Mapeh 6 Edited
Mapeh 6 Edited
Mapeh 6 Edited
SY 2023 -2024
A. ti - ti- do
B. so-so –do
C. mi-mi ti
D. la-la -ti
A. re-re-re-re
B. ti –ti –ti-ti
D. re-re-re-re
A. mi
B. so
C. ti
D. fa
A. fa B. la C. do D. mi
A. mi B. so C. la D. do
7. You are instructed by your teacher to create a simple melody in f major. Which of the
following is your possible output?
A. C.
B. D.
8. A kind of a placard or announcement that has its goal, communication of information
through words and pictures or symbols.
10. _______________represent how the artist uses the elements of arts to create an effect
and to help convey the artist intent.
A. thumbnails C. sketch
15. Which statement is the best safety precaution before playing games?
D. Inspect the play area and remove hazards like rocks, stones, broken bottles,
holes etc.
16. How to avoid the common injuries in playing games?
17. In playing different invasion games, different skills are being developed. What skills
are applied in playing Tumbang Preso?
18. Losing is a part of the game. If you never lose, you never truly tested, and never
forced to grow. When you lose the game, which of the following values must be shown?
19. What is the most basic skill in playing volleyball that needs to be practiced by a
beginner player?
20. Your opponents are not observing fair play during the game. What will you do?
21. What activities should be done minimally based on the Philippine Physical Activity
Pyramid Guide?
A. swimming and dancing C. walking with your pet dog and jogging
22. What activity in the Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid Guide that should be done 3-
5 times a week and at least 30-45 minutes or longer?
23. The following statements are characteristics of a healthy community except one.
A. A clean and safe physical environment.
B. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs.
C. An understanding of local and environmental issues.
D. A community whose members can’t access to health services and facilities.
24. What do you do to make your home, school, and community clean?
A. to avoid air pollution and illnesses C. to avoid garbage at home throw it anywhere
29. A kind of waste which can be broken easily and used by bacteria like for examples
leftover food, peeling of fruits and vegetables, and animal wastes or manure.
30. To lessen the amount of waste in school and in community. Which of the following
wastes can be recycled?