Letter To Joe Playing Time.
Letter To Joe Playing Time.
Letter To Joe Playing Time.
We need to remember why we sign our kids up for sports. Sports are all about the spirit of competition,
and how it can be a great influence on our kids by helping them to stay active and improve their social
skills. However, the competitive environment can also lead to frustration and irritation from time to
time when you are on the sidelines (I know this firsthand).
Whether you agree or don’t agree with my coaching philosophy I’m not going to shorten the bench and
not give a player who regularly shows up for practice, pays attention to the coaches, comes prepared on
game day and always tries their hardest every game. I feel at U13 A1 hockey all players should get the
opportunity to play all game situations as I’m focused on player development. Success isn’t measured
through wins and losses but instead by the effort on the ice and understanding of systems and
philosophies, and team culture.
In conclusion, I recognize that participating in youth sports demands time, money, and dedication from
the entire family. As coaches, we're focused on the players, but know that the door is always open for
your concerns following the guidelines laid out in the player handbook under the parent code of conduct
section 6 “If a dispute occurs, please utilize the 24-hour rule and contact the parent liaison”. The code of
conduct is in place to establish boundaries. We made it very clear to parents what is acceptable
behavior, and what isn’t at the beginning of the season. We discussed at the parent meeting that we
would not discuss playing time or positioning as those are under the coach’s discretion. I understand
Emotions are high during game time and you want to be heard, but these issues can be handled much
more effectively at different times. As a rule, I won't talk with any parents before or after games unless
it's an emergency and hope all parents respect the team code of conduct moving forward.
Kind Regards,
Jason Colatruglio