Asens 1978 4 11 4 471 0
Asens 1978 4 11 4 471 0
Asens 1978 4 11 4 471 0
A relation between automorphic representations of GL(2) and GL(3)
Annales scientifiques de l’É.N.S. 4e série, tome 11, no 4 (1978), p. 471-542
Some notations
We will denote by Gy the group GL (r), by B,. the standard Borel subgroup of GL (r)
(upper triangular matrices), by N,. the unipotent radical of By, and by Zy the center of G,..
On the other hand, we will denote by G the group SL (2), by B its standard Borel subgroup,
by N = N2 the unipotent radical group of B, and by A the subgroup of diagonal matrices
in G. Finally P will be the standard parabolic subgroup of type (2, 1) in G3 and U its
unipotent radical.
If F is a local non archimedean field, we denote by 9lp or ^ ^e ring of integers in F,
by ^PF or ^P its maximal ideal, and by £ a generator of ^.Finally we set K,. = GL (r, SRp)?
K = SL (2, 9lp). If F is archimedean the same notations will be used for the standard
maximal compact subgroups. When F is local, we will often write Gy, By, . . . for Gy (F),
Now suppose <T is an automorphic representation of GL (2, A), i. e., CT occurs in the
space of automorphic forms on GL (2). If (&„) is the corresponding family of conjugacy
classes in GL (2, C), define a family of conjugacy classes in GL (3, C) by
^mn~ 1 0 0
a^[ 0 1 0 if b^ . ,
\ 0 0 m^nj ^0 n -
Our main result then asserts that there is an essentially unique automorphic represen-
tation of GL (3, A)—the "lift of <r— whose corresponding family is (^y).
To see how this "lifting" appears as a special case of the more general conjectures of
Langlands the reader can consult [Bo], Roughly speaking, if Wy denotes the Weil-
Deligne group of F(,, and a = ® <jy, then each <7y corresponds (sometimes only conjectu-
rally) to a two-dimensional representation (py of Wy. So if p denotes the map
GL(2, C)——p—^GL(3, C)
PGL(2, C)
determined by the adjoint action of PGL (2, C), then (according to Langland's general
philosophy) the resulting three dimensional representation
po(p,: W,-^GL(3,C)
L^Ti^detO-^O -i
for almost all v. This product converges in some right half-plane. Moreover, if TT is
automorphic cuspidal, i. e., n occurs in the space of cusp forms, then L (s, n) continues to
a holomorphic function of s and satisfies a functional equation. For r = 2 or 3 there is
also a converse; (c/. [JPSS]). For each character % of the idele class group consider the
representation g i-» (g) % (dot (g)) (also denoted n ® %). Then if L (s, n ® %) satisfies the
above conditions for each %, 7t must be automorphic cuspidal.
Now recall that to each pair of irreducible representations (n^ n^) °f GL (2, A) one can
attach an infinite Euler product
L^Tri^XTC^^detCl-^fli^® fl2.i,)~S
for almost all v; (cf. [Ja]). Ifn^ and 71:2 are automorphic then this infinite product continues
to a meromorphic function of s and satisfies a functional equation In particular, if
TCi = a ® 5C and 71:2 = 5- (the contragredient), then:
where L (s, %) is the usual Hecke L-function attached to % and L^ (^, o, /) is a new Euler
product of degree 3. If TT is automorphic, then L^ (s, CT, %) is also meromorphic and
satisfies a functional equation. These facts are discussed in Sections 1 and 2.
In Section 3 we introduce a representation n of GL (3, A)—the "lift" of a—by requiring
At almost all places, <Jy is unramified, and the relation between n^ and Gy is the one already
explained. The situation at the remaining places is discussed in Section 3.
The fact that L^ (s, a, 7) has no poles at all is proved using the method of [Sh]. Our
main theorem then results from the converse theorem for GL (3) already alluded to.
To establish the holomorphy of L^ (s, <J, %) we generalize [Sh] by considering integrals
on the metaplectic group Mp (A). This group is an extension of SL (2, A) by the torus T
which splits over SL (2, F). Thus any form on SL (2, A) may be regarded as a form on
Mp (A). The "main integral" we consider is an integral over T SL (2, F)\(Mp (A)) of
the product a form on GL (2, A) belonging to 71, an Eisenstein series on Mp (A), and a
form on the metaplectic group given by a theta series. In Sections 5 and 6 we show that
this integral decomposes as a product of integrals over local metaplectic groups and equals
La (s, a, 5c) for a suitable choice of functions involved. Thus we need only analytically
continue the Eisenstein series. This is carried out in Section 8 after analyzing the "constant
term" in Section 7.
Actually, our paper deviates a bit from the simple scheme just outlined-for technical
reasons discussed within the text. We also have to complete the results of [JPSS] in
Section 4.
Many of the results of this paper were announced earlier by us in [GeJ 2]. We are
grateful to Arletta Havlik, Joanne Martin, Margeret Reif and Diana Shye for their expedi-
tious typing of the manuscript. The second-named author would also like to thank
R. P. Langlands for pointing out the results of Corollary 1.7, and W. Casselman for
bringing to his attention the results of Theorem 2.2.
In this Section (and the next) we complete the theory of automorphic forms on
GL (2) x GL (2) developed in [Ja]. In particular, we describe the poles of L (s, n^ x n^)
both locally and globally. Although some of our results are not used later in this paper
they all seem to be of independent interest.
(1.1) Let F denote a local non-archimedean field, q the cardinality of the residue class
field, Vp or v the normalized valuation on F, and [ [p or | | the corresponding absolue
value. Then | x |p = q~v °°. When convenient, we also let let a? or a denote the absolute
value. By v|/p or \|/ we denote a fixed non-trivial additive character of F.
If (Tii, TT^) is a pair of irreducible admissible infinite-dimensional representations of
GL (2, F) then L {s, n^xn^) will denote the Euler-factor defined in [Ja].
In this section we shall recall the definition of L (s, n^ x n^) and complete the results
of [Ja] by computing this factor in all cases.
Let IT (jr,; \]/p) denote the Whittaker model of TT; (with respect to v|/p). Recall that this
is a space of functions W on GL (2, F) satisfying the following properties :
(1.1.1) IT (TCf; \l/p) is invariant for the right action of G^ (F) and the resulting repre-
sentation of G^ (F) on "W (TC,; \|/p) is equivalent to TT,;
(1.1.2) for each W in ^ (n,; \|/p):
/I 0\
"'(o -1}
Then the factor L (s, n^xn^) arises as the "g. c. d." of these integrals. More precisely,
these integrals converge for Re (s) sufficiently large and define rational functions of ^~ 5 ;
since the subvector space of C (^-s) spanned by them is a fractional ideal of C [y"5, q5]
which contains 1 it has a unique generator of the form P~ 1 (^-s) with P e C [^~5] and
P(0) = 1: this generator is-by definition— L(s, n^xu^).
Recall also that if W is mi^ (n^; vj/p) then the function W defined by
(1.1.4) W(g)=W[u/g- 1 ], ^ = ( ^ ^)
belongs to the Whittaker model 1^ (S,; \|/p) of the representation 7t, contragredient to TC,.
Finally the factor s (s, n^ x n^; ^p)— which is a monomial in g^—is defined by the func-
tional equation:
is the Fourier transform of 0 (with respect to the self-dual Haar measure). Denote by
CD( the central quasi-character of n^
PROPOSITION (1.2). - Suppose 7i2 is super cuspidal. Then the poles of L (s, n^ x n^) are
simple. If a5 ® 71:1 denotes the representation g\-> \ detg ^n^ (g) then SQ is a pole of
L(s, n^xu^) if and only if Vs0 ® n^ is equivalent to n^9
Proof. — It is clear that SQ is a pole of L (s, n^ x n^) if and only if it is a pole
? (s, W\, W^, 0) for at least one choice of W^, W^, and 0. Moreover, the multiplicity
of SQ as a pole of L (s, n^ x n^) is the maximum multiplicity of SQ as a pole of each of these
By Iwasawa's decomposition,
—'[Co ?)]
has compact support in F". Thus every pole of ^ must come from the integral defining/.
In particular, if SQ is a pole, then SQ is a simple pole, and a250 = (®i 0)2)-1.
So suppose now that SQ satisfies a250 = (©i 0)2) ~1. Then
b (Wi, W2) = f Wi (g) W2 (TI g) I det g Is0 dg.
Thus .SQ is a pole of L (s, n^ x n^) if and only if the bilinear form b is not identically zero.
Note that integrand defining b is indeed invariant on the left by N3 (F) Z^ (F) and compactly
supported mod N2 (F) Z^ (F). But since TT, acts by right translations in i^ (n^ \[/),
Thus if .So is a pole of L (.y, CTI x 02), 6 is non-zero and a50 ® 7Ci is contragredient to n^-
Conversely, suppose (Xs0 ® 71^ ^ ^2. Since we may replace the pair (71:1, n^) by
(Tii ® a^ 7i2 ® oi'O, we may assume without loss of generality that ©2 is unitary. Then
7i2 is preunitary, and a50 ® n^ is imaginary conjugate to TT^. In particular, if W\ is in
'(^ ^p)? Aen the function g^\deig^°W^(g) belongs to ^ (TT^; vj/p). But the
function g i-> W^ [r| g'] also belongs to i^ (n^; il/p). Therefore b is not identically zero,
and SQ is a pole.
L(S, 71X71) =(1-^- 25 )^ 1 .
Proof. — The number ^o is a pole of L (s, n x TT) if and only if n ® a30 w 71. But this
relation implies a250 = 1, that is a50 = T| or 1. Since the poles ofL are simple, the Corol-
lary follows.
For completeness, and future reference, we now give the values of L and e when n^ is
not supercuspidal.
PROPOSITION (1.4). - Suppose 7i2 = TC (|^, v^) (using the notation o/[JL], § 3). Then:
8(5, TCi X7t2; \1/) = 8(S, TTi ® ^; ^F)s(s, 71:1 ® V 2 ; vl/p).
