Psycholinguistic Perspectives On Comprehension in SLA: Parisa Naseri Karimvand
Psycholinguistic Perspectives On Comprehension in SLA: Parisa Naseri Karimvand
Psycholinguistic Perspectives On Comprehension in SLA: Parisa Naseri Karimvand
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 1268-1273, November 2011
© 2011 ACADEMY PUBLISHER Manufactured in Finland.
Abstract—There are many interesting areas of investigation in the psychology of second language acquisition
(SLA). One of these interesting areas is study of the psycholinguistic processes and perspectives relevant to
reading and listening comprehension. Comprehension of any given text or speech, in SLA, is based on much
more than simple decoding. Familiarity with cultural nuance, structure of the language, vocabulary
development, background knowledge about the setting and/or topic, and attitude toward the text are some of
the most common factors involved in the process of comprehension by English learners. Listening and reading
have many things in common. Both listening and reading are a form of language comprehension in which one
is trying to get some meaning from the language. Understanding how comprehension works can have huge
implications in language pedagogy, testing and research. So, this paper aims at providing a general overview
about reading and listening comprehension in SLA, based on the literature review. In this regard, first a brief
introduction to SLA Psycholinguistic theories and their pros and cons is presented. Later, the study is
narrowed down to the very processes involved in comprehension of reading and listening, in particular. At the
end, a short discussion about the brain’s language areas active in the process of comprehension is ensued.
Prior to the time of Chomsky, “little was known about the process of second language acquisition, and thus
(traditional approaches) were grounded in the linguistic, psychological, and pedagogical theories of their day.”
Nowadays there are major theories of language acquisition and language learning which many psycholinguists and
applied linguistics are familiar with: Behaviorism, Neo-behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Humanism. Currently, there are
hot debates about the last two theories. What follows is the brief introduction to the famous psycholinguistic approaches
and hypothesis in SLA.
the use of words different things can be accomplished. Social learning is explained by the Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD) metaphor. The ZPD is defined as “the distance between the actual developmental level as
determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem
solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers” (as cited in Lantolf and Thorne, 2006). The
last theme identified in the Vigotskian framework, genetic analysis, under scores the importance of looking for causes,
genesis or origins and histories to understand different aspects of mental functioning. Language development resulting
from the interaction of expert-novice (also known as the scaffolding metaphor) has also been an interest of research in
the socio-cultural theory. Scaffolding refers to the assistance provided by a more capable learner to his interlocutor and
that enables him to do activities he would not have been able to do without such assistance (Lantolf & Thorne, 2006).
In the state of art review of socio-cultural theory and L2, Lantolf (2006) suggests that the union of socio-cultural
theory and cognitive linguistics may help to better explain how language learners internalize and develop the capacity to
develop conceptual and associated linguistic knowledge. He also suggests that further research could investigate if there
is a connection between the linguistic features of the private speech of L2 learners and the linguistic features of
interaction occurring between L2 speakers.
During the recent years, the new attempts of some cognitivists and socio-cultural researchers have opened up new
methodologies and collaborate in SLA comprehension studies. It has stimulated the field and complete insights of L2
Now that principle theories in SLA has just introduced, in the rest of the paper the writer, particularly, deals with
reviewing the primary psycholinguistic processes involved in SLA comprehension. In this regard, first general points
about speech comprehension processes are explained. Then, phenomena common to reading and listening
comprehension are clarified. Furthermore, phenomena specific to the comprehension of the spoken language is
presented. Finally, famous language areas involved in SLA comprehension is explained.
knowledge‟ (i.e., syntactic, semantic, and morphological knowledge). Such learners may be likely to exploit their
schematic knowledge to overcome limitations in their systemic knowledge. This can lead to a reduced chance for the
engagement of the IL system.
To summarize, although the resourceful nature of the comprehension system is highly useful in making L2
comprehension possible, this also implies that L2 learners can attain an adequate level of comprehension without
necessarily focusing on many formal features in the input. This can lead to a reduction in the amount of intake that can
be used for final integration in the developing system.
