Calculus 1 Syllabus Fall 2020

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Calculus 1

Subject Code and Course Number:CS 100, 6105

Course Title: Calculus 1
Number of Credits: 3
Instructor Name: Karen Keryan. Teaching Associates: Vahagn Altunyan, Anush Vardanyan
Email Address: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Telephone Number:060 61 (2652)
Office Location:335W
Office Hours: Monday: 15:30 – 17:30 or by an appointment
Term/Year: Fall 2020
Class Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:30 – 10:20 at

Prerequisites: None
Co-Requisites: None

Course Description This introductory course covers topics including: functions of one variable, transcendental functions; introduction to complex numbers; polar coordinates;
limits, continuity; derivatives, techniques of differentiation, differentiability, extrema of differentiable functions, applications of differentiation; indefinite and definite integrals,
mean value theorem, related-rates problems, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Students are required to complete weekly problem sets in order to develop basic proficiency
in the mathematical foundations introduced in the field of Calculus. Three hours of instructor-led class time per week including discussions and problem sets.

Required Materials: [S]Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7th edition, by James Stewart

Additional textbooks:[K] Calculus, Applications and Theory, by Kenneth Kuttler, 2009

Schedule & Topics:

Course Syllabus is Subject to Change to address student needs.

Week Topic Reading Non-Reading Home
1 Introduction, Sets and set operations. [K] 2.3.1,2.8, 2.14, [S]1

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Calculus 1

The principle of Mathematical

Induction. Thesupremumandinfimumof a
2 Functions, their domains of definition. [S]1.6, [K] 3.1-3.7,5.1- Homework 1
One-to-one functions, the inverse of a 5.2
3 The limit of a sequence (finite and [S] 11.1,[ K] 5.11 Homework 2
infinite limits)
4 The squeeze theorem. Monotonic [S] 11.1, [ K] 5.11 Homework 3
sequences, the monotone sequence
5 The binomial formula, The definition of [S] Reference page 1, Homework 4
the number e. Apendix G
6 The divergent sequences. Determinate [S] 11.1 Homework 5
and Indeterminate forms. List of some
useful limits.
7 The limit of a function. One-sided limits. [ S] 2.2-2.4, 2.6, [K] 5.9
The squeeze theorem for functions. Big-
O and small-o notations. Review of
Midterm 1.
8 Continuous functions. Main properties [S] 2.5, 4.1, Homework 6
of continuous functions. [K] 5.3-5.4, 5.7, 5.15
9 Definition of the derivative of a [S] 2.7-2.8,3.1-3.4, Homework 7
function. The list of elementary [K]6.2, 8.1.1
derivatives. Thechainrule.
10 The derivative of the inverse function. [S]2.7, 3.5, [K] 8.1.2 Homework 8
The tangent line to the graph of a
11 Local and global extrema. Mean value [S] 4.1-4.2 , [K]6.5,6.8 Homework 9
12 Concave up and down functions. [S]4.3, [K] 6.10
Inflection points. Review of Midterm2.
13 Logarithmic differentiation. Implicit [S]3.5-3.6,[K]8.1.2, Homework 10
differentiation. 8.3.1

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Calculus 1

14 L’Hospital’srule. [S]4.4, [K] 8.8 Homework 11

15 Antiderivatives and the indefinite [S]4.9, 5.3 -5.5,
integral. Definite integral and the 7.1,7.4,[K]9.1-9.2,
fundamental theorem of calculus. 9.4,9.8

Student Learning Outcomes:

The following chart shows alignment between course-specific and program student learning outcomes and program goals.

Course-based Program Student Learning Program Goal

Student Learning Outcomes Outcomes
In this course, students will be Students will be able to:
able to:
 Evaluate various limit Use concepts and methods of Equip students with knowledge and
problems both algebraically mathematical disciplines advanced skills in mathematical
and graphically. relevant to mathematical reasoning, problem solving, modeling
 Determine where and how a modeling. and scientific computation
function is continuous or
 Differentiate various types
of functions using the
differentiation rules.
 Solve an application
problem involving related
 Analyze and sketch the
graph of a function using
method of calculus.
 Solve problems involving
optimization of a function.
 Evaluate limits with
indeterminate forms using

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Calculus 1

L'Hospital's rule.
 Find antiderivative of some
simple functions.

