Interpretation of Leaf Nutrient Analysis Results

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Factsheet 21/05 Horticultural Bradbourne House

Development East Malling

Council Kent ME19 6DZ
Brassicas (cabbage, Brussels T: 01732 848383
sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip and swede) F: 01732 848498
E: [email protected]

Interpretation of leaf nutrient

analysis results
Don Tiffin, ADAS Boxworth

Brassica crops are noted for their susceptibility to deficiencies of nitrogen, boron and molybdenum and,
increasingly, sulphur. Both yield and marketable quality can be affected by these and other nutrient deficiencies.
If the nutritional status is below the ‘critical level’, visual symptoms will be present in the field. In the absence of
visual symptoms, ‘subclinical’ deficiencies or toxicities may be present which will reduce growth and
subsequently yield.

This factsheet aims to:

• Assist with the diagnosis of the most common visual deficiency symptoms
• Provide guidance on sampling plants so that meaningful results are obtained
• Provide guidance on interpreting leaf tissue analysis results
• Provide information on managing nutrient deficiencies

Visual symptoms disorders. There are, however, several herbicides, pests and diseases
difficulties in relying solely on visual or even air pollutants may result
Visual diagnosis of nutrient disorders symptoms: in symptoms that can be mistaken
can be made where specific for nutrient disorders
symptoms of deficiency and toxicity • Severe deficiencies are rare
have been accurately described and • More than one nutrient may
documented. It is the quickest • Crop disorders induced by be deficient causing different
method for diagnosing the cause of non-nutritional factors such as symptoms from those caused
poor crop performance due to nutrient drought, low temperatures, by a single nutrient
Nutrient deficiency 3 Relate a particular disorder to the
field circumstances e.g. soil type
Photographs of nutrient
deficiencies in brassicas
symptoms or pH
4 Knowledge of susceptibility of Note: Not all deficiencies produce
The diagnosis of a nutrient disorder a brassica crop to that disorder clear field symptoms. Photographs
in the field should follow clearly 5 Consider the possibility of are helpful in providing a visual
definable steps: symptoms having arisen from diagnosis, but may be slightly
1 Realisation that something is wrong other causes such as drought, ambiguous. ‘A colour illustrated
with the crop waterlogging, etc guide to pests, diseases and
2 Observation of abnormalities, 6 Identification of possible causes disorders of vegetables’, a CD-ROM
noting if these are worse on older by use of photographs illustrating that contains further images and
or younger leaves; chlorosis or nutrition deficiency information on vegetable nutrient
interveinal yellowing; marginal 7 If doubt still remains, check deficiencies is available from HDC.
scorch around leaf edges, necrosis diagnosis by means of leaf analysis If in doubt, confirm diagnosis with
of leaf tissue; pattern of distribution; leaf analysis.
deformities such as cupping,
twisting and thickening

Nitrogen (N) this also occurs but is often preceded excessive leaching or waterlogging
Deficiency symptoms: by a muddy-purple flush on the older has occurred.
Marked reduction in growth with erect leaves. In broccoli, cabbage, Brussels
and thin stems. Leaves turn pale sprouts and cauliflower the new Similar symptoms:
green, becoming yellow, bronzed, leaves can have a particularly grey, May also be induced by other factors
pink or purple as the leaf ages, with stiff, waxy appearance. such as cold weather, drought stress,
leaf abscission in extreme cases. In root damage from nematodes and
turnip, cauliflower and young swedes Occurrence: water logging. Sudden cold and P
the predominant colour change is to Very common whenever insufficient deficiency can produce purple tints.
yellow-orange. In cabbage, broccoli, N available especially on sandy soils
Brussels sprouts and older swedes, following heavy rainfall, where

Nitrogen – deficient cabbage showing overall Nitrogen – Brussels sprout seedling showing Nitrogen – turnip showing yellowing of older
pale colour and purple tinge on old leaves* grey–green waxy new leaf and bronzed leaves and pink petioles*

Phosphorus (P)
Deficiency symptoms:
Reduction in growth but with scarcely
noticeable foliage symptoms. Possibility
of abnormally stiff and erect plants in
broccoli and cauliflowers. Older leaves
bluish green with dull purple tints, similar
to nitrogen deficiency but without
yellow-orange colours. Cauliflower may
have reddish curds.

