Sasmod 1
Sasmod 1
Sasmod 1
Unit 1
Computer Information Systems
Information Systems Concepts
A system is a combination of resources working together to convert inputs into outputs. Inputs to a
system to be data, which are recordable facts. The outputs of a system are interpreted data, which
are called information. Thus data is the unprocessed form of information.
Business Information System
A Business Information System uses resources to convert data into information needed to
accomplish the purposes of the business. The resources may be personnel, facilities, materials, and
A business functions with a set of constraints. The transformation of inputs into outputs is affected
by certain constraints which are external to the system. Some examples of constraints are federal
laws, social environment, total market, raw material limitations, scientific principles etc.(Figure 2.1)
Example: Retail Store system that converts sales transaction data into information needed to prepare
customer billings, manage inventory, and calculate profit and loss.
Example: A financial system helps the customers to enter personal details, making deposits, transfer
funds, withdraw cash etc.
Components of a system are known as subsystems. Business information systems are made up of
smaller components that are themselves systems. All the major systems are composed of
subordinate systems, or subsystems, that perform specific functions.
Example: Marketing System contains sales and distribution subsystems. Here, an input to a sales
system is typically a sales order, and outputs include a shipping order and a customer invoice. These
“subsystems” are often referred to as “systems”.
Example: Finance System contains subsystems billing subsystem, collection subsystem, paying
Example: Product Development System contains purchasing subsystem, receiving subsystem,
inventory subsystem, production subsystem
Example: Administration System contains personnel subsystem, contracts subsystem.
Organization charts can be expanded to display linkages between successive levels. In most of the
organization there is a horizontal linkage and vertical linkage. Vertical linkages are used for superior
subordinate reporting. Positions for which both a superior and subordinate reporting relationship are
shown are called link pins. On this chart(Figure 2.6), the link pin positions are vice-presidents, the
directors, and the managers. Horizontal linkages are used to pass information to different functional
areas in the same level of an organization.
Figure 2.6
Organization chart symmetry: There are many ways of laying out symmetrical organization
charts. The three methods shown are equivalent, since the superior-subordinate relationship are the
Figure 2.7
There are no universal standards for the construction of organization charts. However, certain
general principles apply. Above all, it is important when considering what to put on a chart and
what to leave off to realize that the organization chart is the picture of the company seen not only by
its management and employees, but also by its general business environment. Therefore, this chart
should properly reflect to important vendors, customers, and agencies the picture the company
wishes them to see. some general guidelines for organization charts are :
1. Layout
The layout of the chart should be attractive. The picture should be made up of rectangles and lines.
It should be centered, with margins and white space selected to make the chart pleasing to the eye.
The structure of the chart should be symmetrical: As figure 2.7 illustrates, there is more than one
way of displaying equivalent relationships. In the three sections of this figure the same relationship
is shown in different ways. In all cases B, C, D, and E are at the same level and report to A. A
general guideline is to make balanced use of the space available.
2. Title and approvals
The organization chart should have a meaningful title. A standard position should be provided for
approvals, date, and other identifying information.
3. Scope
One organization chart giving an overview of the organization's main elements is required (Figure
Systems analysts who understand the organization chart and its associated function list are better
equipped to improve the efficiency of business systems for which they are responsible. Analysts can
use the organization chart as a means of increasing their knowledge of operational processes, job
responsibilities, and information flow.
At the operational level, routine production or clerical operations are per. formed. Operational
systems provide little feedback directly to the employee. For example, the materials clerk receives a
material requisition, fills the requisition, and files a report of action taken. A supervisor evaluates
the employee's performance. However, records of transactions occurring at the operational level
constitute data that, when collected, organized, and processed, becomes information that is the basis
for higher level management actions.
Lower management performs supervisory functions that are short term relative to the higher levels
of management. They deal with day-to-day job scheduling, checking the results of operations, and
taking the necessary corrective actions.
Middle management functions are tactical in nature. This level is responsible for allocating and
controlling the resources necessary to accomplish objectives that support the strategic goals of the
business. Planning occurs; authority is delegated to the supervisory level; and performance is
Top management functions are strategic. They include establishment of the goals of the business,
long-range planning, new market and product development, mergers and acquisitions, and major
policy decisions. Appropriate authority is delegated to middle management.
The different uses and requirements for information at each management decision level are
summarized in figure 2.16.
1. The higher the decision level, the greater the reliance on externally generated information and the
less the reliance on internally generated information.
2. The higher the decision level, the greater the emphasis upon planning and the use of longer term
trend information.
3. The higher the decision level, the greater the necessity to ask "what if" questions as part of the
decision process.
At the higher decision levels in a company, information needs and uses are future-oriented and
depend to a greater extent upon external sources of information. This type of information is difficult
to quantify and must be coupled with the experience and judgment of the decision maker. At these
levels, computer-based information systems often are referred to as decision support systems (DSS)
because they provide information to support the particular decision processes practised by senior
managers. Increasingly, personal computers supported by productivity software, such as electronic
spreadsheets and database managers, are adding flexibility to decision making at all managerial
Feedback and control are essential to the design of any management system. Feed back is the
process of comparing an actual output with a desired output for the purpose of improving the
performance of a system. Control is the action taken to bring the difference between an actual
output and a desired output within an acceptable range. These concepts are illustrated in figure 2.15.
