Pentest Report - Psiphon e
Pentest Report - Psiphon e
Pentest Report - Psiphon e
Psiphon Enhancements
Pentest Report
Client: Psiphon Inc.
7ASecurity LLLP
Protect Your Site & Apps From Attackers
[email protected]
Pentest Report
Introduction 3
Identified Vulnerabilities 5
PSI-01-005 E2: Possible Client DoS via Traffic Tampering (Low) 5
Miscellaneous issues 8
PSI-01-001 E2: Possible DoS via slice bounds out-of-range Weaknesses (Low) 8
PSI-01-002 E4: Possible DoS via nil pointer dereference (Info) 13
PSI-01-003 E4: Possible DoS via interface conversion panic (Info) 15
PSI-01-004 OOS: Windows Client DoS via known Temporary File Creation (Low) 16
Conclusion 19
“Psiphon is a circumvention tool from Psiphon Inc. that utilizes VPN, SSH and HTTP
Proxy technology to provide you with uncensored access to Internet content. Your
Psiphon client will automatically learn about new access points to maximize your
chances of bypassing censorship.”
This report documents the results of a security audit and best-practices review
conducted by 7ASecurity, focusing on a number of Psiphon circumvention
enhancements, including the code and components surrounding such features.
Given the nature of Psiphon, the 7ASecurity team performed this assignment assuming
the role of government-sponsored adversaries with Man-in-the-middle (MitM)
capabilities, aiming to defeat the censorship eluding features of Psiphon. Due to the
public status of this report, the team will use less descriptive terms like enhancement1,
enhancement2, enhancement3 and enhancement4 as well as tactic1 and tactic2, etc. to
prevent potential adversaries from gaining insight about Psiphon internals.
Psiphon requested 7ASecurity to perform a secure code audit on the following four
recent circumvention-related enhancements:
● E1: enhancement1
● E2: enhancement2
● E3: enhancement3
● E4: enhancement4
The goal was to determine Psiphon’s adherence to secure coding best practices and to
provide safeguard recommendations where applicable.
During the test, a server configuration enabled with the aforementioned enhancements
was facilitated to the 7ASecurity team by Psiphon. This ensured the team could fully
focus on the security aspects during dynamic analysis of these new features at runtime
without wasting any time on setup.
7ASecurity employed a whitebox methodology, which means the complete source code
was available to the test team. Additionally, the Psiphon team provided commit links to
all relevant changes for these circumvention enhancement features, which were
reviewed thoroughly for adherence to security best practices. 7ASecurity used a
combination of manual and automated tools for the code audit, performed code-level
fuzzing on Psiphon source code as well as underlying third party libraries and
components, and network-level fuzzing using custom python scripts against both the
Psiphon server and client components. The team further analyzed the network traffic
between clients and servers. This guided the identification of potential attack vectors,
fingerprinting potential and the understanding of how the Psiphon server and its clients
switch from one tactic to another while they are under attack or when network
communications fail. Lastly, the 7ASecurity team examined multiple public academic
papers related to the new Psiphon circumvention enhancements to inform the fuzzing
and attack scenarios prior to testing.
The test was conducted by 7ASecurity in April 2021 and yielded five security-specific
discoveries. The security audit took a total of 18 working days and comprised three
senior 7ASecurity penetration testers. The Psiphon platform was found to be resilient to
a broad range of attack vectors and provided an overall solid impression. The system will
notably be more difficult to attack once the issues in this report are resolved.
In the following sections, the report will elaborate on each finding and then offer a
conclusion. Each finding has been discussed individually with its technical background
and mitigation options. 7ASecurity delivers a detailed conclusion in the closing section.
In light of the findings, the testing team comments on the security posture of the tested
Psiphon framework and circumvention enhancements manifested during this
Identified Vulnerabilities
The following sections list both vulnerabilities and implementation flaws identified during
the testing period. Please note that the findings are listed in chronological order rather
than by their degree of severity and impact. The aforementioned severity rank is simply
given in brackets following the title heading for each vulnerability. Each vulnerability has
additionally been given a unique identifier (e.g. PSI-01-001) for the purpose of facilitating
any future follow-up correspondence.