On acid soils, calcareous soils or peats Phosphorus – red curd and stiff, pointed, Phosphorus – dull purple flush on swede leaf*
where levels of plant available purple edged leaves in cauliflower*
phosphate are low. Temporary deficien- Similar symptoms:
cies can occur on cold, wet soil. Low temperatures and drought can
However occurrence is rare because cause similar symptoms. N deficiency
most vegetable growing soils contain may also produce purple tinting which
good levels of plant available phosphate. may give leaves a very dull appearance.

Potassium (K)
Deficiency symptoms:
Leaves bluish green. Marginal and
interveinal scorch and some blotchy
chlorosis of older leaves. Tissue
collapse can occur, with scorched
edges of leaves curling forwards.

On sandy soils inherently low in K and
prone to leaching where insufficient K
applied in the base dressing.

Similar symptoms:
Marginal scorch of lower leaves can
be confused with chloride toxicity and Potassium – scorched leaves from deficient Potassium – turnip showing tissue collapse
wind damage. cabbage* and scorch confined to top half of leaf*

Magnesium (Mg)
Deficiency symptoms:
A chlorotic marbling, which may
become very striking, occurs on older
leaves whilst main veins remain green.
The chlorosis may be accompanied
by a blotchy purple colour, especially
between veins, near margins and on
the underside of the leaf. Towards
maturity other brilliant orange and red
tints may occur particularly in
cauliflowers. In turnip the leaf margins
may initially remain green whereas
some swede varieties show a blotchy
reddening moving in from the older
leaf margins. Older leaves of plants Magnesium – deficiency in swede showing Magnesium – turnip with leaf margin initially
may wither and die. blotchy reddening moving in from leaf edge* remaining green*

On acid soils, on soils with very high
extractable potassium/magnesium
ratios particularly if soil compaction is
present, or on very sandy soils
subject to leaching after heavy rainfall.

Similar symptoms:
Easily confused with N deficiency and
manganese deficiency. Symptoms of
Mg deficiency can occur as a result of
restricted root growth, commonly due
to soil compaction or prolonged
wetness. Also frequently associated
with low spring temperatures.
Some resemblance to cauliflower Magnesium – deficiency in cauliflower, older Magnesium – field view at harvest of
mosaic virus symptoms and in turnips leaves chlorotic marbling followed by strong deficient crop
beet western yellows virus. orange, red & purple tints
Sulphur (S) leaves. Symptoms tend to develop manures. Areas away from heavy
Deficiency symptoms: slowly. In Brussels sprouts industry or centres of population are
Deficient plants are typically small characteristic symptoms are yellowing likely to be at risk from deficiency and
and spindly characterised by tops and restricted rooting. include East Anglia and Lincolnshire,
interveinal chlorosis of the young the south-west, Lancashire, the
and middle leaves that cup both Occurrence: Scottish borders and eastern Scotland.
concavely (mainly while emerging) S deficiency can occur on all soil
and convexly, and may become brittle types, but is more likely to be a Similar symptoms:
and eventually may fail to grow. The problem on light textured soils where Distinguished from magnesium
chlorosis is very characteristic in that leaching occurs or on thin soils deficiency in that chlorosis is on young
the veins stand out as a rather overlying chalk and low in organic leaves, and accompanied by cupping
blurred, blue-green pattern against matter. Heavier textured soils such as and distortion of these leaves.
a pale green background. On the clays and clay loams are unlikely to Symptoms can be distinguished from
underside of the leaf these dark areas suffer from S deficiency, as is any field nitrogen deficiency by the fact that
are purple, and this purple or bronze high in organic matter or receiving they occur on younger leaves.
coloration may later affect whole frequent applications of animal

Sulphur – four week old sprouting broccoli Sulphur – turnip showing chlorosis and Sulphur – deficiency in Brussels sprouts
with fourth leaf (bottom right) showing necrosis moving in from leaf tip* showing yellowing of top of plant
characteristic chlorosis*