(1.4.2) L(5, Tli X7l2) = L(S, TTi (g) ^2), L(s, TCi ^2) = L(s, ^l ®V2' 1 )
8(S, TCi X7t2; \|/F) = e(s, Tli ®jl2; \MS(S, 7ti ® V 2 ; ^p) - , s> nl ^2 '
L(S, TTi ®V2)
Similarly the "g. c. d." of the integrals ^ (s, W^, ^2, 0) with Wi and W2 in the same
spaces is
L(s, n^^1)^, ^2 ®vi- 1 ) = L(s, vi^y^)^ v^v^)
L(S, 7liX7C2)/L(s, Vl~ l V2 1 )L(5, Hi' 1 ^ 1 )
are polynomials. To see that they are identically one—as we must- we observe that
appropriate functional equations imply that the quotients L (1 —s, n^xu^)/^ (s, n^xn^)
L(l-s, v^v^^L^-s, ^v^1)/!^, Hi^2)L(s, Vi^)
can differ only by a constant times a power of ^-s. But the second quotient has coprime
numerator and denominator. Thus the required identities follow.
Remark (1.4.4). - If n is the one-dimensional representation g h-» p, (det g) then it can
be denoted ^(pa172, ^la"172) as in [JL] (p. 104). Thus one can use (1.4) to define the
factors L and e for all pairs of irreducible admissible representations of G^ (F).
(1.5) Recall that (conjecturally) there is a bijection between the set of classes of 2 dimen-
sional representations of the Weil-Deligne group of F and the set of classes of admissible
irreducible representations of G^ (F). This bijection, denoted
(1.5.3) L(s,7i(a)®x)=L(s,CT®x),
(1.5.4) L(s, ?c(or) ®x) = L(s, a ®x),
(1-5.5) £(s,7t(a)(x)5C;v|/)=8(s,CT®5C;\|/);
(c/. [De]); the factors on the left are those of [JL] and the ones on the right are those
of [De], [La 2].
According to the conjectures of Langlands one should also have
The factors on the left are now the ones described in (1.1) and the ones on the right are
again those of [De], [La 2].
We note that (1.5.6) and (1.5.7) follow from (1.4) except when both or and T are irredu-
cible representations of the Weil-group. In that case the existence of n (or) and n (r) is
perhaps not yet known. Nevertheless we have the following proposition (which completes
Corollary 19.16 of [Ja]):
Thus it suffices to prove (1.5.6). Since there is no harm in assuming a and T unitary and
irreducible, n (a) and n (r) can also be taken to be preunitary and super cuspidal.
If SQ is a pole of L (s, CT ® r) then the representation a50 0 a is equivalent to the repre-
sentation ? ([JL], Lemma 12.4); thus SQ is purely imaginary, and the rational fraction
L(5, CT®T)/L(1-S, CT®^)
is irreducible in the ring C [^"s, ^s]. But by Proposition (1.2) the same is true of
L (5, 71 (CT) X K (T))/L (1 - S, ?C (CT) X K (z)),
and since these fraction differ only by a unit C [^"-s, ^s], they have in fact the same nume-
COROLLARY (1.7). — Suppose a and T are as in (1.6). Ifn (a) ^ n (a), then a ^ T.
Proof. — Indeed 0 is a pole of L (*?, 71 (a) x n (?)). Since T? (r) = TT (?) and the pair (a, ?)
satisfies the assumptions of (1.6) we find that 0 is also a pole of L (s, a ® ?). Thus our
conclusion follows again from [JL] (Lemma 12.4).
(1.8) Suppose a and T are "dihedral representations" of the Weil group Wp. This
means that there are separable quadratic extensions K and H of F, quasi-characters %
and 9 of K^ and W so that
(1.8.1) a = Ind(WF, WK, x) and T = Ind(WF, WH, 9).
Then n (a) and n (r) exist and (1.5.6) and (1.5.7) are satisfied. This is clear by (1.4.1)
if either a on T is reducible. Otherwise it follows from (1.6).
In particular, if the residual characteristic of F is not 2, the bijection cr \—> n (c) exists
and the relations [(1.5.6), (1.5.7)] apply to all pairs of representations.
(1.9) Now we complete the results of [Ja] (§ 20) (although this will not be needed later
in the paper). Let K be a separable quadratic extension of F and set \|/K = ij/p o Tr^/p-
Then for any quasi-character 9 of F^,
Here ig is the quadratic character of F^ attached to K and X (K/F, \|/p) is a contant whichs
depends on the extension and the choice of \|/p (cf. [JL], p. 6).
(1.9.4) for any quasi-character % of K",
L(l-s, K g)^"1)^, K ®%)
is monomial for all 50. Since this can happen only if n is supercuspidal ([JPSS], § 7),
Examples (1.9.6). - In the Table below, the representation on the right is a base change
lifting of the representation on the left.
(2.1) In this section F will denote a global field and \|/ = ]"[ \K, a non-trivial additive
character of A/F. By TC,, i = 1,2, we denote an irreducible admissible representation of
(the Hecke algebra of) G^ (A), with central quasi-character co,. We assume co» is trivial
on F". Then 7 1 , = ® n^ „ and we set:
(2.1.1) L(s, Tii x 712) = n L(s, TCi, „ x 712,»,),
(2.1.2) L(s,TCiX7T2)=nM^l.i,><^2.,^
for almost all v. Note that this condition is always satisfied (with c = 1/2) if n^ and n^
are preunitary. In any case (2.1.5) implies (2.1.1) and (2.1.2) converge absolutely in
some half-plane Re (s) > SQ. As for (2.1.3), it is actually independent of \|/ and almost
all its factors are equal to 1; in particular, as a function of s, it is just a constant times an
exponential function of s.
THEOREM (2.2). — (1) Suppose Tii and n^ ^re automorphic. Then the functions
L (s, TCi x n^) and L(s, n^ xn^)—originally defined only in some half-plane—continue as
meromorphic functions to C.
(2) IfF is a number field these functions have only finitely many poles and are bounded at
infinity in vertical strips. If¥ is a function field whose field of constants has Q elements
then they are rational functions o/Q~ 5 .
(3) These functions satisfy the functional equation
(4) If Tti is cuspidal but n^, ls not ^^ L (s, n^ x n^) is entire, ffiti and n^ are cuspidal
then the poles ofL, (s, 711 x 71:2) are simple. Moreover SQ is a pole if and only if
a50®^!^^ or
a1"50 ®7Ti =7C2.
Proof. — Suppose n^ is not cuspidal. Then by Theorem (10.10) of [JL] there are two
quasi-characters p, v of F^/F^ such that for all v, n^,^ is a component of the representation
P (IV ^ of ^2, v induced by the quasi-character of B^ y given by the pair (|y v,,) (loc. cit.).
Actually, if p (|Xy, Vy) is irreducible then n (^, v^) = p (^, v,,); if not, then p (|^, Vy) has
two irreducible components n (\iy, Vy) and CT (\iy, Vy). If ^ly, Vy are unramified then n (|A(,, v,,)
is unramified. In any case, for almost all v,
{ ^2.*;='"^^
L(5, 7I;i^ X TT^^) =L(S, 7Ti^,®^)L(s, Tr^^V^),
L ( 5 , ? C i ^ X T C 2 ^ ) = L ( 5 , TCl^®^ l )L(5, 7Ti^®V^ 1 ),
S(S, ^.^^^^^(^l^®^ ^S^Tli^^V^; Vl/j.
£ ( ^ ^ l . i , ® V ^ ; \l/„)L(l-5•,7Tl^®V^," l )/L(^7I;l^®V„),
as can be checked directly. Thus our assertion follows from the known analytic properties
of L (s, Tti ® n) and L (^ Tii ® v). (Corollary 11.2 w [JL].)
Suppose now both n^ and n^. are cuspidal. By Theorem 19.14 of [Ja] it suffices to
prove (4). For W^I^TI,; \|/) (notations of [JL], § 10 and § 11) and 0 a Schwartz-
Bruhat function on A2, define an integralx? (s, W\, W^, 9) by (1.1.3) the integral now
being on N^ (A)\G^ (A). These integrals converge in some right half-space and L (s, n^ x n^)
is a linear combinaison of integralsx?. Conversely, at least for <D in a certain dense subset,
each integral ^¥ is equal to the L-factor times an entire function ofs.
Now set
',\(: °u
^-.rfs ;>]-
Then (p, is a cusp form which belongs to a space realizing the representation n^ Consider
also for each quasi-character co of F^/F^ the Eisenstein series E (g, 0, CD, s) defined by
/(g)=f^[(0,0g]|^| 2s co(0d^.
Then, for Res large enough,
(cf. [Ja], § 19.) This shows the left hand side is meromorphic. Moreover, if SQ is a pole
of the left hand-side, it is a pole of the Eisenstein-series. Thus SQ is a simple pole and
yi -2so ^ ^ ^ Qj. o^2so == coi'1 coj1. In the first case
is not identically zero, that is, a50 (X) 711 is equivalent to n^ - Conversely if SQ is any number
such that a50 (x) n^ ^n^ Aen a50 = (©i 0)2) ~ 1 and the above argument applies. The
other case is handled similarly.
(2.3) We can now complete the global results of [Ja] (§ 20). Suppose n is an admissible
irreducible representation of the (Hecke algebra) of G^ (F^) and K is a separable quadratic
extension of F. Then an admissible irreducible representation II of G^ (K^) is said to
be a base-change lifting of n if the following conditions are satisfied:
(2.3.1) Suppose v is a place of F which splits in K, with w^ w^ the corresponding places
of K, so that F, ^ K^ ^ K,, and G^,, ^ G^, „ ^ G^, ^; then TT, ^ n,, ^ II,,.
(2.3.2) Suppose ms a place of F which does not split in K, and w is the place of K above
v, so that Ky, is a quadratic extension of Fy; then 11^ is a base change lifting of Tiy in the
sense of (1.9) above.
Suppose % is a character of K^/K". Ifi; is a place of F which does not split let
TCy = n (<j^) [using the notation of (2.3.2)]; otherwise let n^ = n (/^, %^) [notation of
(2.3.1)]. Then set n (c^) = ® Tiy. It is clear that n (o^) admits a lifting II; indeed
IL, = 7t (X«?» X'J where 50' is the conjugate of ^ under the action of the Galois group.
One can show that both n (o-^) and 11 are automorphic; ([La 5]). If n is automorphic
cuspidal but not of the form n (c^) then the following is true:
PROPOSITION (2.3.3). — Let n be an automorphic cuspidal representation of G^ (F^)
not of the form n (<7^). Then n admits a base change lifting II to G^ (K^) and H is
automorphic cuspidal.
