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Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 2014–2018

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Influence of fly-ash on the engineering characteristics of stabilised clay

M.S. Deepak a,⇑, S. Rohini b, B.S. Harini c, G. Beulah Gnana Ananthi d,⇑
Civil Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru, India
Civil Engineering, Karur College of Engineering, Karur, India
Civil Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore, 560 064, India
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Division, Anna University, Chennai, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Soil must be able to withstand the load and transfer it to ground within the range of allowable deforma-
Received 12 July 2020 tions, for which it must possess good physical and geotechnical properties. Clay soils become more adhe-
Accepted 22 July 2020 sive once when it becomes wet and whereas if it is dry it is characterised by surface cracks. To overcome
Available online 27 August 2020
these circumstances in soil, it should be treated and stabilized in best way. In this study, the influence of
two different kinds of Fly-Ashes namely, Class-F Fly-Ash and Class-C Fly-Ash along with the inclusion of
Keywords: lime in the improvisation of stability characteristics of clayey soil. Experiments were conducted to deter-
Geotechnical properties
mine the Atterberg limits, Standard Proctor Compaction values and Un-Confined Compression strength of
Soil stabilisation
various soil samples with different mix ratios to evaluate influence of Fly-Ash in the stabilisation process.
Plasticity index Addressing to the fact that Fly-Ash does not possess any plastic property, the Clay-Fly-Ash mixes show a
Inter particle spacing decrease in Plasticity Index (P.I.) value with increase in the Fly-Ash content. Fly-Ash addition in the clay
soil mix that contains lime decreases the plasticity of soil, and also escalates the workability. The work-
ability is increased by modifications in its particle size and collision behaviour. It is concluded that, the
addition of lime and Fly-Ash influenced to acquire to stronger and stiffer soil matrix by reducing the inter
particle spacing. Based on the experimental study results, the addition of C-Class Fly-Ash was found to be
more effective than F-Class Fly-Ash when supplemented along with lime.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering: Materials Science.

1. Introduction Calcium Silicate Hydrates (C-S-H) and Calcium Aluminate Hydrates

(C-A-H) were formed by the reactions in the soil. Addition of lime
Stabilization of soil is a technique of changing the characteris- reacts with the formed aluminates and silicates those that are sol-
tics of soil to enhance the performance of soil for construction ubilized by the clay soil particles. This pozzolanic reaction is a
and engineering purposes. The usual variable parameters consid- long-term process which continues for decades until enough lime
ered are the density, water content, the plasticity and strength is present in the soil, and also the pH level is maintained high
are usually varied. Soil stabilization method involves the inclusion say greater than 10. Hence, treating soil with lime can achieve high
of cementitious binder materials in weaker soil profiles to impro- and long enduring strength characteristics. There are two summa-
vise the geotechnical properties such as compression strength, per- rized benefits of adding of lime to soil, they are, at first, exchange
meability and durability of soil. Structures requisites stable phenomenon at the base by modification in the nature of the
foundations for their stability and extended life [1–16]. absorbed layer. Secondly, cementing, binding pozzolanic activity.
Pozzolanic reaction occurs and generates long-term strength Fly-Ash has proved to be very successful in enhancing the strength
gain by stabilizing the reactive soil with lime, stable forms of properties of soils in many structural projects. Fly-Ash has been
often used in various construction activities like, increasing the
stability of embankments by stabilizing the sub-structure by
⇑ Corresponding authors. reducing the lateral earth pressure action and also, increasing the
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.S. Deepak), beulahceg@gmail. stiffness. Fly-Ash on mixing with lime and water, it produces a
com (G. Beulah Gnana Ananthi).