Calcium (Ca)
Deficiency symptoms:
Cupping, distortion and tipburn of
young leaves, which may lead to death
of growing point. Frequently it appears
as though a string had been threaded
around the leaf edge and drawn tight,
causing the leaf to crinkle and cup
deeply (as in Brussels sprouts) or
buckle upwards, so that the ‘cup’
begins to turn itself inside out. Another
common symptom is tissue collapse
that occurs in bands across leaves, so
that the distal part of the leaf hangs
down and eventually shrivels up. The
collapsed zone may also occur at the
leaf edge. In turnips, the collapse
begins with yellowing. In Brussels
sprouts, a commercially important
physiological disorder known as Calcium – buckling and cupping of leaves*
‘internal browning’ has been attributed
to calcium deficiency and similarly,
internal tipburn of stored cabbage.

Not related to soil type but can be
associated with rapid growth in hot,
humid weather, excessive soluble salts
and soil compaction. This deficiency is
rarely due to an absolute lack of
calcium, problems occur when calcium
movement in the transpiration stream
towards susceptible tissue is low.

Similar symptoms: Calcium – tissue collapse in five week old Calcium – ‘internal browning’ in Brussels
Frost damage cabbage* sprouts*

Manganese (Mn) Similar symptoms: plant nutrient deficiencies or frost

Deficiency symptoms: Symptoms may be masked by an damage. Can be confused with
An interveinal chlorotic yellow or additional stress factor such as magnesium deficiency. May be
yellow-white marbling (‘freckled’ or disease, herbicide damage, and other confused with cauliflower mosaic virus.
‘speckled’ appearance) of the older
leaves is the first symptom to appear.
This can be confused with magnesium
deficiency but manganese deficiency
usually produces a finer more
intensely yellow mottle. In severe
cases the whole of the leaf may
become almost bleached and some
necrosis may develop. Severely
affected plants are stunted in growth.

Frequently induced by overliming.
Most severe problems occur on
organic and peaty soils with a pH
above 6.0. Deficiency is generally
less severe on sands and loamy Manganese – sprouting broccoli showing Manganese – severe interveinal chlorotic
sands. Symptoms are often transient bleaching of young leaves, pink tinges on marbling and necrosis
and may disappear following rain. petioles, veins & leaf edge*

Boron (B) of older leaves may occur and heads before curd formation the stem stops
Deficiency symptoms: are often yellow and small when growing, causing a flat-topped plant
Brassica crops are sensitive to boron deficiency is severe. with many side shoots and the curd
deficiency and exhibit numerous very fails to develop. In contrast if the curd
characteristic symptoms, but not all Brussels sprouts: is already present the curd turns
occur on all species. For all crops the Interveinal chlorosis, worst on old brown giving a discoloured product
first symptoms may be rolling and leaves. Hollows also found in the unsuitable for marketing.
curling of the leaves that become stems. Brussels sprout plants will
brittle and are mottled round the produce few sprouts if the deficiency Broccoli:
margins. Cracked and corky stems, sets in before they are formed: if First symptoms similar to those for
petioles and midribs can occur on all deficiency occurs later, the sprouts cabbage but chlorosis is marginal, with
brassica species. will be small and loose. brilliant red and yellow colours.
Premature fall of older leaves may occur.
Cabbage: Cauliflower:
Small blister-like swellings appear on Cotyledons may grow very large with Turnip and swede:
the stem and lower surface of the leaf subsequent very thick, brittle, finger- If the deficiency occurs at the seedling
stalks. The stem is frequently hollow like new leaves. The stem is frequently stage, the new leaves show convex
and discoloured internally with brown hollow and discoloured internally near cupping, marginal chlorosis with
watery areas in the pith. Premature fall the curd. If the deficiency appears brilliant red and orange colours. Later
on yellow and purple areas on the outside may take on a rough, corky, Similar symptoms:
leaves of turnips are often associated leathery appearance. This condition Most incidences of hollow stems in
with the deficiency. The growing point is commonly known as ‘brown heart’ brassicas are associated with irregular
does not normally die in field crops, or ‘raan’. water supply resulting in uneven
but some of the consequences of its growth. Excessive nitrogen may
moribund condition may appear e.g. Occurrence: sometimes be involved in this
multiple crowns. Boron deficiency Boron deficiency is more likely to occur symptom. Likewise cracking may be
can exist without any external on sands, loamy sands and sandy physiological in origin and occur in
symptoms. It is often only noticed loams that have been limed recently wet seasons or when dry weather is
when roots are cut open and brown rather than those which are naturally followed by wet weather thus causing
water-soaked areas are found at alkaline, and particularly when the soil a spurge of vegetative growth. Also
irregular intervals, normally in the pH is raised above pH 6.5 and more cracking and corkiness on stems and
outer regions of the root. In these usually over pH 7.0. Since boron is petioles can result from the action of
circumstances the central tissue may water soluble and readily leached from growth regulator type herbicides.
break down and the root becomes sandy soils, deficiency is more common Growing point injury can be due to
increasingly hollow, fibrous, bitter and following a wet winter and spring, and insect attack e.g. swede midge.
invaded by rotting organisms. The particularly in dry summers.

