CSEC HSB June 2015 Paper 1

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‘The process by which living organisms get energy from their food is (A) - nutrition (a) rerprglan 2) eNeFBHAR (D) growth Which of the following organisms have cellulose cell walls as part of their structure? 1 Fungi * TI. Plants TL. “Bacteria (A) and Ionly . @) -. Land Hlonly (©) - Wand Ii only : (D) Mand Duririg osmosis, the movement of water molecules through the semi-permeable ‘membrane continues until : (A) | the amount of water molecules is equalized on both sides (B) __ the hydrostatic presstire equals the osmotic pressure (C)_- the esmotic pressure equals the osmotic potential (D) _turgidity and flaccidity are equal ‘The amount of energy in food chains decreases at each trophic level’because 1. there are less organisms IL, respiration occurs TI. the organisms are more active (A): Land Ionly (B) > Land Mi only A (C) Mand only @) = 1, Mand It 5. HSB JUNE 2016 Paper 1 Microorganisms are an important part of the nitrogen cycle. Which of the following microorganisms contribute directly to nitrate ‘build-up in a soil? MI ‘ing bactorlt (Benton bere (C) , Saptophytic fungi (D) " Nitrogen-fixing bacteria Whicti of the following foods would BES’ prevent constipation? (A) _ Chicken soup (B) Vegetable rice and fish (C) Fruit and vegetable salad (D) Wheat bread and cheese Which of the following reagents gives positive test for the main food present in slice of baked' potato? (A) Biuret (B) ~ Ethanol (C) __ Iodine solution (D) “Benedict's solution Kwashiorkor i8 a deficiency disease caus bya lack of (A) fats (B) __ proteins (© glycogen (D) _- carbohydrates 10. uL oe [temi9referstothefollowingdiagramwhich’ 12. shows the structure of a typical tooth. RES Crown: DS HUT 13. ‘Which of the parts labelled (A), (B), (C) and (D):supplies the tooth with food? : Items 10-11 refer to the following diagram ‘which 'shows a part of the digestive tract ofa human, In answering items 10-11, cach option ~ 15, may be used once,-more than once or not atall. Which organ secretes a substance which neutralizes hydrochloric acid? Which organ is responsible ‘for the digestion of protein only? 14, Which of the following are properties of enzymes? 1 “‘They work best at a particular pH. I They are not affected by tempera ture. Il, , “They work on‘only one substrate. (A) Tend Tonly (B) Land fonly (©) Wend Mi only ©) 1, Wana tr ‘The process by which undigested food is climinated from the body is called (A) egestion (B) excretion (©). ingestion ©) deamination Which. of the following combinations shows the correct percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide found in the lungs of a healthy person? ‘Oxygen_| Carbon Dioxide @) 4% 16% ®) 16% 4% [oO 17% 0.03% @) [21% 0.03% Climbing up a mountain, a group of hikers finds that breathing becomes difficult. This is MOST likely because (A) the airhas less oxygen (B) they lose too much water by sweating (©) __ they become tired from the long swale (D) the temperature drops and the air is colder GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 16. 18. Which of the following properties of 17. During respiration the release of energy in & membranes are required for rapid gaseous cell occurs when exchange? (A). ADPis converted to ATP 1. Moist (B) ATP is converted to ADP I Thin-walled A (©) ADPis converted to lactic acid. II. Small surface area to volume ratio (D)__ ATP and oxygen form oxyhaemo- : globin (A). © Tanditonly (B) | TandMonly ’ (©) © Wand tt only (©) > 1, Mand mt Item 18 refers to the following, : Increased risk of lung cancer 10 2 3°30 40 Number of cigarettes smoked per day Which of the following can be deduced from the graph? (A). “As the number of cigarettes smoked per day increases, the risk of getting lung cancer increases. (B) As the number of cigarettes:smoked per day increases, the risk of getting lung cancer decreases. s (C) » When 30 cigarettes are smoked per day, the risk of luag cancer increases ten times. (D) As the number of cigarettes smoked per day decreases, the risk of getting lung cancer increases. 19. Why do we need transport systems in the ‘human body? 1. . " To:transport substances from one Part of the body to another. I To. produce hormones fér coordination of body processes I. Toprotectthe body against diseases (A) Tand Monty ‘ (B) ~ Tand Mt only (©) Wand Itt only @) .- Mand mr ‘Item 20 fefers to the following diagram of ‘the human heart. eI] “ o ® oO. 20.» Which labelled part contracts to pump blood. around the body? Item 21 refers to the following diagram of acell. 21... The diagram MOST likely represents a: (A) liver cell (B) phagocyte (C)__ lymphocyte (D) red blood cell 22, 23. (a) ®) © ©) Capillaries have very thin walls which have only one layer of ceils. This is to allow (A) _ tepiddiffusion ofgasesand glucose (B) _slowdiffusion ofgasesand glucose (©) rapid diffusion of protein and fats (©) ~ slow diffusion of protein and fats Which of the following vitamins assists in the process of blood clotting? (A) Vitamin a (B) Vitamin B ' (8) Viemin a. @) Vitamin Item 24 refers to the following diagram which shows parts of the human skeleton, Which ‘of the following combinations correctly identifies the bones labelled X, YY and Z? Bone X Bone Y BoneZ Tibia Femur Fibula Femur Tibia Fibula Fibula Tibia Femur Femur Fibula Tibia 25, 26. 27. ‘Hem 25 refers to the following diagram ofa 28. Which of the following sets of constituents human arm, : is found in the urine of @ healthy person? (A) Urea, glucose and water {B) Salts, urea end proteins (C) Urea, salts and water (©) Proteins, salts and glucose. 