Part A depicts a system in which there is no feedback and control. This system does transform an
input into an output; however, because it lacks feedback, it is called an open loop system.
From part A of figure 2.15, it is evident that the output depends solely on the characteristics of the
input and of the system. If the output is not satisfactory, there is no provision for modifying either
the input or the system. In a closed loop system, there is feedback and control. The elements of a
closed loop system are shown in part B of figure 2.15. This flowchart demonstrates that the
comparison of desired and actual outputs results in management action, which may modify the
inputs, the system, or both. The result is a modified system that will produce altered outputs. Many
operational systems are open loop systems. All true management systems are closed loop systems.
The systems development life cycle of a computer information system can be described as an
orderly sequence of significant steps. The four major phases of SDLC are:
1. The study phase
2. The design phase
3. The development phase
4. The operation phase
All of the activities associated with each life-cycle phase must be performed, managed, and
documented. Hence, we can now define systems analysis as the performance, management, and
documentation of the activities related to the four life-cycle phases of a business information
The life-cycle method for developing complex systems is a modular, top-down procedure. In the
study phase, modules that describe the major functions to be performed by the system are
developed. The procedure is called top-down because in successive phases the major modules are
expanded into additional, Increasingly detailed, modules. Powerful graphic tools have been
developed to structure the top-down design and development of systems.
The Study Phase
This is the phase in which a problem is identified and analyzed, alternate solutions studied, and a
system recommendation made at a general design level. The recommendation involves the
commitment of the resources needed to complete the detailed design and the development of the
computer information system.
The Design Phase
In this phase the detailed design of the system selected in the study phase is accomplished. In the
case of a computer-based business system, design phase activities include the allocation of
resources to equipment tasks, personnel tasks, and computer program tasks. In the design phase, the
technical specifications are prepared for the performance of all allocated tasks.
The Development Phase
This is the phase in which the computer-based system is constructed from the specifications
prepared in the design phase. Equipment is acquired and installed during the development phase.
Computer programs are written. All necessary procedures, manuals, software specifications, and
other documentation are completed. The staff is trained, and the complete system is tested for
operational readiness.
The Operation Phase
In this phase, the new system is installed or there is a changeover from the old system to the new
system. The new system is operated and maintained. Its performance is reviewed, and changes in it
are managed.
Management Review of the Life-Cycle Activities
Management review of the life-cycle activities may occur at any time. However, the conclusion of
each phase is a natural time for a major management review.. These are formal scheduled reviews
that must occur before a phase can be considered complete. They are essential to a structured
interaction between the systems analyst and the user, ensuring user involvement at critical decision
points. Three types of decisions can be forthcoming at each review:
(1) proceed to the next phase;
(2) cancel the project;
(3) redo certain parts of a previous phase.
Activities that are redone must be reviewed before the project can proceed to a subsequent phase.
Management review often is the mechanism that triggers "cycling back” (feedback) to an earlier
state in the life cycle, to remedy performance deficiencies, or to respond to changes in requirements.
Each successful review is a renewal of management commitment to the project.
The accumulation of documentation parallels the life cycle performance and management review
activities. Documentation is not a task accomplished as a "wind-up" activity; rather, it is continuous
and cumulative. The most essential documents are called baseline specifications (that is,
specifications to which changes can be referred). Baseline specification is a reference document
for system maintenance and change. There are three baseline specifications:
1. Performance specification
Completed at the conclusion of the study phase, and describing in the language of the user exactly
what the system is to do. It is a general "design to" specification.
2. Design specification
Completed at the conclusion of the design phase, and describing in the language of the programmer
how to develop the system. It is a detailed "build to" specification.
3. System specification
Completed at the conclusion of the development phase and containing all of the critical system
documentation. It is the basis for all manuals and procedures, and it is a complete "as built"
The design specification evolves from the performance specification, and the system specification
evolves from the design specification. And, since these documents are the only measurable evidence
that progress is being made toward the creation of a useful software end product, it is not possible to
manage the life-cycle process without them. Thus, documentation is not only the "visible" software
end product, but also the key to the successful management of the life cycle of computer based
business systems.
3. Data storage
Another way in which manual and human-machine systems differ is in the quantities of data that
can be stored and accessed. In computer-oriented systems, data are kept in files, in a machine-
readable format. A collection of related files forms a database. Databases allow for the centralized
storage of data, thereby eliminating the need for multiplicity of redundant files. Database systems
require special measures to prevent their contamination by bad data.
4. Speed of response
The time required for information to become available-can be greatly improved by use of
The Functions of Systems Analysis
Most of the basic functions performed by systems analysts have not changed as a result of the
changes in technology and in business information needs. These functions are:
1. To analyze business systems with problems and to design new or modified systems to solve those
2. To develop business systems to meet new information or operational needs
3. To prepare and maintain manuals to communicate company policies and
4. To design the various business forms used to collect data and to distribute information
5. To perform records management, including the distribution and use of reports
6. To participate in the selection of information processing equipment and to establish standards for
equipment selection
7. To prepare and maintain business organization charts