Boron – rosetting of cabbage* Boron – convex cupping at the seedling stage*

Boron – 14 week old Brussels sprout showing Boron – left and centre swede roots showing Boron – cauliflower longitudinal section
misshapen leaves with several forms of ‘brown heart’. Note discoloration and hollow showing browning of curd and lesions in pith
interveinal chlorosis below crown of centre root. Healthy root (not specific for boron; may be due to other
on right* causes in the field)

Copper (Cu) Occurrence: Zinc (Zn)

Deficiency symptoms: Copper deficiency has only been Deficiency symptoms:
Almost unknown though cabbage diagnosed in a few specific soil Extremely rare in the UK. Expanding
may show faint diffuse interveinal situations. It could occur on peats and cabbage leaves cupped with out-curved
chlorosis of expanding and mature occasionally on loamy peats, mainly in margins and interveinal bronzing of
leaves with withering. In turnips the Fens and also on leached sandy older leaves.
deficiency can cause severe yellowing soils, particularly reclaimed heathland
of the foliage which also develops and thin organic soils over chalk. Occurrence:
yellowish-white spots. There is Associated with coarse sandy soils
considerable stunting of roots. that are high in pH. Excessive
phosphate applications may induce
this deficiency.
Iron (Fe)
Deficiency symptoms:
Very rare in brassica crops. Young
leaves turn yellow and later virtually
white, with some green colour
remaining along midrib and main
veins. In turnip and swede chlorotic
mottling of all foliage. Disorder very
unlikely except as a result of heavy
metal toxicity.

Occurrence: Iron – deficiency in Savoy cabbage showing Iron – deficiency in turnips showing chlorotic
Can occur on soils containing free severe chlorosis of leaves beginning as a mottling of leaves
calcium carbonate particularly if chlorotic mottling
poorly drained.

Similar symptoms:
Manganese deficiency may resemble
iron deficiency but would be on
older leaves.

Molybdenum (Mo) Similar symptoms: be present on the petioles. Both

Deficiency symptoms: Blindness of the growing point, with disorders are distinct from whiptail in
Of the brassica crops, cauliflower some swelling of the surrounding that leaf shape is unaffected. Cupping
(both summer and winter) is the most petiole bases, can also be caused by of leaves with mottled margins can be
sensitive to molybdenum deficiency. preceding sub-zero temperatures, or confused with manganese toxicity
Other brassica species are not by swede midge attack. In the latter which is the main symptom of soil
normally affected. The characteristic case very small white larvae should acidity.
symptoms in cauliflower are known as
‘Whiptail’. Growth of the leaf laminar
is severely restricted giving narrow
strap-like inward cupping of the
leaves. The remaining lamina is
irregular in outline, puckered, greatly
reduced in area and brittle. Growing
point becomes blind or stub-like and
new shoots may appear from

Molybdenum deficiency only occurs
on acid soils as this nutrient is more
available at higher pHs. If soil pH is Molybdenum – ‘whiptail’ in cauliflower* Molybdenum – plant showing signs of
6.5 or higher it will not be a problem. recovery of new growth*