Proof. — Let S be the set (finite and possibly empty) of places v of F of residual charac-
teristic 2 where n^ is supercuspidal but not of the form n (c^) [here 50 is a quasi-character
of K^ and we use the notations of (2.3.2)]. If v does not split and is not in S then TT(,
admits a lifting 11^. If v is in S (and does not split) then by Theorem (20.6) of [Ja] we
at least know there exists a representation 11^ satisfying the conditions of Lemma (1.9.5).
So by this same Lemma, 11^ is actually a lifting of TC«, and we conclude n has a lifting II.
Since we may assume n to be preunitary it is easily checked that 11 is preunitary and the II y,
are infinite-dimensional. Moreover (cf. (20.6) of [Ja]),
L(5, 11 ® 50) = L(S, 71 X 7T(<7^)),
It follows now from (2.2) that L (s, II ® a^ is entire, bounded in vertical strips if F
is a number field, and satisfies
L(s, n ®x) = s(s, n ®5c)L(i-s, n ®x~ 1 ).
Thus our conclusion follows from [JL] (Th. 11.3).
Remark (2.3.4). - From the "strong multiplicity" one theorem for G^ it follows that 11
is indeed the base change lifting of n as defined in [La 4].
. L(s,(g®x)xa)
L2(s, a, 50) = —————-——•
L(s, x)
(3.1) Let F denote a local field and \|/F = \|/ a non-trivial additive character of F. For
each irreducible admissible representation a of G^ (F), set
We note that the factors on the right side have been defined for all a and all F [(1.4.4)
and (1.10)].
Definition 3.1.3. — Let n be an admissible irreducible representation of
We note that if the last condition is satisfied for one choice of \|/, then by (i) it is satisfied
for all choices of \(/. Moreover if n is a lift of a, it is also a lift of CT ® % f^ any 7 and,
in particular, o f G ^ a ^ c o " 1 , ® denoting the central quasi-character of a.
PROPOSITION 3 . 2 . — Suppose F is archimedean. Then any CT admits a lift n, unique up
to equivalence.
Proof. — Let us denote by Tt-^7i(T) the "natural" bijection between the semi-simple
representations of degree n of the Weil-group Wp and the irreducible admissible repre-
(3.2.3) IT=IT(X).
(3.2.4) O^^^^T^®?.
(3.2.5) det(X)=l,
and—since the central quasi-character of 7i(X) is det (X)-we see that condition (i) is
satisfied. From (3.2.4) one concludes that
(3.2.6) r'=5i.
So since n (X") == n (X)", we also see that condition (ii) is satisfied. Now note
(3.2.6) L(s,(7C®5c)x7c)=L(s,(T®x)®?),
e(s, (7t ® /) x it; \[/) = e(5, (r ® /) ® ?; \|/).
(3.2.7) (T®x)®?=(T®?)(S)X=(^0X)ex.
So comparing (3.2.6), (3.2.8), (3.1.1), and (3.1.2) we see that condition (iii) is also
The uniqueness follows from the following Lemma, whose tedious but straightforward
proof is left to the reader.
LEMMA (3.2.9), — Suppose that K and V are semi-simple representations of degree 3
o/Wp. Suppose moreover that det (K) = det (X'),
L(5, K ®5c) = L(s, K' ®x), L(s, i ®5c) = L(s, X' ®/),
4® SERIE — TOME 11 — 1978 — N° 4
e(s, ^®X;v|0=e(s, ?i'®5c;\|/) for all %.
Then ^ ^ ^
In the non-archimedean case we will eventually manage to prove a result analogous to
Proposition 3.2. For the time being, however, we content ourselves with the following
weaker result.
PROPOSITION 3.3. — Suppose F is non-archimedean.
(1) If a lift ofo exists, it is unique up to equivalence.
(2) If a is not an "extraordinary representation", then a admits a lift.
(3) If <J is extraordinary and admits a lift n, then n is cuspidal.
Proof. — The first assertion follows from Definition (3.1.3), and Lemma (7.5.3) of
Recall that an extraordinary representation is a cuspidal representation which is not of
the form n (r) where T is a two-dimensional induced representation of Wp. If CT is not
extraordinary, then a = n (r) where T is a two-dimensional representation of the Weil-
Deligne group. Then (3.2.4) to (3.2.5), as well as (3.2.7) and (3.2.8) still hold. In
principle, the lift n of a is given by (3.2.3). But since TT (K) has not yet been defined, we
give now an explicit description of the lift of CT.
Suppose first that T is a representation of the Weil group. Suppose moreover that
(3.3.4) T = H i © U 2 , ^=Xi<A with ^<=R, ^ = 1.
Since ^ = ^•PF 1 © z ® l^r^ 1 this ^ows from [Go Ja] [Theorem (3.4)].
Now suppose t^—t^ ^ 0- We may assume ^ > ^ and then form the representation
(3.3.6). It may fail to be irreducible, but it always admits a maximal subrepresentation ^'.
The quotient representation n = ^ is then irreducible {see [Si] for instance) and
again we contend that n is a lift of CT. As before, (i) is satisfied. Now n can also be
obtained as the unique irreducible quotient of
(3.3.9) p=Ind(G3/B3;^.Hr^l,Hi.^
/O 0 1\
w== 0 - 1 0
\1 0 O/
(3.3.10) T=Ind(WF,WK,x),
But x.X'" 1 is a character. Thus \i is unitary. Moreover (x.x'"1)' = (X-X'" 1 )" 1 ? and
The representation n (n) is therefore unitary and isomorphic to its contragredient. Its
central character is T| and it is either in the principal series or cuspidal. It follows that
the induced representation
(3.3.14) 7r=Ind(G3,P;7c(H),ii),
where P is the parabolic subgroup of type (2, 1), is unitary irreducible. (C/. for instance
[JPSS], § 6.) We contend it is a lift of a. Indeed its central quasi-character is ri2 = 1,
and since ^ == r\, and n (u) = n (u), we get 71;=%. Finally (c/. [J 1]):
L(s, TC ®x) = L(s, 7i(u) ®x)L(s, r|5c) = L(s, ^ ®x)L(5, i^) = L(s, ?i ®%).
Since a similar relation is true for e, (3.3.8) [and hence condition (iii)] is satisfied.
Of course all our discussion so far applies to the archimedean case as well. Suppose
now T is a 2-dimensional representation of the Weil-Deligne group which is not a represen-
tation of the Weil group. Then a is special, that is of the form
Let 7i be the Steinberg representation of €3 (F), that is, the square integrable component of
Ind(G3,B3;a,l,a- 1 ).
That n satisfies (i) and (ii) is well known. As for condition (iii), it follows at once from
Theorem 7.11 of [Go J] and (1.4.3) of this paper.
Next suppose a is an extraordinary representation. We want to show first that
For this we appeal to the fact that a O ^ ^ o r i f ^ l . (<y [La 4], Lemma 5.16.) Thus
SQ is a pole of L (s, (a 00 x) x 5) it and only if a50 / = 1, that is, SQ is a pole of L (s, ^).
Our conclusion then follows. This being so, if n is a lift of <7, we get
L(s, 7i 00 x) = L(5, n ® x) = 1,
and it is easily checked that this can happen only if n is cuspidal. (Cf. [JPSS], § 7).
(3.4) Suppose a is unitary, but not one dimensional, the field F being archimedean or
not. For our purposes, it will be important to determine when n is unitary "generic";
this means (c/. [JPSS], § 6 and § 10) that the restriction of n to the subgroup
f / a b «\1
(3.4.1) P^ c d v }\
[\0 0 1 / J
The remaining discussion will apply to the archimedean and non-archimedean case as
well. We write <J = n (r) where T is a two-dimensional representation of Wp. If T has
the form (3.3.10), then n is given by (3.3.14) which is irreducible generic (loc. cit.). If T
has the form (3.3.4) and t^ = t^ then n is given by (3.3.6) which is irreducible generic.
So it remains only to examine the case where TT is in the complementary series, that is T
has the form (3.3.4) where x is a character and ^ = - ^ = t, 0 < t < 1/2. Then (3.3.6)
takes the form
^hKKGa.Ba^l.or 2 ^
Now the maximal subrepresentation ^ / of i; is nothing but the kernel of the intertwining
/^ \f(wng)dn, neNs.
It is then easy to determine ^' and TL One finds that i; is irreducible unless t = 1/4 in
which case
where 1^ is the trivial representation of G^ and 1 the trivial representation of F-^. The
representation n is then unitary but not generic.
If 0 < t < 1/4, then the representation n (a2^ a" 2 ^ is unitary in the complementary
series. Since ^ is irreducible,
and this shows that n unitary generic (Joe. cit.) If 1/4 < t < 1/2 then n = ^ is not unitary.
(3.5) Suppose F is non-archimedean and CT "quasi-unramified". This means that
CT = GO ® % where <7o is unramified, that is contains the trivial representation of
Ka = GL (2, Rp). Then <r = n (a5150, a52 /) = n (r), where T = a51 7 © a52 50. As we
have seen, a admits a lift n = TT (X) where X = a51""52 © 1 © a52"51. More precisely, n
is the only irreducible quotient of
^hKKGs^a^l.a 52 - 51 ),
and 7i contains the trivial representation of K3 = GL (3, Rp), that is, n is unramified.
Note that if % is also unramified then % = o^ and
(3.5.1) L2(5,CT,/)=L(5,7C®X)
and Qy, is the quasi-character conjugate to Qy,. On the other hand, if ^ = 1, then u
splits and, if w^ w^ are the two places of H above v, we have
Thus we see that n' = ® n'y is the representation attached to the character Q.Q'"1 of
H^/IF, where Q' is the conjugate of D. If O.Q'"1 = T| o NK/F where TJ is some character
of F^/F-", then
< = ^ (^\v^v%v\
^ = Ind(G3^, B3^; ri^, ^x^ Kv\
and TT = ® Tt,, is automorphic by [La 5]. Otherwise n' = ® TI;^ is automorphic cuspidal
and again TC = ® Tiy is automorphic (loc. cit.).
(3.8) Suppose CT is arbitrary automorphic cuspidal. Set
(3.8.2) £2(5,o,)=n£2(^,^,v|/,).
It follows from (3.5.1) that (3.8.1) converges in some right half-plane. On the other
hand almost all factors in (3.8.2) are one, and their product is an exponential function
of s which does not depend on v|/. This being so, the analytic properties of L (s, (a ® %) x a)
and L (s, %) imply that L^ (s, a, /) continues to a meromorphic function of s and satisfies
the functional equation
This Section collects some technical results about Whittaker models for representations
of GL (3, F) when F is archimedean. Thus F = R or C in this Section.