7ASecurity LLLP © 2020
Pentest Report
This area was tested using the following PoC python script:
Following the redacted attacks, a slightly modified version of the presented script was
run, where a fake randomly generated (i.e. fuzzed) body was injected into the first reply
packet. The main goal was to disrupt the Psiphon tactic1 client-server communication
with a minimum number of packets, while forcing more time consuming client reconnects
or some other unstable program behavior.
This attack would be particularly disruptive to users downloading large files or videos, as
the download will be interrupted and render the downloaded file unusable. However,
Psiphon clients will eventually workaround tactic1 attacks if they switch to tactic2 tactics.
Several tactic2 attacks were attempted during this assignment. As the goal was to
disrupt tactic2 communications, multiple strategies were implemented, where each one
was attempted individually, as well as concurrently. These were called replay, fuzz,
random, empty, big and reflect by the test team and are briefly explained below:
Strategy Description
replay The last packet coming from one side was stored and replayed when a
subsequent packet coming from the other side was recognized (i.e. where
the client expected a server response).
fuzz The same mechanism was used in the replay strategy, with the exception
of the tactic2 body being modified at random locations with randomly
chosen bytes.
random Everything was the same as in the fuzz strategy, with the exception of the
tactic2 body being filled with randomly chosen content.
big The tactic2 packet body was filled with large randomly chosen content.
reflect Source and destination IP addresses were exchanged within the captured
tactic2 packet, and finally sent to the source.
The example below corresponds to one of the fuzz strategies attempted during testing:
Although the team managed to create a number of forced reconnect events, it took more
than 20 minutes of parallel attacks. Furthermore, in one case, a continuous high CPU
usage event occurred while there was no active traffic being proxied. Nevertheless, such
attack vectors seemed impractical due to the extended time window required, in
combination with the non-deterministic nature of the rare DoS events identified.
Fig.: Unstable state of high CPU usage in one case of prolonged tactic2 fuzzing
Please note, that while the 7ASecurity team was moderately successful in achieving
DoS via tactic1 redacted attacks against the client component (described above), tactic2
communication proved to be significantly more resilient. At least, the solution appeared
to be robust against the utilized strategies.
Retest Notes: The Psiphon Team accepts the risk for this item for the time being, but
will leverage this information and the provided test scripts for improving the resilience of
all Psiphon clients in the future.
Miscellaneous issues
This section covers notable findings that did not lead to an exploit but might aid an
attacker in achieving their malicious goals in the future. Most of these results are
weaknesses that did not provide an easy way to be exploited. To conclude, while a
vulnerability is present, an exploit might not always be possible.
PSI-01-001 E2: Possible DoS via slice bounds out-of-range Weaknesses (Low)
While code auditing and fuzzing the Psiphon Tunnel source code, it was found that a
number of functions currently fail to perform a data length check prior to slicing. This led
to the following crash error: “panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range”. This issue
is considered to be of low severity for two reasons: First, Psiphon makes use of the
panicwrap package2. Although this is only used to log panic exceptions, in practice it
may also be used to restart the server in case of a crash, hence mitigating most DoS
scenarios. Furthermore, it seems that this attack would only be exploitable by an
attacker able to specify a malicious upstream NTLM proxy inside a configuration file.
However, it was later discovered that the ParseChallengeMessage vulnerability
described below has a slightly higher impact, as a malicious attacker could trigger this
attack by fooling Psiphon client users to run a tampered configuration (i.e. through social
engineering, trojaned versions of Psiphon or vulnerabilities in Psiphon clients or their
platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, etc.). A malicious attacker able to manipulate
authentication messages might leverage these weaknesses to slow down and eventually
DoS a Psiphon server or a Psiphon client.
