NEC Route Design - Cable Laying Technologies For Optical
NEC Route Design - Cable Laying Technologies For Optical
NEC Route Design - Cable Laying Technologies For Optical
Submarine cable systems will carry traffic for long-term over 25 years after entered into service. In order to con-
struct a submarine cable system that can withstand for such a long period of time, it is required to conduct a marine
route survey to identify the condition of the seabed in which the system is to be installed and to design the cable route
based on the survey results. The assembled cable system is installed by a cable ship between the terminal stations
to configure a communication system. This paper introduces how a submarine cable system installation is imple-
mented by following the project flow step by step.
marine route survey, route design, cable laying, burial, cable laying ship
1. Introduction
Special Issue on Optical Submarine Cable System
cable route should be designed to avoid such area. Since the longitudes. It will then be used as an important reference to
seabed condition may not be accurately identified by sub-bot- support the cable laying work. Each event indicates us where
tom profiling, the actual seabed samples may be retrieved from (the latitude and longitude of each submarine position), what
the seabed using a core penetrating sampler which serves to (cable type and submarine equipment), how (surface laying or
improve the accuracy of judgments. The results obtained will burial) the submarine cable system will be placed and the ex-
be described as a route survey chart. This will be used as the act location where the cable ship should alter its course (AC
basis for determining the cable types and protecting methods points) in order to lay the cables along the designated cable
of the cable system. route on the seabed.
Based on the results of marine route surveys and informa- The Straight Line Diagram ( Fig. 3 ) is a graphic represen-
tion regarding existing structures (such as fish nets etc.), the tation of the route position list in order to instruct the factory
cable route is designed by taking into consideration the ease of to produce the submersible plants. The straight line diagram
the proposed laying work and the security of the system. As the
number of laid submarine cables has increased recently, the
cable routes in those congested areas that should be designed
to reserve a safe distance from adjacent systems so that the
routes are also acceptable from future maintenance point of
view. The route survey report describes the optimum cable
route, the cable type selected based on the survey results and
the reasons for selections as well as the conditions of the sur-
rounding sea area (climate change, fisheries, ocean floor de-
velopments, shipping traffic, etc.).
After the cable route has been determined, the result is com-
piled into the route position list ( Fig. 2 ).
The route position list shows the locations of the submar-
ine cables and components by indicating their latitudes and Fig. 3 Straight Line Diagram (SLD).
Fig. 2 Route Position List (RPL). Photo 1 Cable loading (View inside a cable tank).
Special Issue on Optical Submarine Cable System
adjusts the laying speed, tension and length to be laid along the
seabed surface.
On the other hand, in order to provide protection against
faults caused by external aggression, the cables and repeaters
are sometimes required to be buried below the seabed using
towed-type cable burying equipment ( Photo 4 ).
The cables are buried below the seabed in a method that re-
minds us of agricultural plowing. When the penetrating share
is towed along the seabed surface, a ditch will be formed which
the depth will depend on the height of the penetrating share.
This means that the cable passing through the penetrating share
of the cable burying equipment makes it possible to bury the
cable in the ditch. In general, cable burial is applied until a
water depth of about 1,000 meters is reached. 1,000 meters
Photo 3 Cable and repeater laid in the Pacific Ocean. water depth is in general the maximum water depth at which
fishery activity is conducted. The depth of the burial pro-
duced by the cable burying equipment is variable and can be 3
meters at maximum.
Cables are usually buried from the shallow area towards the
deeper area. In other words, after the landing work is comple-
ted, the cable burying work is started and then it changes to the
surface laying work as the deep-sea areas are reached. The ca-
ble installation work completes when the submarine cables and
submarine equipment loaded in the cable ship has been instal-
led. Depending on the size/complexity of the cable system,
there may be cases in which several cable ships are used and
installation work proceeds in parallel. The period from cable
loading to the completion of the laying can be between one to
six months. After the cable laying work has completed, an
overall system performance test is conducted before the cable
system is commissioned and delivered to the customer.
6. Conclusion
Photo 4 Cable burying equipment.
During 2008 and 2009, NEC implemented three large-scale
5.4 Cable Laying/Burial projects for over 5,000 kilometers. The workflow of submar-
ine cable construction is basically identical regardless of the
Cables and submersible plants are usually either laid on the project. The marine work begins with route survey and then
seabed surface or buried below the seabed. The surface lay- proceeds to the route design, submersible plant manufactur-
ing process consists simply as the name implies of placing the ing and assembly, loading and laying. However, as the de-
submarine cables and the submersible plants on the seabed gree of difficulty varies significantly depending on the location
surface. The submarine cables and repeaters are designed to of the cable system and operating season, a flexible approach
withstand a maximum depth of 8,000 meters in consideration is required that corresponds to the topography and conditions
of the possibility of crossing the Japan Trench ( Photo 3 ). to suit the unique characteristics of each projects. We will con-
The submarine cable loaded on the cable ship is fed from the tinue to contribute our highly reliable methodology to con-
cable tank, hauled by equipment called the cable engine that struct a submarine cable system.
1) Kokusai Cable Ship Co., Ltd.
Authors' Profiles
OHTA Tsutomu
Installation Manager
Ocean Engineering Department
Mobile & Global Network System Division
NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation
Assistant Manager
Ocean Engineering Department
Mobile & Global Network System Division
NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation