Solid - Waster Paper Springer
Solid - Waster Paper Springer
Solid - Waster Paper Springer
Identification of Suitable Solid Waste Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town,
Ethiopia, Using Geospatial Technology and AHP Method
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of International
Conference on Innovative
Technologies for Clean
and Sustainable
Development (ICITCSD
– 2021)
Varinder S. Kanwar • Sanjay K. Sharma
C. Prakasam
Proceedings of International
Conference on Innovative
Technologies for Clean and
Sustainable Development
(ICITCSD – 2021)
Varinder S. Kanwar Sanjay K. Sharma
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Chitkara University National Institute of Technical Teachers
Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India Training and Research
Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India
C. Prakasam
Department of Geography
School of Earth Sciences, Assam University,
Diphu Campus (A Central University)
Karbi Anglong, Assam, India
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xx Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
Chapter 23
Identification of Suitable Solid Waste
Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town,
Ethiopia, Using Geospatial Technology
and AHP Method
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 291
V. S. Kanwar et al. (eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative
Technologies for Clean and Sustainable Development (ICITCSD – 2021),
292 M. Jothimani et al.
Keywords AHP · Arba Minch Town · Ethiopia · Geospatial · Solid waste disposal
site selection
23.1 Introduction
Solid waste is not liquid or gaseous and is generated by households, towns, super-
markets, buildings, and companies (Kapilan and Elangovan 2018). Solid waste is
becoming significant health and environmental concern in developed and develop-
ing countries (UNEP 2005; United Nations 2017). Tirusew and Amare (2013) report
that open dumping of solid trash is prevalent in Ethiopia. In developing countries,
population growth and anthropogenic behaviours have alarmingly increased waste
generation (Ebistu and Minale 2013; Abedi-Varakiand and Davtalab 2016). Ground
and surface water contamination, air pollution, and methane release may result from
haphazard solid waste disposal (Visvanathan and Glawe 2006). In addition, solid
waste dumped indiscriminately around the human environment often causes aes-
thetic issues and disturbance. In Ethiopia, most waste disposal sites are noticed on
the periphery of town, near to surface and groundwater bodies, agricultural land,
dwellings, and road sides (EGSSAA 2009).
Due to rising population and urbanization, municipal solid waste (MSW) man-
agement has become a major concern in most developing nations (Khan and
Samadder 2014). Collection, separation, processing, transfer, and final disposal of
municipal solid waste are all part of solid waste management. Waste management
options for municipal solid waste (MSW) include landfilling, combustion, recy-
cling, and burning. On the other hand, landfill is one of the most effective and envi-
ronmentally friendly means of waste disposal (Rahmat et al. 2016). When selecting
MSW locations, environmental, aesthetic, technological, health, socio-economic,
standard living improvement, population growth rate, and government participation
must be considered (Sharholy et al. 2008).
As a result, a suitable solid waste disposal location isfar from natural resources,
built-up areas, surface and groundwater resources, highways, lineaments, geologi-
cal faults, and communities crucial for proper waste administration. The following
researchers have considered (Tirusew and Amare 2013; Hamzeh et al. 2015;
Genemo and Yohanis 2016; Semaw 2018; Mussa and Suryabhagavan 2019;
Weldeyohanis et al. 2020) slope angle, topography, possible landslide locations,
LULC, population density, water table, drainage density, distance from the well
locations, utilities, types, and soil texture, rock type, road network, and distance
from the settlement in many regions of the world, including Ethiopia, to identify
proper solid waste disposal places.
The criteria for selecting optimal locations for waste disposal sites have been
established by the following organizations worldwide: the Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency (MPCA 2005), Alberta Environmental Protection Agency (AEPA
2010), Iranian Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA 2010), Ethiopian Ministry
of Urban Development and Construction (EMUB&C 2012), British Colombia
23 Identification of Suitable Solid Waste Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town… 293
23.2.3 Method
The AHP technique was used to normalize the values of the twelve thematic maps
and sub-themes chosen to identify suitable solid waste disposal locations in the
research region. The twelve-factor layers and their sub-factors’ weights were calcu-
lated using AHP techniques, including pair-wise comparison matrix, weight stan-
dardization, and consistency ratio. In the pair-wise comparison matrix, the identified
twelve-factor layers and their sub-factors have been compared against each other to
show the relative preference. According to (Saaty 1980), a scale for comparison
matrix containing values between1 to 9 and describe the strength of rank, in the
comparison matrix 1 expresses “equal importance” between factors, and 9 repre-
sents “extreme importance” over another factor (Table 23.2).
