Achieving Reduced Radiation Doses For CT Examination of The Brain Using Optimal Exposure Parameters
Achieving Reduced Radiation Doses For CT Examination of The Brain Using Optimal Exposure Parameters
Achieving Reduced Radiation Doses For CT Examination of The Brain Using Optimal Exposure Parameters
Objectives: Examinations performed using CT scanners impart high radiation dose to patients and use of this
modality is on the increase in the present day scenario. This study was intended to evaluate and optimize
radiation dose imparted to patients during CT examination of brain performed using spiral CT scanner.
Materials and Methods: One hundred and one patients who underwent CT examination of brain were included
in the study. The effective dose to patients was calculated using volume computed tomography dose index
(CTDIvol) and dose length product (DLP) values. Patients were categorized according to the type of examination
involved. Patients who underwent a complete examination of brain (non-contrast as well as contrast) were
categorized in Group A and patients who underwent either a non-contrast or contrast examination were
categorized as Group B.
Results: The effective dose to patients ranged from 0.65 mSv to 0.93 mSv for Group A patients and 0.28 mSv
to 0.53 mSv for Group B patients.
Conclusion: There was a reduction of doses imparted to patients undergoing CT examination of the brain
using optimized exposure parameters without any loss of diagnostic information.
Keywords: Effective dose, dose length product, CTDIvol computed tomography (CT)
Request for Reprints: ROSHAN S. LIVINGSTONE, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Christian Medical College, Vellore 632004,
IJRI, 16:2, May 2006 Achieving reduced radiation doses for CT examination 249
Table 2. CTDL vol, DLP and effective dose values during CT of brain examination
DLP mGy cm Effective dose mSv
Groups CTDL vol Mean ± S.E. Mean ± S.E
mGy Range Range
Table 3. Comparison of DLP and effective doses during CT examination of the brain with previously
reported studies
Studies Routine Head
DLP mGy cm Effective dose mSv
increasing need to assess the dose delivered during enhanced CT scan was invariably performed on patients
routine CT examinations [8]. The spiral CT scanners have on whom presence of space occupying lesion or acute
the potential to offer adequate image quality with moderate central nervous system (CNS) infection was suspected.
radiation dose for the majority of clinical protocols [9].
For evaluating radiation dose to patients in the current Table 1 shows the exposure parameters used during CT
study, it was necessary to categorize patients into groups examination of the brain. For Group B patients, tube
according to the type of protocol involved. For Group A potential of 110 kV and 100 mAs was invariably selected
patients, a plain non-enhanced study was performed first by personnel performing the examination. It is noteworthy
followed by injection of contrast medium and an enhanced in this context that, use of 80 mAs for a contrast
scan. These patients were mostly those who presented examination in Group A patients yielded necessary
with seizures and headaches. The necessity of performing information as those obtained using 100 mAs performed
this examination was at the discretion of the clinician on Group B patients. Exposure parameters of 120 kV
and the radiologist. Non-contrast CT examinations were and 363 mAs as reported by Geleijns et al., [10] was
performed for Group B patients who reported with trauma higher than the exposure factors used in the current study.
or stroke (where intracranial infarction and extracranial or Another study reported by McNitt-Gray [11] showed that
intracranial haemorrage were to be excluded). Contrast the tube potential used for a typical head scan was 120
kV, the mAs was 300 and slice thickness selected was as specified by the manufactures for various anatomical
5 mm. The tube potentials ranging from 120 kV to 142 kV regions, care should be taken by personnel in the selection
and mAs ranging from 200 to 500 for CT of brain as of appropriate exposure parameters. It should also be
reported by Scheck et al., [9] was also higher than the noted that the images acquired using low dose protocols
exposure parameters used in the current study. be reviewed by a team of expert radiologists and put into
practice. Radiologists are responsible for medical radiation
Table 2 shows the radiation dose imparted to both group doses to their patients, and it is imperative that they
of patients who underwent CT examination of the brain. understand the relationship between radiation dose and
The CTDIvol for exposure factors of 110 kV and 100 mAs image quality [21].
was 15.3 mGy and for 110 kV and 80 mAs, it was 12.24
mGy. For Group A patients the mean DLP (contribution The results from this study showed that dose reduction
of radiation dose from both non-contrast and contrast was achieved in CT examination of brain with the use of
examination) was 356.09 mGy cm. Mean DLP of 191.61 reduced tube current and tube potentials without
mGy cm was reported for Group B patients. The DLP sacrificing diagnostic value. On account of the continuous
value reported by Hiles et al., [12], was 731 mGy cm and increase in the number of CT scanners and their use in
this was higher than those reported in the current study. most of the hospitals currently, it is recommended that
the DLP and CTDIvol values be monitored during CT
Table 3 shows DLP and effective doses for CT examination examinations in order to obtain radiation doses as low as
of the brain in comparison with other studies in literature. reasonable practicable without sacrificing image quality.
A survey of radiation doses from CT was reported by Therefore, standard protocols with optimized exposure
Goddard and Al-Farsi [13] which was done at six hospitals, parameters should be designed and adhered to in order
the mean DLP reported in their study was 374 mGy cm that radiation doses may be reduced in the future [13].
(range: 296 mGy cm to 614 mGy cm]. Results in the
present study shows that the DLP values were well within Acknowledgement: Authors would like to express their
those reported by Goddard and Al-Farsi [13]. The mean gratitude to Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India for
effective dose of 0.82 mSv for Group A patients was lower having provided financial support to this work.
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