(4.1) In [JPSS] there is attached to every unitary generic representation n of €3 (F)
a space i^ (n; vl/p). However, in lifting unitary representations from G^ (F) to €3 (F)
irreducible representations arise which are not unitary generic. As we have seen, these
are precisely the representations of the form
More explicitly, such a representation is the unique irreducible quotient of the induced
(4.1.2) ^ = I n d (03^3;^, 1,0^).
What we are going to do now is define a space i^ (n; vl/p) for representations of the form
Let i^ be the space of C°° functions/on G^ (F) such that
/O 0 1\
w = 0 -1 0 ;
\1 0 O/
4° SERIE — TOME 11 — 1978 — N° 4
this integral converges absolutely and uniformly for g in a compact set. We let IT (n; \|/)
be the space spanned by the functions (4.1.4) for/e V.
LEMMA (4.1.5). — The map f\-> Wj is a bijection.
Proof, - Suppose W^ = 0. Then from (4.1.4) we get
Ih x 0\ 1
fv|/(~ax)dxf ,/ w 0 1 0 \ug \Q(u)du==0
J J U (F)
lO 0 1
for a = 1. Changing g to diag (a, 1, 1) g we get the same identity for a ^ 0. By conti-
nuity it is therefore true for a = 0. Thus we get from the uniqueness of the Fourier
f[wug]Q(u)du =0.
Changing g into
we find
JJ-/ H O 1 y gv|/(ax+P^)dz^=0
^0 0 1
for all a e F, P e F". As before, we find / = 0, which concludes the proof of (4.1.5).
Note that n ^ n. Moreover, as in [JPSS], if W is in ^ (n; \|/), then the function W
defined by
(4.1.6) W(g)=W[Wg- 1 ]
is still in "W (n; \|/) = i^ (n; \|/); this follows from thef act that the automorphism
g\->wtg~lw~l leaves invariant N3, 83, 6, and i;.
We also denote by i^o (7T? ^ ^ space of K^-finite elements miT (n; \|/). It is clear
that this space is invariant under right convolution by the elements of the Hecke-algebra
and the representation of the Hecke algebra on i^o (n^ ^) ls equivalent to i;; moreover,
since n is the unique irreducible quotient of ^, the representation ^ is semi-simple if and
only if it is irreducible. Then ^ = n and t -^ 1/2. If in addition i; is unitary generic
then 0 < t < (1/2). As in [JPSS] we set
(4.1.7) llgil^gl^ldetgl- 3 / 2 if F = R ,
=(Sg,,.^)(detgg)-3/2 if F = C .
LEMMA (4.1.8). — There is a number r > 0 such that any element W ofi^Q (n, \[/) is
dominated by g\-> \\ g\\1'. Moreover any element ofi^Q (n; \|/) is dominated by a gauge,
Proof, — The notion of gauge was introduced in [JPSS] (§ 8) and the second assertion
follows from the first (loc. cit.). To prove the first we observe that, given fei^ and a
compact set Q of €3 (F), there is a c > 0 such that
|/(g/i)|^c/o(g) for /ieQ;
here fo is the element of 'T such that fo (k) = 1 for k e K^. Note that fo > 0. Thus
80 |/i fe) | ^/i (^) || ^ H^ if '• is large enough, and our assertion follows.
We want also to replace n by a representation TC' = TC 00 ^ where / is a character. Then
7i' = TC ® 7~1. We define 'W (n'\ v|/) to be the space spanned by the functions
W ® x : g^W(g)x(detg),We-T(7r;vlO.
^ W - f r\(k)dk\ f(wnk)Q(n)dn.
J K3 J N3
It will suffice to show that this is a continuous linear form on i^. [Note (p (^) = X (^ (^)/)
i f W = Wy.] Of course ||/|| = Sup^ |/| defines the topology of-T. So the function fo
being as in the proof of (4.1.8), we have
Thus X is continuous.
Combining these remarks with lemmas (4.1.5) and (4.1.8) it becomes clear that the
proof of (9.2) and (11.2) in [JPSS] applies to the case at hand.
Our purpose in this section is to decompose into local factors an integral on the meta-
plectic group involving an Eisenstein series, a theta-function and a cusp form on G^.
Accordingly F will denote an A-field of characteristic not equal to 2, and G will denote
the group SL (2) regarded as an algebraic group over F.
(5.1) By Mp (A) we denote the (global) metaplectic group introduced in [We]. This
is a group of unitary operators in L2 (A) which fits into the sequence
(5.1.1) l-^T^Mp(A)^G(A)->l.
The sequence also splits over ^ (A) or, what amounts to the same thing, over ^ (A)
and ^ (A). The corresponding splitting homomorphisms
(5.1.4) t : ^-(A)->Mp(A) and d : ^(A)->Mp(A)
are given by
(5.1.5) t(^ ^.OM^vl/Qx^O^),
dk ^^(y^W2^).
Note that t agrees with rp on N (F) and d agrees with rp on A (F). Finally, if
w /\
WQ.^(X) = 0(—^c) where 0 is the Fourier transform of $ with respect to \|/, then
As in [Ge] we say that a function (p on Mp (A) is genuine if (p (Kg) = ^(p (g) for all
g e Mp (A) and X e T. Thus, if (pi and (p^ are genuine functions on Mp (A), the product
(pi. (p2 is invariant under T, and there is a functions/on G (A) such that (pi. ^ (g) = /(pr (^)).
Similarly | (pi | may be regarded as a function on G (A).
To prove ultimately that cuspidal representations of GL (2) lift to GL (3) we first need
to prove the following:
THEOREM 8.1. — Suppose a is cuspidal representation of GL(2, A) and % is a "highly
ramified" character of F^F^ (see (5.3) below). Then the Euler product of degree 3
defined by
^2 W X» ) — ——————————————
L(s, X)
is entire and bounded in vertical strips of finite width.
The proof of this Theorem will be lengthy. Thus it might help to explain it classical
significance as well as the ideas behind its proof. Suppose
/(z)= £a^ 2 -
is a holomorphic cusp form of weight k and character co. Suppose also that \|/ is a primi-
tive Dirichlet character of Z,
S^n-^nKl-a^-OO-P^- 5 )]- 1 ,
and \|/co (—1) = 1. Then in [Sh] Shimura proves that the Euler product
L,(^fc-l,/,^)=L,(.,a,x)= L(5?(a0x)xa) .
L(s, X)
6(z)= £ vK^2"1"22,
n= — oo
and E (z, s) is a certain real analytic Eisenstein series of "half-integral weight". Since
both sides of (*) define holomorphic functions of s for Re (s) sufficiently large, the problem
of analytically continuing L^ (s, /, v|/) is therefore reduced to the problem of analytically
continuing E (z, s).
To generalize Shimura's method we introduce functions on the metaplectic group
Mp (A) which generalize the functions f(z), Q (z), and E (z, s) in (*). We denote these
functions by (p (g), 9y (g), and E (g, s) respectively. The functions (p, Qxp and E are
invariant by r^ (G (F)) and our generalization of the integral in (*) is
As already indicated, our purpose in this Section is to prove that this "main integral"
can be expressed as the product of certain local integrals ly (s, Fy, ^y, Wy).
(5.2) Let MK denote the subgroup of Mp (A) which projects to the standard maximal
compact subgroup K of G (A). Let % be a character of F^/F^ and F a continuous function
on C x Mp (A). We will often write Fg (g) in place of F (s, g). We assume that for each
g e Mp (A), s \-> Ps fe) is holomorphic and Fg is MK-finite on the right, uniformly with
respect to s; in other words, there is a MK-finite function ^ on MK such that
'[(^ ^'H"^2^-
Thus (5.2.2) is dominated by the ordinary Eisenstein series
(5.2.3) S /z(yg),
and hence (5.2.2) converges absolutely for Res > (3/2), uniformly for (Re(^),^) in a
compact set. Consequently this series defines a continuous function on the set of pairs
(s, g) with Re s > (3/2); the resulting function s i-> E (g, s) is holomorphic, and
E(>F(Y)^s)=E(g,5) for yeG(F).
As on p. 329 of [JL] we may introduce the notion of a slowly increasing (resp. rapidly
decreasing) function on G(F)\G(A). If/is a genuine function on Mp (A) which is
invariant under rp (G (F)) on the left, we will say that/is slowly increasing (resp. rapidly
decreasing) if [/I—regarded as a function on G(A)—is slowly increasing (resp. rapidly
decreasing). For Res > (3/2), it is well known that the series (5.2.3) defines a slowly
increasing function on G(F)\G(A). Thus (5.2.2) is, for Re s> (3/2), a slowly
increasing function of g on rp (G (F))\Mp (A). In fact this condition is satisfied uni-
formly for Re (s) in a compact set.
Now suppose x? belongs to the Schwartz-Bruhat space y (A) and set
(5.2.4) 9^(g)= Efe.^)^).
Since (^g).O = ^fe.O) for ?ieT, this "theta-series" is a genuine function on Mp(A).
By the very definition of rp (5.1.3), it is also invariant on the left by rp (G (F)). Finally
it is slowly increasing (c/ [We]). Thus for Re s > (3/2),
may be regarded as a slowly increasing function on G (F)\G (A).
(5.3) Let CT be an automorphic cuspidal representation of G^ (A) whose central character
(o has module one. In particular, a is unitary. If (p is a (K^-finite) form belonging to
the corresponding space of cusp-forms, then q> is left G^ (F)-invariant, rapidly decreasing,
(5.3.3) L(s, 5C,) = 1 and L(s, (a, ®x,)xo,) = L(s, (a, ® ^ ') x ^) = 1.
4® S^RIE — TOME 11 — 1978 — N° 4
Given CT and 7 satisfying the above conditions we shall show in paragraph 6 that
(5-3-4) I^F^q^L^or,^
for F, x?, and (p appropriately chosen, and Re 0) sufficiently large. We shall also show
in paragraphs 7 and 8 that E (g, s) extends to an entire function of s if-in addition—
5C2 is ramified at a least one place. Thus it will easily follow that L^ (s, a, %) itself is
entire when % satisfies the above conditions.
In order to establish (5.3.4) we shall need to write the main integral as a product of
local ones. Although these integrals are taken over the local groups G,, = SL (2, F^),
we still need to introduce the local metaplectic groups before defining them.