Particularly speaking from psycholinguistic perspective, in language comprehension and speech perception many
factors are at work. First of all, we have to identify single sounds that make up recognizable words, then retrieve from
our mental lexicon the meaning of these words, which in their turn form meaningful sentences in a given situation. If
split up into these „logical‟ steps, however, the process of speech perception is inconceivable. Strictly speaking, our
short-term memory is not able to store that much information at once. To give an example: If we had to decode every
single sound when listening to somebody, we would already have forgotten the first sound of a long word once we had
identified the last one (let alone the word boundaries). The same holds true for the decoding of the smallest text units,
i.e. letters. This is why we can only explain the phenomenon of speech perception if we take the following assumptions
as a basis:
a) As experienced listeners we have at our disposal a large amount of previous information as well as specific
expectations as to what we are about to hear. Consequently, we just have to check whether our expectations are
confirmed by what we have actually heard. To put it crudely, in many cases we do not necessarily hear what our
interlocutor says but what we expect to hear. This is the reason why many nonsense errors or mispronounced words in
speech go unnoticed or are easily forgotten, whereas meaningful errors can often be remembered.
b) Apart from this, we are constantly building up new hypotheses on what will come next while listening. Similarly
to the role of our pre-expectations, we compare these hypotheses with what we have just heard. Since we often know, or
at least think we know, what our interlocutors are about to say next, we sometimes tend to interrupt them or add to their
c) Finally, every word that has been recognized and every sentence that has been understood are instantly transferred
to different, „higher‟ forms of representation in our memory and are integrated into our dynamic horizon of expectations
and stock of knowledge. This means that we rarely store individual words or the wording of sentences but rather the
rough meaning of what has been said. As a result, our memory is rather unreliable as far as details are concerned, and
we often add things to our stock of knowledge that have never been actually said. The processing of words, i.e. their
location and the attribution of meaning within the networks of the mental lexicon, is usually done within milliseconds.
However, the exact strategies, which even allow for an efficient categorization of non-words, appear to be individual
and thus are not generalisable. What we can record in this regard is the following: Words are primarily, but not
necessarily, stored as wholes. There is also the possibility of splitting them up if required (e.g. into morphemes). Further,
words can be connected within the mind via their (initial and final) sounds and rhythm as well as via their syntactic
relations. What is more, semantic networks may very probably be activated, including relations such as synonymy,
antonymy, hyperonymy, hyponymy etc.
Mental processes with respect to language may be neither definable nor common to all. However, different
psycholinguistic models exist that try to elucidate word recognition. On the one hand, words are said to be processed
linearly, i.e. one after the other, while frequent words are recognized more easily and thus faster. On the other hand, and
this might be the option which comes closer to reality, words are said to be processed in parallel. In the latter view,
possible meanings are weighed against each other, resulting in an interpretation that suits the context best. In fact, we
are linguistic puzzle-solvers from early childhood on. The storage of linguistic structures and functions in the mind, i.e.
knowledge, is directly linked to comprehension.
grammatical knowledge in parsing. Another principle that has received substantial support is late closure. Clark (1997)
provided some early support for this principle by showing disruption on the phrase seems like in Since Jay always jogs
a mile seems like a very short distance to him. Here, a mile is first taken to be the direct object of jogs because the
processor tries to relate it to the phrase currently being processed. Reading is disrupted when a mile must be reanalyzed
as the subject of seems.
Another principle is some version of prefer argument (Abney, 1989). Grammars often distinguish between arguments
and adjuncts. An argument is a phrase whose relation to a verb or other argument assigner is lexically specified; an
adjunct is related to what it modifies in a less specific fashion. With the sentence Joe expressed his interest in the car,
the prefer argument principle predicts that a reader will attach in the car to the noun interest rather than to the verb
express, even though the latter analysis is structurally simpler and preferred according to minimal attachment. In the car
is an argument of interest (the nature of its relation to interest is specified by the word interest) but an adjunct of express
(it states the location of the action just as it would for any action). There is substantial evidence that the argument
analysis is preferred in the end (Gass, 1997). However, some evidence suggests a brief initial preference for the minimal
attachment analysis. Long-distance dependencies, like ambiguities, can cause problems in the parsing of language.
Language gains much of its expressive power from its recursive properties: Sentences can be placed inside sentences,
without limit. This means that related phrases can be distant from one another. Many linguists describe constructions
like Whom did you see t at the zoo and The girl I saw t at the zoo was my sister as having an empty element, a trace
(symbolized by t), in the position where the moved element (whom and the girl) must be interpreted.
Psycholinguists who have adopted this analysis ask how the sentence processor discovers the relation between the
moved element (or filler) and the trace (or gap). One possibility suggested is that the processor might delay filler-gap
assignment as long as possible. However, there is evidence that the processor actually identifies the gap as soon as
possible, an active filler strategy (Frazier, 1987b).