Why analyse leaf • To test for ‘subclinical’ deficiencies

or toxicities which may be already
represent any field or smaller area
of crop, the following sampling
samples? limiting growth but which are not procedure should be followed:
yet resulting in visible symptoms.
There are two reasons for • sample at the crop stage
recommending the use of leaf analysis indicated in table 1 (unless the
in brassica crops: Guidance on methods of sample is for the confirmation
crop foliage sampling for of a deficiency)
• To confirm a diagnosis based on the nutrient analysis
appearance of symptoms: in such • for each plant take the youngest
cases the leaf nutrient concentrations It is essential to collect leaf samples mature leaf
will usually be well below the ‘critical that accurately reflect the nutritional
level’ and there should therefore be status of the crop submitted for • if there is a clear differentiation
little doubt about the diagnosis. analysis. Therefore to adequately between ‘good’ and ‘poor’ crop,
collect a second sample of leaves Table 1
from the ‘good’ crop
Crop Growth Stage
• sample 20–30 plants to provide a
minimum of 250 g of fresh material Cabbage mid growth – as the plant is beginning to heart

• sample the crop following a ‘W’pattern, Brussels sprouts mid growth – as the plant initiates the first buttons
collecting leaves at regular intervals
Cauliflower first indication of buttoning
Do not sample
• diseased or dead plant material Broccoli mid growth – when first spears are starting to form

• plant tissue damaged by insects Turnip and swede first indication of root swelling
and mechanical equipment

• plant tissue which has been

stressed by excesses of cold, • include all relevant documentation • send by overnight courier or deliver
heat or moisture and background information directly to the analytical laboratory
(sowing/planting date, variety, field
• plant tissue within 10 days of name, growers details, etc) Precise and meaningful analytical
foliar application of nutrients results are only possible when
or fungicides • pack the sample, typically in a Jiffy carefully selected plant material
Bag, so it arrives in the best is submitted for analysis.
When sending samples to an possible condition
analytical laboratory:
• ensure there is sufficient plant • do not post fresh material in an
material, a minimum of 250g of airtight container
fresh material
• label each sample clearly
• avoid soil contamination
• avoid sending samples before
• ensure that the sample is weekends and bank holidays
representative of the crop/area

Table 2

Element Unit Cabbage B Sprout Cauliflower Broccoli Turnip

Nitrogen % 3.0–5.0 3.0–5.0 3.0–5.0 3.5–5.5 3.5–5.0

Phosphorus % 0.3–0.5 0.26–0.6 0.3–0.7 0.3–0.7 0.3–0.7

Potassium % 3.0–4.5 2.5–4.0 3.0–4.0 2.0–4.0 2.5–5.0

Magnesium % 0.2–0.7 0.2–0.7 0.2–0.7 0.2–0.7 0.3–0.6

Sulphur % 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.3–0.8 0.35–0.8

Calcium % 1.5–3.0 0.5–2.0 1.0–2.0 1.2–2.5 1.8–4.0

Manganese mg/kg 25–200 25–200 25–200 25–200 30–300

Boron mg/kg 25–60 25–60 25–60 25–60 30–150

Copper mg/kg 5–20 5–20 5–20 5–20 5–25

Zinc mg/kg 20–200 20–200 20–200 20–200 20–100

Iron* mg/kg 50–200 50–200 50–200 50–200 50–150

* of limited use as even the smallest amount of soil contamination invalidates the analysis and the deficiency may not be related to actual content.
advised to consult and act upon the crops. Brassicas are noted for their
Interpretation of leaf nutrition requirements and fertiliser deficiencies of nitrogen and boron (or
tissue analysis results management for brassicas crops in pseudo boron deficiency caused by
‘Fertiliser Recommendations for growing conditions), and the
Interpretation of laboratory results is Agricultural and Horticultural Crops increasing possibility of sulphur
possible by comparison with normal (RB209)’, PLANET Nutrient deficiency. Cabbages are also fairly
levels expected for the crop. The Management software or the susceptible to deficiencies of calcium
interpretations given here are based appropriate crop protocols. and magnesium. Turnips and swedes
on the best information available. All brassicas, and in particular may be prone to deficiencies of
cauliflower, have a high fertility phosphorus and potassium because
requirement though Brussels sprouts they are often grown on less fertile
Soil Nutrition are less likely to develop deficiencies soils, also to boron as they have in the
than other brassica crops. Turnips past been grown on more acid soils.
Though soil nutrition is outside the and swedes have a lower fertility
scope of this factsheet, growers are requirement than other brassica

