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Omae2006 92153
Omae2006 92153
which a particular method will converge. When the starting damping forces, FD(t) = CU; FInt(t) are the internal forces,
estimate is outside this interval, convergence cannot be FInt(t) = F(U); and FExt(t) are the external forces, FExt(t) = R, all
obtained without introducing special procedures. These of them being time-dependent. Denoting by n the current time
convergence enhancement schemes are usually limited in scope increment, the semi-discrete finite element equations of motion
and highly specialized so that their effectiveness is quite for time increment n + 1 may be written as
** *
restricted. The interval of convergence is highly problem- MUn+1 + CUn+1 + F(Un+1) = Rn+1 (5)
dependent and sensitive to variations in the solution method. In where M is a mass matrix, C is the damping matrix, F is the
most situations this interval is not explicitly calculated. The internal force vector and R is a vector of external loads. The
second problem is the need for making an initial estimate of the ** *
parameters U, U and U represent the acceleration, velocity and
solution. This boils down to requiring the very thing that is
displacement vectors, respectively. It should be noted that
being sought. A common means of starting a Newton-Raphson
(0) internal force vector F is a function of the displacement as
solution is to assume; Un+1 is zero and use the initial geometry
F(Un+1) = K0Un+1 + Q0(Un+1) (6)
to calculate a linear step. Quite often the stiffness matrix in the
initial configuration is singular or very ill-conditioned. This where K0 represents the linear stiffness matrix and Q is a
means that the first step cannot be solved or the solution will be vector of non-linear terms which may arise from
very far from the starting configuration. It is also quite likely to geometric/material non-linearities, contact/boundary conditions
be far from the correct solution. This ill-conditioning can be and follower forces. The solution of equation (5) may be
compensated for to some extent by introducing an artificial obtained by employing any one of the many direct time
stiffness. Even with this artificial stiffness there is no guarantee integration algorithms.
that a solution starting from a very poor quality initial Conventional Explicit Solution Method
configuration will lead to a first step result that is anywhere The use of an explicit, rather than implicit, time integration
near the correct solution. Without that guarantee, there is a technique to solve the semi-discrete system of equations given
strong likelihood that additional iterations will diverge. by equation (5) is attractive for parallel computations. Central-
The Idea of Dynamic Relaxation difference approximations are typically employed for the
Dynamic relaxation (DR) is a technique by which the static derivatives. That is,
solution is obtained by determining the steady-state response to ** 1
Un = 2 (Un-1 - 2Un + Un+1) (7)
the transient dynamic analysis for an autonomous system. In h
this case, the transient part of the solution is not of interest, * 1
only the steady-state response is desired. Since the transient Un = 2h (Un+1 - Un-1) (8)
solution is not desired, fictitious mass and damping matrices Substituting these approximations into equation (5), the
which no longer represent the physical system are chosen to following equations for displacement at time n + 1 may be
accelerate the determination of the steady-state response. These obtained
matrices are redefined (using existing equations) so as to
produce the most rapid convergence. A clear advantage is ⎛ 12 M + 1 C⎞Un+1 = Rn - F(Un) + 22 MUn
⎝h 2h ⎠ h
gained through this static-to-dynamics transformation; the (9)
1 1
dynamic term(s) (inertia and damping) acts as the conditioning - ⎛ 2 M - 2h C⎞Un-1
mechanism and the problem of an ill-conditioned tangent ⎝h ⎠
stiffness matrix disappear. where h is the time step. These equations are linear (even
The idea of dynamic relaxation has been exploited widely for non-linear problems), and the left-hand side matrix is
in a variety of structural analysis. A history of DR and the constant unless the time step h changes during the solution
development of an adaptive algorithm have been presented by process. Also, if diagonal mass and damping matrix are used,
Underwood [4]. these equations represent an uncoupled system of algebraic
equations in which each solution component may be computed
GOVERNING STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS EQUATIONS independently. For transient dynamic analysis, a time history of
In dynamic analysis the governing semi-discrete equations displacement (system response) is sought. Mass and damping
of motion are obtained by considering the static equilibrium at vector that best model the physical properties of the system are
time t which includes the effect of acceleration-dependent used. Techniques for estimating the maximum allowable time
inertia forces and velocity-dependent damping forces in step are available, such that the time step size may change
on the integration parameters, γ and β, and time step, h. vector of external loads. The vectors U, U and U represent the
Equation (15) shows that although the tangent stiffness matrix, acceleration, velocity and displacement vectors, respectively.