Please note, that these issues were identified via manual code review and were then
confirmed using direct fuzzing of the affected functions, these are described below:
Affected File:
Affected Code:
func ParseChallengeMessage(body []byte) (*ChallengeMessage, error) {
challenge := new(ChallengeMessage)
challenge.Signature = body[0:8]
if !bytes.Equal(challenge.Signature, []byte("NTLMSSP\x00")) {
return challenge, errors.New("Invalid NTLM message signature")
7ASecurity LLLP © 2020
Pentest Report
Please note that this function is used outside the go-ntlm package via
*NTLMHttpAuthenticator. This NTLMHttpAuthenticator structure, defined inside
auth_ntlm.go is then used inside http_authenticator.go by NewHttpAuthenticator. This
function is used multiple times and appears to be a core element of the upstreamproxy
package, as illustrated by the evidence below:
Affected File:
Affected Code:
pc.authenticator, authErr = NewHttpAuthenticator(resp, username, password)
Affected File:
Affected Code:
authenticator, err := NewHttpAuthenticator(
Affected File:
Affected Code:
func ParseAuthenticateMessage(body []byte, ntlmVersion int) (*AuthenticateMessage,
error) {
am := new(AuthenticateMessage)
am.Signature = body[0:8]
if !bytes.Equal(am.Signature, []byte("NTLMSSP\x00")) {
return nil, errors.New("Invalid NTLM message signature")
Affected Code:
59: am.Signature = body[0:8]
The 7ASecurity team confirmed that the vulnerable function appears to be used only
inside the go-ntlm package.
Affected Directory:
Affected File:
Affected Code:
func ReadAvPair(data []byte, offset int) *AvPair {
pair := new(AvPair)
pair.AvId = AvPairType(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[offset : offset+2]))
pair.AvLen = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[offset+2 : offset+4])
pair.Value = data[offset+4 : offset+4+int(pair.AvLen)]
return pair
Affected File:
Affected Code:
9: part1, err = des(lmnowf[0:7], lmChallengeResponse[0:8])
15: part2, err = des(key, lmChallengeResponse[0:8])
22: keyExchangeKey = concat(lmnowf[0:8], zeroBytes(8))
50: sealKey = randomSessionKey[0:7]
52: sealKey = randomSessionKey[0:5]
61: sealKey = concat(randomSessionKey[0:7], []byte{0xA0})
63: sealKey = concat(randomSessionKey[0:5], []byte{0xE5, 0x38, 0xB0})
Affected File:
Affected Code:
25: r.Response = bytes[0:24]
88: r.Response = bytes[0:16]
102: c.TimeStamp = bytes[24:32]
103: c.ChallengeFromClient = bytes[32:40]
106: c.AvPairs = ReadAvPairs(bytes[44:])
119: r.Response = bytes[0:24]
141: r.Response = bytes[0:16]
142: r.ChallengeFromClient = bytes[16:24]
Affected File:
Affected Code:
24: versionStruct.ProductBuild = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(structSource[2:4])
25: versionStruct.Reserved = structSource[4:7]
Affected File:
Affected Code:
59: challenge.Signature = body[0:8]
64: challenge.MessageType = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(body[8:12])
76: challenge.NegotiateFlags = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(body[20:24])
78: challenge.ServerChallenge = body[24:32]
80: challenge.Reserved = body[32:40]
92: challenge.Version, err = ReadVersionStruct(body[offset : offset+8])
99: challenge.Payload = body[offset:]
Affected File:
Affected Code:
84: p.Len = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(bytes[startByte : startByte+2])
85: p.MaxLen = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(bytes[startByte+2 : startByte+4])
Retest Notes: The Psiphon team promptly addressed the issue3 and the fix was
reviewed by 7ASecurity. The issue has been resolved.
While fuzzing the psiphon/common/osl package, it was found that the function
LoadConfig fails to validate config.scheme fields, which led to the following crash error:
“panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference”. This issue can
be reproduced by providing a syntactically correct JSON psiphond-osl.config file that
does not contain the expected Scheme.Epoch field. This issue is considered to be of
Info severity for similar reasons as PSI-01-001. An attacker needs to supply or social
engineer a psiphon server admin to run a crafted configuration file.