Strategy and low concentrations. Urea may be deficiency symptoms are more likely
used but there is still a risk of scorch. to be seen in soils low in organic
specific action matter (sulphur is mineralised from
Phosphorus (P) organic matter) and light textured soils
to rectify nutrient Most soils have adequate P supplies as sulphur can be leached. Plant
and there should never be a need to analysis is generally considered a
deficiencies apply a foliar spray of P if notice is more reliable tool for diagnosis of S
taken of soil analyses results. Foliar deficiency than soil testing. Where
As deficiencies normally occur feeding is not recommended because reserves of sulphur are low and cannot
individually, specific treatments there is a high risk of leaf scorch. be maintained, fertilisers containing
should be applied to the soil or crop sulphur should be used. Sulphur can
foliage as appropriate to remedy a Potassium (K) be absorbed through leaves so foliar
problem in a particular field. Soil applications of potassium fertiliser applications may be useful, but cannot
All trace elements, except iron according to crop requirement, based be guaranteed to cure a problem. To
which is never a problem, can be on soil analysis, should mean that K date, sulphur deficiency has been
applied as simple salts, usually as deficiency is not seen in brassica determined by using tests based on
foliar sprays, though soil treatments crops. Foliar feeding is not total S, sulphate – S or a N:S ratio. For
are preferable for boron and recommended because there is a high example, plant material samples with
molybdenum These treatments are risk of leaf scorch. an N:S ratio of >16:1 are deficient and
cost effective, although more than one highly likely to respond to a sulphur
spray may be needed for manganese. Magnesium (Mg) application. Plant material with an N:S
Multi-element sprays may not The application of magnesium fertiliser ratio of between16:1–13:1 may benefit
contain enough of a particular to the soil is a more effective long- from an insurance dressing, and a
element to correct a deficiency, and term method for controlling the ratio of <13:1 is satisfactory and
where no deficiency exists, deficiency than the foliar application of unlikely to suffer sulphur deficiency.
application can be wasteful. a magnesium salt. The latter method Recently a new test based on
‘Insurance’ treatments are not however is useful when crops develop malate:sulphate ratio has been
recommended where no deficiency symptoms during the growing season, developed and experience in cereals
has been identified, but where as a spray containing Mg can often and oil seed rate shows it to be a
deficiencies are known to occur greatly improve the appearance and better indicator of S deficiency. It is
prophylactic sprays may be used. market value of the crop though there recommended that N:S ratios should
may be little affect on yield. Symptoms be monitored as applications of
Nitrogen (N) of Mg deficiency can occur as a result sulphur to growing crops once
Leaf analysis is valuable for the of restricted root growth, commonly problems have been seen is not
confirmation of plant N status. due to soil compaction or wetness and guaranteed to solve the problem.
Treatment is usually by addition of N frequently associated with low The sulphur containing compounds
fertiliser at the appropriate rate and temperatures in the spring. Foliar ‘glucosinolates’ are an important
time to the soil and plant response to sprays of 20 kg/ha magnesium component of flavour in brassicas and
nitrate is very rapid except when the sulphate (Epsom salts) plus wetter in some have beneficial health effects
surface soil is very dry. Foliar 500 l water may accelerate recovery. for humans, these compounds are
applications of N are sometimes used also part of the plant’s own protection
as a ‘fire brigade’ treatment; foliar Sulphur (S) system against some pests.
sprays of ammonium and nitrate salts All brassica crops are increasingly at
can cause leaf damage except at very risk due to lower S inputs. S
Calcium (Ca) of Cu compounds to soil using copper the presence of physiologically
Ca is a major nutrient and provided sulphate or by foliar sprays of copper inactive forms of iron within the tissue.
soil pH is satisfactory there should be oxychloride or cuprous oxide at 2 kg/ha. Also, soil contamination of leaves
always be a good supply to brassicas. growing close to the ground may
If Ca problems occur it is generally Manganese (Mn) elevate total iron results.
not an absolute deficiency but rather Diagnosis is often possible by visual
the lack of movement of the element symptoms and leaf analysis is a useful Molybdenum (Mo)
within the plant, due to water stress, aid when in doubt. Soil analysis is of Soil and plant analysis are difficult and
so it is the youngest tissues which will no practical use. Response to a foliar not usually necessary, since the
suffer. Foliar sprays of Ca have not spray of manganese sulphate is rapid deficiency can be identified by plant
been found to be useful but irrigation and reliable and the spray should be symptoms. Adequate and even liming
may be helpful. applied as soon as symptoms are to pH 6.5 will generally prevent the
seen. The normal application rate is deficiency occurring on a field scale.
Boron (B) 4.5 to 9 kg/ha of manganese sulphate Soil treatment with sodium or
Soil analysis should be used to plus wetter in at least 250 l water. The ammonium molybdate at 300 g/ha is
assess the boron need for susceptible rate of application used should match recommended or a foliar drench at
crops such as swedes grown on the severity of deficiency, the risk of 0.25 g/l if deficiency occurs in the
sandy soils. Plant analysis can be leaf scorch which may occur if crops plant raising stage, though all module
used to complement visual diagnosis under moisture stress are sprayed in composts should contain sufficient
but often by the time symptoms of bright sunshine, and field conditions. Mo for good growth.
deficiency are seen it is too late to More than one spray may be
apply a remedial treatment. If foliar necessary. Avoid over liming Always check compatibility if
sprays are required, apply 5–10 kg/ha particularly on organic or peaty soils, mixing nutrients with
Solubor in at least 250 l water at an for example where lime is applied for agrochemicals
early crop stage, the amount clubroot control.
depending on the severity of the
deficiency as measured by analysis Zinc (Zn)
and the crop requirement. Leaf analysis is the most useful aid to
diagnosis, but commercial incidence
Copper (Cu) in brassica crops is extremely rare.
As there is often only a slight
difference in the copper content of Iron (Fe)
healthy and deficient plants, plant Very unlikely in brassica crops in the
analysis has been of much less value UK. Soil and plant analysis offers little
in diagnosis than soil analysis. The help in diagnosing deficiency, as
disorder can be treated by application results are difficult to interpret due to

