CV Melda Grahadita

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Melda Grahadita

Bandung, 44153, +62895422959309,

[email protected]

P R O F IL E I am a graduate student in Economics Devel opm en t I have passi on in

Administraton and Retail . who has an interest in learning new things,
passi onate, has a good analyti calg thinking, a responsi bl e person, has a good
leadership spirit, and also has good communication skills. I am also a person
wh o can work well as a team and individuall y.


Sep 2017 — June 2021 Economic Development Bachelor's Degree, University of Jenderal Purwokerto
GPA 363. Focusing in Monetary Economics. Thesis Research: Preference Patterns & Demand Analysis
of Traditional Food Using Logistic Regression and Almost Ideal Demand Systen Approach

Sept 2021 - Juli 2022 Admin and Head Store in Retail Logmart Kadungora
• Lead 4 Employees.
• Managed for sales and purchases of goods.
• Make daily financial reports.
• Make weekly and Monthly promotions of certain products.
• Make product brochures.
• Make special day promotion such as, valentine’s day, Eid Al-Fitr, and also other big days.
• Make SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) to work according to the target be achieved.
• Coorperate with various companies and SMEs.
• Succed promote goods 4 times in one month.
• Succeed increase monthly sales by an average of 15-25%.

Jan 2021 - Feb 2021 Waiters Nastari Coffe

• Provide services to consumers.
• Explain food and beverage menus to consumers.
• Serve consumers in a frendly manner and listen to complaints from consumers.
• Succed of serving consumers well is evidenced by the many consumers who gave me 5 stars.

Jan 2019 - Des 2019 Crew Event Organizer Shifa Tour and EO
 Coordinate with the team the event held can go according to plan.
 Provide advice and input to the team leader.
 Composed the rundown and rules and regulation.
 Succed providing good service to 16 goverment agencies the city of Purwokerto and Cilacap.

Okt 2019 - Mei 2020 Freelance Marketing and Sales Shapire Regency
 Explain housing product and units to consumers who are looking for home.
 Explain the monthly installments that must be paid when taking a house with credit system, and
explain the benefits that will be obtained if the buyer completes before the due date.
 Able to attract about 20 potential home buyers.
Maret 2018 - Des 2019 Freelance Economics Teacher in SMAN 2 Garut
 Provid Economic material to student from grade X to grade XI.
 Carry out class exams once a month.
 Assess students.


Mar 2021 - Apr 2021 Customer Service Bank Rakyat Indonesia KCP Purwokerto
 Provide good service to customer.
 Succed input 225 customer data every day.
 Collect all customer data KIP (Kartu Indonesia Pintar).

Feb 2020 - Mar 2020 Customer Service Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Perijinan Terpadu Kabupaten Garut
 Collect 60 applicant data every day.
 Help applicants who have difficulty accessing data on the website.


Jun 2012 - Present Karang Taruna Karya Mandiri

 Staff of Public Relation Karang Taruna Karya Mandiri.
 Succed held 300 participant of independence day contest.
 Estabilish good relations with Sukasari residents.
 Coordinate all members if there is an agenda/ decision regarding an organizational activity.
 Cooperating with other organizations or authorized agencies.
 Provide accountability report to youth chief every month.

Des 2018 - Des 2019 Dewan Legislatif Mahasiswa Economic and Bussines UNSOED
 Staff of Comission 5 oversees the ministry of Human Resource and Internal Faculty Economic and
Bussines UNSOED.
 Make one year work plan.
 Hold a working meeting with the ministry of human resources and Internal every month.
 Monitor performance the ministry of Human Resources and Internal.
 Succed in achieving 90% target surveillance.

Des 2017 - Des 2018 Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Economic and bussines UNSOED
 Staff of Ministry Internal
 Create and prepare work plan for the next year.
 Collaborate with other ministries and all elements of the campus.
 Succed held a faculity evemt with the theme of intimacy which was attended by 250 participant.
 Succed held a meeting with 18 heads of Sekre.
 Succed in being a liaison between student and dean Faculty of Economic and Bussines.

Apr 2022 - Now Microsoft Office from A-Z by

Juni - Juli 2022 Data Analysis and Visulaization (BigQuery, Google Sheets, Google Data Studio) by Revo.

Juli 2022 - Now Women in Tech Cybersecurity and Python Class by Digitalent Kementerian Informasi dan Komunikasi.

2016 2nd Economic Competition West Java

e Institue

2017 2nd Badminton

y of
of Jenderal

S K IL L S Microsoft Office Communication and

Canva Negotiation
Analytical Thinking

L AN G UAG E S English (Pasif) Japan (pasif) Indonesian

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