Affected File:
Affected Code:
func LoadConfig(configJSON []byte) (*Config, error) {
7ASecurity LLLP © 2020
Pentest Report
cat psiphond-osl.config
./psiphond run
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x8 pc=0x86be6f]
goroutine 1 [running]:
0041200, 0x14, 0x600, 0x0, 0x434266, 0x0)
97 +0x36f
0xc000041200, 0x14, 0x600, 0x34aec0fe, 0xed800c460, 0x15d07e0, 0x0, 0x0)
66 +0x4c*ReloadableFile).Re
load(0xc00007e900, 0xc0001b7700, 0x0, 0x0)
179 +0x34a
039f20, 0x13, 0xc000186700, 0x0, 0x0)
75 +0x146
xc0001dae00, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0001dae00)
452 +0x94
6a00, 0x1118, 0x1318, 0x0, 0x0)
74 +0x155
,"panic":"panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer
dereference\n[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x8
pc=0x86be6f]\n\ngoroutine 1
Config(0xc000041200, 0x14, 0x600, 0x0, 0x434266,
g.func1(0xc000041200, 0x14, 0x600, 0x34aec0fe, 0xed800c460, 0x15d07e0, 0x0,
ile).Reload(0xc00007e900, 0xc0001b7700, 0x0,
g(0xc000039f20, 0x13, 0xc000186700, 0x0,
rvices(0xc0001dae00, 0x0, 0x0,
xc000126a00, 0x1118, 0x1318, 0x0,
er/main.go:259 +0x14c1\n","timestamp":"2021-04-08T11:40:50+02:00"}
In order to resolve this issue, it is recommended to validate that scheme fields are not
null before usage.
Retest Notes: The Psiphon team promptly addressed the issue4 and the fix was
reviewed by 7ASecurity. The issue has been resolved.
7ASecurity LLLP © 2020
Pentest Report
During the fuzzing process of the psiphon/common package, it was found that the
GetNotice function fails to perform a conversion of the payload as a generic map, which
led to the following crash error: “panic: interface conversion: interface {} is float64, not
map[string]interface {}”. Please note that the GetNotice function is only used for testing
within the psiphon-tunnel-core source code, making this issue only affect projects using
psiphon-tunnel-core as a third party library or copying the vulnerable code into another
Affected File:
Affected Code:
func GetNotice(notice []byte) (
noticeType string, payload map[string]interface{}, err error) {
This issue was verified using the following Proof-of-Concept (PoC) code:
PoC code:
func panic_interface_conversion_GetNotice() {
data := []byte("{\"data\":5}")
_, _, _ = psiphon.GetNotice(data)
Output:[email protected]/
psiphon/notice.go:989 +0x1f1
Retest Notes: The Psiphon team promptly addressed the issue5 and the fix was
reviewed by 7ASecurity. The issue has been resolved.
PSI-01-004 OOS: Windows Client DoS via known Temporary File Creation (Low)
This issue illustrates a simple way to prevent Windows GUI clients from operating, while
the root cause might be difficult to be detected by the end user. The Windows GUI user
would be prevented from running the auxiliary tunneling client application, subsequently
forcing their traffic to be transferred in an unprotected manner.
7ASecurity LLLP © 2020
Pentest Report
echo > %TEMP%\psiphon-tunnel-core.exe
attrib +r %TEMP%\psiphon-tunnel-core.exe
High CPU consumption and complete inability to use the Windows GUI client.
This issue occurs due to the following code, which writes the executable in a predictable
temporary file location:
Affected File:
Affected Code:
if (NULL == PathCombine(filePath, tempPath.c_str(), exeFilename))
my_print(NOT_SENSITIVE, false, _T("ExtractExecutable - PathCombine failed (%d)"),
return false;
To resolve this issue, the use of a randomly chosen location for temporary storage10 of
the tunneling client is recommended. This will ensure that the Windows GUI client is
resilient against similar attacks even in situations where attackers have write
permissions on the same folder.
Retest Notes: The Psiphon team promptly addressed the issue11 and the fix was
reviewed by 7ASecurity. The issue has been resolved.
7ASecurity LLLP © 2020
Pentest Report
The Psiphon platform made a robust impression against a broad range of attack vectors.
This reflects well on the team behind the solution. 7ASecurity detected only 1 security
vulnerability of low severity. Hence, no significant security flaws could be identified
during this assignment. The remaining 4 findings were classified as miscellaneous
weaknesses and thus, not considered as vulnerabilities. This represents a surprisingly
low number of security-relevant discoveries considering the large attack surface
available in the scope. Part of this appears to be down to the platform chosen for this
solution - Go12. This programming language has a solid security track record with
out-of-the-box protection against multiple attack vectors. Additionally, the Psiphon
codebase has been audited multiple times by several security firms over the years,
which makes identifying security issues increasingly difficult.