Course Structure: Mondays, Wednesday & Friday: 9:30 – 10:20 time slot will be used for lectures only. There will also be one Problem Solving Session per week
conducted by a Teaching Associate (TA). The attendance to these Problem Solving Sessions is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. The TA will also have his
own office hours.
Method of Evaluation:
Student learning will be evaluated on the basis of the following weighted components:

Midterm 1 20 % 97-100 = A+ 93-96 = A 90-92 = A-

Midterm 2 20 % 87-89 = B + 83-86 = B 80-82 = B-
FinalExam 40 % 77-79 = C+ 73-76 = C 70-72 = C-
Quizzes 10 % 67-69 = D+ 63-66 =D 60-62 =D-
Homework 10 % 0-59 = F
TotalPoints 100 %

So, the Grade Calculation Formula is:

Total=0.1* (Q+HW)+0.2* (M1+M2) +0.4*F

The final numerical score for the course obtained may or may not be scaled before it is converted to a letter grade. The instructor reserves the right to decide whether
or not to scale grades until the very end of the semester.
Besides, the instructor reserves the right to ask any student questions regarding the exams or quizzes if necessary.

Mid-Term Exam:
The course will include two mid-term exams covering topics from weeks 1-6 and 7-12, respectively.
The mid-term exams will consist of the following:

1) Multiple choice and short answers on basic terminology and concepts

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2) Problem solving.
The purpose of the mid-term exam is to assess students’ progress in learning how to use terminology and apply appropriate models and methods to analyze data
samples. Students will receive feedback through the in-class mid-term review as well as written feedback on their mid-term exams. Students are encouraged to
attend office hours for more individualized guidance.

Final Exam:
The final exam will cover all topics covered throughout the course. Thefinalexamwillconsistofthefollowing:
1. Multiple choice and short answers on concepts and terminology
2. Problemsolving

The purpose of the final exam is to assess students’ mastery of concepts and terminology as well as their abilities to select appropriate methods and apply
econometric methods to analyze data sets and solve complex problems. Final exams and comments will be posted to Moodle. Students are welcome to confer with
the instructor for more individualized feedback.

There will be one quiz given in the class every two weeks. At the end of the semester the lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Quizzes will NOT be announced in
advance and NO make-up quiz will be given for the missed one.


You cannot learn calculus without working problems. You are encouraged to study with and discuss problems with others from the class, but write up your own
homework by yourself, and make sure you understand how to do the problems. Homework problems from your textbook and other sources will be assigned by the
instructor throughout the semester. All assignments will be posted every week on Moodle.You are allowed (and encouraged) to discuss homework problems with
classmates, but you should not copy someone else's solutions nor should you let someone else copy yours. No late homework will be accepted.

Library and Media/Technology Use

Students are encouraged to use supplemental online and reference materials available at the library to enhance their overall learning in the course. Students are
encouraged to use audio-visual aids and presentation software as appropriate. If students have any questions or need additional support in using library resources or
technology, they should confer with library staff, ICT, or the instructor.

Late Policy
Homework must be handed in on time. Late submission may be refused.

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Make-up Procedures
Make-up exam will be given at the instructor’s discretion. Students must submit convincing evidence of a medical or other emergency that makes completing an
assignment or taking an exam at the scheduled time impossible.

IMPORTANT:Students should have an activated Moodle account and check it regularly during the semester. Students are responsible for all information that
Instructors will be posting on the Moodle.

Policy on Grade Appeal

Students are entitled to appeal grades in line with the university’s Grades Policies policy which is available online atHYPERLINK "

Standards for Academic Integrity

Students are required to conduct themselves in an academically responsible and ethical manner in line with the Student Code of Ethics. Acts of academic dishonesty
impair the academic integrity of AUA and create an unfair academic advantage for the student involved and other member(s) of the academic community. These acts
are subject to disciplinary measures as prescribed in the AUA Code of Student Ethics

The Student Code of Conduct can be found at

Special Needs:
Students requiring special accommodations for learning should contact the Center for Student Success by the end of the Drop/Add period with such
[email protected],

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