The active filler strategy is closely related to minimal attachment, for both strategies attempt to find some
grammatical analysis of a sentence as soon as possible. But the active filler strategy may not be the whole story.
Pickering and Barry (1991) proposed what the latter called a direct assignment strategy, according to which a filler is
semantically interpreted as soon as a reader or listener encounters the verb to which it is related, without waiting for the
gap position. Evidence for this strategy comes from a study in which Boland et al. presented sentences word by word,
asking readers to indicate when and if a sentence became unacceptable. An implausible sentence like Which public
library did John contribute some cheap liquor to t last week tended to be rejected right on the word liquor, before the
position of the gap.
Most of the phenomena discussed so far show that preferences for certain structural relations play an important role
in sentence comprehension. However, as syntactic theory has shifted away from describing particular structural
configurations and toward specifying lexical information that constrains possible grammatical relations, many
psycholinguists have proposed that the human sentence processor is primarily guided by information about specific
words that is stored in the lexicon. The research on comprehenders‟ preference for arguments discussed earlier is one
example of this.
Given the wide variety of factors that seem to affect sentence comprehension, some psycholinguists have developed
lexicalist, constraint-based theories of sentence processing (Long, 2007). These theories, which are described and
sometimes implemented in connectionist terms, assume that multiple possible interpretations of a sentence are available
to the processor. Each possible interpretation receives activation (or inhibition) from some knowledge sources, as well
as (generally) being inhibited by the other interpretations. Competition among the interpretations eventually results in
the dominance of a single one. Increased competition is responsible for the effects that the theories discussed earlier
have attributed to the need to revise an analysis. Constraint-based theories can accommodate influences of specific
lexical information, context, verb category, and many other factors, and they have encouraged the search for additional
influences. However, they may not be the final word on sentence processing. These theories correctly predict that a
variety of factors can reduce or eliminate garden-path effects when a temporarily-ambiguous sentence is resolved in
favor of an analysis that is not normally preferred (e.g., non-minimal attachment). But the constraint-based theories also
predict that these factors will create garden paths when the sentence is resolved in favor of its normally-preferred
analysis. This may not always be the case (Binder, Duffy, & Rayner, 2001).
Competitive constraint-based theories, like other connectionist theories, grant a major role to frequency. Frequent
constructions should be more readily activated by appropriate sources of information than less common constructions
are. Supporting this view, readers understand sentences like The award accepted by the man was very impressive more
readily when the first verb is frequently used as a passive participle, as accept is, than when the verb is not frequently
used as a passive particle, as with entertain (Trueswell, 1996). Competitive constraint-based theories have also
emphasized discourse and situational context as constraints on sentence comprehension. Many researches described
how quickly listeners integrate grammatical and situational knowledge in understanding a sentence.
Much research on text comprehension in SLA has been guided by the work of Kintsch (1978), who has proposed a
series of models of the process by which the propositions that make up the semantic interpretations of individual
sentences are integrated into such larger structures. His model is showed below. It describe ways in which readers could
abstract the main threads of a discourse and infer missing connections, constrained by limitations of short-term memory
and guided by how arguments overlap across propositions and by linguistic cues signaled by the text.
quickly interpreted and evaluated, using the full range of information that might be relevant. Theorists in the latter
group (Long, 2007) have constructed parallel models, often of a connectionist nature, describing how the processor uses
all relevant information to quickly evaluate the full range of possible interpretations of a sentence. Neither of the two
approaches just described provides a full account of how the sentence processing mechanism works. Modular models,
by and large, do not adequately deal with how interpretation occurs, how the full range of information relevant to
interpretation is integrated, or how the initial representation is revised when necessary. Parallel models, for the most
part, do not adequately deal with how the processor constructs or activates the various interpretations whose
competitive evaluation they describe. However, both approaches have motivated bodies of research that have advanced
our knowledge of language comprehension, and new models are being developed that have the promise of overcoming
the limitations of the models that have guided research in the past.
I would like to appreciate my parents for all their support and kindness generally during my educational life and
particularly in developing this research study.
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Parisa Naseri Karimvand is a Ph. D candidate in TEFL. She teaches technical courses to BA students in universities. She
presented technical papers in her areas of interest in national and international conferences.