(5.4) Let F now be a local field. The (local) metaplectic group Mp (F,,) is a group of
unitary operators on L2 (FJ which fits into the exact sequence
Here T is again the ordinary torus regarded as a group of operators in L2 (F) and the
sequence (5.4.1) again splits over B (F), N(F), and A(F). I f ^ . O again denotes the
image of ^ in L2 (F) under g in Mp (F), the splitting homomorphisms tp : N (F) —> Mp (F)
and dp : A (F) -^ Mp (F), noted also t and d, are defined by
C 5 - 4 ^) [^ ^].OM=vkF[|^2]o(3.)
(5A-^ d(a o
\ /
so that pr (wo) = w.
If F does not have residual characteristic 2, and if the conductor of vj/p is SRp, then the
sequence (5.4.1) splits over K = SL (2,7?p). The corresponding homomorphism
r^ : K —> Mp (F) is determined by the condition
(c/. [We], § 19). In fact if 0° denotes the characteristic function of SRp, then
It is also clear that r^ coincide with t and d on N (F) n K and A (F) n K respectively.
(5.5) Now let F be an A-field. For each place v of F we write ^, d^ pr,, for tp , rfp »
prp^; similarly if ^ is finite, does not have characteristic 2, and \|/y has exponent zero, we
write Yy for r^. Then there is a natural injection
(5.5.1) i,: G.^G(A)
of Gy as a pseudo-factor. Similarly there is a homomorphism
(5.5.2) ^: Mp(F,)->Mp(A)
determined by the condition
(5.5.3) ^(g.).^(x) = g..0,(x,). n <l>.OcJ
w ^y
(5.5.4) ,T t
is commutative. ^(^ G^
Let A = (A^) in G(A). For each v choose ^ in Mp (F^) so that pr^ (^) = A^. If h,
is in K.,, and ^ is defined, we may take gy = /•„ (Ay); let us agree to take this this choice for
almost all v. Then there is now exactly one element g of Mp (A) such that
(5.5.5) g.<i>(x) = n^.^(^), o = n<^.
t7 P
Moreover pr (g) = A. We write (^) for ^ [even though Mp (A) is not a restricted product
of the groups Mp (F(,)].
(5.6) We are now ready to return to the main integral (5.3.2). Let us take Re(s)
sufficiently large and compute formally. We can write the integral (5.3.2) as an integral
over T rp (G (F))\Mp (A). Then we can replace E by its expression (5.2.2) to get
-L ;Trp(B(F))\Mp(A)
where m e Mp (A) projects to k, k is integrated over K, x over F^ and a over F^. In view
of (5.2.1), this reads:
(5.6.2) [v^m^a^a^d-adk
W ^ W-W ^ W-
Now we recall that the function
^\[o i
has no constant Fourier coefficient, i. e.,
[(i M g
Moreover, if
UG 0
<P|(1 ' C )M^=0.
"J-Ki 04
W ( / 0 = U ( ^ ^)/»k(-x)dx,
<C ^l-J-K; i
^ ;)t]-J<(; O*]^-'^-
Taking (5.1.5) and (5.2.4) into account, we get that—for h = pr(g)-
-HO ^.^(-H^^
-E...-i-(oJ,[(; ^]*(|e«)*
^ 0
- SeF*
I; »-^©w I
0 L
= E g.y^w
S6F« 0 ^- 1
-^a 0
S v" a /
x FX
§6F« ^
d ;
o .i
e I w V U f l
\ tT^t-Nxxr
w - ^ ^ W |l 2-
i ^
y _ l _ l l
0 i; a
(5.6.8) F^^w^C^W ( 2 ° ()
)fe xWlal'" 1 ^^^
0 a-1/ ]
Finally, let co be the central character of o so that W transforms according to co. Then:
x ^ 0
.6.9) I = f ]
¥,(m)m. P(a)W\[ 2 \k [^^a^a^-1 cfadk, pr(m) = fe.
0 1,
Before justifying our steps, let us specify F,. For each place v we select a function
Pv,s(gv) on Mp(F^)xC such that
(5-6-12) F,(g)=nFsfe.).
Since almost all these factors are equal to L(2s, ^), the product in (5.6.12) converges
absolutely for Res large enough. In fact it continues to an holomorphic function of s
since f / 2 (by assumption) is not principal (it is ramified at some place v). We observe
also that
is for any k e MK a sum of functions of the form as1 e^ and for a fixed s belongs to a
finite dimensional space of right-invariant functions on MK, independent of s.
Let us recall also that W belongs to the spaced (cr; \[/) spanned by functions of the form
where W^ is miT (^; \[/y) for all v, and for almost all v is the unique element of^ (<jy; \l/y)
invariant under (and equal to one on) K^, y = GL (2, ^).
This being so, for F^ , as above, ^ in y (?„), and W^, ini^(a^ \|/^), we introduce the
local integral
(5.6.13) I,==I(5,F,,^,W,)
^IY^A o \ 1 . ]-^2._.
^v I o ^ f^v \ = i \ U v \ fv^v)9
(<y. [JPSS], § (2.3) and (8.3.3).) Furthermore, we may assume ^ = 1 s real, ^ == 1, and
^i == x^ = characteristic function of SR,, for almost all v. Then the integral (5.6.13)
is dominated by
c,L(25,x2.) f \a,\s~l-t^<ia)^(la2}dxa^.
JK^XF? \2 /
This shows that when Re s is large enough, the integrals (5.6.13) converge absolutely.
Similarly the integral on the right hand side of (5.6.9) is dominated by
IIc^^f ^-^^(a^P-a^adk
JKXFI \2 /
with x?1 = IPF,1, ^¥2 = y^. Thus it converges absolutely and is equal to the product of
the local integrals for Re s large enough.
Now we have to prove identity (5.6.9), for Re s large enough. Certainly we may
0 2 8
•{•(^H'o. -)'"]^'" ^ -
Going back over our computations we see that all our steps will be justified once we show
f -
HLVo0 ^)(S
HITS J S ^^^^a^ar^dxd-adk
W^ a
/ J
is finite for s real and large enough. But there is a c > 0 such that
Sy^ai^clal- 1 .
f, ,r/l x\(
x a u0 \\,"],
\/ a » I i.-3/2 i, «:,.
<G ^ ^^i"^
for | ^ | large, this is clear.
for Re s sufficiently large, % "highly ramified", and F,, ^F and q> appropriately chosen.
But both sides of (*) decompose as products over the places of F (the left side by Propo-
sitions (5.6.14), the right side by definition). Therefore (*) is actually a local assertion.
(6.1) Throughout this section, F will denote a local field of characteristic not two and
\|/F or \|/ will denote a fixed non-trivial character of F. If F = R we take \|/ (x) = exp (2 i n x)
and if F = C we take \|/ (z) = exp [2 f7c(z+z)]. By CT we denote a fixed irreducible
unitary generic representation of G^ (F), co its central character, and 7 a character of F^.
If F is non-archimedean and a is not quasi-unramified we assume that the ramification
of % ls so high that
(6.1.1) L(5, x) = L(5, x'1) = 1 and L^, a, x) = L,(s, a, x-1) = 1.
We will consider functions F (s, g) = Fs fe) of s eC and g e Mp (F) satisfying the follow^
ing conditions:
(6.1.2) F,[^ ^)i(; ^^(^r^cg]
foralloeF^ xeF, geMp(F);
(6.1.3) there is an entire function H (s) with values in a fixed, finite dimensional right
invariant space of continuous functions on MK such that
F, (fe) = L (2 5, x2) H (s) (fe) for all k e MK.
If F = R or C, H (s) is a polynomial in s times an exponential factor. If F is non-
archimedean H (s) is a polynomial in q'^ (f. In fact in all cases but the complex case F,
will have the form
(6.1.4) F,(g)==/,(pr(g))(g.0)(0),
where 0 is in y (F) (and MK finite) and/, is a function of s e C and g e G (F) such that
(6.1.7) i =JF-«XK
1= H1 - %(a- (a)f,(k)(m.^)(0)
[JF-«XK \a\s l l
Now we have already observed in (5.6) that such an integral converges for Re (s) sufficiently
large. Our purpose in this section is to prove:
(6.2) PROPOSITION. — For Re (s) sufficiently large, and appropriately chosen F, (orfs, 0
z / F ^ C), ^F, andW, the integral (6.1.6) equals L^ (s, a, %) times an exponential/actor.
The exact form of Fs (orfs and <D) will be needed for later reference. Moreover, a more
precise result will be needed in the "unramified situation" (see below). In the meantime
we make two useful remarks.
(6.2.1) Remark. — Replace a by a (x) T|. Then the L^-factor does not change. The
space IT (o-; \|/), however, does change in general; it is replaced by the space spanned by
the functions
W ® i i : g^W(g)ii(detg), We^a;^).
However, the functions W enters the integral only through their restrictions to the set
'\ °)G(F,
\0 I/
It follows that in proving (6.2) we may, without loss of generality, replace CT by <r ® r\.
(6.2.2) Remark. — Replace \)/ by i)»' where v|/' (x) = \|/ (ax) and a -f- 0. Then the group
of unitary operators Mp (F) does not change. The projection pr, however, is replaced
by another map pr', and there is a commutative diagram
(6.2.3) J |
where the second vertical arrow is the restriction to G (P) of the inner automorphism
(f. ••> A\ ( °\ ^ a - l ^
(6 2 4)
•• ^(o iM o i)
4° SERIE — TOME 11 — 1978 — N° 4
(6.2.5) | L
where t (resp. t ' ) is the splitting morphism defined by (5.4.3) and \|/p = ^ (resp. \|/F = ^/),
and the first vertical arrow is induced by (6.2.4). Note that (6.2.4) induces the identity
on A (F) and d does not depend on \|/. Moreover the inner automorphism (6.2.4) leaves
a invariant and takes the function W in^ Or; \|/) to the function
-<(s ;M°o-;)]
'a 0\
i^Y o lyj
( a - 1 OM
which is in IT (n; v|/'). Thus it follows that in proving (6.2) we may replace \|/ by \]/'.
Our proof will now proceed case by case.
(6.3) F is non-archimedean, a is quasi-unramified, % is unramified.