The following section describes the formulas and steps to get the present
research’s factor layers and sub-layers final weights. Using the following formula,
the values of each column in the pair-wise matrix have been added.
Lij n 1Cij (23.1)
Xij n
n 1
The standard final weights are obtained by dividing the sum of the normalized row
of the matrix by the number of factor layers (N) using the following formula (23.3).
23 Identification of Suitable Solid Waste Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town… 297
j 1
Wij (23.3)
The consistency index (CI) was calculated by using the following formula (23.4)
CI n / n 1 (23.4)
λ is the consistency vector, and n is the total number of thematic maps, and here it
is 12. Table 23.3 shows the random inconsistency values. Consistency ratio was
calculated by using the following formula (23.5).
CR = CI / RI (23.5)
The consistency ratio for all factor layers and sub-factors is less than 0.1 in this
study. Consequently, it demonstrates the precision of the pair-wise comparison
matrixes constructed in the current study.
The AHP analysis has been carried out in Microsoft Excel. The pair-wise com-
parison matrix, weights standardization, and consistency analysis of the selected
factor layers and their sub-factors are discussed in detail in the following sections.
The final weights were entered in the relevant shapefiles and converted to a raster
file format. Figure 23.2 shows the methodology flow chart of the present study.
Weighted Linear Combination (WLC)method by adopting Eq. (23.6) to integrate
the required thematic maps and sub-themes into ArcGIS to find suitable waste dis-
posal sites in the current study location.
WSSI = waste site suitability index, Ddlw = distance from the drainage layer weight,
Ddfw = distance from the drainage features weights, Grlw = ground water level
layer weight, Grfw = ground water level features weights, Lilw = lithology layer
weight, Lfw = lithology features weights, Ldlw = lineament density layer weight,
Ldfw = lineament density features, Lulw = land use/land cover layer weight, Lufw
= land use/land cover features weights, Sllw = slope layer weight, Slfw = slope
features weights, Elw = elevation layer weight, Efw = elevation features weights,
Prw = precipitation weights, Prfw = precipitation features weights, Solw = soil layer
weight, Sofw = soil features, Rlw = distance from road layer weight, Rfw = distance
from road features weights, Asw = aspect layer weight, and Asw = aspect features
The initial pair-wise comparison matrix has been built to assign relative relevance
weights to the twelve thematic layers that have been selected in the present study. A
pair-wise comparison matrix was constructed based on investigations done in
Ethiopia by the following scholars (Genemo and Yohanis 2016; Duguma et al. 2018;
Semaw 2018; Mussa and Suryabhagavan 2019; Weldeyohanis et al. 2020)
(EMUB&C 2012) guidelines and field observations. Table 23.4 shows a pair-wise
judgment matrix of the twelve-factor layers used in the present study.
The distance to the drainage and distance to the road layer got the maximum and
minimum final weights. Table 23.5 shows the weights, rank, and priority of the
selected twelve-factor layers. 0.025 is the consistency ratio value, and it is <0.10.
23 Identification of Suitable Solid Waste Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town… 299
The ASTER-DEM data was used to create a drainage network for the current
research region, which was then extracted using the Archydrotools included in the
ArcGIS through standard procedures. Additionally, the Sentinel-2 satellite image
and toposheets were used to verify and update the drainage networks. It is not rec-
ommended that solid waste disposal sites be located near drainage systems (Kontos
et al. 2005; Nas et al. 2008). Thus, the drainage network of the present research
region was buffered, and the results were categorized into five buffer zones
(0–250 m, 251–500 m, 501–750 m, 751–1000 m, and 1001–1250 m), (Fig. 23.3).
300 M. Jothimani et al.
Fig. 23.3 Distance from the drainage and groundwater level maps
The drainage buffer categories of 1001–1250 m and 0–250 m drainage buffer were
allocated the highest and lowest initial weights, respectively, to create the pair-wise
comparison matrix. Drainage’s buffer pair-wise comparison matrix, weights, rank,
and priority are shown in Table 23.6. The consistency ratio, in this case, is 0.015.
