Theoretical in Attitude
Theoretical in Attitude
Theoretical in Attitude
i. Definition
Attitudes can be seen as more or less positive. For instance, de Lourdes Mata et al. (2012), a positive
attitude towards mathematics reflects a positive emotional disposition in relation to the subject and, in a
similar way, a negative attitude towards mathematics relates to a negative emotional disposition. These
emotional dispositions have an impact on an individual’s behavior, as one is likely to achieve better in a
subject that one enjoys, has confidence in or finds useful. For this reason, positive attitudes towards
mathematics are desirable since they may influence one’s willingness to learn and also the benefits one
can derive from mathematics instruction. On the other hand, Prodigy (2019) states that students’ attitude
towards math can affect their overall achievement. Value, self-confidence, enjoyment, motivation and anxiety
surrounding math are all reflected in a student’s attitude. Getting involved as early as possible is the best way
In the Philippines, Paguican & Torreon (2020) mentioned that mathematics is one of the core subjects to all
students in primary, elementary, and secondary schools. It is always a subject for improvement in these
times and the daily application. This subject has tremendous scope; however, its many separate
disciplines can differ greatly in terms of subject matter. No single path to discovery exists in Mathematics
and not even one clear-cut description can be given that accounts for all the ways in which Mathematics is
pursued. It plays a salient role in shaping the logical thinking of one’s student life It serves as the vehicle
towards achieving goals. It is a subject to be embraced to pay attention and to give importance of. Some
students felt burden, some felt challenge and others felt Mathematics subject enjoyable. It is a very
interesting subject that is needed in all walks of life. However, to many, it is a difficult and seemingly dry
subject to learn. Capuno et al. (2019) analyzed the Attitudes, Study Habits, and Academic Performance of
Junior High School Students in Mathematics. The study revealed that those respondents had positive
attitudes towards mathematics in terms of its value while they had a neutral attitude when it comes to
their self-confidence, enjoyment, and motivation in mathematics. Based on the findings of Abalde & Oco
(2023), Students have a very positive attitude toward their study habits when learning Mathematics.
Students felt that studying and learning Mathematics was essential. Students' success and academic
growth depend heavily on their Mathematics is essential for pupils to master and
comprehend its concepts. Students' study habits in terms of attitudes have an impact on how they learn
Mathematics. Naungayan (2022) found that, the students have displayed a positive attitude towards the
labeled difficult subject. They can acknowledge the relevance of the subject to oneself and his future
undertakings though they experience difficulty in dealing with some calculations and problem-solving.
The level of mathematics achievement of the students is Satisfactory. However, a significant number of
‘Very Satisfactory’ students were noted. Attitude towards the subject is significantly correlated to a
student's mathematics achievement. Ayuman-Valdez and Guiab (2015) studied the possible predictors of
mathematics performance of grade six pupils of Cauayan Northeast District. Findings revealed that pupil
respondents have a positive attitude towards the subject; majority of the pupils have high self-confidence
and high success orientation while they have little confidence in terms of defense orientation; pupils
described their teacher as “Very Satisfactory; the mathematics performance of the pupils is Approaching
Proficient or Average. On predictors, the mathematics teacher was found to be the only predictor of
Mathematics performance. The study proved the long-time belief that pupils’ success in learning greatly
Moreover, andamon & tan (2018) studied about the Conceptual Understanding, Attitude And Performance
In Mathematics Of Grade 7 Students, they stated that Students’ performance in mathematics is in the
approaching to proficiency level. It is understood that students are not well performed in the field of
mathematics. The students have developing level of conceptual understanding in mathematics. Findings
also show that student’ conceptual understanding in mathematics has no significant relationship to their
performance in mathematics. Among the independent variables, only students’ attitude towards
mathematics has significant relationship to the performance in mathematics. This means that the higher
Accordin to de Lourdes Mata et al. (2012), several studies have been undertaken to try to reach an
understanding of the relationship between student attitudes towards mathematics and academic
achievement. In Ma and Kishor meta-analysis only weak correlations between these variables were
identified and these relationships were dependent on several variables (e.g., grade, sample size, ethnic
background). With regard to grade, these associations become stronger among older students (7th to 12th
However, more recent studies point to a positive correlation between student attitudes towards
mathematics and stu- dent academic achievement. Along these lines are the results obtained by
Nicolaidou and Philippou which reveal significant correlations between attitudes and performance.
Students having positive attitudes achieved better. Mato and De La Torre in a study with secondary school
students also showed that those with better academic performance have more positive attitudes regarding
math than those with poorer academic performance. These results were confirmed in wider research,
concerning math study attitudes among the secondary school students of nine countries, developed by
Sanchez et al. Lipnevich et al. in a study developed with USA and BieloRussian middle school students
highlighted the importance of attitudes in predicting academic achievement, when it showed that
mathematics attitudes explained a variance of 25% to 32% in mathematics achievement, with much of the
Nevertheless, Georgiou et al. showed that high achievement could serve to predict a positive attitude
towards math, but such an attitude could not predict stronger achievement. However, these authors
emphasize the role of teachers and schools in changing attitudes stating that, math achievement could be
improved by, for example, better teaching methods, more motivated teachers or better course books,
which has as its corollary the improvement of attitudes towards math.showed that mathematics attitudes
explained a variance of 25% to 32% in mathematics achievement, with much of the explained variance
Nevertheless, Georgiou et al. showed that high achievement could serve to predict a positive attitude
towards math, but such an attitude could not predict stronger achievement. On the other hand, Berger et
al. (2020) stated that Australia has seen declining numbers of students choosing mathematics and science
subjects in the senior secondary years, running counter to economic projections of an accelerating need
for science and mathematics skills. Many students become less engaged with these subjects in the junior
secondary years but attitudes such as self-concept, utility value, and intrinsic value are important for
subject selection decisions. Their study found out that positive attitudes towards both subjects were
mutually beneficial—better attitudes towards both were associated with higher achievement in each—but
boys tended to be more positive towards both subjects and so benefitted from this relationship more than
Abalde, G.D. & Oco, R.M. (2023). Factors Associated with Mathematics Performance.
Andamon, A.C. & Tan, D.A. (2018). Conceptual Understanding, Attitude And Performance In
Ayuman-Valdez, E., & Guiab, M. R. (2015). Predictors of mathematics performance of Grade VI pupils in
Berger et al. (2020). Positive attitudes towards mathematics and science are mutually beneficial for
Capuno, R. et al. (2019). Attitudes, Study Habits, and Academic Performance of Junior High School
de Lourdes Mata et al. (2012). Attitudes towards mathematics: Effects of individual, motivational, and social
Paguican, W.V & Torreon, L.C. (2020). Students’ Attitude, Self-Efficacy and Motivation towards
Prodigy Education. (2019). How Attitude Towards Math Impacts Student Achievement.