By remark (6.2.1) we may assume that <r is actually unramified. Suppose for the time
being the residual characteristic of F is not two. By remark (6.2.2) we may also assume
that the conductor of \|/ is 91^ ^e situation at hand is then the "unramified one". Let
Wo be the element ofi^ (a, \[/) which is one on K^ and invariant under K^. Take 0 = ^
to be the characteristic function Oo of SRp. Finally define / by
(6.3.1) /J(^ ^ i ^ ^ l ^ X ^ ^ ^ x 2 )
and what remains to be shown is that the sum of this series is L^ (s, a, %).L(2s, %2\-1
L(25,X 2 )=(1+X(^)^~ S )~ 1 (1-X(^)^~T 1 .
Thus our assertion follows from the following Lemma, whose proof is left to the reader:
LEMMA (6.3.4). — Let X denote an indeterminate. If
E^x^o-axr^i-px)- 1
E C2„X"=(l+apX)(l~a 2 X^ l (l-P 2 X^ l .
Suppose now F has residual characteristic 2. Let \|/o be a character whose conductor
is 91. We may assume \|/ (x) = vj/o (2 x) [Remark (6.2.2)]. Let/,, Oo. Wo be as before.
LEMMA (6.3.5). - There is c > 0 so that:
<; ^)-
with ^ e SR and let us integrate over 91. We find that the integral gets multiplied by
f vl/o(xa2)^.
Thus the integral vanishes unless a is in 91. For a = 0, it has some positive value c. So
it will suffice to show that the integral does not depend on a, provided a is in 91.
So assume a is in 91. Then the integrand is invariant under t (N n K) on the left. On
the other hand, Oo ^ invariant under t (N n K) and rf(A n K), so the integrand too is
invariant on the right for these groups. Thus there are two positive constants c^ c^ so
that the integral is:
x wot
[ [o ^o1).^)^ where p r ( w o ) = ( ^ ~^.
We also have
'1 z'
(t(1 ^o l y^oM=^o(2x)v^o(x 2 ^)|2| l / 2 .
(6.4.2) lO^O^W)^
for appropriately chosen/, 0, y, and W.
To prove this we introduce the function
K"=^ ^ e K | c = O m o d r } .
a b
/ , ( f e ) = {x(a) if
" k= (ac bdd)eK"'
0 otherwise.
Thus it remains to prove we can choose 0,x?, and W so that H (e, s) is a non-zero constant,
So choose y (a) equal to 70-1 (^) if a e ^ and zero otherwise. We assume 0 (0) ^ 0
and we choose W in such a way that
^1 .^
a^Wl^ °
\ 0 1
For our purposes it is convenient to single out the one parameter subgroups of Spa (R)
corresponding to the Lie algebra elements
/O 1\ . I T ( ^ 0\
(6.5.1) X , = ^ ;) and
and tl=
H=(; _^
'^[o o) [o -1}
These are the subgroups
(C/. (5,4.2) and (5.4.3).) Recall also that K = SO (2, R) [resp. MK n Spa (R)] is the
subgroup of G (R) [resp. Sp^ (R)] corresponding to the Lie algebra element
(6.5.3) =(V-i°^
As defined, the group Sp^ (R) is provided with a unitary representation on L2 (R); the
elements of y (R) are C°°-vectors and the corresponding action of the Lie-algebra on
them is given by
(6.5.4) X+.^OO^TC^OOO,
(6.5.6) U.O(^) = fTC/OOQ-f-^ -^000.
4n dy
(6.5.7) U.O=m.O
or, as we shall say, <I> is of weight n. Then 0 satisfies the second order differential equation
It follows that an orthogonal basis of eigenvectors for U is provided by the classical
Hermite functions
(6.5.8) 0,(x)=^-^H,(xy27i),
(6.5.9) ?=m+l/2.
TABLE (6.5.11)
"(Hi. Ha)
H2 = a". Hz = a 02 ^O^5^)^541'?)
"(Hi> ^2)
b. ''^ sgn rf^ 1 )^^ 1 ^-^)^ 54 - 1 ^-^)
Hi = a01, Hz = a
4> Ha)
a01 sgn
Hi =-a-sgn 1 r^W^^-^W^1^2-^)
H2 = a"
"(Hi, ^2)
-.4. t»2)
d. Hi = a°1
H,=a-sgn sgn r^)?^^-^)^^^-0^
H2 = a'2
II- — ?"2
(i(2)= 1 rf^V^+m)
"^'(zl^) ^l)^5^)
In this Table, the appropriate values of L (s, CT, ^) are given within an exponential
factor (c/. § 3 and [Ja], § 17). The function 0 (resp. ^¥) will be one of the functions (6.5.8)
TABLE (6.5.13)
Case wgt(/,) P wgt(O) wgr(T) wgt (W)
( 5^(1/2) \^s-(il2)\
\^^12)\ . _ ,
TI 1 ( ———— jl ( ———— ) cases a, a,
p+°°_ ,_ \ " ~\v 2 / / vV 2 / 7
.6.2) f ooxyG/^lar-
w /1
s 172
Jo ' ^,^fs+(312)\^s+(112)\
1 | ———— |1 ( ———— | cases b and c.
\ 2 j \ 2 j
To compute the other Mellin transform, recall that for any infinite dimensional represen-
tation <j of the form n (^i, (i^)? the space i^ (a; \|/) can be described in the following way:
for each 0 in <^ (F2) of the form exp (-71 (x2^-^2)) P (x, y)— where P is a polynomial—set
Then the elements ofi^ (a; \|/) are exactly the functions of the form
The integral may be divergent but may be given a meaning as in [JL] (§ 5). In particular
(6.6.5) W^ ^fo'C^x-^Hi.^'WHiO)!^ 1 7 2 ^^
(6.6.6) <S>\x,y)= \<S>(x,v)^[-yv]dv
^J 1^1 M
To get the right weight we take
J expexp(-7T(x
^ v^' yv)) =\ (- 7r(xl+ 2y+^
^2))(x+^)in cases a9 b9
in cases c, d
in cases a, b
V 2 M 2 ;
^ °w
. a (A^fe- 2 '"'^'"^ 2
\o0 1V / 1I 0
(c/. Section 5 of [JL]).
Now consider case (e) where ^ = 1. Then co = (sgn)"14'1,
p+oo /I 2 n\|
I=2L(25,1) ^-^2 x^H^a^)^.
J0 \ 0^ ^l y/
I =L(2s, l)J^i(5),
^(s)= f00^-1^12^)^.
The end result is that
L^/eL^C) | /(x)=/(-x)},
L^/eL^C) | /(x)=-/(-x)},
and the spaces L+, L« are invariant and irreducible under G (C). For our purposes it
is convenient to extend the resulting representations r+ and r_ to G^ by taking them to
4' SERIE — TOME 11 — 1978 — N° 4
be trivial on
r^ = 7T(o^4, ac174), r_ = Ji(^ 1), where i;(z) = z(zz)- 172 ;
w.te)-({(^ ;)4.)(,,
w[(^ ^]-*MW[g].
•C ?)
W*^ 2 ° ) = 0 ( 1 ) for |z|-.+oo.
Finally, the space spanned by the W*7 s realizes the representation r+ (resp. r_) of the
Hecke algebra. It follows that W* is arbitrary in ^ (r+; \|/c), [resp. ^ (r_; vj/c)].
Since the extension splits, we may regard Fy as a function on G (C) such that
F,[(; ^^XWW1'2^).
Our local integral may be written then as an integral over N (C)\G (C):
F,(g)r(g) .^(1)W 2 '*"»
J N (F)\G (F)
1 0\1
and P is a polynomial.
Then, for k e K = SU (2),
L(25,x 2 )=L(5,x)L^+j,^
Case (X®-1) Y is in
% =© u
<y —— ©£
$(z)=z(zi)- 1 / 2 L2
Then in case (g) [resp. (A)] W* is in 'W (r+; <)/) [resp. iy (/•_; i|/)] and transforms under
the central character (»+ = 1 of ?•+ (resp. (B_ = t, of r_). Since wo^ = / (resp. (O(B_ = y)
and Ga (C) = C" G (C) we can write
I=L(s,x) W* 2 dw 2 g Idetg^^^OKO.Dgj^g.
<0 1, <0 1.
I = L ( 5 , x ) X^+l,w,w^).
\2 4
(Notations of§ 1.) By [Ja], Proposition 17.4 (see also § 1), for appropriate Wi, W^ and 0:
Taking into account the explicit expansion for all the L-factors concerned, and the dupli-
cation formula, we obtain (6.2). This completes the proof of Proposition (6.2) for = C
(and for that matter for arbitrary F).
whenever F^ is defined.
What we want to prove is that F^ satisfies a condition analogous to (6.1.3).
(7.2) PROPOSITION. — Notations being as above, there is an entire function H*, with
values in a fixed finite dimensional right-invariant space of continuous functions on MK,
such that
F,*(fe) = L(2s-l, %W(s)(k), feeMK.
Since Eg is ^ (K)-invariant, F^* has the same property. Thus it suffices to establish
this formula for k = e. Recall that
(7.2.2) Fsfe)=/,(prg)(g.a>o)(0),
where ^o is the characteristic function of SRp- As for the function fs, it will be convenient
to extend it to a function (still denoted by/J on G^ (F) defined by
= /S 000
J K^ ^j^ ^!^] ^
since for 0 in y (F),
J^?)] dx <+oo
for Re 5- > 1, and since \|/ has module one, we see that for Re s > 1 (which is sufficient
for our purposes), F^* (e) is given by the absolutely convergent double integral
\,\A^ ^l't)]•l'w*[^M-^
or, taking into account the relation
/I y -^\(y 0 \ /I xy^ 0 \
[o 1 ;-^0 ^- 1 ;^0 lAo y - 1 ) '
Now set \|/' (^) = \|/ (-(1/2) x). Then the conductor of \|/ is still 9lp> and for each ^,
^Hy-K; ^Ki^
is in the space denoted^ (/a5 ~ 1 , 1; \|/') in paragraph 3 of [JL] (if x^"1 ^ a, this space
is also the space i^(nW1, 1); v|/)).
A description of that space (valid for all local fields) has been recalled in (6.6) (cf. [JL],
Prop. 3.2).
Let 0 be the characteristic function of $R^ in F2. Then let
This is the unique element of IT (xa5"1? 1, ^') invariant under (and equal to one on) K^.
Note that f^^ ls proportional to /, and
(7.2.8) /^00=L(s,x);
it follows that
H"(; ^],^].-^w,.,
^^L(2^r ^^ ^OoWx^l^r 2 ^
0 y
L(s,x) J^ V • /
or, since W^ transforms under the quasi-character co, = ^a5"1 of the center,
Here rf*^ is so chosen that vol (W) == 1 or, what amounts to the same
Ji^r^cor^^w^J ^W
Since the integrand here vanishes for \y \ > 1, this integral converges for Re(Q > s.