2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering:
Materials Science.
M.S. Deepak et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 2014–2018 2015

cementitious composite which attains the properties those that are Table 2
much similar to the activities of the Portland cement. Two grades Chemical constituents of fly-ash.

of fly-ash materials that are categorized by ASTM C618 as F-Class Compounds Percentage (%)
fly-ash and C-Class fly-ash were considered in the study. F-Class C-Class
SiO2 62.5 55.53
Fe2O3 3.50 3.62
2. Materials considered
Al2O3 23.4 23.34
CaO 3.80 10.97
2.1. Clay soil samples MgO 0.34 1.22
SO3 1.20 0.24
Na2O 0.24 2.83
Clay soil samplings were collected from a part of ground at the
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore after removing the
top layer of loose soil up to 0.6 m depth. As per IS 2720, numerous
tests were carried out to determine the engineering characteristics
on the soil samplings and the results are as recorded in Table 1. weight of Fly-Ash is varied as 0, 1, 3, 5%. The effect of these replace-
ments was studied by performing experiments to find the Atter-
2.2. Fly-ash berg limits, Standard Proctor Compaction values and Un-Confined
Compression strength for different mixes of samples. Samplings
Fly-Ash is an ancillary product retained as residue by the incin- to carry out Un-Confined Compression strength tests were cured
eration of pulverized coal materials in the thermal power-plants. in room temperature. The effect of curing time on samples at 3,
Out of two commonly obtained, Fly-Ashes ‘C’ and ‘F’ grades, respec- 7, and 28 days of age was also investigated.
tively, former obtained by burning of sub- bituminous coals com- In this study, four mixes of samples were prepared and the tests
prises of more calcium and less iron when compared to the later were conducted.
fly-ash got by burning bituminous coal. Primary difference
between the two classes of fly-ash products are differentiated by 1. First Mix- Soil prepared without lime and Fly-Ash, i.e. 0% Fly-
the chemical composition of their parent raw coal combusted. Ash and 0% lime.
The chemical composition of the F-Class Fly-Ash and C-Class Fly- 2. Second Mix- Soil prepared with 2 and 4% of lime.
Ash are as tabulated in Table 2. 3. Third Mix- Soil prepared with lime and 1,3,5% of F-Class Fly-Ash
4. Fourth Mix- Soil prepared with lime and 1,3,5% of C-Class Fly-
2.3. Lime

Lime functions as a cementitious binder composite material in 4. Results and discussion

the active stabilisation of the clayey soil. Amongst the frequently
used stabilisation technique, chemical stabilization technique is 4.1. Atterberg limits
most commonly used for lime stabilization, and also it is a known
method for the advancement of plastic characteristics and strength The Atterberg limits is a simple measure for the main water
of cohesive soil say clay soil. Study proves that improvement and contents of a fine-grained soil. These tests are used to differentiate
enhancement of soil resistance for external load was the first silt and clay. These limits signify the moisture contents at which an
appreciable gain acquired through stabilization utilising lime. Pro- explicit soil’s behaviour changes from solid state to plastic state
cess is such that first, the exchange of cations, secondly, agglomer- i.e., Plastic Limit (P.L) and from plastic to liquid i.e., Liquid Limit
ation through flocculation, followed by thirdly, carbonation of lime (L.L). The difference between liquid limit and plastic limit is iden-
and finally reaction of pozzolanic particles, hence the soil particles tified as Plasticity Index (P.I).
are glued and bind together and forms into larger particles. Specific The results are as given in Fig. 1. It is evident from the results
weight of lime as provided by the supplier is 540 kg/m3. that when the clayey soil is added with both Fly-Ash classes with-
out lime, the plasticity properties gets slight rise with the increase
of Fly-Ash particles. This increase occurs due to the cementitious
3. Methodology
binder properties of Fly-Ash. When Fly-Ash and lime is added to
the clayey soil, the plasticity property gets decreased with increase
Fly-Ash and Lime compounds are used as admixtures to mix
with the soil for stabilisation. Two varieties of Fly-Ash were used in addition of Fly-Ash percentages. This reduction in the plasticity
characteristics is due to exchange of cations and their reaction
in this project. Fly-Ash was supplemented to the lime stabilised
soil in varying percentiles and their effects in the properties of soil between CaO in limestone and SiO2 in nano Fly-Ash, as a result
of which clay particles come closer to form a coarse-grained tex-
were studied. The weight of lime is varied as 0, 2, 4% and the
ture leading to improvement in standard.