It is important to note that despite a thorough review of code changes for all
enhancements, surrounding code, components in scope and even underlying libraries,
7ASecurity was unable to identify any weakness relevant to enhancement1 and
enhancement3. While reviewing the source code and functionality surrounding
enhancement2 and enhancement4, some issues were spotted, but most of these had a
low impact as it would be complicated for an attacker to implement them. The
miscellaneous issues identified during this assignment were characterized as such due
to the prerequisites required for a successful exploit (PSI-01-001, PSI-01-002,
PSI-01-003, PSI-01-004). For example, PSI-01-002 and PSI-01-003 require the Psiphon
server to parse invalid configuration files to trigger a panic in at least some of the
described scenarios. PSI-01-001 requires receiving an incorrect NTLM message from a
malicious NTLM proxy. Another weakness identified while reviewing the items in scope
for this assessment was PSI-01-004. However, 7ASecurity determined upon further
examination that this latter finding was not directly related to any of the enhancements
and hence, was considered out of scope (OOS).
The code audit, unsurprisingly, delivered similar positive impressions. The 7ASecurity
team scrutinized all relevant source code using a combination of manual and automated
analysis through multiple Go auditing tools. During the review, the code was found to be
well documented, clean, professional looking, and intact, like the lifework of competent
developers. No issues were identified while reviewing the cryptographic primitives and,
with few exceptions, nothing in the code looked like a regular vulnerability. The go-ntlm
package13 was an exception here as it looked like it was never audited before. This has
7ASecurity LLLP © 2020
Pentest Report
As part of this assignment, 7ASecurity also performed network-level traffic analysis and
fuzzing. While testing for DoS, the Psiphon server and clients showed resilience against
DoS attacks. The team was unable to find any way to negatively impact the performance
or availability of Psiphon servers at runtime. The team finally managed to find a way to
disrupt tactic1 communications for Psiphon clients (PSI-01-005). However, clients proved
to be more difficult to disrupt when using tactic2 strategies. Please note that all similar
attempts made were unsuccessful against the server component. Other server DoS tests
included SYN floods. In certain the tests, the Mausezahn tool14 was used, with different
options in each attempt (i.e. tactic1 body content, fake source IP addresses, traffic
speed, etc.). The Psiphon server defended itself effectively against all such attempted
In general, the Psiphon server and clients were well configured and protected against
bugs that could put user censorship bypassing at risk. Psiphon offered strong resistance
against issues like IP blocking, DoS attacks via network-level fuzzing, code-level fuzzing,
server fingerprinting and Psiphon server list extraction, as well as many other attempted
attack vectors. Overall, the security posture painted a positive picture.
During the audit, the 7ASecurity team shared a Slack channel with the Psiphon team,
which was used to promptly report all issues identified regardless of their severity.
Communications were fluent and the Psiphon team were helpful and diligent at assisting
7ASecurity in answering all queries in a timely manner.
Despite best efforts made to cover the Psiphon circumvention enhancements thoroughly,
it is important to note that the time for this assessment was limited and insufficient to
cover all complexities of the Psiphon codebase, servers and clients in their entirety.
Hence, it should be assumed that additional vulnerabilities still exist. It is recommended
that the Psiphon team search for the security anti-patterns recognized in this assignment
and attempt to identify additional areas with similar issues in the codebase. This should
7ASecurity LLLP © 2020
Pentest Report
ideally be done before any other security audit. Future security audits are encouraged to
be conducted in a similar whitebox fashion, whereby the audit team has access to
source code. This will keep ensuring a comprehensive analysis and better fix
suggestions, referencing specific lines of code, as could be done in this assignment.
It is recommended that all issues identified in this report, including informational and low
severity tickets, are addressed where possible. This will not just strengthen the security
posture of the platform, but also reduce the number of tickets in future security
In addition, it is advised that the platform continues to be tested regularly, at least once a
year or in the event of substantial changes, before they are deployed, to ensure that new
features do not introduce undesired security vulnerabilities. This proven strategy will
continue to lower the number of security issues and make the Psiphon server and client
components more resilient against online attacks over time.
Finally, 7ASecurity would like to thank Jessica Wever, Mike Fallone, Irv Simpson, Rod
Hynes and the rest of the Psiphon Team for their excellent project coordination,
admirable support and assistance, both before and during this assignment.