Thesis Dissertation AcceptanceForm
Thesis Dissertation AcceptanceForm
Thesis Dissertation AcceptanceForm
I hereby certify that the above titled document is my original work and I am seeking approval to defend this work in partial satisfaction of
my degree requirement. I also certify that I completed the Intellectual Protection and Patent Sign-off form and it accompanies this form.
___________________________________________ ________________________________
Student’s Signature Date
I hereby certify that the defense of the above titled thesis/dissertation will not include any proprietary or potentially patentable subject
matter and is acceptable to be open to the public: YES NO
I hereby certify that I have read the above titled thesis/dissertation and it is my judgement that it is a contribution to knowledge of
importance sufficient to qualify it for defense, but does not constitute final approval of the thesis/dissertation.
I authorize the publication of the defense of the above titled document on the College of Graduate Studies website: YES NO
Received by: _______________________________ Date: __________________ IPPSO received: YES or NO (circle one) Date: ____________
Publicize Defense: YES or NO (circle one) Entered into website on:______________ By: ______________