4.2. Compaction values

Table 1
Soil properties.
Compaction is the method of improving the density of soil by
Properties Values removing air voids and fluids that exists between the soil particles
Moisture % 7 using mechanical tools. Compaction is determined by Standard
Specific gravity 2.61 Proctor Compaction tests carried out in the laboratories to deter-
Clay % 70.37 mine the Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) at which a soil can
Sand % 18.9
Silt % 10.73
reach its Maximum Dry Density (MDD). The results are as plotted
Liquid limit % 67 in Fig. 2.
Plastic limit% 44 It is inferred that water content disturbs the soil density. As the
Plasticity index% 23 water percentage is increased, the compacted density goes on
Soil classification CH
decreasing until maximum dry density is achieved, a point after
2016 M.S. Deepak et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 2014–2018

Fig. 1. Atterberg’s limit test results.

which further addition of water decreases the density. Addition of there occur no changes in the compressive strength of the clayey
lime increases water content and reduces the MDD. In adding Fly- soil with increase in addition of either F-Class or C-Class fly-ash
Ash, again a minor increase in water content was observed which without adding lime, at all curing conditions. A slight rise in the
naturally decreased the optimum moisture content. strength occurs due to filling and densification of voids because
of the mechanical compaction. The 3-days and 7-days compressive
4.3. Un-confined compression strength strengths reached reveals that the early stage strength rises with
increase in percentage addition of Fly-Ash up to 3% for both 2%
Un-Confined Compression strength test which is well known as and 4% replacement of lime.
uniaxial compression test, is a unique case of a triaxial test, in The 28 days test results differ from 3- and 7-days test by reveal-
which there is zero confining pressure. The application of the ing that the compressive strength increases with increase in addi-
Un-confined Compression Test (UCS) is to rapidly measure or esti- tion of Fly-Ash even after 3% addition, for both 2% and 4%
mate the unconfined compressive strength of soils that possess replacement of lime. This signifies the effect of curing time on sam-
adequate cohesion and that allows investigation in its unconfined ples, as the strength of 28 days sample continues to increase by
state. adding 5% of Fly-Ash. Moreover, the strength of the stabilised soil
From the graphs illustrated in Fig. 3 shows the different com- samples with 4% lime content was found to be higher compared
pressive strength in 3-days, 7-days and 28-days achieved by clayey to that of stabilised soil which contains 2% lime and also the
soil with the varying proportions of lime and the different percent- strength of Fly-Ash C-Class samples was higher than the Fly-Ash
age addition of both the grades of Fly-Ash. It was inferred that F-Class samples.
M.S. Deepak et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 2014–2018 2017

*Optimum Moisture Content (OMC); Maximum Dry Density (MDD)

Fig. 2. Compaction test results.

5. Conclusions addition at 28 days.

 Adding 3% C-Class Fly-Ash with 4% addition of lime was found to be
The following points provide important conclusions derived the optimum dosage compared with 2% addition of lime dosage.
from this study on clayey soil, The compressive strength was increased about 27.23% in 28-days.
 From the experimental analysis, 3% addition of Fly-Ash (both F-
 Adding Fly-Ash alone do not create great impact in improvising Class and C) and 2% addition of lime is considered to be opti-
the engineering characteristics of soil. mum. These replacement percentages, for F-Class Fly-Ash, the
 Improvement in the plasticity, compaction and strength proper- strength of the stabilized sample was 60% on comparison with
ties are encountered due to high reactivity of Fly-Ash with the the unstabilized soil. For C-Class Fly-Ash, the strength of stabi-
additive lime. lized clay soil sample enhanced upto 68% compared with the
 Referring to the experimental results obtained from the consis- unstabilized one.
tency limits test, 3% addition of Fly-Ash (both F-Class and C) and  4% addition of lime can be preferred for works that necessitates
2% addition of lime were considered to be the optimum. greater strength improvement.
 Eliminating the effects of curing, considering 3% addition of  On comparison of the results obtained from this study, the C-
F-Class Fly-Ash was found to be optimum with reference to Class Fly-Ash proves to have more strength than F-Class Fly-Ash.
the strength characteristic25.96% increase in strength is
obtained with 4% addition of lime compared with 2% lime
2018 M.S. Deepak et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 2014–2018

*UCS- Un-confined Compression Test

Fig. 3. Compression test results.

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