The groundwater levels in Arba Minch town were determined using the Czech
Republic cooperative hydrogeology map for Arba Minch town, sheet number 0637-
D3, at a scale of 1:50,000. The water level contours were created using interpolation
and then transformed as a polygon in Arc GIS software for further analysis. The
groundwater levels in the current research region range between 16 meters and
23.99 meters. Further, the data on groundwater levels were categorized into five
groups, as seen in Fig. 23.3. The analysis determined the most and least appropriate
23 Identification of Suitable Solid Waste Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town… 301
regions for landfill siting based on shallow and deep groundwater tables. A pair-
wise comparison matrix for groundwater level categories was developed using ini-
tial weights (Table 23.7). Lithology
The rock type of the area is vital in deciding where to dispose of solid waste. The
lithological map of the present research region was created using information from
the geological map prepared by the Ethiopian geological survey and field observa-
tions in the study area. In addition, Sentinel 2 satellite data has been used to deter-
mine the weathering nature of the rock. High porosity and permeability alluvial and
colluvial deposits induce leachate penetration and groundwater pollution, making
them unsuitable for landfill sites. Thus, these sediments cannot be used as sitting
landfills. Therefore, rock with lesser porosity and permeability is ideal for landfill
siting. Thus, unweathered to slightly weathered ignimbrite has the highest rating,
whereas alluvial deposits have the lowest (Table 23.8). 0.043 is the consistency ratio
of the lithological features. Geomorphology
Landforms are essential in the selection of waste disposal sites. The current research
area is covered mainly by plain. Various landforms were identified in the current
research region include conical hills, plateaus, and liner ridges. Positioning of dis-
posal sites is most appropriate on plains and plateaus, while conical hill, linear
ridges, valley fill, and escarpment are much less or inappropriate for placement of
disposal sites. Geomorphology of the present research areawas created using satel-
lite images from Sentinel-2 and a 3-D model of the ASTER –DEM. Figure 23.5
shows the study area geomorphology map. A comparison of geomorphology classes
23 Identification of Suitable Solid Waste Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town… 303
is shown in Table 23.10, along with their weights and rankings. Conical hill, linear
ridge, and escarpments received low weights and grades, in contrast to the plain
geomorphological area, which received high weights.
To locate waste disposal sites, a LULC study of the present research area is neces-
sary. A LULC map of Arba Minch was created by visual interpretation of false
colour composite (FCC) of Sentinel 2 satellite data with 10 m spatial resolution.
Barren land, agricultural land, settlement, bushland, forest, and other LULC types
have been recognized in the Arba Minch Town (Fig. 23.5). The same was prioritized
according to its relevance in determining the location of the waste disposal facility.
304 M. Jothimani et al.
Table 23.11 Normalized weights and comparison matrix (land use/land cover)
I II III IV V Weights Rank
I 1 3 5 7 9 0.50 1
II 0.33 1 3 5 7 0.25 2
III 0.20 0.33 1 3 5 0.11 3
IV 0.14 0.20 0.33 1 3 0.05 4
V 0.11 0.14 0.20 0.33 1 0.03 5
I = Barren land, II = Bushland, III = Shrubland, IV= Forest, V = Settlement, Agricultural land,
plantation area, water body, and airport
The barren land, settlement, agricultural land, shrubland, plantation, bushland, and
forest were allocated the highest, lowest, and intermediate ranks (Table 23.11).
LULC consistency ratio is 0.04. Slope
The slope of the current research area was determined using ASTER-DEM and
categorized into 0–6.58°, 6.59–15.72°, and 15.73–54.18° (Fig. 23.6). Slopes that are
too steep might result in floods, runoff, and erosion. Additionally, they are economi-
cally unviable as a waste disposal location because of the construction cost of road
and site development (Kontos et al. 2005; Yousefi et al. 2018). As a result, min and
max weights were assigned to slope classes 0–6.58° and 15.73°–54.18°, to facilitate
the selection of viable landfill sites. Table 23.12 presents the slope categories, their
pair-wise comparison matrix, and their normalized values. Elevation
When locating solid waste disposal sites, an appropriate elevation range must be
chosen to minimize leachate percolation down the landfill column and to avoid
flooding and erosion over the landfill area (Demesouka et al. 2014). The present
research area’s elevation was determined using ASTER–DEM, and it ranges
between 1086 and 1589 m above mean sea level. It was classified into three eleva-
tion subgroups: 1086–1225 m, 1226–1323 m, and 1323–1589 m (Fig. 23.6). A pair-
wise matrix was generated by assigning minimum and maximum weights to the
elevation classes 1323–1589 m and 1086–1225 m, respectively. Table 23.13 pres-
ents the elevation categories, their pair-wise comparison matrix, and their normal-
ized values. Precipitation
Rainfall plays a role in the transportation of solid waste. Significant rain produces
excessive solid waste flow. This study used NASA’s website (https://power.larc. to obtain annual mean rainfall data from 1981 to 2019. As shown in
23 Identification of Suitable Solid Waste Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town… 305
Fig. 23.7, an ArcGIS interpolation tool was used to generate a rainfall contour map.
