PDP Final Assignment 2024
PDP Final Assignment 2024
PDP Final Assignment 2024
As you remember, your PDP is 30 points of your Gateway grade. You receive your grade score once you have
submitted this final reflection.
Read these instructions carefully. The deadline for all PDP final versions is on Sunday 17.3. 23.59 Do note that I will
not accept any submissions at all by email if you miss the deadline.
Reflect on your personal development this semester in writing.
Use the questions below to help you.
Use academic references in Harvard style to relevant study skills sources to support the points you make.
This is not a formal academic report so you can use the personal pronoun “I”. However, do not be sloppy, and
observe spelling and grammar conventions. You will lose points for sloppiness.
1. Choose something you did really well this semester. Why and how did you do this well? What did this teach
you about yourself?
2. Choose one major difficulty you had and which you overcame this semester. Why was it difficult and how did
you overcome it?
3. Choose a personal achievement you had this semester. Why was it an achievement and what did it teach
you about yourself?
The guidelines on the next page show how your final reflection is assessed. You will receive a grade only in OMA.
2 Descriptive Some questions raised and observations made of own personal development
writing but lacks depth or clarity. A descriptive account of the semester and progress
with some made which could have been more analytical and better clarified. Some
reflection distance from the events of the semester. Brief discussion of aims for personal
development in future. No reference to appropriate sources.