 m, which is still within the 0.005 m tolerance. It
shows that the obtained error is within the acceptable tolerance. As a result, the
levelling instrument is in good condition and can be used for additional work in
the survey project.

4.2 Horizontal Control

4.2.1 Traverse

Figure 4.2.1 Traverse Lot

Table 4.2.1 Traverse Booking

4.2.2 Linear Misclosure

Table 4.2.2 Bowditch Adjustment for Traverse

Linear Misclosure :
Traverse Accuration

Analysis :
From the result above the traverse is a first-class traverse; the reason is that the
accuracy of the traverse is 1: 26 700. Therefore, it is categorized as a first-class
survey. The linear misclosure of the traverse is 0.029.

4.2.3 Three Good Mark

Figure Three Good Mark

Baselines 23-4
Bearing = 333° 33' 07" (NEW) - 330° 55' 02" (PO)
Bearing = 02° 38' 05"
Distance = 102.736 (NEW) – 102.834 (PO)
Distance = -0.098m
For lines longer than 40 meters, the tolerance is 30" for bearing, and the distance
is 0.006/20 meters, with a maximum of 0.050 meters. Given that there is a -
0.098m variation in distance and a 02° 38' 05" difference in bearing. As a result,
the baseline is acceptable because the discrepancy in bearing, and distance is still
within tolerance.

4.2.4 Calculation M-correction

Based on the results, we will calculate M-Correction from baseline because were
not found three good marks. Furthermore, we will rotate the traverse to do
boundary mark chosen as baseline.
Baselines 3-5
Rotated surveyed line = 135° 40' 57"
Mean surveyed line = 138° 18' 57"
Difference = -02° 38' 00"
M-Correction = -02° 38' 00"
4.3 Double Independent Checking (DIC)
Table 4.3.` Double Independent Checkicng (DIC) Booking

From the result above the boundary mark that has been picked up is using Double
Independent Check (DIC) method. The boundary marks that have been observed
are 9 which are 4, 7, 11, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
4.4 Vertical Control
4.4.1 Levelling
BM M1053 – M1054

Table Calculation of Proving Levelling from BM M1053 to M1054

The level value obtained as a result of proving the benchmark, the level value
from the level value of BM M1053 to M1054. The total distance for levelling is
1870 meters.
The tolerance: 12 √ 1.870 = 0.160m
So levelling is acceptable with a result of 0.002m under tolerance of 0.160m
BM M1053 – TBM 1

Table Calculation of Levelling TBM Transfer from BM M1053 to TBM 1

The level value obtained as a result of proving the benchmark, the level value
from the level value of BM M1053 to TBM 1. The total distance for leveling is
1350 meters.
The tolerance: 12 √ 1.350 = 0.013m
So leveling is acceptable with a result of 0.005m under a tolerance of 0.014m
TBM 1 – TBM 2

Table Calculation of Levelling TBM Transfer from TBM 1 to TBM 2

The level value obtained as a result of proving the benchmark, the level value
from the level value of TBM 1 to TBM 2. The total distance for levelling is 1360
The tolerance: 12 √ 1.360 = 0.013m
So levelling is acceptable with a result of 0.002m under tolerance of 0.014m
TBM 2 – TBM 3

Table Calculation of Levelling TBM Transfer from TBM2 to TBM 3

The level value obtained as a result of proving the benchmark, the level value
from the level value of TBM 2 to TBM 3. The total distance for leveling is 540
The tolerance: 12 √ 0.54 = 0.008m
So leveling is acceptable with a result of 0.002m under a tolerance of 0.009m
TBM 3 – TBM 4

Table Calculation of Levelling TBM Transfer from TBM 3 to TBM 4

The level value obtained as a result of proving the benchmark, the level value
from the level value of TBM 3 to TBM 4. The total distance for levelling is 1890
The tolerance: 12 √ 1.890 = 0.016m
So levelling is acceptable with a result of 0.003m under tolerance of 0.016m
TBM 4 – TBM 5

Table Calculation of Levelling TBM Transfer from TBM 4 to TBM 5

The level value obtained as a result of proving the benchmark, the level value
from the level value of TBM 4 to TBM 5. The total distance for leveling is 330
The tolerance: 12 √ 0.330= 0.006m
So leveling is acceptable with a result of 0.001m under a tolerance of 0.007m.

4.5 Bathymetric Survey

4.5.1 Coordinate Transformation

Table Coordinate Transformation

Cassini Geocentric Soldner is the coordinate system used for this survey work.
According to JUPEM Circular 3/2009, before transformation to Cassini,
coordinates (WGS 84) were first transformed from PMSGN94 to GDM2000. The
application of Cassini in this project was needed by HydroPro to process the local
coordinate system.