Lower and higher weights were allocated to the rainfall ranges of 934–1037 mm
and 1140–1242 mm, respectively, during the pair-wise comparison matrix formula-
tion phase. Rainfall categories and their pair-wise comparison matrix and normal-
ized values are shown in Table 23.14. Soil
Selection of dump location requires soil type analysis. The type of soil influences
the vertical flow of leachate. Clay soil has less porosity and permeability, making it
perfect for landfills. Clay soil, in general, is resistant to leaching and is also utilized
to line sanitary landfills. Soil map of Arba Minch Town created by Czech Republic
cooperation (map sheet number 0637-D3) at a scale of 1:50,000. Soils identified in
this study include clay, clay loam, silt, sand, and silty clay. Clay and silt soil types
have been identified as acceptable for the solid waste disposal location, whereas
sand soil types have been identified as unsuitable. Soil types have been allocated
initial weights, AHP analysis was carried out, and final weights of soil types have
been calculated, and the same is shown in Table 23.15. Figure 23.7 shows the soil
type of the study area.
306 M. Jothimani et al.
A road map was created using a high spatial resolution Google Earth imagery, and
a buffer analysis was performed; the results were classified into three buffer classes
(Fig. 23.8). Therefore, it was determined that the region between 0–150 meters from
the major road was not viable for waste disposal. Commuters will suffer health
consequences if the dumping site is located near the road. If the dumpsite is located
a long distance away from a road network, the cost of collecting and transporting
the trash may be higher (Nas et al. 2008). For this reason, it is considered that the
land area situated between 151 and 300 m road distance is the most acceptable site
in the current study location. Table 23.16 shows the normalized weight and rank of
the distance from the road categories.
23 Identification of Suitable Solid Waste Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town… 307
Table 23.16 Normalized weights and comparison matrix (distance from the road)
Road buffer (m) 450–301 300–151 150–0 Weights Rank
450–301 1 2 3 0.52 1
300–151 0.50 1 2 0.36 2
150–0 0.33 0.50 1 0.12 3
The end weights were calculated by multiplying the weights of thematic layers by
the weights of sub-themes (Table 23.18), and then entered into appropriate shape-
files using ArcGIS software. The resultant map of suitability for solid waste sites
was created by using a raster-based weighted linear combination approach. The
23 Identification of Suitable Solid Waste Disposal Sites for the Arba Minch Town… 309
results rated the study area as highly suitable, moderately acceptable, and unsuitable
for solid waste disposal (Fig. 23.9). According to the findings of this study, 6.84%
(4.34 km2), 10.19% (6.47 km2), and 82.97% (52.69 km2) of the area are highly,
moderately, and problematic areas for the construction of a solid waste disposal site
in Arba Minch town. The highly suitable place found the southern part of the study
area where slope and elevation are less. The area is covered by ignimbrite lithologi-
cally and less to medium lineament density. Further, the highly suitable area is cov-
ered by plain area, and significant LULC is barren land withfewer drainages and
low precipitation.
23.5 Conclusion
Fig. 23.9 Road buffer and solid waste site disposal site suitability maps
factors. In the present study, twelve important thematic layers and their sub-
themeswere considered for solid waste disposal sites selection.
The weights of the chosen twelve thematic layers and their sub-themes were
computed using the AHP method to create the final solid waste site suitability map.
The final map was created using a raster-based WLC approach. According to the
findings of this study, 6.84% (4.34 km2), 10.19% (6.47 km2), and 82.97% (52.69 km2)
of the area are highly, moderately, or unsuitably appropriate for the development of
a solid waste disposal site in Arba Minch town, respectively. The results of this
study may assist administrators and planners in Arba Minch town, Ethiopia, in
selecting appropriate solid waste disposal sites.
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