KT, may be ill-conditioned, presence of the dynamic terms Internal force F is a function of the displacement and may be
assembled on an element-by-element basis.
prevents the resultant tangent stiffness matrix, KTE, from
A diagonal mass matrix obtained by mass lumping, as well
becoming ill-conditioned. Equilibrium iteration on equation
as diagonal mass-proportional damping matrix are used in this
(14) are initiated at each time step until we achieve
(k) (k -1) research. This approach has significant computational
|| DUn+1 || ≤ eU ; || DR n+1 || ≤ eR (18) advantages. It leads to an uncoupled system of algebraic
DYNAMIC RELAXATION METHOD equations in which each solution component may be computed
independently. The need for assembly and factorization of
A procedure for moving towards a correct solution from a
global matrices is therefore avoided. The lumped mass
nonequilibrium starting guess involves the use of dynamic
technique also improves performance of the algorithm.
equations. The starting guess with zero velocities is taken as
requirements are very low. An estimate of the minimum eigenvalue may be obtained
The objective of a static analysis using DR is to obtain the from the following mass-stiffness Rayleigh quotient
steady-state solution of the pseudo-transient response. The l0 @ (Wn)T K*n Wn / (Wn)T MWn (32)
mass and damping parameters need not represent the physical where Wn is a selected weighting matrix. For linear
system. Instead, they are defined so as to produce the most
rapid convergence to a steady-state solution, where problems K*n is equivalent to the linear stiffness matrix K0. For
convergence herein is based on a relative error of the force non-linear problems, (K*n)ii represent the diagonal estimators of
imbalance or the directional stiffness after step n and are given by
Figure 1 – Offloading floating hose scheme Figure 5 – Static stable configuration (without current,
The pre-processing interface automatically generates an with initial imperfection)
arbitrated initial configuration that consists of a straight line In summary, three static stable configurations were
resting in the water surface. The initial mesh that corresponds obtained: the first one under the action of current, and the other
to this initial configuration is completely free of loads, without two without current.
initial tensions or curvatures. Prescribed displacements are then When current load is not applied, the line remains in the XZ
automatically applied to move their connections to the user- plane. That configuration, besides generating compression in
specified positions, as shown in Figure 2. At this time, some the line, generates curvatures and excessive moments in the
options are available, such as, to apply or not the current load; proximities of their connections. The convergence of DRM is
to use adaptive strategies in the solution procedure, or to hindered and a small loss of efficiency is seen in the solution
manually specify the analysis parameters. procedure.
The introduction of the imperfection in the initial straight
mesh caused the line to leave the XZ plane, forming an "S"
shape in the XY plane. In that configuration, compression is
practically eliminated and the curvatures are reduced. However,
this "S" configuration is not adequate for the subsequent
Figure 2 – Initial mesh dynamic analysis that will consider all environmental loadings
The first result to be presented is the final configuration including current. The significant flexural stiffness hinders the
under action of self weight, buoyancy and current, shown in line to assume its actual position under current action, similar
Figure 3. to the one shown in Figure 3, determined by the DRM with the
application of current.
When current is applied, the generation of the static
configuration is simpler, the solution procedure is more
efficient and the final configuration is adequate for the dynamic
analysis to be done subsequently.
Lazy-S Riser
Figure 3 – Static stable configuration (with current)
Next, two alternative strategies are used to obtain the stable Figure 6 presents a typical model of a Lazy-S riser
configuration of the line without application of current. In this configuration. This configuration presents an intermediate
case, the effect of introducing initial arbitrary imperfections is section passing through an arch with floaters (whose buoyancy
studied. alleviates the weight supported by the floating unit, and
contributes with restoring moments under lateral loads). It also
Firstly, Figure 4 presents the static configuration assumed includes a tendon that supports the buoyancy of the floaters.
by the line without the application of any imperfection to the
initial mesh. It is seen that the line remains in the vertical XZ The Lazy-S model can be seen as three interconnected
plane. lines: a catenary line connecting the platform to the floaters
(with a length of 100.0 m), a tendon (with a length of 71.1 m),
Then, another analysis is performed imposing a small and catenary line connecting the floaters to the seabottom,
imperfection to the straight mesh (a sine wave, with amplitude (120.0 m length). The discretization of the lines employs a FE
1x10-8m in the horizontal XY plane). That imperfection makes mesh with 176 nodes and 177 elements. The environmental