Moreover, for Re (^) sufficiently large, it is given by (6.3.3) with s replaced by r, co by co,,
and a by Ti^a5"1, 1), i. e., its value is
fw*^ 2 OV^.I^-l.^L^La,!)
J ' V O U ^—————L(2.7?)—————
l+X^g" 5
(l-X 2 ^)^ 2 ^ 1 )^--^ 1 )'
(7.2.10) F^)=L(25~l,x 2 )
(7.2.11) F;(fe)/L(25,x2)
where X is a character of MK.
Note that any element of MK projects to an element of K of the form
/ I Xi\ ( l xAfa 0 \ ., ^
(o i J ^ O l A o a-1)9 xie9t9 ae9t
1 x 0 x aeytx
^ ^y ^ ^ a -} ^ ^ -
In the first case we may assume
, / I xA (\ x A J a 0 \
^ ^ O l ^ o ^ O i j ^ O a-1}
4® S^RIE — TOME 11 — 1978 — N° 4
(7.3.1) F,(g)=/,(prg)(g.<D)(0),
f^ a polynomial in q~3,
Proof. — We may assume pr (g) is in K. Replacing Fs by a translate we may even
assume g = e. As in (7.2) we find that for Re .y large enough,
F?00= Wj ?)].(^,
^-{/•Ki i'»[»-
In particular (cf. Prop. 3.2 of [JL])
W^ °^-L,|1/2
^ ^-W'W ^W-
00 for
[ 0 for !^;
|jc < 1.
But the Fourier transform of 60 (x, s) for Re (s) large enough is given by
w^ ?)==Ee,(3.)|^|l/2^ls+^-m^w|^|-^$(^
Fs*^)=E^-lsJe,M^+^wsf$^)x2M|y||2s-i dy
The sum on i is a polynomial in q~s, q5; the second term is the product of a polynomial
in q~\ q8 by L (2 ^-1, ^c2) c/. ([Ta], [Go Ja]). This concludes the proof of Lemma (7.3.2).
(7.4) Real case. In this case:
(7-4-1) F,(g)=/,(prg)(g.0)(0),
where 0 is an element of y (F) of a certain weight and/, is a function on G^ (F) such that
/'? A ^\ ^ ( a -^/ cos9sin9\~| , . i 0 i, i a 1/2
ein9 <,
^•'•^ ^^o fcA-^ecosejJ'^^l ! -b ^^2^
The integer ^ is the weight of/, and P is a polynomial. The possibilities for %, P,/,, and 0
are as follows (cf. Tables (6.5.11), (6.5.13) and the remarks made in establishing those
TABLE (7.4.3)
(7.4.5) TO= W,
\y1 o Wd'y,
(7.4.6) W^^J^/Ju^ ^g]^(-x)dx.
Again, for each s (with Re s > 1) W, is in the space denoted iy (xo^"1, 1; \h?) in [JL].
Therefore we proceed as in (7.2). We let $1 be an element of y (F2) such that the function
L(2s,x 2 ) P(s)
-jj,2 o
(7.4.9) F?(e)= w.^ OOOd^.
L(s, x) J-a
Since (in all cases) $ (—j0 = ^ (y), up to exponential factors we also have
\ /»
(7.4.11) (
W,* ^ ^)=\^(yt,t-l)^t)\t\s-ldxn(y)\y\ll-i'2.
/ v
This time
2 w>
'-TA^ ?)]H-" -lJ: • [(s ;)]M-"^
=jffol(x,^)x(x)|x| s + ^ l |^|^ x xd^
-^ff^i^^xM^.I^I^" 1 ^-!^!^^^^
^ (^\ = J exp (- TT x2) cases (i) and (ii),
[ exp ( -- n x2) (8 n x2 - 2) case (ii).
Using a Baines-Mellin lemma as before we can (for Ret large enough) compute the integral
/•+00 / Q\ ,___
(7.4.13) j^ W^ ^ ^O^jOH"-5^.
[From (7.4.11) we see this integral converges for Re (t—s)^0.^ Thus we may evaluate
(7.4.10) by setting s = t in the expression for (7.4.13). This will give the required
result [with P* ^ 1 only in case (iii)].
(7.5) Complex case. - If F = C recall that
Fs*te)=jF,[u^ ^g]^=L(5,x)Jf^[atx)g]|f| s + ^
L(5,x)Lf^J,^=L(2s--l,x )
up to exponentional factors, F^ has the required analytic properties, and the proof of (7.2)
is complete.
THEOREM (8.1). — Suppose a and % satisfy the above conditions. Then L^ (s, CT, 30) is
entire and bounded in vertical strips of finite width.
To prove this theorem we need only consider the "main integral" introduced in Section 5.
Indeed for each v let F^ 5 be the function introduced in paragraph 6. (Recall that the
choice of F^ s depends on Oy and %„). Define F, (g) by
w=nF^) v
then this converges for Re s large enough. Moreover, there is a ^¥ in y (A) and a cusp
form (p on G^ (A) belonging to q such that
for Re s large enough [c/. Prop. (6.2) and (5.6.14)]. Thus Theorem 8.1 reduces to :
PROPOSITION 8 . 2 . — Suppose F, and % are as above, and (p is a rapidly decreasing genuine
function on Mp (F)\Mp (A). Then the function
51-^ ^E(h,s)n>(h)dh,
initially defined for Re (s) sufficiently large, extends to an entire function ofs which is bounded
in vertical strips of finite width.
This Proposition is tantamount to the analytic continuation of the Eisenstein series
E (g, s). Thus we need to recall a crucial fact from the theory of Eisenstein series.
LEMMA (8.2.1). - Let F, be a function on Mp (A) such that
^(S a 01 )^ ^=KH(k)\ar1'2^
where H is a fixed finite function on MK. Then the function F^, defined for Res large
enough by
F*(g)=fF,L(M;)^ ^g"L,
continues to a me romorphic function ofs without poles on the line Re (s) = 1/2. Moreover,
if Re s = 1/2, then:
f F,(fe)F,(fe)dfe=[ ¥^W(k)dk.
We take this Lemma for granted; it follows from the more general results of [La 3].
(Recall F is a number field!)
Now our function F, is clearly of the form
(8.2.2) F,(g) = L(25, Z^E^^F^g),
where, for each i, F^ satisfies the conditions of the Lemma and A, (s) is an elementary function
of s, i. e., a sum of terms like as^e^. If we set
Actually we have more information about the analytic behavior of F^. Namely (by
Proposition 7.2):
We set
(8.2.7) F;(g)=E°(g,s)x,(g),
(8.2.9) E°fe,s)=F,(g)+F,*(g).
Thus E° has a known analytic behavior. But from reduction theory we hnow that if c
is large enough then the series
has only finitely non-zero many terms when g is in a siegel set. Let us study then the
scalar product
(8.2.11) E'(fc,s)9(/Od/L
To evaluate this integral consider what happens when h is in a Siegel set S. There is a
compact subset 0 of S such that for h e S—Q,
c/. [Ge Jl]. On the other hand, for h in Q, the series defining E' has only finitely many
non zero-terms, so since (p is rapidly decreasing at infinity in 6, it is clear that (8.2.11)
converges for all s and defines an entire function of s bounded at infinity in vertical strips.
Now set
Let also L2 denote the space of genuine functions on Mp (A) which are rp (G (F)) invariant
and such that
-f X^H52"81^ F^k)Pf,(k)dk
-f \a\l-sl-sldxaS F^(k)^(k)dk
+f X'OOH51-52^ f F,*(fe)F^(fe)dfe.
J|o|<c J MK
In each integral above the integration over F^ is taken modulo F". But %2 is not a principal
character of F^F^. Therefore the second and fourth terms drop out, leaving
Now A Cs-i, s^) is holomorphic in C2. Moreover, if s^ = (1/2) +iy and ^ = 0/2)-?>
with y e R, we JBind that A vanishes [c/. (8.2.5)]. Thus A (s^ s^) = 0 if ^ +^ -1 = 0,
and it follows that
(8-3.4) (E^E^)
extends to a holomorphic function of (s^, s^) in C2. A standard argument (cf. [La 3] or
[Ge J 2]) then shows that s h-» E^ continues to an entire function (with values in L2), and
by analytic continuation, formula (8.3.2) is still valid when s^+s^—l ^ 0.
To complete the proof of Proposition 8.3 (and hence Theorem 8.1) we have to show
that (E^, E^) is bounded in vertical strips. For this we write *s- = (l/2)+x+iy with
-a ^ x ^ a and y e R. Then:
ax 2 5si\2 2 ) 2 &,\2 2 /
( ^=Ind(G3^P,;l^l),
where P^ is the parabolic subgroup of type (2.1), 1^ == n (a^2, a^172) the trivial represen-
tation of G^, „, and
(9.1.3) Suppose v is archimedean; then either n^ is unitary generic, in which case we set
^v = ^y? or ^v ls one of the representations considered in paragraph 4, namely:
( ^^(Gs^Ba.,;^!,^,1^^,
^=^1,^ H 2 , ^ ^ 3 , ^
where ^ y(x) = | x \ : this means that Tiy is the only unramified component of the
induced representation
Ind(G3,,, Bs^; H,^, ^,1,, Hs,*;);
Given the notation and conditions above, we can now form the representations
7^= ® ^ , ^= ® ^
t^T v^T
G^rio. (^T)
and form for each character % of F^/F^ the infinite products
L(s,nT,t)c)= ft L(5,^,^),
L(5,y,x)= riL(5,t,7; 1 ).
so that
L(s, 7^, x) = L(s, 7i ® x)» L(s, y, /) = L(s, n ® x)»
(9.2.2) L(s,7i®x)=6(s,7C®x)L(l-s,7t®5C~ 1 ).
r/i * *M
N3= 0 1 *
\0 0 I /
but not along
/I 0 .
U=^ 0 1 *
\0 0 1
(c/. [JPSS], § 13).
Then (c/. the proof of [13.8] in [JPSS]), there is a quasi-character [i of F^/F" and an
automorphic cuspidal representation T ofG^ (A) with central quasi-character n"1 satisfying
the following conditions: for any v set
then for all v^T the representations ^ and r^ have a common irreducible component;
moreover, for almost all finite v both ^y and r|y contain a (unique) component which is
unramified and that component is the same for both representations (and equal to n^).