4.5.2 Tide Reading

WEDNESDAY (31/5/2023)
THURSDAY (1/ 6 /2023)
Table shows the Tide Correction reading at D’Qnut Chalet, Kuala Linggi. Tide
reading has been observed by using Total Station to track the multi prism on the
boat and recording it at the same time starting after sounding was conducted from
the start until it ends. The observations start from 9:20 AM until 5:10 PM on 31
May and 1 June 2023. The lowest tide reading is around 11:40 AM and highest is
around 17:10 PM.

4.5.3 Sounding Sounding Planning
Figure Sounding Planning Sounding Line Calculation

For the scale of 1:2000;

Interval of Sounding Line: (IHO Standard: 10mm on the plan)
Interval of SL: 2000 x 10mm = 20 meter
Number of Sounding Line:
Number of SL: (600/20) m + 1 = 31 lines
Fix Interval (IHO Standard: 5mm on the plan)
Fix Interval: 2000x5mm = 10 meter
Interval of Cross Line: (IHO Standard: 5/3 times of Sounding Line Interval)
Interval of CL: 20m x 5 = 100 meter
Number of Cross Line:
Number of CL: (1500m/100m) + 1 = 16 lines
4.6 Data Tracking
Table 4.6.1: Data Tracking
4.7 Final Output

4.7.1 Bathymetric Plan – Conventional Plan


This chapter discusses the work's conclusions and suggestions. The following
conclusions is derived from the work process and the results obtained.

5.1 Conclusions
The physical properties, depths, and contours of water bodies, such as lakes,
rivers, reservoirs, and oceans, can be measured and mapped using hydrographic
survey. The primary goal is to compile accurate and comprehensive data on the
underwater environment in order to facilitate a variety of activities, including
resource exploration, engineering projects, navigation, and environmental
monitoring. while hydrographic surveys was being done by our grup. A
bathymetric plan is the end result that was generated for this field scheme. We
used reconnaissance, survey planning, data collection, data processing, and data
analysis as our processes to create this plan.
To summarize, our group was able to complete the task given to us by our
lecturers and achieve the aim and objectives of this field scheme. As required, we
were able to produce a bathymetric plan near the D’Qunut Chalet beach. We
achieved this with guidance from our lecturers and using hydrographic software
such as HydroPro, NavEdit, and Terramodel. With cooperation from other groups
as well, we were able to collect data for tide readings and raw depth while our
group was performing tracking on the beach. We also performed tacheometric
surveying at the Umang-Umang Chalet Beach where we managed to pick up
many details. At the end of our field scheme, we learned how to work with a large
group of people and apply what we learned in our lab in real-life work. There
were many experiences that we can take away and learn from.

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31. Administration

32. Letter of Application for Internship

33. Reply Letter from the Agency

34. Internship Assistance Form

35. Academic Organizational Chart FSPU UiTM

36. Activity Documentation

37. Result of Work

38. Tidal Observation Result

39. Bathymetric Map

40. Administration

41. Letter of Application for Internship

42. Reply Letter from the Agency

43. Internship Assistance Form
44. Result of Work

45. Tidal Observation Result

Date Time Tide reading (m)

14:00 1.652
14:10 1.682
14:20 1.662
14:30 1.686
14:40 1.682
14:50 1.652
15:00 1.641
15:10 1.588
15:20 1.542
15:30 1.411
15:40 1.441
15:50 1.382
16:00 1.292
16:10 1.210
16:20 1.132
18/05/2022 16:30 1.032
16:40 0.942
16:50 0.882
17:00 0.742
17:10 0.692
17:20 0.602
17:30 0.551
17:40 0.452
17:50 0.338
18:00 0.238
18:10 0.178
18:20 0.026
18:30 -0.048
18:40 -0.126
18:50 -0.120
12:53 1.082
13:03 1.15
13:13 1.223
13:23 1.293
13:33 1.343
13:43 1.374
13:53 1.438
14:03 1.452
14:13 1.474
14:23 1.5

14:33 1.516
14:43 1.552
14:53 1.546
15:03 1.544
15:13 1.552
15:23 1.52
15:33 1.502
15:43 1.45
15:53 1.404
16:03 1.352
16:13 1.28
16:23 1.222
16:33 1.171
16:43 1.123
16:53 1.05
17:03 0.984
17:13 0.913
17:23 0.823
17:33 0.762
17:43 0.682

46. Bathymetric Map

The result is attached on next page

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