CV Melda Grahadita
CV Melda Grahadita
CV Melda Grahadita
Sep 2017 — June 2021 Economic Development Bachelor's Degree, University of Jenderal Purwokerto
GPA 363. Focusing in Monetary Economics. Thesis Research: Preference Patterns & Demand Analysis
of Traditional Food Using Logistic Regression and Almost Ideal Demand Systen Approach
Sept 2021 - Juli 2022 Admin and Head Store in Retail Logmart Kadungora
• Lead 4 Employees.
• Managed for sales and purchases of goods.
• Make daily financial reports.
• Make weekly and Monthly promotions of certain products.
• Make product brochures.
• Make special day promotion such as, valentine’s day, Eid Al-Fitr, and also other big days.
• Make SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) to work according to the target be achieved.
• Coorperate with various companies and SMEs.
• Succed promote goods 4 times in one month.
• Succeed increase monthly sales by an average of 15-25%.
Jan 2019 - Des 2019 Crew Event Organizer Shifa Tour and EO
Coordinate with the team the event held can go according to plan.
Provide advice and input to the team leader.
Composed the rundown and rules and regulation.
Succed providing good service to 16 goverment agencies the city of Purwokerto and Cilacap.
Okt 2019 - Mei 2020 Freelance Marketing and Sales Shapire Regency
Explain housing product and units to consumers who are looking for home.
Explain the monthly installments that must be paid when taking a house with credit system, and
explain the benefits that will be obtained if the buyer completes before the due date.
Able to attract about 20 potential home buyers.
Maret 2018 - Des 2019 Freelance Economics Teacher in SMAN 2 Garut
Provid Economic material to student from grade X to grade XI.
Carry out class exams once a month.
Assess students.
Mar 2021 - Apr 2021 Customer Service Bank Rakyat Indonesia KCP Purwokerto
Provide good service to customer.
Succed input 225 customer data every day.
Collect all customer data KIP (Kartu Indonesia Pintar).
Feb 2020 - Mar 2020 Customer Service Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Perijinan Terpadu Kabupaten Garut
Collect 60 applicant data every day.
Help applicants who have difficulty accessing data on the website.
Des 2018 - Des 2019 Dewan Legislatif Mahasiswa Economic and Bussines UNSOED
Staff of Comission 5 oversees the ministry of Human Resource and Internal Faculty Economic and
Bussines UNSOED.
Make one year work plan.
Hold a working meeting with the ministry of human resources and Internal every month.
Monitor performance the ministry of Human Resources and Internal.
Succed in achieving 90% target surveillance.
Des 2017 - Des 2018 Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Economic and bussines UNSOED
Staff of Ministry Internal
Create and prepare work plan for the next year.
Collaborate with other ministries and all elements of the campus.
Succed held a faculity evemt with the theme of intimacy which was attended by 250 participant.
Succed held a meeting with 18 heads of Sekre.
Succed in being a liaison between student and dean Faculty of Economic and Bussines.
Juni - Juli 2022 Data Analysis and Visulaization (BigQuery, Google Sheets, Google Data Studio) by Revo.
Juli 2022 - Now Women in Tech Cybersecurity and Python Class by Digitalent Kementerian Informasi dan Komunikasi.