Toxicities and is usually associated with

irrigating with saline water.
Leaf analysis can be used to confirm
toxicities of boron and manganese, Analytical laboratories
but is of less use for heavy metals. It is not possible within this factsheet
Manganese toxicity can occur in acid to list all the laboratories that offer
soils especially those low in organic a leaf tissue analysis service. Growers
matter. Symptoms are concave should discuss the options with their
cupping of leaves, particularly middle agronomist or crop protection
to old leaves, and a pale ‘rim’ round consultant.
leaf edges, followed by marginal
spotting and scorching. Acknowledgement
Boron toxicity is occasionally found Photographs marked * are courtesy of
as a result of application of too much and copyright of Warwick HRI.
B. Symptoms are marginal chlorotic
band on old leaves.
Copper should not be applied to
soils without a demonstrated need by
means of soil and plant analysis. Toxic
effects from over-application can last
many years. Manganese toxicity showing restricted lateral
Chloride toxicity causes marginal growth of leaf laminae and incurling and
leaf scorch, abscission and chlorosis brown spotting of margins
Additional information:
Whilst publications issued under the auspices © 2005 Horticultural Development Council.
of the HDC are prepared from the best available No part of this publication may be reproduced in
information, neither the authors or the HDC can any form or by any means without prior permis-
accept any responsibility for inaccuracy or sion of the Horticultural Development Council.
liability for loss, damage or injury from the appli-
August 2005 cation of any concept or procedure discussed. Design and production: HDR Visual Communication

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