29. “Liam notices that his face is flushed (red) afterplaying football. Which ofthe following processes causes his face to be flushed? (A) Insulation . (B) Evaporation (©) Vasodilation (D) Vasoconstriction Item 30 refers to the following diagram which: shows a cross section of the human skin, Which of the following occurs when the arm is bent or flexed? (A) The biceps pulls on the radius, (B) The triceps pulls on the ulna, (©), The scapula is pulled down, (DY The triceps shortens, Which of the follos bone? Wg connects muscle to (A) Tendon ' (B) Ligament (©) Muscle { (©) Cartilage. 30. The structure labelled X is the Which of the following allows movement in (A) hair follicle all directions? (B) sweat gland : (©) ~ adipose tissue (A) Knee ) sebaceous gland (©) Ankle ; (©) Elbow : ) Shoulder GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 31. 32. oe Item 31 refers to the following cycle which shows the control of water content in the blood by antidiuretic hormone (ADH). : Pituitary. . gland 5 Moré ADH. Léss ADH, released’ released Ne normal ‘Which 6f the following pairs shows the processes taking place at S and N? s N (A) |_| Less reabsorption of water info the blood | More reabsorption of water into the blood (8) "| More reabsorption of water into the blood | Less reabsorption of water into the blood (©) __|No reabsorption of water into the blood | More reabsorption of water into the blood (D) | Less reabsorption of water into the blood | No reabsorption of water into the blood ‘ ‘ The central nervous system is made up of the (A) © brain and spinal cord (B) brain and spinal nerves (©) brain and cranial nerves ©) spinal cord and cranial nerves GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 33. 34. ‘Which labelled partis the axon? Mot . @® 0 ©) tl (D) Iv Item 34 refers to the following diagram of the human eye showing image formation, The image X is NOT. ‘ (A) inverted : (B) formed on the retina, © smaller thian the object « (D) the same size as the object 35. refers to the following diagram showing some of the organs in the body which produce hormones. 05 A Which hormone is secreted by S? (A) Adrenaline (B) Insulin (©) Oestrogen (D) Thyroxine GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, ‘Which of the following comparisons is NOT true for nérvous and hormonal control? 36. : Nervous Control, Hormonal Control ©, |(A) [Electrical mossages travel along deurones. | Messages are transported in blood. (B) | Chemical messages travel across synapses. | Only chemical messages are involved (©) | The response is usually short-lived, The effects are often long lasting (D) | Messages travel slowly and take longer to '] Messages travel fast and have a rapid effect. have an effect. : 37... Ovulation isthe process by which S40, Which’ of the following methods af Birth oontro| is LEAST effgetive in preventing (A) females become pregnant + pregnasioy? (B) —amale anda female gamete fuse, (©) _ ancagis implanted in the uterus, (A) Natural method (D) . «mature egg is released into the (B) Barrier method oviduet (©) Hormonal method (©) Mechanical method Item38,efersto the following diagram which . shows the human spermatozoon. 41: Whichofthe following occurs when azygote : receives one extra chromosome? , : (A) Agene mutation (a) (B) Incomplete dominance (©) Sex-linked inheritance : (D) .Achromosomal mutation ®) , 42. Ina multicellular orgenism, whenever cells Aes need to be replaced, cells divide by r (A) meiosis a i 38. Which of the: labelled parts contains . a bal 7 (D) fertilization 39, The corpus luteum secretes (A). oestrogen (B) progesterone (©, luteinizing hormone (D) _follicte-stimulating hormone GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, Parental genotype Gametes, Fertilization F, generation genotype 43. 44. 45. 46. -10- Item 43 refers to the following genetic cross ‘which shows the inheritance of blood groups in humans. Alleles A and B are codominant to each other and both are dominant to O. ©) Which of the following offspring inherited the homozygous recessive allele? (A) Kk . @) ob © o.M @) ON f Which of the following is an example of genetic engineering? (A) "Using stem cells toproduce organs (B) _ Tissue culture in banana production , (C) Cloning ofhigh-producing animals (D) © Production of insulin by :E. coli bacteria’ . Which of the following CANNOT be prevented by healthy living activities? (A): Influenza - : (B) | Sickle-cell anaemia (©) Tron-deficieney anaemia: (PD). Chronic heart disease Seerne has the following signs/symptoms: constriction of her bronchial tubes, boughing andiwheezing, She is MOST likely suffering from : (A). asthma, 4 (B) malaria (©): typhoid (D) tuberculosis @@ ®® eo 8 ®, Items 47-48 refer to the following diseases. (A) Tuberculosis (B) Typhoid (©) ° Ringworm (D) Gonorrhoea Match each of the following phrases with * one of the opticns above, each of which may bbe used once, more than once or not at all Cauéed by fungus Causes severe diarrhoea and abdominal pains ‘Antibiotics are chemicals which can safely bbe taken into the body. They do not harm Jruman cells but they destroy (A) fungi 7 @) : moulds (C)__ bacteria (D) viruses tem 50 refers to the following diagram ‘which shows the stages in the life cycle of ——— wh * Which of the following stages are found in or on water? (A) and Hoaly (B) Wand IV only. (©). 1, Mand IV only (D) IL Mand IV only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Br “82. 54,

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