Note that \i need not be a character and therefore T need not be unitary. (The precise
definition of the induced representation r|y-for v infinite—is irrelevant since allt hat
matters to us is the infinitesimal class of r|y and its components.) If v is finite then Ty is
generic and r|y has exactly one generic component. Therefore, for v e T, let n^ be that
component and form the representation
We will write also TC' = 00 n^ so that n^ ^ n^ for v ^ T. Then (again see the proof of
(13.8) in [JPSS]) L(s, n' ® 50) is meromorphic and satisfies (9.2.2) for all /.
(iv) Suppose now that the elements of i^ have zero constant terms along N but not along
r/i * *M
V= 0 1 0 .
l\° 0 1/J
then for all v ^ T the representations ^ and r|y have a common component. For almost
all v they contain also the same unramified component which is then n^ For v e T let
n^ be the unique generic component of r\y and set
(4) no representation of the form n (^, K^) with (1/4) ^ t occurs as a component of a.
The proof will occupy the rest of paragraph 9. (The case when CT ® % w a for some 50
has already been discussed in Section 3.7; see also Remark 9.9).
(9.4) We prove first (9.3.2). Let So be the set of places where G^ is extraordinary.
There is nothing to prove if So = 0. So assume So ^ 0, and let S => So be the set of
places v where ^ is not quasi-unramified. For v ^ S, let T^ be the lift of or.,. By (8.1)
the assumptions of (9.2) are satisfied with T = S. From (9.2) we conclude that there is,
for each v e S, a generic representation Uy, trivial on the center, such that, if
^ = ® ^ ® ®^,
ves vis
hen L (j, n' (g) 50) is meromorphic and satisfies the functional equation
for all ^c. On the other hand, L^ (s, cr, 50) is meromorphic and
for all 50. Since the local L and e factors in both equations are in fact the same for all
v ^ S we conclude that
Now fix w e So and let T| be a character of F^. Choose / in such a way that /„ = TI and
Xy is highly ramified for v e S, t? ^ w. Then for t^ e S, y =^ w,
[c/. [JPSS] Theorem (5.6) and [Ja] Theorem (16.1)]. We conclude that
and the left hand side of (9.4.4) is a nomomial in q^3. This, however, can happen only
if < is super cuspidal ([JPSS], § 7). Therefore
is equal to the same expression for n^. But as Tiy, is trivial on the center, this implies
n^ ^ TT^ (cf. (7.5.3) of [JPSS]). Thus < is indeed the lift of CT^.
(9.5) Now that (9.3.2) is proved, for each v we let Tiy denote the lift of (7y. For v e S
[S being as in (9.4)], Uy is unitary generic and we set E;y = Tiy. For v ^ S we define £;„
as in (9.2). Note that the only places where ^y 4^ ^v are those for which
(9.5.1) a, = 7i (^ a174, ^ a-174)
in which case T^ is given by ( and £;„ by ( Then ^ has another component
^ which is unitary generic, namely
(9.5.4) L(5,7r®x)=e(s,iT®x)L(l-s,7c®5c- 1 ).
Therefore the discussion in (9.2) applies. In particular, we are in one of the cases 9.2 (ii)
to 9.2 (v). What we are going to show is that 9.2 (ii) is the only possibility and this will
imply the theorem.
(9.6) Suppose we are in case (iii). With the notations of (iii) we know therefore that the
representations ^ and Tj,, have a common irreducible component for all v ^ T. Although
the representations r|y, ^y, T| = ® r|y, ^ = ® ^ may fail to be irreducible, the factors
L (5, ^), L (s, r^), L (s, ^), L (s, T|), c (s, ^; v|/^), s (s, ^; \|/^), 8 (^, ^), and s (^, T|) are
defined. Moreover, for all character % of F^/F^,
But ^y and r|y have unique irreducible generic components i;y and r\y and the previous
identity is true for these pairs too. So once more we conclude that ^. ^ T|^. In particular,
/or all v, ^ and r|y have a common irreducible component. Recall also that for almost
all finite v, Ky is unramified and equal to the common unramified component of ^ and T|(,.
To prove that (iii) is impossible we first suppose that |A is a character.
(9.6.1) If (A is a character then T is unitary, each representation T,, unitary generic, and
it follows that r\y is irreducible (in fact unitary generic, cf. [JPSS], § 6). Thus x\y is
an irreducible component of £;„ for all v (at t^e infinite places in the infinitesimal sense
only). If, in addition, ^ is irreducible then r|y = §y = Tiy and
On the other hand, if ^ is not irreducible, then Tty is given by (, ^ by (
(v being finite or not), and i;y admits another irreducible component which is unitary
generic, namely ^ (9.5.2). Since r|y is unitary generic, we find
^v = ^
in particular, r|y is ramified if v is finite. Thus the set E of places where ^ is reducible
(and r|y = ^y) is finite, and for v e E we find
The factor on the extreme right is (l—^ 72 " 5 )" 1 if v is finite, and c^(^—(l/2))~ 1 ify is
In either case, it does not vanish for s = 1. Thus we find from ( and (
Thus T, = ^(a^ 2 ^ 1) for almost all v. This situation, however, is impossible. Indeed
it implies the existence of a unitary cuspidal automorphic representation p of G^, (A) with
Pv = ^ (o^, a;"1), 0 < t < (1/2), for all v not in some finite set of places E. This in turn
implies [by (9.7)] that
n L(s,P.xp.)
UL(s-f, 1,)L(5, I,) 2
But at ^ = t, L(s+t, 1) and L(.y, 1) do not vanish. Neither does the finite product, as
is easily checked. Thus L (s, p x p) has a pole at s = t ^ 1, an obvious contradiction.
In summary, possibility (iii) cannot occur; similar arguments show that (iv) too is
(9.7) Suppose finally we are on case (v). Using the notations of (v) we see (just as
before) that T|(, and ^ have a common irreducible component for all v.
(9.7.1) Suppose first that the v, are characters. Then for each v the representation T^
is irreducible unitary generic ([JPSS], § 6 and 10). Thus it is a component of ^. If ^ is
irreducible we find ^ = n^ = r\y and
If ^ is not irreducible then, since Ky is the lift of a,, TC, is given by ( and ^ by
( Since n^ is not unitary generic, T|, must be the other component of^ [c/. (9.5.2)]
i. e. :
TI, = Ind(G3.,, P,; ^(^l\ a;172), 1,).
On the other hand,
11, = Ind(G3^, B3,,; Vi^, V2^, V3^)
Thus we let E denote the set of (complex) places where this happens. For v e E,
( L(5,^®x,)=L(5,i;,®/,)
ni^ ^ L(5+l/2,x,)L(5,x,)L(^l/2,x.)
HL(S, Vi,V%v)'—————————————T=f—————————————-—————————————•
i-1 n^^X.)
where v;' is a character and t ^ 0 is real. In fact we even find v^v = 1 for almost all v
so that Vi = a2^ V3 = a"2^ v^ = 1. Moreover 0 < t < (1/2).
Suppose first that t ^ (1/4). Then:
l^,=Ind(G3.„B3.„a?,l,(x; 2( )
is irreducible for all v and is a component of ^, for all v. If ^ is also irreducible then
^ = TC^ = r|y. On the other hand, if ^ is not irreducible then ^ has (as seen before)
2 components; one is n^ the other
^ = Ind(G3.,, P,; ^a,172, a;172), Q.
But ^ does not contain the trivial representation ofK^y and r\y does. Thus Tty = r\v again.
Again the pole of L (5--2 t, 1) at 2 tis not cancelled by a zero and we conclude L 0, CT x 5)
has a pole at s = 2 r ^ 1, a contradiction.
Now suppose ^ = 1/4. Then T|(, has always two irreducible components:
i1; = Ind(G3.,, P,; oCo^2, a;172), 1,).
Again the pole of L(^-(l/2), 1) at s = 3/2 cannot be cancelled by a zero of the other
L-factors or the finite product and we again get a contradiction.
(9.8) We have now shown that the only possibility is (ii). Thus n^ = ^y is unitary
generic for any v t T. If S ^ 0, S = T and the same conclusion is true for v e S [c/. (3.41]).
On the other hand, i f ^ = 0 , then T = { w }. Since w is really arbitrary the same conclu-
sion is true for all w. Thus n^ = ^ is unitary generic/or all v.
We have seen in [9.2 (ii)] that there is a cuspidal automorphic representation K ' with
trivial central character and n^ ^ Uy for v ^ S. Now for any %:
Similarly L(s, n ® 7) satisfies (9.5.4). So using an argument used before, these two
equations imply that for any v e T and any character ^ of F^,
However, since both Ky and n'y are generic, this implies TCy ^ 7iy. Thus TT = ® 7iy is aufco-
morphic cupsidal and we have proved part (3) of Theorem (9.3). But part 1 follows
from the identity 1^ 0, a, 7) = L^ 0, TT ® 50), and since the lift T^ of ^ is always unitary
generic, the last assertion of the Theorem also follows.
Remark (9.9). - If cr ^ a ® T|, with T| ^ 1, then T^2 = 1. Let H be the corresponding
quadratic extension of F. Recall that there is a character 0 of H^/HP such that CT is the
automorphic representation TI (a^) of G^ (A) attached to Q. Let Q' be the conjugate of 0.
Then the lift 71 of CT is
TT = Ind (Gs (A), P (A); 7t (CT^ -1), 11)
L(s, TC ®x) = L^O?, a, x) = L(s, OQ'-1. X°NH/F)L(S, ^).
Recall that n is automorphic. On the other hand, L(s,n ® %) has some pole (for % = T|
for instance), so 7C is ^ cuspidal.
Concluding Remark. — We wish to comment finally on the classical significance of
part (4) of Theorem 9.3. Suppose
/(z)= fU^""2
(*) a^O^ 2 - 1 / 24 - 6 ).
On the other hand, if F = Q and n corresponds to the form / above, then part (4) of
Theorem (9.3) implies that
(**) a^O^2-174^).
This estimate is stronger than the one made by Rankin in his well-known work [Ra] but
obviously weaker than (*). According to [Se] (**) also results from Weil's work on
exponential sums (cf. [W 2]). For number fields, however, our result seems to be new.
Indeed the generalized Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture—though established for function
fields now by Drinfeld-has not yet been proven in general.
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(Manuscrit recu Ie 4 janvier 1978,
revise Ie 21 mars 1978.)
Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York 14853,